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Let Dustin Rest in Peace


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2009
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I have read several posts regarding Dustin, How Broke Straight Boys management handled Dustin's death,whether models should use ,"Stage Names," and worse of all a critique on Dustin's life style.

Dustin's life has ended! Let him rest in Peace. He deserves that, so does his family and friends. Ever person on this earth could have made better decisions in how they chose to live their lives.Dustin and many other young men have gotten caught up in the fast lane, and sadly the results are the same. It's over let Dustin rest now.
I think Broke Straight Boys management said the right things to authorities and the media covering the death. I base my opinion the fact that there was no national coverage of what could have been a sensational story.

It is always easy to dissect others actions. What I have learned in life that we judge others, because it is easier to correct others instead of fixing ourselves.

Stage names protect models privacy, and they deserve privacy!

To Dustin and all his family and friends
My sincere Condolences
Edward Tobey
Hollywood, FL

I have read several posts regarding Dustin, How Broke Straight Boys management handled Dustin's death,whether models should use ,"Stage Names," and worse of all a critique on Dustin's life style.

Dustin's life has ended! Let him rest in Peace. He deserves that, so does his family and friends. Ever person on this earth could have made better decisions in how they chose to live their lives.Dustin and many other young men have gotten caught up in the fast lane, and sadly the results are the same. It's over let Dustin rest now.
I think Broke Straight Boys management said the right things to authorities and the media covering the death. I base my opinion the fact that there was no national coverage of what could have been a sensational story.

It is always easy to dissect others actions. What I have learned in life that we judge others, because it is easier to correct others instead of fixing ourselves.

Stage names protect models privacy, and they deserve privacy!

To Dustin and all his family and friends
My sincere Condolences
Edward Tobey
Hollywood, FL

We all have the ability to express our ourselves and our opinions. Many may not like them, many will. The best thing to do, is if you don't like a thread or a post, don't read any further.
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We all have the ability to express our ourselves and our opinions. Many may not like them, many will. The best thing to do, is if you don't like a thread or a post, don't read any further.

Amen Scott, Amen
A lot of people also seem to be able to use the same information for whatever viewpoint they already held before this sad event...
What part of Dustin's lifestyle would lead to believe that he WANTS to rest in peace right now? He liked the spot light he liked being the center of attention. I don't think someone like Dustin would have ever wanted to grow old, fade out, and die like everyone else.

I obviously don't know him personally. From what I've read from the people that did know him, that's what I've gathered.
I don't understand all the blah blah either. Dustin was one of our model, he passed away, It's really sad but life goes on. May he rest in peace. Over.
What are the threads for but to express opinion, positive or negative, agreed on or not agreed on. I think it's like TV if you don't like it, you can always change the channel and don't watch it.
Those who want to move on may do so and there will likely be no complaints from anyone. But I think it's fine for those of us who are shocked, and saddened by Andrew/Dustin's untimely death to discuss it if we want to. I for one just found out about this today, and I'm really upset about it. It helps to discuss those things that upset us.

David, thank you for letting us know about this sad event. Thank you also for sharing with us your memories of Andrew, and helping us to know more about him than we could have known just from watching his scenes. I think you did a very good job sharing with us, and I also really appreciate that you guys are good to the models, and that you guys try to help them out in any way you can instead of treating them like just a piece of meat.

For those who feel the police acted improperly, the video clearly shows that they tried to assist Andrew once it was obvious he was in trouble, and in need of immediate medical attention. At least the way it appears in the video, their focus went from trying to restrain a clearly uncooperative "suspect", to trying to assist a person who was in desperate need of medical intervention. The video shows nothing of what the paramedics attempted once they arrived on-scene, but I can only assume that they did everything correctly and as-per protocol regarding a patient who isn't breathing and has an object lodged down his throat. I also assume that once the paramedics were able to visualize and then retrieve the object (which probably could have only been done by using a laryngoscope, which the police wouldn't have access to), Andrew was too far gone to be able to save once they got him intubated, ventilated, and eventually once his heart stopped at which time they would have immediately begun full-blown CPR in addition to Advanced Life Support procedures.

It may be a good thing that they weren't able to save his life, because depending on how many minutes he had been down and not breathing before they were able to start breathing for him mechanically/medically, if they were able to get his heart started again and breathing spontaneously on his own, Andrew may have been severely brain damaged to the extent he may have been in a permanent vegetative state. Brain cells begin dying ir-reversibly and rapidly after 4-6 minutes of no oxygen. Instead of talking about Andrew's death, we may have been talking about Andrew being in a coma for days, weeks, months, years, or being a complete vegetable, or brain damaged for the rest of his life had his life been saved (unless they could have gotten that damn bag of pot dislodged within a couple of minutes of when he first started choking on it).

I am so upset and sad about this ending to Andrew/Dustin's life, and I feel a sense of loss. True I didn't know him, and I wasn't a huge fan of his but I still liked a lot of his scenes though.

I had no clue what he was like outside his scenes, and thank you so much David for sharing with us more about Andrew/Dustin's personality, his life, what kind of guy he was outside of the scenes. It helps to know that you guys treated him well, and tried to help him in any way you could including after he was no longer employed by D&E/BluMedia.

May he rest in peace, and I also feel really sad for the cops who were involved in this because I'm pretty sure that every one of them is really upset by the whole turn of events also. They were only doing their job, and they did their best to help Andrew once they saw he was in trouble. It is really easy sometimes to blame the cops, blame the taser, blame everything. But what it really boils down to is Andrew made a really quick, probably unplanned decision, and it cost him his life.

Rest in peace Andrew, my thoughts and prayers go out to all his family, loved ones and friends, all who are grieving the loss of someone very special to them in their own personal ways.

Those who want to move on may do so and there will likely be no complaints from anyone. But I think it's fine for those of us who are shocked, and saddened by Andrew/Dustin's untimely death to discuss it if we want to. I for one just found out about this today, and I'm really upset about it. It helps to discuss those things that upset us.
Of course you are correct that the whole purpose of this forum is to allow us to discuss whatever is on minds, and obviously the passing of Dustin is the number one Broke Straight Boys issue on our minds. I'm amused by those folks who have "declared" that enough has been said about Dustin or that "it's time to move on". That is an individual decision by every member of this forum, if there has been enough said, or if it's actually time to move on.

I really hate it when people make blanket judgements that they want everyone to follow through on. As has been stated before on this issue, if you have read enough or said enough, just let it go, and for those who feel like continuing the discussion, then that's good too. There are enough "moral police" in this country and in this world, and we don't need them here too, to tell us what the "right thing" to do is.
if u don't like talking about dustin then start a "let's not talk about dustin thread"..ill be sure to stay clear of it.

dustin and giovanni were a cute couple in the 2 videos he posted. i remember giovanni stating he found the website thru dustin but i wasn't expecting them to be lovers..nice suprise!
Try to be patient.

I think the point that the original poster intended to make was "Why are you discussing all of the things that are really irrelevant? A man we felt we were connected to has died. It was sudden. It was pointless. It was tragic. Yet some people are critiquing people's actions and choices and it just seems stupid compared to the fact that someone we felt we knew has just died."

Try not to be upset with him. He just found out about Dustin's death and he obviously was shaken. So was I when I heard about this yesterday.

It's important to understand that each person on this forum has a different reaction to this information. Some people are affected more deeply than others and to them, some of this discussion seems very insensitive. Others are angered by the events and need to talk it out. Others may have even different perspectives.

The most important thing to understand is that there is no right or wrong way to process this information. For some, discussing the various aspects of it helps them to process it. Others may find it hard to hear/(read). But if someone does yell "enough already" just try to patiently understand that they've just been shocked and saddened. Try not to take offense to it. Instead, try to be patient and realize where they're coming from. Rather than telling them to change the channel or not read, try putting it a little more gently.

For those who ARE taking this information a little harder than others, you may want to refrain from reading some of these posts for a while - at least until you have gotten over the initial shock. Then, if it helps you, come back and read some more. But try not to criticise those who need to do it now. Let them deal this this in their own way.
I don't know Dustin and what I have read about him makes me feel sorry for him. His death has affected me because I vicariously lived out my intense fantasies through his performances. He made me come alive when he was really good and disappointed when he wasn't. I looked forward to seeing him again like a favorite friend. But all of this voyeurism was done in the safety of my computer and done without any contact with Dustin - I perferred that way. And yet as withdrawn as I am from the real Dustin, the news of his death has brought me to pause and to pray for him. It is the only act I can do for him now. Good-bye Dustin.
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I just came across this thread. Is this Dustin the "Red Head" who passed away?? If so, I am really very sorry for both is freinds, family, and fans at Broke Straight Boys If it was not this particular Dustin, could somebody please let me know who it was. Nonetheless, for whoever it was, it too early to pass away, and I am truly very sorry for the loss. Rest In Peace.
I just came across this thread. Is this Dustin the "Red Head" who passed away?? If so, I am really very sorry for both is freinds, family, and fans at Broke Straight Boys If it was not this particular Dustin, could somebody please let me know who it was. Nonetheless, for whoever it was, it too early to pass away, and I am truly very sorry for the loss. Rest In Peace.

No it was not the red head. The Dustin that passed away first showed up on College Boy Physicals with a guy named Danny in their baseball uniforms his most recent video was released December 7 with a guy named Lane. Dustin always wore a baseball cap.
For those who are saying they have heard enough about Dustin already... All they have to do is avoid the threads that refer to him. And leave those threads to the people who do still want to talk about how his death has affected them.
Of course you are correct that the whole purpose of this forum is to allow us to discuss whatever is on minds, and obviously the passing of Dustin is the number one Broke Straight Boys issue on our minds. I'm amused by those folks who have "declared" that enough has been said about Dustin or that "it's time to move on". That is an individual decision by every member of this forum, if there has been enough said, or if it's actually time to move on.

I really hate it when people make blanket judgements that they want everyone to follow through on. As has been stated before on this issue, if you have read enough or said enough, just let it go, and for those who feel like continuing the discussion, then that's good too. There are enough "moral police" in this country and in this world, and we don't need them here too, to tell us what the "right thing" to do is.

Mikeyank, Like it or not my friend, you and I are so simpatico. You always seem to write what I am thinking - J
Of course you are correct that the whole purpose of this forum is to allow us to discuss whatever is on minds, and obviously the passing of Dustin is the number one Broke Straight Boys issue on our minds. I'm amused by those folks who have "declared" that enough has been said about Dustin or that "it's time to move on". That is an individual decision by every member of this forum, if there has been enough said, or if it's actually time to move on.

I really hate it when people make blanket judgements that they want everyone to follow through on. As has been stated before on this issue, if you have read enough or said enough, just let it go, and for those who feel like continuing the discussion, then that's good too. There are enough "moral police" in this country and in this world, and we don't need them here too, to tell us what the "right thing" to do is.

You're right. I think David has however occasionally opined that enough has been said on a subject because he didn't like where the forumites were going with it and felt that it was detrimental to his message board. That happened more before the new, transparent and information filled David began posting his fascinating behind the scenes messages.

But this business of one of us deciding that a subject has run it's course is obviously different. Do you think that some of it could be discomfort at seeing opposing views played out on the forum? Some people are very uncomfortable with what they perceive as "arguments". Maybe stuff in their childhoods.

In the end this business of pronouncing the case closed, and that we're not going to talk about it any more, is partly because one has, himself, said what he thinks needs to be said on whatever subject, and can't conceive of anyone else being able fruitfully to add to it. It could also be that in the role of impartial judge, he feels that everyone, everyone, has said it all more than once and he's secure in the thought that a move to just let the subject go will meet with approval. Nothing wrong with that. Until someone needs to add something. Then there is.

One of the main reasons to keep posting and discussing and comforting is that some members who don't check in here every 7 to 9 minutes are still finding out about Dustin even now. They may want to take part. It would be churlish of those who are tired of the subject to deny them some warmth.
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One of the main reasons to keep posting and discussing and comforting is that some members who don't check in here every 7 to 9 minutes are still finding out about Dustin even now. They may want to take part. It would be churlish of those who are tired of the subject to deny them some warmth.

Amen Slim.

For the next several weeks there will be those who are finding out for the very first time. They have every right to share their feelings too.