We got crispy snow, Jon. Don't have a guest room, but we do have a couch, and I have a double bed if you want to play.....in the cripsy snow.
Slim, I'd really like to see what 'no snow' looks like right now. There were only three of us working out this morning. Arron, (
Logan look-a-like), Jeremy and me. The best part was we showered together. Two straight boys and me. Aaron let me soap his back and he soaped mine which made Jeremy very uncomfortable and that was a lot of fun for Aaron and me. Remi and I are just short of being snow bound. I'll admit it WAS fun to play in. A few of us built a snowman outside the building. We orginally planned to have him holding a camera but failed miserably. Snowmen aren't meant to be cameramen I guess. Yeah, I'd like to see 'no snow', Slim. Does that room you have waiting for me have a view and is it warm?