...A few comments:
1. Natural or manscaped pubes - it's really up to the individual. And whether or not any one of us prefers one or the other is up to us and we can surely express our views on that.
But in doing so, it is really not necessary to be condescendning or snarky about the individual or where he comes from.
My Original Statement:
"I know we were warned in advance, but this time you need to take heed and adjust your volume down. I know this boy is probably already considered to be a "Kentucky Wonder". Just a little constructive criticism is due. Kyle really needs to look up the virtues of manscaping as he is presently! With his underwear removed, Kyle could easily pass for "Rumpelstiltskin" or a terrorist. Take your choice!"
Dear Stowe1,
If this was "condescending" OR "snarky", then I don't know the meanings of these words! Personally, I feel calling Kyle a "Kentucky Wonder" is a positive statement that refers to my assumption that others on the forum probably are liking him MUCH MORE than I do. I guess it is still okay for me to form my opinion about Kyle. Correct?
Saying "with his underwear removed, Kyle could easily pass for Rumpelstiltskin or a terrorist" was simply at attempt at humor and no implicit slight of Kyle's value as a human was ever intended by me. I am a lifelong resident of "that most sophisticated of ALL states we all look up to in awe" as "ARKANSAS", one of the least progressive of all 50 states in the country and certainly several levels below KENTUCKY's current rankings. It reminds me of a saying that goes as follows..."The pot calling the kettle black". Usually, "slights" come from positions of superiority and not from the opposite side!
I am sorry Stowe1, but I felt compelled to bring this up as clarification. Perhaps I used poor judgement in my choice of examples when writing my original post. Mostly, I wanted others to understand I don't take pleasure in putting down others, especially near strangers like Kyle. He has never done anything to me or against me. However, as a model criticism is part of the cost of putting yourself out there and of fame. I hope you won't take offense to my attempt at my clarification.