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Kinda like to know


Oct 25, 2009
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I would kinda like to know what they do to get the guys ready for and anal scene that we don't see on the videos? what is actually involved in that? and what is the different things done to the model before the actual anal penetration?

I have seen many videos here that have anal stuff and yet I've never heard anyone stop them or tell them to wait while they prepare themselves or whatever. I guess what I'm trying to ask is how can these models which haven't done this before do it so easily. I mean it looks too simple and it looks like they must have started in the middle. I guess they can get a model used to the penetration and then pull it out and start again and this time the cameras are rolling. Is that how you do it? come on guys help a buddy out and tell me what parts we don't get to see?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is how can a first time model take it so easily. I just don't think that a guy who even had anal sex a few times can just take it up them and just go with it.

I would kinda like to know what they do to get the guys ready for and anal scene that we don't see on the videos? what is actually involved in that? and what is the different things done to the model before the actual anal penetration?

I have seen many videos here that have anal stuff and yet I've never heard anyone stop them or tell them to wait while they prepare themselves or whatever. I guess what I'm trying to ask is how can these models which haven't done this before do it so easily. I mean it looks too simple and it looks like they must have started in the middle. I guess they can get a model used to the penetration and then pull it out and start again and this time the cameras are rolling. Is that how you do it? come on guys help a buddy out and tell me what parts we don't get to see?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is how can a first time model take it so easily. I just don't think that a guy who even had anal sex a few times can just take it up them and just go with it.


They do a run-through before they turn on the cam. It's done with Eddie, and he and Tyler apparently do the still photo shoot at that time. It could be that the guy who's up for being fucked does get some stretching then, or maybe even has happily been doing some at home on the advice of D&E with a butt plug or a Dildo or a cucumber. I remember that this came out in one of the pre-action interviews. Like, "have you been practicing with some stretching exercises..."

We talked about this way back when you asked about it the first time. If the guy who's fucking you knows what he's doing, it never has to hurt at any juncture. And even if he doesn't, once his dickhead is past the ring it's mostly smooth sailing and a terrific sensation. Alec loved it.

In that video he was sent out of the room to flush out his bowel and came back in a towel. I thought that was a cool touch of reality play. It recognized that to have a dude ostensibly persuaded before our v. eyes to surrender his butt to the other model and go on to get fucked without having been to the men's room, didn't ring true.
Great Question. Before filming, the scenes are planned out. Keep in mind that many of the models we have on the site are flown to our studio and we house and feed the models. I did a post on a thread of what the daily life of David & models go through for the day...I forgot were it posted but if you search it will give you a perfect idea what the day is like.

So we get to know the models and there life story when why they are down filming. I ask them questions and find out a lot about them and what we can discuss on tape and what we keep private. There are issues that some models don't want to discuss due to privacy and we have to respect that. Once I know there story, I plan the scene according to why they need the money and what motivated them to come to our studio and film.

Most of the models you see, its there first time...so we have NO clue if they can do anal top or bottom or whatever. There is really no secret...I just tell the model to try it. In some cases, the model will tell me, noway, I'm not getting anything put up my ass, some are open minded enough to at least try it. So once I know who's willing and who's not willing then I plan the production out on Monday the beginning of the week and I match the models. When we start filming the ones that are going to bottom, we prefer they enema. However, all the models have never enema before (except the gay boys) and Eddie has to show them what to do. Once they have been instructed by Eddie, the model cleans himself out about an hour before the shoot and then Eddie comes in and does the photoshoot. If its the models first time bottoming, Eddie doesn't have them penetrate we save it for the actual filming...so when you see a guy "squeal" its for real. And that is why you see our anal scenes very awkward and clumsy looking and not polished because the guy getting fucked for the 1st time, we have to go carefully.

In some cases, we have to match up a gay boy with a straight boy because many of the straightboys come here and they don't want to bottom, so I have to hire a gay boy that is willing to bottom so that is why you see in some episodes a gay boy with a straight boy....it just makes the filming much easier but when I do the initial hiring of the model and do the phone interview with them...I have been trying to get a better mix of open minded straight boy with other straight boys and lessening the gay boys on Broke Straight Boys, that is why Mark created BCB so we can place the gay boys and bi boys on that site and those boys are willing to kiss, fuck, suck without issue's. My job is a bit more difficult because I'm dealing with guys doing guys for the first time and dealing with issues of there sexuality and confusion and they don't know what they are...or if they are gay or straight or gay for pay...we cater to a different type of model/person.

This I think is the reason why many of us on the forum would love to see Casper come on down and do some time on the futon. Based on Casper's posting, he would be a perfect candidate for our studio. He's young, college guy...seems to be cute, is curious about gay sex...is a bit confused about his own sexuality and this would be a perfect fit, plus he's a member and a fan of the site...he can meet me "the voice behind the camera" and he can meet Tyler and if he applies, he doesn't have to pay for airfare, our housing and food..so its like going on a sex vacation for Casper! And I think this experience will help Casper with his sexuality plus answer all his questions about Broke Straight Boys and behind the scenes stuff...he would experience and see it for his own two eyes and then he can see we are truly what we say we are :)
Go for it Casper. That's a great offer. You could then let us all know exactly what it was like and what transpired during the process. I think David had an awesome idea there and sure hope you'll take him up on it. Would be great to see 'one of our own' on screen.
wow Casper..now there is an offer! Go for it. Then you could let us all know first hand exactly what the experience was like. I think David has an awesome idea there and hope you'll take him up on it.
Casper my good friend, I believe the gauntlet has dropped and the challenge has been made, your legion awaits. King David hath offered you an awesome reward. And with you having never left the bounds of Oklahoma, what a remarkable adventure this would be. You have a most wonderful opportunity with nothing to loose, I sincerely hope you will open your mind and follow your heart.
I can't actually say that I haven't tried anything now though because in the last couple days I have done some stuff with my friend Chris that I have never done before. If they have to be so straight that they've never even tried anything before to get on the futon than I don't know if David will let me do it. I have jacked off with a guy and we did suck on each others dick. And some otherstuff that I'm kinda scared to mention. (I'm not sure that I'm bi or anything like that yet but, I couldn't say that I didn't like some of it)
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I can't actually say that I haven't tried anything now though because in the last couple days I have done some stuff with my friend Chris that I have never done before. If they have to be so straight that they've never even tried anything before to get on the futon than I don't know if David will let me do it. I have jacked off with a guy and we did suck on each others dick. And some otherstuff that I'm kinda scared to mention. (I'm not sure that I'm bi or anything like that yet but, I couldn't say that I didn't like some of it.
That's wonderful news Casper. I'm glad you decided to try stuff with Chris, instead of with a stranger that you met at a bar. Maybe you and Chris can go to Florida together. Dave has brought several pairs of college buds down together before.
I can't actually say that I haven't tried anything now though because in the last couple days I have done some stuff with my friend Chris that I have never done before. If they have to be so straight that they've never even tried anything before to get on the futon than I don't know if David will let me do it. I have jacked off with a guy and we did suck on each others dick. And some otherstuff that I'm kinda scared to mention. (I'm not sure that I'm bi or anything like that yet but, I couldn't say that I didn't like some of it)

I too am glad that decided if you were going to do something, that you did it with a friend. I just hope that we have not pre empted you to do something you would have otherwise have taken a bit more time over. However, based on your postings and inquisitiveness I guess you wanted to experiment pdq. Just because you have now done some gay stuff does not pre empt you from modelling for Broke Straight Boys - unless you're 20 stone of course. LOL
My offer still stands to Casper regardless if he came out of the closet and has had wild man sex for the past several days. This way we can place him on the site and he can counsel other confused/curious straightboy his experience and he can help convince the str8 boy to come out. I have a question to Casper, have you ever been out of Oklahoma? Have you flown before? Many guys get nervous because they have never been on a plane before or left there city or town. This is why I ask this question.
That's wonderful news Casper. I'm glad you decided to try stuff with Chris, instead of with a stranger that you met at a bar. Maybe you and Chris can go to Florida together. Dave has brought several pairs of college buds down together before.

There's something to be said about seducing a stranger. You can be freer with a one night stand and try things that if they don't work out, you'll be glad you never have to look the men in the eye again...
I have never been out of Oklahoma in my life. I have never flew on a plane. and since I am not gay I will never come out of the closet (still deciding on the bi-thing). Ever since I wanted to do the Broke Straight Boys think I have been a complete nervous wreck. I seem to be getting really nervous about doing some stuff that everyone in the world can see.
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I have never been out of Oklahoma in my life. I have never flew on a plane. and since I am not gay I will never come out of the closet (still deciding on the bi-thing). Ever since I wanted to do the Broke Straight Boys think I have been a complete nervous wreck. I seem to be getting really nervous about doing some stuff that everyone in the world can see.

Being nervous is totally normal and since you haven't been on a plane before or left your hometown, it can be even double nerve wrecking to say the least.

Many models have made the trip over the years, and once they conquered there fears and took the steps to come to the studio, they had the best time. Diesal & Jordan are few that come to mind that had the same issue as you have...but today, being on the site and seeing them often, they are not nervous anymore...matter of fact, for them, its there 2nd home :biggrin:
David is quite right Casper. It would be odd or unusual if you were not nervous or apprehensive about what you are considering doing. And no. Simply having a little bit of sexual experience with guys does not disqualify you from the futon. There have been plenty of models who have outright lied to David and us about their level of gay experience. Some models like Sean are upfront from day one that they are bisexual. At this point if someone had to put a label on where you were at in your sexuality, then it could possibly be bi-curious. That neatly conforms to someone who may or may not have any same sex experience but is curious about bisexuality. And it avoids altogether the dreaded "gay" label. For many teens and 20 somethings the gay label can be a horrible sounding life sentence.

If you decide to do this though I hope that peer pressure will be only a minor consideration in your decision. You have to be the one who decides for you. I hope that this is not detracting from your enjoyment of the holiday season. Don't be worrying about it to the extent that you are not focusing enough on school or getting the joy that the holiday season is all about. You do not even have to make the decision in the next month. Unless you choose to. And please know that we will respect your decision either way. xxo
I have never been out of Oklahoma in my life. I have never flew on a plane. and since I am not gay I will never come out of the closet (still deciding on the bi-thing). Ever since I wanted to do the Broke Straight Boys think I have been a complete nervous wreck. I seem to be getting really nervous about doing some stuff that everyone in the world can see.

"Doctor, whats the prognosis on Casper?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news."

"Lets hear the bad news first."

"He's not Vulcan, but he is 100% Human."

Well Casper, Welcome to the Human race. What you are experiencing is ABSOLUTELY normal. I'd say almost all of us here in the forum have experienced this at some point in our life. All of us here in forum-land are here to help you in any way we can.

David is right on target in his posts. The offer he made is truly a generous, but only YOU can make that final decision. If you want to "find out about gay sex" and make some good money in a safe environment, I don't think you can find many places to do that. While all of us in forum land would like to see one of our own make it to the futon and have tried to encourage you to do it, I think we will all support whatever choice you make.

Now, regarding never leaving Oklahoma and never flying. I can understand going on a plane the first time. If memory serves me correct, the pilot had to prop the propeller to get it to start before we could take off. Talk about being scared!!! Casper there is so much to see and visit in the states, not to mention the rest of the world. I will admit I have not been to Oklahoma, close (Dallas), but I have flown all over the country from Alaska to Hawaii and to Europe and most recently to China (those 11-13 hour flights can get you down). So here is another opportunity to try something new, flying.

And to make your first flight more enjoyable, should you go to Florida, if David flies you on the right airline, I have some connections and perhaps can get you to fly 1st class (at least to Florida).
(The rest of you calm down, don't ask me for upgrades.)

Live Long and Prosper (my ghostly friend),

"Doctor, whats the prognosis on Casper?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news."

"Lets hear the bad news first."

"He's not Vulcan, but he is 100% Human."

Well Casper, Welcome to the Human race. What you are experiencing is ABSOLUTELY normal. I'd say almost all of us here in the forum have experienced this at some point in our life. All of us here in forum-land are here to help you in any way we can.

David is right on target in his posts. The offer he made is truly a generous, but only YOU can make that final decision. If you want to "find out about gay sex" and make some good money in a safe environment, I don't think you can find many places to do that. While all of us in forum land would like to see one of our own make it to the futon and have tried to encourage you to do it, I think we will all support whatever choice you make.

Now, regarding never leaving Oklahoma and never flying. I can understand going on a plane the first time. If memory serves me correct, the pilot had to prop the propeller to get it to start before we could take off. Talk about being scared!!! Casper there is so much to see and visit in the states, not to mention the rest of the world. I will admit I have not been to Oklahoma, close (Dallas), but I have flown all over the country from Alaska to Hawaii and to Europe and most recently to China (those 11-13 hour flights can get you down). So here is another opportunity to try something new, flying.

And to make your first flight more enjoyable, should you go to Florida, if David flies you on the right airline, I have some connections and perhaps can get you to fly 1st class (at least to Florida).
(The rest of you calm down, don't ask me for upgrades.)

Live Long and Prosper (my ghostly friend),


I guess the Good News will be when he tells you he's gonna do it?​
Ha ha Vice Kid,

I don't think I'm scared of flying...I've been high before, haha. I also know that David's offer is very kind even though I'm kinda having second thoughts. The only thing that made me want to do it is Tyler. I just wanted to be like Tyler, but he hasn't been on any videos lately, and David is working him so hard that he don't have time to post, ( I can't really blame David they could just be really busy) and I guess I'm just loosing intrest in the place. He was the only one that kept me going and constantly interested and willing to be on the site.
Something was pointed out to me by a friend that I haven't really noticed until he mentioned it. He thought I was getting kinda cruel and mean lately instead of my usual joking and humorous self. I looked back on all my posting from the first to the current ones and I'm afraid that he is right. I mean when I got here I was so excited to see Tyler and his videos, and then he added me to his friends list, and then he sent me some messages and I was so excited that I was going to Broke Straight Boys and be on that futon, even got some friends to go along with me. I was having the time of my life and all I wanted to do was get everyone here as excited as I was so I did everything I could to make them laugh and enjoy the excitement I was feeling . Now, people probably think I'm stalking Tyler (its not actually true) I just think he is the kewlest most awesome and greatest guy I ever met (or not met as the case may be) but, I guess things come and go and without him I'm just not really interested anymore. (I have gotten off of the Topic I was talking on...sorry)
Anyway, I guess I've just been gradually waking up to the fact that maybe it is just a porn site and thats all, and I've been very cruel and unfair in some of my postings. I appologise for that. I'm usually pretty happy go lucky and I love to make people laugh especially when I don't have to drop my pants to do so. I keep on Whining and complaining about everything and I am also completely impatient about everything. I really don't think I'm doing this site or the members any justice.
Do you know that lately I have been deleting more posts than I even make. Thats how bad its getting, I'm just getting bitter about everything. I can deffinately say though that most the members here are utterly fantastic and, I've enjoyed being friends with them. They have also helped me with lots of things that I was very curious about so they've been nicer to me then I have been to them.

I guess I should take a shower and go to bed I have to do alot of stuff tomorrow.

I love you,

I wonder if Vicekid can get me first Class passage to visit him. I could go ahead and give him a physical. (as a pretend Dr. but a long time viewer of all the csi shows), then I could fly off and visit Slim because he has problems with his very large love muscle that I think I can fix with some proper attention.
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Ha ha Vice Kid,

I don't think I'm scared of flying...I've been high before, haha. I also know that David's offer is very kind even though I'm kinda having second thoughts. The only thing that made me want to do it is Tyler. I just wanted to be like Tyler, but he hasn't been on any videos lately, and David is working him so hard that he don't have time to post, ( I can't really blame David they could just be really busy) and I guess I'm just loosing intrest in the place. He was the only one that kept me going and constantly interested and willing to be on the site.
Something was pointed out to me by a friend that I haven't really noticed until he mentioned it. He thought I was getting kinda cruel and mean lately instead of my usual joking and humorous self. I looked back on all my posting from the first to the current ones and I'm afraid that he is right. I mean when I got here I was so excited to see Tyler and his videos, and then he added me to his friends list, and then he sent me some messages and I was so excited that I was going to Broke Straight Boys and be on that futon, even got some friends to go along with me. I was having the time of my life and all I wanted to do was get everyone here as excited as I was so I did everything I could to make them laugh and enjoy the excitement I was feeling . Now, people probably think I'm stalking Tyler (its not actually true) I just think he is the kewlest most awesome and greatest guy I ever met (or not met as the case may be) but, I guess things come and go and without him I'm just not really interested anymore. (I have gotten off of the Topic I was talking on...sorry)
Anyway, I guess I've just been gradually waking up to the fact that maybe it is just a porn site and thats all, and I've been very cruel and unfair in some of my postings. I appologise for that. I'm usually pretty happy go lucky and I love to make people laugh especially when I don't have to drop my pants to do so. I keep on Whining and complaining about everything and I am also completely impatient about everything. I really don't think I'm doing this site or the members any justice.
Do you know that lately I have been deleting more posts than I even make. Thats how bad its getting, I'm just getting bitter about everything. I can deffinately say though that most the members here are utterly fantastic and, I've enjoyed being friends with them. They have also helped me with lots of things that I was very curious about so they've been nicer to me then I have been to them.

I guess I should take a shower and go to bed I have to do alot of stuff tomorrow.

I love you,

I wonder if Vicekid can get me first Class passage to visit him. I could go ahead and give him a physical. (as a pretend Dr. but a long time viewer of all the csi shows), then I could fly off and visit Slim because he has problems with his very large love muscle that I think I can fix with some proper attention.

CASPER, you are not the first, nor the last to have been smitten by our Tyler Evans I believe our first one was by Runningscorpion who I think might have started the un-official Tyler Fan Club. I think Slim was second, but you never know with Slim.

As for Tyler Videos keep in mind this site can't sustain itself on one or two models. Too much of a good thing, even Tyler, will get boring. So newness is needed. Tyler has the second longest rein on this site (to Austin Grant) and in this industry anything over a year is highly unusual. So that says alot about Mr. Tyler, and his personality. The fact that he, as well as other don't always write back is understandable and for me not expected. Remember, most of these models are in school, don't live in Florida and have their own lives to deal with so their time is precious.

Yes, this is a PORN site first and formost. This forum that management added has done a couple of great things. First, it has allow us to give feedback to management and they have taken lots of that feedback and acknowledge it and have or are making changes (noting that changes may take months to see as they have the much of an extensive backlog). Second, there have been numerous threads of such and educational nature, we have all learned and benefited from what other members know via experience or professional training. I know that I've learn things I knew nothing about, just by reading post.

Don't worry about your past post and how they may have come across. Whats done is done. Use what you have discovered to make future post, as you state more "fun". Just to let you know I consider myself the "King" of comedy here and try to insert my humor all the time. TOO BAD MOST OF YOU JUST DON'T SEE IT! So go ahead and use this forum to ask question, make comments, disagree, etc. with your fellow postees. Just be mindful of getting too carried away or nasty. Good, honest, critical, disagreements is OK.

Just remember, we do care about you.

Lastly, regarding Your Truly Flying You, First Class, no less, to beautiful Sunny Southern California I'm not sure where the hell this came from. It is one thing for someone else to pay for your airfare (David) and I can work some magic to perhaps "UPGRADE" your seat to first class verses doing the whole enchilada to come out here. And I can most assuredly say it would be Dr. Vicekid giving a full and detailed physical of the first "Ghost" of the forum. As for doing a flight to remote desert island that will cost tons of money and many long hours on an airplane to visit Slim to help HIM with his problem Love Muscle one thing you need to know. Slim requires only highly experienced, trained, dedicated professionals to fondle (I mean handle) this type of problem. You, my young apprentice are not there yet. However, a trip to Florida, my speedily get you ready.


Hey Casper! We realize you enjoy watching "Tyler" on Broke Straight Boys We do have lots of Tyler's video coming up...but to be fair to many of our other members we have to place up other episodes that do not have Tyler in the episodes and give the newer models a chance to shine and be popular on the site. Tyler is working for us full-time at the moment and he gets paid very well so he's not going anywhere anytime soon. You will see more!!!

I also spoke to Tyler and he has informed me that he does communicate and response back to Casper, but at times it difficult to return the PM's/emails the same day due to his work load.
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