CASPER, you are not the first, nor the last to have been smitten by our
Tyler Evans I believe our first one was by Runningscorpion who I think might have started the un-official Tyler Fan Club. I think Slim was second, but you never know with Slim.
As for Tyler Videos keep in mind this site can't sustain itself on one or two models. Too much of a good thing, even Tyler, will get boring. So newness is needed. Tyler has the second longest rein on this site (to
Austin Grant) and in this industry anything over a year is highly unusual. So that says alot about Mr. Tyler, and his personality. The fact that he, as well as other don't always write back is understandable and for me not expected. Remember, most of these models are in school, don't live in Florida and have their own lives to deal with so their time is precious.
Yes, this is a PORN site first and formost. This forum that management added has done a couple of great things. First, it has allow us to give feedback to management and they have taken lots of that feedback and acknowledge it and have or are making changes (noting that changes may take months to see as they have the much of an extensive backlog). Second, there have been numerous threads of such and educational nature, we have all learned and benefited from what other members know via experience or professional training. I know that I've learn things I knew nothing about, just by reading post.
Don't worry about your past post and how they may have come across. Whats done is done. Use what you have discovered to make future post, as you state more "fun". Just to let you know I consider myself the "King" of comedy here and try to insert my humor all the time.
TOO BAD MOST OF YOU JUST DON'T SEE IT! So go ahead and use this forum to ask question, make comments, disagree, etc. with your fellow postees. Just be mindful of getting too carried away or nasty. Good, honest, critical, disagreements is OK.
Just remember, we do care about you.
Lastly, regarding Your Truly Flying You, First Class, no less, to beautiful Sunny Southern California I'm not sure where the hell this came from. It is one thing for someone else to pay for your airfare (David) and I can work some magic to perhaps "UPGRADE" your seat to
first class verses doing the whole enchilada to come out here. And I can most assuredly say it would be Dr. Vicekid giving a full and detailed physical of the first "Ghost" of the forum. As for doing a flight to remote desert island that will cost tons of money and many long hours on an airplane to visit Slim to help HIM with his problem Love Muscle one thing you need to know. Slim requires only highly experienced, trained, dedicated professionals to fondle (I mean handle) this type of problem. You, my young apprentice are not there yet.
a trip to Florida, my speedily get you ready.