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Kevin and Ben

I think it would be a GREAT change of pace. It would really stir up the routine... A behind the scenes look at Eddie teaching a clueless straightie how to give a good blowjob? Are you kidding me? Hell yeah!!! :thumbup:

It could win awards for being a crossover hit in the categories of comedy :lol: and drama :ohmy:.
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Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???

David dude, yes, absolutely. I thought maybe two updates in one week, the first one being the Eddie tutorial, and the second being the subsequent shoot that you do once Eduardo has done the stills, and got them prepped.

Man, talk about being entertaining and hot at the same time.:pornshoot::dancingpenis::b_evil::b_evil:
David wrote : "Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???"

I wish to submit a rather longwinded response, but I need to make a few things very clear first. Nobody forced me to take up membership of Broke Straight Boys, and no-one will try and stop me should I wish to leave. What follows are simply my own personal observations and suggestions, I speak for no-one but myself. Furthermore, David and Eddie are the professionals, I do feel a little presumptuous advising them on how to do their job, but then again I am a most disagreeably arrogant deviant - if I offend, simply ignore me. Not easy I know, but it can be done.

I am not suggesting that the actors are whores, whores make a lot less money for a lot more work. But they are paid to entertain me, in turn I, and many others, pay a monthly fee to Broke Straight Boys This is a business enterprise and catering for so many diverse tastes is well-nigh impossible, but still it gets done and done well. To spice things up to a nicety, here is something I would like to see : First interview; strip, get naked, give Eddie a blowjob, get a facial, get paid. Second interview ; get naked, get topped, get paid. Then the two episodes are posted and we vote one of two ways : He's a winner, bring him back! or WOFTAM! (It means waste of effing time and money - little South African joke; never mind, moving on.)

Needless to say a lot of material are going to gather dust in the archives, so every now and again you could have a WOFTAM special update. And we can then vote for the worst grunt ever to harbour aspirations of being a porn star. I do realise some may find me cruel and selfish, but you are obviously confusing me with somebody who cares ; I had to start over when I was in my late 30s, I dragged myself off the ground and begged for a job, any job. I did what I had to do and I succeeded, and I did this in South Africa for Christ's sake! I thus have scant sympathy with any American youth too lazy to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Gay-for-pay is certainly a viable way to make a lot of money rather quickly, but by God let them earn it. I don't care how straight the little bastard is, if he wants the money he better look good, get on his knees, suck dick really well, then dutifully bend over and get fucked all the way to kingdom come, and he better be grateful for the honour showed him. I pay his salary, I expect value for my money.

Perfect example is Logan, very pretty, will suck a dick, with a lot of distaste it must be said, but he won't bottom? Who cares what he wants? It's what we the members want that matters. And if they are not prepared to do what it takes, get rid of 'em. Young, handsome, straight and bone-idle lazy are a dime-a-dozen. Even an experienced top like Dustin's "no fag will ever fuck this piece of straight heaven" attitude is beginning to grate. Either he gets fucked or he gets out, simple. And he's gaining weight by the way.

I watched an old episode last night ; a 4-way with Hollywood and Ashton, Hollywood said, and I quote : "I'm not into this gay shit." Excuse me? You want the pay Bitch, get gay - quickly. I'm certainly not in the mood to have my sexual orientation insulted by some useless piece of trailer park trash.

Personally CJ, Danny, Anthony, Tyler and Diesal appeals to me, not because of their orientation (I could care less who or what they screw in private) but because they understand their roles so well ; they are entertainers, pure and simple. They entertain me, job done, go ahead make my credit-card weep. But the Dustins and the Lanes and the Hollywoods of the internet porn industry leaves me cold.

But David, please understand this, you are more than welcome, as is anyone else for that matter, to violently and passionately disagree with me. I am not making any demands, I am merely sharing with you my emotional response. The product that I receive is most certainly worth my while and I am perfectly happy with Broke Straight Boys as is. I merely thought yourself, your partner, Mark, the rest of the Admin staff and, of course, my fellow subscribers might be interested in my gut reaction to certain performers. I like straight guys to be used and used hard, their humiliation is my aphrodisiac, their shame my masturbatory aid. I have had too much shit in my life to care for the wounded ego of an over-remunerated whore.

If that makes me a bastard, so be it. And finally Dave, you did ask ; you know the old saying ; "be careful what you wish for ......... ?" Yes, I thought you might.

Kind Regards
Perv, why don't you tell us how you really feel? :lol:

Broke Straight Boys's premise is that David has to twist the straighties arm to do "gay" shit. That is the appeal of this site to many. It is for me, even though we know the "how much money will it take to get you to?" has been decided pre-shoot. I am a softy and don't want to see any of the boys used and abused. David is a real sweetheart with his treatment of the boys. I love him for that.

The great performers you listed I do agree with. I would also add Austin Grant to the list, plus many others.

Dustin and Hollywood are not welcome back to Broke Straight Boys, so no worries there. They are gone.

I don't think you are a bastard, but maybe just a tiny bit cranky?! :wink:

Your friend,

I don't care how straight the little bastard is, if he wants the money he better look good, get on his knees, suck dick really well, then dutifully bend over and get fucked all the way to kingdom come, and he better be grateful for the honour showed him. I pay his salary, I expect value for my money.

Perfect example is Logan, very pretty, will suck a dick, with a lot of distaste it must be said, but he won't bottom? Who cares what he wants? It's what we the members want that matters. And if they are not prepared to do what it takes, get rid of 'em. Young, handsome, straight and bone-idle lazy are a dime-a-dozen. Even an experienced top like Dustin's "no fag will ever fuck this piece of straight heaven" attitude is beginning to grate. Either he gets fucked or he gets out, simple. And he's gaining weight by the way.

I watched an old episode last night ; a 4-way with Hollywood and Ashton, Hollywood said, and I quote : "I'm not into this gay shit." Excuse me? You want the pay Bitch, get gay - quickly. I'm certainly not in the mood to have my sexual orientation insulted by some useless piece of trailer park trash.
Pervert, let me preface my comments by saying that you are far and away my favorite new participating member to the forum in a long time. When I see your name on a post, I know it is going to be interesting, intelligent and often controversial. We ran into a rather bland period of time here, and I am so pleased to find a passionate articulate participant to our "perverse group".

However, I am a member who joined this group to see truly straight young men perform homosexual acts on camera, and to me it does matter what their true sexual orientation is. I like the masculine pussy loving youths who do "gay shit" for pay. It is not necessary to me to see a straight guy get fucked or even necessarily suck cock. I am turned on by the guys who may say, "no fag will ever fuck this piece of straight heaven" or "I'm not into this gay shit." And when David is able to coerce them to take a cock in their mouths for additional cash, I like the somewhat disgusted look on their faces.

To me, the attitude of a straight guy allowing a "fag" to blow them is a huge turn on. I understand I am perverse in my way too. That is why I call us a group of perverts, as I'm sure if you scratch the surface, each of us has some interests and turn on's that are not the norm, even in gay culture.

That is my opinion, but please Pervert, keep on posting your thoughts on a myriad of topics. I don't mind a person with a divergent point of view, as long as he respects mine as well.

Pervert. ROTFLMAO!!

You need to stop being so shy. You need to open up a little and show some personality. Let us know what you're all about dude!

I am pressed for time right now so I can't respond properly to all you have said here. I for one though don't like to see the models abused or humiliated. I know though that you have very different sexual tastes. Broke Straight Boys must be a Boy Scout camp on the set of Disney compared to your tastes. On many other things though I do agree with you. More later...
Cranky, me? Just a bit, sometimes. Post in haste, repent at leisure, that too - a bit. I may have been over-simplifying when I talked about being used hard ; there has to be mutual consent, obviously. I just get irritated when some bloody breeder, already border-line contemptuous of homosexuals, believe I should fawn over his unavailability and all the while he's getting paid good money for mocking me.

On the other hand, the performers who appeal to me take a certain amount of pride in what they do. They don't even have to enjoy it, they just have to put some effort in it. Like CJ for instance, I don't think he enjoys bottoming at all, but he does - often. For that very reason the scene where he tops Tyler was incredibly hot, especially since Tyler expressed enthusiasm for it. Whether either Tyler or CJ cared for the experience or not is immaterial ; the intention was to put on a good show. They succeeded. Job done, money earned - simple.

I also don't believe the guys have to be virgins ; I don't care if a guy has been a street hustler first before trying his hand at Broke Straight Boys, but I would like to know before-hand. Personally I draw the line at little to no previous internet experience, EJ springs to mind. And yes, he is not welcome at Broke Straight Boys anymore, he was caught in a lie. Respect Broke Straight Boys! This site will treat the performers with respect (they will not renege on payment, of that I'm sure.), they have a right to expect the same in return. As do I, as do we all. Bobby on the other hand played open cards and I respect him for it. The fact that he's had it tough should inspire him to work harder - youthful good looks is not an absolute requirement. Commitment and sacrifice is.

While preparing this post 2 new replies have been posted, and I wish to respond to Mark. You wrote : "That is my opinion, but please Pervert, keep on posting your thoughts on a myriad of topics. I don't mind a person with a divergent point of view, as long as he respects mine as well."

Absolutely! I repeat, absolutely. I wrote what I liked, it was not an attempt to bring anyone around to my way of thinking. And just for the record, getting abused is, of course, a relative term. Lane's brutal penetration of Jason was borderline rape, I think it only fair for some arrogant thug like Lane to be on the receiving end of an equally merciless buggering. That he will be getting it off-camera in a prison shower does seem a pity, and he won't get paid for it either. Stupid bastard.

Jason on the other hand, came back for another bottoming scene - it must have hurt like hell, but he did it. Was he used hard? Yes. Did I like it? Yes. Did I enjoy him getting raped by Lane? No.

Personally I always pay for sex, and I pay well. I take the time and trouble to explain my needs in detail, I negotiate a fee agreeable to both parties and then I expect effort from the guy. Whether he likes me or not is irrelevant, he just has to be a good fuck, and then leave when I'm done. We both get what we want, simple.

For this reason I truly enjoy hearing about the preferences of others, that Mike enjoys a certain self-subjugation is something of great interest to me, because it is so different from my own proclivities. How dull this world would be if we all liked the same thing.

You want to know what else I enjoy? This debate. Get posting people, especially those who think I was out of line. I have a theory, maybe better described as wishful thinking, that a forum debate can be every bit as deliciously, obscenely passionate as any straight boy getting deflowered on camera. Kindly note I said "as." I did not say "more."

I am Yours ever Faithful
OK Pervert You are making me laugh and i enjoy you idea. I have always thought that there is a certain line with these guys that needs to be maintained The idea of gay for pay does not bother me Arrogance of any kind does and i find it a MAJOR turn off eg. DUSTIN AND LANE. I did however see Lane on another site very happily and doclily sucking cock etc. I think Dustin just decided that he was a gift as happens to so many guys who get into porn that was unfortunate as he started out as a faily sweet guy and then god only knows where it went from there.
You made so many good points Perv that I would never be blunt enough to say. "Trailer park trash..." Oh my! LOL As far as mediocre looking guys coming on and wanting money to take their clothes off, doing little else, and acting like they should be paid handsomely because they're straight... Screw that. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.

And just because the model is handsome doesn't mean he shouldn't have to put out. The model is handsome at 20 y/o because he's 20 y/o. More than 80% of us in here would look or would have looked great on the futon at 20. So if your youthful good looks and an attitude are ALL that you bring to the table then you need to be reminded that you are not a prize catch or $valuable$ on that basis alone. And if you think that sitting there looking pretty, doing as little as possible while you whine and complain entitles you to a big payday? One word for that... NEXT! LOL I'd much rather watch a guy who was a 6 1/2 or 7 put on a good show and entertain us with a winning personality and a good work ethic. So on that point we agree.

You must admit though that those kinds of lazy snobbish models on Broke Straight Boys are the rarity rather than the norm.
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For this reason I truly enjoy hearing about the preferences of others, that Mike enjoys a certain self-subjugation is something of great interest to me, because it is so different from my own proclivities. How dull this world would be if we all liked the same thing.

You want to know what else I enjoy? This debate. Get posting people, especially those who think I was out of line. I have a theory, maybe better described as wishful thinking, that a forum debate can be every bit as deliciously, obscenely passionate as any straight boy getting deflowered on camera. Kindly note I said "as." I did not say "more."

I am Yours ever Faithful
My sense of submissiveness to a hot young straight guy is not that uncommon. I believe that older gay men have been paying young straight guys to suck their cocks for many years. To me, being on my knees for a 19 year old straight kid, who is only allowing me to blow him because he needs some cash is an incredibly hot scene. His smug attitude is a turn on for me. I don't want an abusive, nasty guy who might be physically dangerous to me. But I want a guy like Alden, from Alden and Robert. He has that smirk, that sense of superiority or entitlement as a hot young straight guy entertaining gay guys. I love watching him get sucked off by a guy. That is my "proclivity".

And I agree that the debate can get very passionate, on a subject near and dear to our groins, as we are all paying for this site each month, so we must be interested in young guys sucking and fucking.

It's what we the members want that matters. And if they are not prepared to do what it takes, get rid of 'em. Young, handsome, straight and bone-idle lazy are a dime-a-dozen. Even an experienced top like Dustin's "no fag will ever fuck this piece of straight heaven" attitude is beginning to grate. Either he gets fucked or he gets out, simple. And he's gaining weight by the way.

But the Dustins and the Lanes and the Hollywoods of the internet porn industry leaves me cold.

Hey Perv. I can give you and some of the newbies some history here on Dustin. In many ways he's the poster boy for all that you abhor about lazy gay for pay models. His thing almost from day 1 was that he would grudgingly suck dick and top and not much else. And definitely no bottoming. And he stuck to that. Oddly enough he developed a very strong fan base. From the first I saw of him I thought he was cute but nothing terribly special onscreen. Dustin went on to be one of the models working events at the clubs. He started posting on the forum. David was bombarded with requests to film more scenes with Dustin. So he tried to oblige.

Dustin got to the point where he though he was God's gift to Broke Straight Boys He started trying to tell David how to film his scenes. He thought he could name his own price for the scenes he worked. And he still refused to bottom. He just wanted to get his own dick sucked and fuck a guy so he could get more money for drugs and booze. Because after all he was a "star". He got too full of himself and decided that he was so popular and important as to be irreplaceable. Apparently he was not holding up his responsibilities in working the events either. He was taking advantage of Patrick's generosity at the clubs. And Patrick is just a super nice guy by the way.

So Dustin got canned.

It's hard to talk in absolutes though in terms of dealing with models. For instance without all of the arrogance of Dustin, Diesal for the longest time refused to bottom. He had a good attitude and did a good job keeping us entertained. He didn't let his popularity go to his head. Because David treated him right and was respectful to him they built a level of trust. Even though canning Dustin much sooner would have been the right thing to do given his arrogance and disdain for members wanting to see him bottom...not so for Diesal. Even though it took a while, Diesal finally gave in and bottomed. It was important to him to keep his fans entertained and happy. He knew that's what his fans wanted to see. He knew that's what David wanted him to do. So he agreed. So it would have been a shame to let Diesal go right away simply because he didn't want to bottom.

So some models are worth the time and the wait. And I agree with you that others are not. With some you need to quickly stop throwing good money after bad if the model is lazy and ungrateful to the fans of the site.
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Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???
Yes David. Behind the scenes filming would enhance my viewing experience with Broke Straight Boys Thanks for asking.
Kevin & Ben...this is diversity at its best. I paired these two boys together due to the fact I had a doctors appointment that day and I asked them off camera if I can film them together and they agreed.

I liked Kevin and I think he was cute. Ben I had no intentions of hiring...the story he told was very much true. He had two jobs, and he loves to spend his money, he did buy a car and he lived with his Mom to help pay the mortgage. What I did find out is that his Mom is very much over-extended and had major problems paying the mortgage and was very close to forecloser. I had no intentions in hiring Ben, he was a southern white boy trying to help out his Mom with the bills when he lost all his jobs.

Like I said, I didn't want to hire him as a model...but he insisted in applying an bugging me to place him on the site...well times must be awfully tight because in the first time in history of my porn career, I actually had the pleasure to speak to his Mom.

Ben basically told him Mom he wanted to do porn and he told her and showed her on the computer the Broke Straight Boys site and told her that he can model and earn some $$$ to pay for the bills & mortgage...of course with all parents they freaked out...so after weeks and months of me declining Ben, I get a call from his Mom begging me to hire him cause that is all he thinks about...she wasn't very happy that her son had to resort to this type of work...but I guess desperate times seeks desperate measures...I basically told her that her son does not have the looks...and she basically asked me to do her a favor and let her son work...my gosh...I was actually speaking to a Mom while she is pimping out her son to do porn...how weird was this? She of coursed asked the obvious parental questions and I can tell by speaking to her that she was for real.

I figured if this guy and his Mom can be so insisted to appear on the Broke Straight Boys site, I figured this will be my one year charity work to give the guy a chance. He did a few scenes, not that many...he's in one more scene...he made some money and we sent him on his way back home. We got a really nice phone call from his Mom thanking us for making sure we took care of her son and treated him right.

I know it may sound crazy...but true!

bravo David, thank you for giving him a chance. I will view this video in a hole new way.
David wrote : "Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???"

I wish to submit a rather longwinded response, but I need to make a few things very clear first. Nobody forced me to take up membership of Broke Straight Boys, and no-one will try and stop me should I wish to leave. What follows are simply my own personal observations and suggestions, I speak for no-one but myself. Furthermore, David and Eddie are the professionals, I do feel a little presumptuous advising them on how to do their job, but then again I am a most disagreeably arrogant deviant - if I offend, simply ignore me. Not easy I know, but it can be done.

I am not suggesting that the actors are whores, whores make a lot less money for a lot more work. But they are paid to entertain me, in turn I, and many others, pay a monthly fee to Broke Straight Boys This is a business enterprise and catering for so many diverse tastes is well-nigh impossible, but still it gets done and done well. To spice things up to a nicety, here is something I would like to see : First interview; strip, get naked, give Eddie a blowjob, get a facial, get paid. Second interview ; get naked, get topped, get paid. Then the two episodes are posted and we vote one of two ways : He's a winner, bring him back! or WOFTAM! (It means waste of effing time and money - little South African joke; never mind, moving on.)

Needless to say a lot of material are going to gather dust in the archives, so every now and again you could have a WOFTAM special update. And we can then vote for the worst grunt ever to harbour aspirations of being a porn star. I do realise some may find me cruel and selfish, but you are obviously confusing me with somebody who cares ; I had to start over when I was in my late 30s, I dragged myself off the ground and begged for a job, any job. I did what I had to do and I succeeded, and I did this in South Africa for Christ's sake! I thus have scant sympathy with any American youth too lazy to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. Gay-for-pay is certainly a viable way to make a lot of money rather quickly, but by God let them earn it. I don't care how straight the little bastard is, if he wants the money he better look good, get on his knees, suck dick really well, then dutifully bend over and get fucked all the way to kingdom come, and he better be grateful for the honour showed him. I pay his salary, I expect value for my money.

Perfect example is Logan, very pretty, will suck a dick, with a lot of distaste it must be said, but he won't bottom? Who cares what he wants? It's what we the members want that matters. And if they are not prepared to do what it takes, get rid of 'em. Young, handsome, straight and bone-idle lazy are a dime-a-dozen. Even an experienced top like Dustin's "no fag will ever fuck this piece of straight heaven" attitude is beginning to grate. Either he gets fucked or he gets out, simple. And he's gaining weight by the way.

I watched an old episode last night ; a 4-way with Hollywood and Ashton, Hollywood said, and I quote : "I'm not into this gay shit." Excuse me? You want the pay Bitch, get gay - quickly. I'm certainly not in the mood to have my sexual orientation insulted by some useless piece of trailer park trash.

Personally CJ, Danny, Anthony, Tyler and Diesal appeals to me, not because of their orientation (I could care less who or what they screw in private) but because they understand their roles so well ; they are entertainers, pure and simple. They entertain me, job done, go ahead make my credit-card weep. But the Dustins and the Lanes and the Hollywoods of the internet porn industry leaves me cold.

But David, please understand this, you are more than welcome, as is anyone else for that matter, to violently and passionately disagree with me. I am not making any demands, I am merely sharing with you my emotional response. The product that I receive is most certainly worth my while and I am perfectly happy with Broke Straight Boys as is. I merely thought yourself, your partner, Mark, the rest of the Admin staff and, of course, my fellow subscribers might be interested in my gut reaction to certain performers. I like straight guys to be used and used hard, their humiliation is my aphrodisiac, their shame my masturbatory aid. I have had too much shit in my life to care for the wounded ego of an over-remunerated whore.

If that makes me a bastard, so be it. And finally Dave, you did ask ; you know the old saying ; "be careful what you wish for ......... ?" Yes, I thought you might.

Kind Regards

Pervert..... I love you and agree whole heartedly ...... Well stated.
Kevin & Ben...this is diversity at its best. I paired these two boys together due to the fact I had a doctors appointment that day and I asked them off camera if I can film them together and they agreed.

I liked Kevin and I think he was cute. Ben I had no intentions of hiring...the story he told was very much true. He had two jobs, and he loves to spend his money, he did buy a car and he lived with his Mom to help pay the mortgage. What I did find out is that his Mom is very much over-extended and had major problems paying the mortgage and was very close to foreclosure. I had no intentions in hiring Ben, he was a southern white boy trying to help out his Mom with the bills when he lost all his jobs.

Like I said, I didn't want to hire him as a model...but he insisted in applying an bugging me to place him on the site...well times must be awfully tight because in the first time in history of my porn career, I actually had the pleasure to speak to his Mom.

Ben basically told him Mom he wanted to do porn and he told her and showed her on the computer the Broke Straight Boys site and told her that he can model and earn some $$$ to pay for the bills & mortgage...of course with all parents they freaked out...so after weeks and months of me declining Ben, I get a call from his Mom begging me to hire him cause that is all he thinks about...she wasn't very happy that her son had to resort to this type of work...but I guess desperate times seeks desperate measures...I basically told her that her son does not have the looks...and she basically asked me to do her a favor and let her son work...my gosh...I was actually speaking to a Mom while she is pimping out her son to do porn...how weird was this? She of coursed asked the obvious parental questions and I can tell by speaking to her that she was for real.

I figured if this guy and his Mom can be so insisted to appear on the Broke Straight Boys site, I figured this will be my one year charity work to give the guy a chance. He did a few scenes, not that many...he's in one more scene...he made some money and we sent him on his way back home. We got a really nice phone call from his Mom thanking us for making sure we took care of her son and treated him right.

I know it may sound crazy...but true!

I figured I would give this thread a bump so that you can see what David said in regards to Ben. And why he ended up hiring him. I commend David for agreeing to help Ben out. Just as he did for Steve and Torin.
I have only just picked up on this thread, having seen the shoot and commented on another thread "Kevin fucking Blenn".
Wish I had picked up this thread first - things would have made more sense.
I STILL don't think that Ben is THAT bad tho'. I could enjoy an overnight with him, and help him pay his bills!
No. Ben is not all that bad looking. A little out of shape. Definitely not the typical build for a guy we would want to see do porn. He looks like your average guy who's been to a few too many keg parties at the frat house. After hearing David's above explanation as to how he came to be hired, I never had a problem with him filming.

And besides... It does kind of satisfy that curiosity of what guys of that build look like naked and having sex. I wouldn't want to see guys of that build on a regular basis. But it's an interesting change. And I'm very glad to hear that he got some money that he and his mom desperately needed.