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Kevin and Ben


Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Overall a good scene. Ben is nice, but not my cup of tea. I guess he'd look great face down in a pillow with his ass in the air! LOL.

Kevin on the other hand....... Woof! I like the look, the smile, the road to happiness and the dammit I AM GOING TO CUM attitude. Give him some time, practice he'll be less nervous and, I think, a great performer.

David.... you keep amazing us with the boys you find although I think more of a hands on approach might be fun!!!

Be well Brothers,

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Well i suppose the site is getting the benefits of the recession with these two guys! kevin looked the more relaxed of the two. I also like tall lanky guys kevin fits the bill.

Ben is sweet but lacks the definition of kevin. He also looks a little bit more repressed than kevin. Were their legs touching? I would like to see them both do more - especially kevin.
A perfect example of Broke Straight Boys diversity: a cute charming toughie and a bubba frat boy without the drawl. They were fine. I noticed that their dicks were conventional, cute, cut cocks, with no interesting urethra anomalies. Bit of a yawn, but variety is nice. Kevin finally managed to cum, but I didn't even try. Went back to Josh's double-header instead.

(yeah, "double-header" IS a double pun. ouch, ouch)
Kevin & Ben...this is diversity at its best. I paired these two boys together due to the fact I had a doctors appointment that day and I asked them off camera if I can film them together and they agreed.

I liked Kevin and I think he was cute. Ben I had no intentions of hiring...the story he told was very much true. He had two jobs, and he loves to spend his money, he did buy a car and he lived with his Mom to help pay the mortgage. What I did find out is that his Mom is very much over-extended and had major problems paying the mortgage and was very close to forecloser. I had no intentions in hiring Ben, he was a southern white boy trying to help out his Mom with the bills when he lost all his jobs.

Like I said, I didn't want to hire him as a model...but he insisted in applying an bugging me to place him on the site...well times must be awfully tight because in the first time in history of my porn career, I actually had the pleasure to speak to his Mom.

Ben basically told him Mom he wanted to do porn and he told her and showed her on the computer the Broke Straight Boys site and told her that he can model and earn some $$$ to pay for the bills & mortgage...of course with all parents they freaked out...so after weeks and months of me declining Ben, I get a call from his Mom begging me to hire him cause that is all he thinks about...she wasn't very happy that her son had to resort to this type of work...but I guess desperate times seeks desperate measures...I basically told her that her son does not have the looks...and she basically asked me to do her a favor and let her son work...my gosh...I was actually speaking to a Mom while she is pimping out her son to do porn...how weird was this? She of coursed asked the obvious parental questions and I can tell by speaking to her that she was for real.

I figured if this guy and his Mom can be so insisted to appear on the Broke Straight Boys site, I figured this will be my one year charity work to give the guy a chance. He did a few scenes, not that many...he's in one more scene...he made some money and we sent him on his way back home. We got a really nice phone call from his Mom thanking us for making sure we took care of her son and treated him right.

I know it may sound crazy...but true!
Kevin & Ben...this is diversity at its best. I paired these two boys together due to the fact I had a doctors appointment that day and I asked them off camera if I can film them together and they agreed.

I liked Kevin and I think he was cute. Ben I had no intentions of hiring...the story he told was very much true. He had two jobs, and he loves to spend his money, he did buy a car and he lived with his Mom to help pay the mortgage. What I did find out is that his Mom is very much over-extended and had major problems paying the mortgage and was very close to forecloser. I had no intentions in hiring Ben, he was a southern white boy trying to help out his Mom with the bills when he lost all his jobs.

Like I said, I didn't want to hire him as a model...but he insisted in applying an bugging me to place him on the site...well times must be awfully tight because in the first time in history of my porn career, I actually had the pleasure to speak to his Mom.

Ben basically told him Mom he wanted to do porn and he told her and showed her on the computer the Broke Straight Boys site and told her that he can model and earn some $$$ to pay for the bills & mortgage...of course with all parents they freaked out...so after weeks and months of me declining Ben, I get a call from his Mom begging me to hire him cause that is all he thinks about...she wasn't very happy that her son had to resort to this type of work...but I guess desperate times seeks desperate measures...I basically told her that her son does not have the looks...and she basically asked me to do her a favor and let her son work...my gosh...I was actually speaking to a Mom while she is pimping out her son to do porn...how weird was this? She of coursed asked the obvious parental questions and I can tell by speaking to her that she was for real.

I figured if this guy and his Mom can be so insisted to appear on the Broke Straight Boys site, I figured this will be my one year charity work to give the guy a chance. He did a few scenes, not that many...he's in one more scene...he made some money and we sent him on his way back home. We got a really nice phone call from his Mom thanking us for making sure we took care of her son and treated him right.

I know it may sound crazy...but true!

So if I can convince my Dad to call, does that mean I might get some futon time with one of the boys? lol

David thanks for sharing that. Most unusual indeed, in kind of a creepy way.:blink: Yeah, my mom would not have done that. :lol:

It was an ok shoot, but I definitely preferred the Josh and Ridge vid over this one.

I like Kevin a lot. Sexy body and attitude. I was surprised that Ben came first as his dick was wobbly for much of the shoot. I was rooting for Kevin. "Cum on, Kev! Think it! Feel it! Do it!". LOL! Whew! He had me worried for a minute! :001_smile:

David, please keep posting the backstage stuff. I LOVE it!
I too preferred the shoot with Josh and whoever it was next to him (Sorry. I only had eyes for Josh) but I will rewatch it 'cause the hilarious thought that a mom sent her baby boy to do man porn will add a dimension to it!
I read this thread before actually watching Kevin and Ben. Dave's behind the scenes, story of Ben is fascinating, and helped me to enjoy watching the scene even more. He certainly is not a traditionally "hot" guy, but he is an 18 year old straight guy. And Kevin is very hot. Neither guy got their dick's real hard for long, but that's part of the charm of first time straight guys. As I have stated before, the "straight" in Broke Straight Boys is hugely important to me, and knowing that in advance made me enjoy the video despite some of the other factors. I would like to see more similar shoots with duo's of first timers, but hopefully they would do some touching of each other, and maybe some sucking too. I like to see them doing things that they normally would never do. Thanks David for your excellent work.
Here is what I do not understand about this whole thing. I am going to assume that these guys know that the site is a gay porno site and they will be paid for having sex in front of a camera with another guy, hence the gay porn site. I also understand David's story about the desperation they were both facing. Even at the beginning when David asked if they minded jacking next to another guy Kevin indicated that he expected he would be having sex with a guy. That all makes sense. What makes no sense at all was David asking if they were willing to do more and the flat refusal to even consider it despite the fact that David said Ben's mother said that doing porn is all he thought about and knowing that the more he does the more money he makes. Somtimes things happen that I find very confusing This shoot in particular makes very little sense to me. Neither of them wanted to do anything, both could barely get an erection and then refused to consider doing anything but barely jacking off. David I thought I envied your job,after watching this and hearing your explination I have changed my mind. My feeling is that you rescued this shoot through the magic of editing. I hope there are easier days for you.
Here is what I do not understand about this whole thing. I am going to assume that these guys know that the site is a gay porno site and they will be paid for having sex in front of a camera with another guy, hence the gay porn site. I also understand David's story about the desperation they were both facing. Even at the beginning when David asked if they minded jacking next to another guy Kevin indicated that he expected he would be having sex with a guy. That all makes sense. What makes no sense at all was David asking if they were willing to do more and the flat refusal to even consider it despite the fact that David said Ben's mother said that doing porn is all he thought about and knowing that the more he does the more money he makes. Somtimes things happen that I find very confusing This shoot in particular makes very little sense to me. Neither of them wanted to do anything, both could barely get an erection and then refused to consider doing anything but barely jacking off. David I thought I envied your job,after watching this and hearing your explination I have changed my mind. My feeling is that you rescued this shoot through the magic of editing. I hope there are easier days for you.

My gosh Lester, I couldn't agree with you more. Good points on all of that. I was perplexed by way the whole scene played out. Usually when David asks 2 guys to jerk off next to each other without any touching we know where that really leads. LOL This one truly was 2 guys doing solos side by side.

I think we agree that while we may find it a turnon for straight guys to play hard to get, at the moment of truth we do expect them to put out. It's annoying when models play hard to get and then stick to their guns. After all, they have to find out about the site in order to apply. Then they fill out an application. Then they are told in person that it's a gay site. So there is no confusion or ambiguity there. They know darn well that they are not being hired to sell Girl Scout cookies. LOL And Ben especially knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

Having said all that we also know that in this scene Eddie had not prepped them ahead of time in any oral techniques or anything else. So anything extra they would have done would have been totally impromptu. That would have been scary for 2 straight guys. Given how difficult a time they had doing the basic jerkoff scene I doubt that they would have been able to go farther sexually with any better success.

I think it's really funny about Ben and his mom. Knowing the circmstances I think it's fine that David gave in and did a charity case. Talking to a model's mom who is doing her best to pimp out her son has to a quite a first. I'm relieved to hear that he is a charity case because I was worried that David might be losing his touch in finding cute models for us. LOL While Ben is not ugly he is very average and out of shape.

I do like Kevin . I'm hoping that his erection issues were just first time jitters in front of the camera. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. My mind wanders with thoughts of how far we could get him to go. Hmmmm... :biggrin:
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David, like paris said, all the behind the scenes stuff, told with your sense of humor, makes a gigantic difference to the enjoyment we get out of the scenes. Since the premise (of Broke Straight Boys) doesn't coincide 100% with the eventual product we get to see, all the info of the kind you've been giving us lately closes up the credibility gap to almost zero.

(All that pedantic stuff from last winter about "willing suspension of disbelief" was an attempt to address the problem of a reality that wasn't ringing true. Now it does. It's much more fun to be treated like an insider than like a punter who's only there to pay the bills. Fankoo wery wery much.)
I'm with slimvintage on this one - getting the inside scoop straight from the director makes things more, not less interesting.

As for average Ben's on-camera refusal to consider doing anything more even after his mother (his mother for God's sake) pimped him out - it just means he's straight. Typical hetero boy - don't mind the director and all members seeing him suck dick for a living, but scared shitless that the straight guy jerking off next to him might think he's gay.

And another thing, I don't care that he's plain looking, shove his face into a pillow, push his virgin butt up in the air and bang him like a prison bitch, it will do wonders for his appearance! I promise you.

Keep on keeping us in the loop Dave, it really makes me feel part of Broke Straight Boys, as if my business is appreciated. I think you will find me staying on as member for quite a while yet.

Kind Regards
Does Eddie Sell Lessons?

David, like paris said, all the behind the scenes stuff, told with your sense of humor, makes a gigantic difference to the enjoyment we get out of the scenes. Since the premise (of Broke Straight Boys) doesn't coincide 100% with the eventual product we get to see, all the info of the kind you've been giving us lately closes up the credibility gap to almost zero.

(All that pedantic stuff from last winter about "willing suspension of disbelief" was an attempt to address the problem of a reality that wasn't ringing true. Now it does. It's much more fun to be treated like an insider than like a punter who's only there to pay the bills. Fankoo wery wery much.)

I couldn't agree more with Slim and Perv, David. Giving us the inside info is really putting the "reality" into the site. It makes it more enjoyable, not less so.

So many times I've had to wonder if a high percentage of the models were gay or bi. Not because I thought you were trying to mislead us on the straight kink premise of the site but because I couldn't get over how well all these "straight" first timers sucked dick. After all, where is the gagging and choking and loud slurping sounds you would expect of amateur first timers? I couldn't reconcile how these guys could have such great oral technique with no prior practice whatsoever. Even for us gays most of our first attempts at oral were pretty clumsy without the benefit of experience or teaching. It's an acquired skill.

Knowing that Eddie gives them all practice sessions beforehand with plenty of teaching and direction makes a whole lot more sense. It also gives much more credibility to a higher percentage of the models really being straight. So again, giving us more behind the scenes info enhances the enjoyment of the site. It doesn't detract from it.

Eddie must be a very good teacher indeed! LOL He could make a fortune just giving out the lessons. If he can work those kind of wonders with first timers then I might have to come down to Broward for some tutoring myself. LOL (Not that I would expect any hands on practice with your hubby) LOL Or can he impart the benefit of his wisdom by phone? That could be a very good source of retirement income for him. :scared::blink::thumbup:
Film Eddie running a warm-up session

I couldn't agree more with Slim and Perv, David. Giving us the inside info is really putting the "reality" into the site. It makes it more enjoyable, not less so.

So many times I've had to wonder if a high percentage of the models were gay or bi. Not because I thought you were trying to mislead us on the straight kink premise of the site but because I couldn't get over how well all these "straight" first timers sucked dick. After all, where is the gagging and choking and loud slurping sounds you would expect of amateur first timers? I couldn't reconcile how these guys could have such great oral technique with no prior practice whatsoever. Even for us gays most of our first attempts at oral were pretty clumsy without the benefit of experience or teaching. It's an acquired skill.

Knowing that Eddie gives them all practice sessions beforehand with plenty of teaching and direction makes a whole lot more sense. It also gives much more credibility to a higher percentage of the models really being straight. So again, giving us more behind the scenes info enhances the enjoyment of the site. It doesn't detract from it.

Eddie must be a very good teacher indeed! LOL He could make a fortune just giving out the lessons. If he can work those kind of wonders with first timers then I might have to come down to Broward for some tutoring myself. LOL (Not that I would expect any hands on practice with your hubby) LOL Or can he impart the benefit of his wisdom by phone? That could be a very good source of retirement income for him. :scared::blink::thumbup:

This whole glasnost thing could be carried to amazing extremes. What about a shoot showing Eddie coaching the guys who appear in the next episode. Please David!

Well, actually, please Eddie! Do it dude.
I wonder if these training sessions are taped? I also wonder whether throwing two straight guys into a taped episode - no coaching, no easing into it gently, would make much of a difference to the hotness factor?

Moving onto a related topic, in the seminal Cousin Mikey bangs cousin Andrew they briefly discussed whether to go the condom route. "We better" said Anthony, "I don't want to crap on your dick." "I hate it when that happens" replied Mike.

I've never seen a crappy episode (geddit?-geddit? Sorry, moving on) yet, so a question : Is it down to careful editing or do you give the virgins an enema beforehand?

That could be fun to watch, at least I think so. Then again ............

I am
I thinkI know the answer

I wonder if these training sessions are taped? I also wonder whether throwing two straight guys into a taped episode - no coaching, no easing into it gently, would make much of a difference to the hotness factor?

Moving onto a related topic, in the seminal Cousin Mikey bangs cousin Andrew they briefly discussed whether to go the condom route. "We better" said Anthony, "I don't want to crap on your dick." "I hate it when that happens" replied Mike.

I've never seen a crappy episode (geddit?-geddit? Sorry, moving on) yet, so a question : Is it down to careful editing or do you give the virgins an enema beforehand?

That could be fun to watch, at least I think so. Then again ............

I am

One of the recently deflowered straighties, in a private convo, told how he crept away to flush himself out prior to the epi. Conversely some rusty stains on the futon-cover have slipped through the censor a time or two. Also, watch how the boys take the condom off and dispose of it in the "pull it out and jack till you cum on the small of his back/tummy/face" sequence. It's usually a case of the top dude rolling it off in the palm of his hand and chucking it off camera in a way that keeps it from being analyzed (yes, analyzed) by Dave's lens. Obviously some of those latex sleeves have more than lube on them.

Pervert, I like your style....
I wonder if these training sessions are taped? I also wonder whether throwing two straight guys into a taped episode - no coaching, no easing into it gently, would make much of a difference to the hotness factor?

Moving onto a related topic, in the seminal Cousin Mikey bangs cousin Andrew they briefly discussed whether to go the condom route. "We better" said Anthony, "I don't want to crap on your dick." "I hate it when that happens" replied Mike.

I've never seen a crappy episode (geddit?-geddit? Sorry, moving on) yet, so a question : Is it down to careful editing or do you give the virgins an enema beforehand?

That could be fun to watch, at least I think so. Then again ............

I am

Hey Perv! I too have been reliably informed the the boys are handed "Fleet" enemas and told in a rather clinical way what to do.

I don't believe they tape the episode but we have been told that they are photographed for publicity purposes.

Yes there have been some appearances of brown substances (briefly). I don't think Eddie or David does that close of an inspection after they emerge from the douche/shower routine. "Bend over please......."(and the latex glove makes that ominous slapping sound).

We rarely see butt hole shots before the fucking starts. I think that's cause the boy was truly deflowered in the blocking/rehearsal. That just fucked look would be a give away. Actually we don't get to see hole shots often. I finally got to see Tyler's when I bought College Boy Physicals #6.

I do appreciate all the details that David has given us. To me it enhances the scenes, not detract from them.

Be well brother,

Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???
Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???

David, here is a big old, HELL YEAH!!!

Anything you and Eddie wish to share would be EXCELLENT!!!
Would you guys like to see how Eddie works and does the photo shoots? I don't film that part because it may take up too much time or wasted time. I can do some more behind the scene filming if you guys prefer???


This is one of those times I could just jump on a plane, fly to Florida and give you and Eddie a Big Kiss (to start with?).

Yes Please! More behind the scenes with D and E!

:waw: :waw: :waw:

Love you!!!!!
