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Just for fun: BSB theme song.


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
As I was driving to work, playing one of my "Old School" CDs in the car, this song came on and I thought, wouldn't this make a fun theme song for my back ground music as I watch Broke Straight Boys videos? What would be your choice of a Theme Song? :anyone:

warning: explicit lyrics!

NEVERTHELESS, I LOVE(D) this song, and got SOOO pissed off at all the radio stations, because even 'after hours', they wouldn't play this song/it was banned from the radio, (EVEN THE PG version!). I was like "What happened to 'Freedom of Speech', 'Freedom of Choice'-to change the station if it was undesireable, and 'Freedom of Expression'? LOL

Very cool BETU!!! I used to love that song, so I'll join you with that theme song for Broke Straight Boys Hope your well my friend. p.s I just want to kiss the hell out of Damien Kyle in that pic!! haha

Thanks Peter! Yeah, the picture is a good one! Natural, no sexual over tones or innuendo! Let's me enjoy Damien Kyle as a person, but when he steps on to the set...he's all business! That's why..."The Boy is Mine"..

[video]http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0LEV0cpiSBTbwIAR8ml87UF;_ylc=X1MDOTU4 MTA0NjkEX3IDMgRiY2sDMmo1dWtkNTloZG5xbCUyNmIlM0Q0JT I2ZCUzREhxN2ozdXBwWUVKbTIyNE45dGI2M3IxM0tCbmE4ZHNP dkZBc3RnLS0lMjZzJTNEbGIlMjZpJTNESThIckMwMlBJYXFYVW RESFROVS4EZnIDdWgzX25ld3Nfd2ViX2dzBGdwcmlkA2pILmo0 VFlBUXlHRnhuWUpScnVvR0EEbXRlc3RpZANudWxsBG5fcnNsdA MwBG5fc3VnZwMxBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBv cwMxBHBxc3RyA3lvdXR1YmUgYnJhbmR5IHRoZSBib3kEcHFzdH JsAzIyBHFzdHJsAzMwBHF1ZXJ5A3lvdXR1YmUgYnJhbmR5IHRo ZSBib3kgaXMgbWluZQR0X3N0bXADMTM5NDYzNzUzOTAwMgR2dG VzdGlkA251bGw-?gprid=jH.j4TYAQyGFxnYJRruoGA&pvid=4NcJyjk4LjEpl9RpUxbfVQdvNjkuMlMgiSn_wjmI&p=youtube+brandy+the+boy+is+mine&fr=uh3_news_web_gs&fr2=sa-gp&iscqry=[/video]

I had to 'renew' my gay license!! LOL

OMG! Did that shit ever bring back memories!( Days of "clubbing".) I miss the whole "ritual" of getting ready to go out; the selecting of the "right outfit". Lord knows, you didn't want to be seen in the same ensemble as someone else! Thanks man. That made my day just listening to it!