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Jimmy and Zack

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Seriously I have tried to learn how to like and enjoy Jimmy but I swear as soon as I get over one bad habit he comes up with a new one. This boy is just a legend in his own mind. Now Zack on the other hand for every bad point that Jimmy brought to the couch Zack jumped in and held moment. He was just adorable in this scene and you almost felt sorry for him. It was such a turn on at the end when he sort of admitted liking it. I can’t help but wonder how much better this scene would have been if it were to have been starting Diesal and Zack. Hands down it would have been a 5 pointer.
Denners dude,

You're on point regarding everything you say. But whereas Jimmy has managed to fuck up his rep with you, I haven't watched all his episodes by any means and therefore came to this one relatively free from personal prejudice. I did remember, seeing him again, that the persona he's portraying is occasionally hammed up just enough to keep him from seeming genuine. When he can control his kabuki-style mugging and eyerolling, and let the sincerity peep through, he's actually quite real. His face is extraordinary. He's got that uber-masculine pugilistic swollen flatness on the one hand, combined on the other with something rueful and sweet that comes through when he's not showing off --and sometimes his gaze has a sort of canny depth that comes as a surprise.

Zack is just the way you describe him and I watched this scene mainly for him. But I didn't feel sorry for him at all. Jimmy's dick went right in without a whimper from Zach. He stayed pretty stiff for most of the fucking. In fact what looked at first like anguish (once he got face up and you could see him better) seemed to segue directly into one of the better Broke Straight Boys orgasms, like Nelson's where his whole body juddered with waves of sensation as the cum just kept cumming. Zack's bucking spasmodically as he finished himself off was terrific. Clay's camera in this scene was amazing.

I've read so much about Jimmy's insulting disdain that to see him rock hard and docilely fucking a boy was a welcome relief, and to see Zach liking it was totally hot.

To me this is where Broke Straight Boys 2.0. came into its own, and Clay definitively proved he knows what he's doing. There can now be good, bad and indifferent episodes just like before without our reading an apocalypse into every one.
Denners dude,

You're on point regarding everything you say. But whereas Jimmy has managed to fuck up his rep with you, I haven't watched all his episodes by any means and therefore came to this one relatively free from personal prejudice. I did remember, seeing him again, that the persona he's portraying is occasionally hammed up just enough to keep him from seeming genuine. When he can control his kabuki-style mugging and eyerolling, and let the sincerity peep through, he's actually quite real. His face is extraordinary. He's got that uber-masculine pugilistic swollen flatness on the one hand, combined on the other with something rueful and sweet that comes through when he's not showing off --and sometimes his gaze has a sort of canny depth that comes as a surprise.

Zack is just the way you describe him and I watched this scene mainly for him. But I didn't feel sorry for him at all. Jimmy's dick went right in without a whimper from Zach. He stayed pretty stiff for most of the fucking. In fact what looked at first like anguish (once he got face up and you could see him better) seemed to segue directly into one of the better Broke Straight Boys orgasms, like Nelson's where his whole body juddered with waves of sensation as the cum just kept cumming. Zack's bucking spasmodically as he finished himself off was terrific. Clay's camera in this scene was amazing.

I've read so much about Jimmy's insulting disdain that to see him rock hard and docilely fucking a boy was a welcome relief, and to see Zach liking it was totally hot.

To me this is where Broke Straight Boys 2.0. came into its own, and Clay definitively proved he knows what he's doing. There can now be good, bad and indifferent episodes just like before without our reading an apocalypse into every one.

Slimy you know you do have a point as all of the crap that turned me off happened in the interview part of the scene. After they finally shut up and stopped bickering about what they were not going to do the rest was pretty good. I will say he does have a nice bod and a dam nice ass. And your right Clay is coming around nicely although he still did the show the money thing again but hopefully that will leave soon. But that Zack is just a hoot, can I keep him Paw?
I like the fact that each episode begins with the actual date that the scene was shot, something that our former member and outspoken forumite Jon requested all of the time. This scene was shot on February 12, 2011. We did not watch the first episode of Broke Straight Boys-2 until April 2, 2011, so the scenes we are now watching in no way take into account any of our criticisms or suggestions for Mark and Clay to implement. Therefore there was still the flashing of $100 bills as props, and Clay had both boys utter his silly, and demeaning phrase "I'll do almost anything for money".

Keeping that in mind, I still see constant improvement in each episode, and I believe that by the time we are watching scenes that are filmed after Mark told us that he is listening to us, we will see an even better product. But with all of that as a preamble, this scene was still top notch to me. Zach is a cutie, with a less than perfect body, but a very cute face and he is a very sexual guy.

And as Slimmie said, Jimmy is "quite real". He told us in his BTS episode that he played football in school, and he has very much of a jock mentality, and I find the developing playful interchange between him and Clay quite charming, much like a coach and player relationship, where Jimmy does want to follow the coach's instructions. He puts his "game face" on when it comes to the sex and tries his best to do what the coach tells him to do. I especially got a chuckle out of when Jimmy told Clay that he was as ready as he would ever be, and he bounced his rock hard dick against his tummy without using hands, and Clay had him sing "Twinkle Little Star" while flexing his hard cock. It was funny, human and sexy.

Jimmy's attitude is still very much one that he does gay sex only for money, and he uses the straight porn playing as a crutch, and always diverts his eyes to the video screen whenever he is feeling too much passion or pleasure from the mouth or ass of another guy. He seemed to be fighting the pleasure that Zach was giving him, and couldn't look into Zach's eyes, as that would have been too "gay" while his body was feeling so very good. I believe that he is starting to realize that he enjoys getting head, or fucking a dude's ass as much or more than he gets pleasure from his girlfriend. This evolution in a young man who calls himself straight, is a large part of what makes Broke Straight Boys such a fascinating process in the transformation of the model's experiences, and sometimes values, regarding gay sex.

I would suggest to those who do not enjoy Jimmy's somewhat over the top, macho jock personality, and sense of humor, to fast forward past all of the banter, the jokes, the throwing of money at his feet to entice him to lick a guy's ass, and even the cock sucking, if you want. Start watching when Jimmy inserts his dick into Zach, and watch the pure fucking, as both boy's get more and more into the experience. Watch Zach stay hard throughout his pounding, and watch Jimmy really let loose with a powerful thrusting action as Zach moans in pleasure and eventually shoots his load all over his chest while Jimmy pounds him to orgasm.

I'm a big fan of Jimmy. Zach is a wonderful bottom, and this episode was a five in my opinion. And I believe that the overall scenes will get better, and hotter when we see the implementation of the criticism from the forum about the use of the money props, as well as other unnecessary props like fish or over indulging in someone's (Clay's ?) foot fetish. We are now into the fifth week of viewing Broke Straight Boys v-2 and I am extremely pleased, and expect the scenes to get better and better as the weeks and months go on. :thumbup:
Jimmy is getting a bit tiresome isn't he? But I did notice that he was oddly more eager to get on with the fucking than the sucking. Zack on the other hand is getting into it quite well. He was on the money with his oral and I even detected a look in his face that said "Jimmy's a bit of a tool but we know he's gonna come around soon." Once he's run out of excuses to claim he doesn't like sticking his dick in a male hole.
Mickeyank beat me to it. I wanted to point out too that this episode was shot in February before Clay received all our negative comments about Jimmy.

Again the same whiny voice, the sighing and only looking at the video being played with no consideration for Zach who, in my opinion, did a great job.

He deserves a 5, Jimmy a 1 at best.

Maybe the early episodes with Jimmy can be thrown in the trash (presuming that there are more we haven't seen; after all Jimmy was treated to a trip to NYC so he must have earned that somehow).

More of Zach please. No more of Jimmy please.
When will Jimmy become popular?

I feel that all the criticism of Jimmy will come to an end when he is the passive receipient of anal sex while he has something in his mouth so he can't be complaining all the time! I'll give it till mid summer.
I feel that all the criticism of Jimmy will come to an end when he is the passive recipient of anal sex while he has something in his mouth so he can't be complaining all the time! I'll give it till mid summer.

As a newly ordained member of the "Forces of Evil" ( on another thread) I can agree with that. :001_smile: But time will tell. :wink:
I really like Zack, but it's a shame to waste his appeal and porn life cycle in a scene Jimmy. Jimmy does nothing for me at all. Sure he has a good body, but as soon as he speaks or rolls his eyes I lose interest. I definitely like the idea of him being straight and acting the part, but there has to be some sort of middle ground where he can at least try to lose himself in it a little.

I'm trying to hang in with the hope of improvement. Unfortunately each time Jimmy appears in scene, any gains made by other models are quickly lost.

- Josh
To me this is where Broke Straight Boys 2.0. came into its own, and Clay definitively proved he knows what he's doing. There can now be good, bad and indifferent episodes just like before without our reading an apocalypse into every one.

Very well said Slim. I'm still not a big Jimmy fan. But he is improving in baby steps with each vid.

We've seen enough of Clay's nascent work now that I think we have turned the corner. We can still find vids that we don't personally like as much as others, just as we did before. (And just as we do with models) Even without our input yet the vids are getting better. I think most of us can breathe a sigh of relief that the site is not going to hell in a hand basket. haha :001_smile:
We've seen enough of Clay's nascent work now that I think we have turned the corner. We can still find vids that we don't personally like as much as others, just as we did before. (And just as we do with models) Even without our input yet the vids are getting better. I think most of us can breathe a sigh of relief that the site is not going to hell in a hand basket. haha :001_smile:
Tampa, even though you are a Ray's fan, and a founding member of the "Forces of Evil", I still love you :001_tt2:, and I totally agree with you and Slim, that all is "not going to hell in a hand basket", here, and we can enjoy or dislike the model's and episodes on an individual basis, and that Clay is becoming a very competent keeper of the flame, that David so expertly began. Long live Broke Straight Boys :001_smile:
One-sided anal sex = not my cup of tea

All I can say is that if you do nothing more than consider the physical effort that went into this scene, yes Jimmy's brow had sweat on it, but Zack was the powerhouse in this scene. Zack made this all happen and it was only incidental that Jimmy had his dick inside Zack's ass. I guess I am old fashioned but I kinda like the top to lead sexual energy wise. In this case, Jimmy motivation was sufficient to only keep his dick hard, whereas Zack was going through all types of gymnastics to keep the flame (meaning passion) going in this scene.

I chose not to vote due to the discrepancy of performances between the two boys. On a scale of 5, Zack definitely deserves a 5, but Jimmy doesn't deserve a 1 in my book. We have asked in the past to be able to rate each of the models independently so that management gets a true picture of how each model is doing. For now we are stuck with the old system which averages ratings among the models in the scene.

Even if I had awarded Jimmy with an undeserved rating of 1, that would average a 3 for both models and that seems so unfair to both models being rated. Zack definitely deserves a high rating but would only receive a 3 for all of his efforts making this scene work. Jimmy who put so little into this scene walks away with an inflated average of 3 that I feel is totally unfair to Zack.

Therefore, I refused to vote at all for this scene out of contempt for Jimmy's negative attitude. We need to be able to rate each model independently to be fair!

Sincerely at an impasse due to Jimmy's poor attitude toward Zach,

This scene was awesome. Loved every minute of it. I really don't know what you guys are bitching about. You got a hot straight stud doing a pretty guy. What more could you possible want? I don't understand why everyone didn't give this one 5 stars. Zach should be honored to be fucked by Jimmy.
I chose not to vote due to the discrepancy of performances between the two boys. On a scale of 5, Zack definitely deserves a 5, but Jimmy doesn't deserve a 1 in my book.


I didn't vote either. For the same reason Stimpy didn't. Poor Zack had to carry the entire weight of this episode all by himself. He has the right attitude throughout all his episodes and apparently realizes what he's here for and performs as such. Meaning, he earns his money.

As for Jimmy, I agree that on the BTS episodes he does come across as personable and likeable. But in the studio, he's in front of the porn camera, so forget about his looks and his nice ass and all you've got left is a conceited robot who's learned how to fuck. It's just mechanical and going through the motions.

This scene was awesome. Loved every minute of it. I really don't know what you guys are bitching about. You got a hot straight stud doing a pretty guy. What more could you possible want? I don't understand why everyone didn't give this one 5 stars. Zach should be honored to be fucked by Jimmy.
I gave this episode 5 stars. This is exactly the kind of scene that I enjoy so much. This is what I came to Broke Straight Boys for originally, and Jimmy is the kind of model that I so enjoy watching. :001_tt2:
Some of us really need to lighten up, Excellent video, and Jimmy gets my vote fro best actor in a bedromm fuck scene. I can hardly wait till he bottoms, er, oops, I mean till he uhm, aw, sh*t, I hope I didn't give the plot awy! LOL! Good job by all!

PS Typos courtesy of new pet!
Some of us really need to lighten up, Excellent video, and Jimmy gets my vote fro best actor in a bedromm fuck scene. I can hardly wait till he bottoms, er, oops, I mean till he uhm, aw, sh*t, I hope I didn't give the plot awy! LOL! Good job by all!

PS Typos courtesy of new pet!

Welcome to "The Forces of Evil" my friend. Tampa and I welcome you with open arms.:w00t:
Zack guarantees a hot video. Boyish young, submissive, straight, good looks...

And Jimmy's attitude is tiresome indeed. The moment we find some new handsome straight model for Zack, the forces of evil can have Jimmy.:booty:
I think Zach puts everything he has into his performance

Zack guarantees a hot video. Boyish young, submissive, straight, good looks...

And Jimmy's attitude is tiresome indeed. The moment we find some new handsome straight model for Zack, the forces of evil can have Jimmy.:booty:

Dear Robert,

Jimmy needs to have an "major attitude adjustment" for sure. He is not bad looking and he can muster a "charming attitude" when he wants to. Only his dismissive and arrogant attitude he exudes really stinks! This thing of going robotically through the motions is not pleasant to watch. If he is so threatened about becoming gay, then why is he on this site period. Most employers get rid of those with a poor attitude first thing.

Zach, on the other hand, deserves as much praise as a model can get. He is a real "Trooper" and he has a heart of gold. He is someone I can easily buy into in this pairing. Think about it, if you were the "bottom model" in this scene with a person just a little short of being "homophobic" and not caring about how it was for you on the receiving end, wouldn't you feel you were getting the short-end of the stick from Jimmy. Of course you would!

It was very reminiscent of the lackluster performances routinely given by the "stud bull" known as "Brendan". Brendan never was reciprocal in his scenes on Broke Straight Boys and he had such an undeserved sense of "entitlement and arrogance" while on the set. It was just aggravating to see the smirk on his face suggesting his innate "superiority"! I won't say Jimmy is as arrogant, but he is not far behind Brendan. I strongly objected of Brendan's performances on Broke Straight Boys at the time and, without some considerable change in Jimmy's sour attitude, I guess I will be forced to continue my whining, as some members characterize it.

Sincerely appreciative of Zack only,:worship::worship::anal_smiley:
