While you made the point rather strongly Jason, I can't disagree with the general thrust of it. Colin is new in here and is not aware that Jimmy brings alot of baggage to the table. There have been many scenes where he has treated his scene partners like rag dolls in the past. (With the same consequences of low ratings from the general membership and negative reviews from members within the forum.) This one just took his usual routine to a higher level. So it should not have come as a shock to mgmt that we...and many in the general membership who never read the forum...didn't clue in on the fact that Jimmy was attempting something "new" here.
We do have Jimmy to thank though for finally telling us that a rough fucking session had been their goal all along. We have Colin to thank for assuring us that he likes rough sex and fully consented to this scene. Then all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Given those assurances by the models themselves we can now see the scene within its proper context. However, most future members will see it in the same context that we first did...unless they happen to dust off this thread beforehand. Which leads me to my next point.
I feel that the lesson to be learned from all this negative drama is
not that mgmt should never put out more scenes with rough fucking in them. I think what it does show is that when they attempt these kinds of scenes that they need to do a much better job in the intro part for the viewers. It needs to be said very openly and forthrightly on camera what the viewers can look forward to seeing. As long as the viewers are brought fully on board we won't have these major misunderstandings of scenes. Clay did say something about what the scene would be like but it wasn't stated with enough seriousness. It sounded like sarcasm that was just intended to tease the new guy. Some people may not have even heard him.
Colin did an excellent job here! He worked his ass off in this scene (both figuratively and literally) hoping for a big success. I'm sorry that it didn't go over as well as he had hoped. If nothing else he felt the luv of everyone in here who was so concerned about him being treated unfairly.
There's always the next scene Colin!

And you know that you have loyal fans who will support and encourage you. We look forward to your next adventure.