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Jimmy and Colin

I agree with Stimpy and all the others that posted a complete dissatisfaction with this episode. This could've been a 5-star episode, but instead Jimmy turned it into his personal conquest that was all about 'me Me, ME!"

I knew this episode was going to be a loser the second I saw that smirk come on Jimmy's face and he said to Colin, "It's part of the game!" That statement right there summed up his total wanton disregard for his partner and the entire tone of this episode.

I wish we could have a "0" rating to choose on the voting scale, because I was forced to give it a "1" when it didn't even deserve that.

If they don't start pairing Colin up with someone worthwhile who knows the right way to interact with him, he's probably going to get totally turned off and quit altogether. And that would be a shame because he's a great model.
As I made mention in a previous tread.. perhaps Jimmy should try out for the various S&M sites and perform for them..Perhpas he would even like those sites better as he could always wear a leather mask and no one would recognize him. I am sure those who subscribe to such sites would love him..After so many negative reviews as to this particular episode and the negative reviews regarding Jimmy and how many episodes we have had forced upon us a subscribers.. I can only HOPE that management will take into account what has been noted about Jimmy and.. PLEASE.. give it a rest.. in fact.. I would perfer that we not see Jimmy for at least 2 or 3 or 4 months...or perhaps management should consider hiring a new recruiter to get more hot models so that Clay does feel that he HAS TO give us Jimmy again.. or even at all. For Jimmy to swash his cum on Collin's face REALLY does say something about Jimmy and how he regards his partners.. I will leave it up to the readers of this post as to what that "something" is.
OMG !!!! I just noticed.. that we will be seeing Jimmy in two back-to-back episodes.. CLAY....PLEASE..Let Jimmy move on to other sites more suited..If you would note the comments posted prior to the new Broke Straight Boys.there were never so many negative comments about one model as there has been with Jimmy..Should that not say anything to you??.. and as I noted before..none of his episodes have been listed on the home page as being one of the Members Favorites..or perhaps you just gloss over the negative comments and take pride in those few Jimmy fans....Perhaps rating the models as well as the episodes whould be an idea to consider.. or perhaps..that would be too threatening of an idea..but an idea nonetheless
Ditto Larkster. Couldn't express it better myself so I won't try.
OMG !!!! I just noticed.. that we will be seeing Jimmy in two back-to-back episodes.. CLAY....PLEASE..Let Jimmy move on to other sites more suited..If you would note the comments posted prior to the new Broke Straight Boys.there were never so many negative comments about one model as there has been with Jimmy..Should that not say anything to you??.. and as I noted before..none of his episodes have been listed on the home page as being one of the Members Favorites..or perhaps you just gloss over the negative comments and take pride in those few Jimmy fans....Perhaps rating the models as well as the episodes whould be an idea to consider.. or perhaps..that would be too threatening of an idea..but an idea nonetheless

The back-to-back episodes with Jimmy was the main tipping point for my leaving. I simply cannot bear to pay money to have this model featured in a third of the episodes (not including solos). If he were a good performer, I wouldn't mind so much. Management apparently has a hard-on for him, and that's fine. But I don't and am choosing not to fund this love-affair.
Whew I liveon the west coast and this was a lot to wake up to! Lol I havnt even had my coffee yet! All I have to say right now is in no way shape or form was I raped. I could of said no and stopped at any point. Jimmy just has a differnt style. Differnt strokes for differnt folks. Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it. Its part of being strait and doing gay porn. My wifey is helping me so I can stop being in so much pain and start giving u guys some more pleasurable scenes.

Colin, thanks for sharing that. I'm sure it will go a long way in easing everyone's concerns. But sex of this type is just not what I expect of Broke Straight Boys As has been mentioned, other sites specialize in brutal, one-sided fuck scenes. That's not what I signed up for. Despite the fact you didn't mind, what is shown on the screen is what really matters to viewers, and many are turned off. The whole point of what you and Jimmy do is to provide erotic entertainment. When it ceases to be erotic, it's something else entirely.
Colin, thanks for sharing that. I'm sure it will go a long way in easing everyone's concerns. But sex of this type is just not what I expect of Broke Straight Boys As has been mentioned, other sites specialize in brutal, one-sided fuck scenes. That's not what I signed up for. Despite the fact you didn't mind, what is shown on the screen is what really matters to viewers, and many are turned off. The whole point of what you and Jimmy do is to provide erotic entertainment. When it ceases to be erotic, it's something else entirely.

Hey balboa. Your welcome and thank you. I am working on it buddy.
colin, dude, it is good to see you are posting.
when i watch football, i expect to see guys in pain; not so much when i watch sex on video.
i once watched a scene where the bottom model cursed, sang and prayed so loudly that the next day my neighbor said, 'his first time?'.
i thought of that scene and thought how much better you dealt with it in your scene.
i think it was outside my comfort zone.
colin, dude, it is good to see you are posting.
when i watch football, i expect to see guys in pain; not so much when i watch sex on video.
i once watched a scene where the bottom model cursed, sang and prayed so loudly that the next day my neighbor said, 'his first time?'.
i thought of that scene and thought how much better you dealt with it in your scene.
i think it was outside my comfort zone.
Fellow forumites please don't throw the word "rape" around so casually even in the context of a porn website. This was not rape and anyone who has been raped can tell you that. Maybe it's the cynic in me, but remember guys and gals, these are porn ACTors (emphasis intended). I have seen other episodes on this site and cdudes with very agressive fuck scenes and sometimes the bottom curses and screams and says nothing and other times the bottom says "not too hard", "not so fast", "easy", or a variety of other things to control the situation. From the get-go I've had a problem with Jimmy's attitude, but he is that straight guy who would escort or hustle back in the day as "french passive and greek active" which, for you younger people means he got sucked and but did not suck, and he fucked but didn't get fucked. It appears that management has decided that Jimmy is going to be that guy at least for the present. I don't know how this type of site works, but everyone seems to be getting on Clay about using Jimmy so much. Doesn't the site owner have a determining role in such matters? Jimmy was designated as the face of the new BSB2.0 in April when his solo scene was the first on 2.0 Wouldn't that be the owner doing that? In any event, this post should not be taken by any of you who didn't like the scene as criticism of your views. Rather, just my perspective.
Sorry, I'm NOT INTO TORTURE WTF??? Colin looked like he was CRYING, this is not my idea of sex. If Colin was acting, he overshot the mark by 100% This was disgusting. At times, I've been surprised by Jimmy's compassion toward the other guys, "are you okay"... etc. None of that today! Watching someone writhe in pain is not fun, not sexy and its disturbing. If these guys are bottoming, don't they get any coaching? Some dildos to practice with? Anything?? I get it; they are supposed to be 'straight' and not accustomed to anal intrusions but this is going WAY TOO FAR. Very very bad scene.
I know Colin got a call and was asked to write this post to try and chill everyone out. I'm not buying it.
Whew I liveon the west coast and this was a lot to wake up to! Lol I havnt even had my coffee yet! All I have to say right now is in no way shape or form was I raped. I could of said no and stopped at any point. Jimmy just has a differnt style. Differnt strokes for differnt folks. Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it. Its part of being strait and doing gay porn. My wifey is helping me so I can stop being in so much pain and start giving u guys some more pleasurable scenes.

Colin, dude! Your every post makes me love you more. How someone can be so forgiving and so open in this situation is beyond me. You aren't the one who did anything wrong here. You're almost apologizing to us for not being able to take a rough, uncaring, assfuck. We never asked you or anyone else to do that for us! You give us pleasurable scenes just by being who you are and being honest. I think it is great that you are working with your wife in the way you are, but when you say "Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it." you have to realize that some of us simply DON'T WANT THAT FOR YOU. That is the problem, and that is why people are being so vocal here. I want you to feel pleasure from this, because that is what makes this interesting for me. As others have said, I really don't get enjoyment from watching someone put through pain, even if they are forgiving about it.

Since management doesn't seem to care much, but you seem to have some level of respect for Jimmy, perhaps you could talk to him about the concerns some of us have? I'd really like to like Jimmy, seeing as he appears here so much and I'd like to get my money's worth, but it is impossible with the way he behaves here. I am starting to believe that management has purposefully created this situation to stir up some drama within the membership. I can't explain the reluctance to do something about this growing problem any other way. I think it is going to backfire on them.

I take umbrage with those saying "don't use the word 'rape.'" People are expressing their strong negative impressions of the scene. You can rest assured that if I though rape were actually occurring here, I'd be calling some law enforcement officials.
Yes I said the "R" word, but...

Colin, dude! Your every post makes me love you more. How someone can be so forgiving and so open in this situation is beyond me. You aren't the one who did anything wrong here. You're almost apologizing to us for not being able to take a rough, uncaring, assfuck. We never asked you or anyone else to do that for us! You give us pleasurable scenes just by being who you are and being honest. I think it is great that you are working with your wife in the way you are, but when you say "Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it." you have to realize that some of us simply DON'T WANT THAT FOR YOU. That is the problem, and that is why people are being so vocal here. I want you to feel pleasure from this, because that is what makes this interesting for me. As others have said, I really don't get enjoyment from watching someone put through pain, even if they are forgiving about it.

Since management doesn't seem to care much, but you seem to have some level of respect for Jimmy, perhaps you could talk to him about the concerns some of us have? I'd really like to like Jimmy, seeing as he appears here so much and I'd like to get my money's worth, but it is impossible with the way he behaves here. I am starting to believe that management has purposefully created this situation to stir up some drama within the membership. I can't explain the reluctance to do something about this growing problem any other way. I think it is going to backfire on them.

I take umbrage with those saying "don't use the word 'rape.'" People are expressing their strong negative impressions of the scene. You can rest assured that if I though rape were actually occurring here, I'd be calling some law enforcement officials.

Dear navelluver and other like minded forumites, and especially Colin,

Yes, I dared to use the "R" word to characterize the totally brutal way in which this deplorable scene was "executed". I took liberties with the legal usage of the word "rape" as a consequence of the inhumane liberties taken with Colin as the unfortunate VICTIM. Frankly, I thought my taking liberties with the "R" word was minuscule when compared to the liberties taken in this anal scene.

What is really ironic is that I came to this scene with an open mind hoping to see Jimmy had turned over a "kinder-gentler leaf", as I had sensed Jimmy had been moderating his "straight-boy" attitude somewhat. I was naively hoping that we would be treated by a scene with Jimmy that was pleasureable for both parties involved in the scene and the audience. Obviously, this was not to be the case and only reinforces my utter distaste for Jimmy's completely selfish disregard for the welfare of whom ever the unfortunate recipient is of his overly aggressive and "painful" fucking mechanics. This has no entertainment value or place on this site.

Colin, all I can say is that many forumites truly value you, your honesty in your posts, and find you to be a wonderful person worthy of our respect. I can not imagine what bodily damage ensued following this merciless fucking you received. For anyone to say, you could have called it off at any time, perhaps they would say the same to any rape victim putting all the onus on the "victim", rather than the actual "perpetrator".

Personally, with the brutal intensity of this incident, I can only imagine you were probably in a "state of shock" both during and following this horrible episode. Let's not forget for one minute the numerous, repeated times you communicated through words, groans, and facial grimaces all of the pain broadcasted on your face throughout most of this scene. If it was obvious to the observers, surely it should have been obvious to Clay too! Why did he not put a HALT to this himself? But maybe management, who went to great lengths to create this monster, doesn't want to hear objections from either Colin or Clay. This is not an extreme S&M site afterall.

All I can say is that this is one Broke Straight Boys member that sincerely feels the necessity to apologize to YOU, COLIN for the senseless beating you took in this horribly violent anal scene! It represents Broke Straight Boys at its very worst! Maybe it is not technically rape, but it isn't far from it! No human deserves what you had to endure.


I know Colin got a call and was asked to write this post to try and chill everyone out. I'm not buying it.

Tony I value and respect your opinions and observations but please don't make farse statements against me. Thanks man.

I think what everyone is trying to say is that the experience should be enjoyable for you. Not only is everyone upset that Jimmy treated you in a most brutal and obviously uncaring way, but the management is equally to blame as well. They should know better than this. This is not the way to introduce someone to this aspect of sex. They should've had the decency and foresight to pair you up with someone that would take their time and do it the right way and make it pleasurable for you and exciting for us to watch. But they didn't. Even if this was a straight porn site, and Jimmy had done to a virgin/inexperienced girl what he did to you, it would still be wrong.

You are owed a BIG apology.
This could go on forever

There can be no end to this because everyone has their own point of view. I'm sorry that I caused someone to take umbrage at calling this scene rape, but I have a very strong feeling about using certain incendiary words except in their truest context. And insofar as my saying that Colin could have stopped the scene at anytime - that wasn't just me - I was paraphrasing Colin himself when, in his post he said, "I could of said no and stopped at any point." As to why he didn't, only he can tell us. I can only take him at his word.
i like skydiving, but there is no way on earth that i would base jump.
there is no clear way to explain it. one i like and the other holds no interest for me.
i like good hard man sex. no love, just sex! i do not like seeing a pained look on anybody's face.
a little discomfort upon insertion is natural. unbelivable pain is cause for concern.
sex should not make anyone look like they would rather be attack by badgers.
sex can fun, if you know where to find the spots. always look for the spots.
this scene is like watching a base jumping movie. ok, but it is not for me.
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I for one gave the scene five stars, of course I like rough sex. But what mystifies me is the people that are villianizing Jimmy for not making the scene more romantic. What do they expect, the top to bring the bottom a dozen roses along with a romantic dinner!?!? The name of this site is Broke Straight Boys.com, not EmotionalGayMenMakingLove.com.

As for the rape comments, since when is rough sex considered rape? Jimmy wasn't holding a gun to Colin's head. I never once heard Colin use the word, "Stop". Colin just laid there and took it like a real champ. It was probably his first time and was incredibly realistic for first time sex. If Colin had taken it like a Plug-&-Play Power Bottom, I would have probably hollered foul. Now having said that, I'm sure with Colin & his wife's anal exploration sessions, bottoming will become easier for Colin. Also, if/when Jimmy reads this post, I think it would be a nice gesture to let Colin return the favor in your next scene together!