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Jimmy and Colin


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Liked the new scene with Jimmy and Colin, definately five stars!
before i could get into watching the scene, i got lost at the production date.
doesn't 8/2011 come after 7/2011?
jamie and colin was dated 8/2011 and jimmy and colin is dated 7/2011.
the narrative says this is colin's second time.
maybe, there is too much cat urine in the air, but for some reason i am CONFUSED!
the scene paired a take charge top with a real freaky guy.
for that it was good. real good!
points off from the voyeur in me for the squat fuck position just before the cum shots. couldn't see a thing and for that half ass reach around.
points off from the archivist in me for the who's first thing. the order of the months has long been set. july is followed by august.
colin good jammy no ...... there for one star, becase one bad apple spoiles the bunch.
Colin, Colin, Colin, I feel for you bro. With Jamie it was hot, but with Jimmy it was painful to watch. Jimmy you were gaining some finesse, but that was the brutal, I'm straight and you're a job to do, I have no feelings for, meataxe approach that made your scenes hard to watch before. Acting is a part of porn. I get it. You're straight, but if you can't fake a little caring for the person you're fucking, it's like watching a rape. Which is about power, not sex. I'm not interested in watching a power trip.
:thumbup1:Woof! Ride em cowboy!! Hurts so good!:thumbup:

I love a little passion to but sometime, It's all about pushing a mans face into the pillow and bringing in the crops. :biggrin:
before i could get into watching the scene, i got lost at the production date.
doesn't 8/2011 come after 7/2011?
jamie and colin was dated 8/2011 and jimmy and colin is dated 7/2011.
the narrative says this is colin's second time.
maybe, there is too much cat urine in the air, but for some reason i am CONFUSED!
the scene paired a take charge top with a real freaky guy.
for that it was good. real good!
points off from the voyeur in me for the squat fuck position just before the cum shots. couldn't see a thing and for that half ass reach around.
points off from the archivist in me for the who's first thing. the order of the months has long been set. july is followed by august.
I believe that the dates shown that the scenes were recorded are correct, however they are sometimes released out of order, (which is a longtime complaint by forumites, going way back).

The models are apparently still flown into the production studio, in Florida, where they shoot several scenes over the several days that they are in Florida, (that is why Colin said he told friends that he was away at a convention, and Jimmy to be an "underwear model"). The problem comes in where the models shoot several scenes together, and management tries to space out the release dates, so as not to feature the same models paired together in several straight scenes.

Look at Colin's hairstyle in this scene. It is the way it was before the scene with Jamie, where it is now much shorter. I believe that the written commentary mentioned this was Colin's second time being fucked, for us to read, as we already saw Jamie doing it to him.

I have no direct information or knowledge if my theory is correct. It is just based on being a longtime fan of the site, and recalling the previous "out of order" controversies on the forum. If I am not accurate, I would ask management to please correct me.
Confused, Conflicted

I'm a bit confused and a bit conflicted about this scene. As mentioned above, it was out of sequence. Who fucked Collin first??? In this scene he was able to cum getting fucked, but not in the scene with Jamie. Yet it seems that Jimmie fucked him first.
I'm conflicted because although Jimmie topped aggressively and it was hot, if this was Collin's first time then the topping was too rough. Collin looked like he was in a lot of pain, but he also looked that way with Jamie. Is that what he's feeling, or was he directed to show pain to attract new members to the site who want to see a straight guy "hate getting fucked?" It was interesting to note that Collin said he didn't want to say how he felt about it all on camera. I'd like to know, how DID he feel?
Jimmie did what Clay told him to do. If the director wanted him to be more gentle, he would have been. All the scenes and specifics are set-up prior to the shoot. Jimmie didn't go rogue on Collin's ass. Collin could have stopped it and taken a few long breaks or asked that Jimmie be less aggressive. In this forum, we tend to blame the performers for being too rough, but there is a director there to set the pace and boundaries. Let's hope Clay is doing his job. Clay telling Collin to say "I like it" was dumb. All indications were to the contrary. It was demeaning to make him say that.
It wasn't a memorable scene. I hate the BJ push-up routine. It's been done on here at least two other times. Over it!
Collin needs time to get used to all this. He talks a good game on the forum, but his early experiences with all this have to be difficult and challenging. Porn doesn't come easy! Just ask Jimmie.

Jimmie punking Collin with wiping his cum on Collin's cheek was so straight boy, and actually very funny!
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Too bad Colin's talent was wasted in this scene ... he deserves to be paired with someone better, like Jason.
RAPE is RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Colin, Colin, Colin, I feel for you bro. With Jamie it was hot, but with Jimmy it was painful to watch. Jimmy you were gaining some finesse, but that was the brutal, I'm straight and you're a job to do, I have no feelings for, meataxe approach that made your scenes hard to watch before. Acting is a part of porn. I get it. You're straight, but if you can't fake a little caring for the person you're fucking, it's like watching a rape. Which is about power, not sex. I'm not interested in watching a power trip.

colin good jammy no ...... there for one star, becase one bad apple spoiles the bunch.

I'm a bit confused and a bit conflicted about this scene. As mentioned above, it was out of sequence. Who fucked Collin first??? In this scene he was able to cum getting fucked, but not in the scene with Jamie. Yet it seems that Jimmie fucked him first.
I'm conflicted because although Jimmie topped aggressively and it was hot, if this was Collin's first time then the topping was too rough. Collin looked like he was in a lot of pain, but he also looked that way with Jamie. Is that what he's feeling, or was he directed to show pain to attract new members to the site who want to see a straight guy "hate getting fucked?" It was interesting to note that Collin said he didn't want to say how he felt about it all on camera. I'd like to know, how DID he feel?
Jimmie did what Clay told him to do. If the director wanted him to be more gentle, he would have been. All the scenes and specifics are set-up prior to the shoot. Jimmie didn't go rogue on Collin's ass. Collin could have stopped it and taken a few long breaks or asked that Jimmie be less aggressive. In this forum, we tend to blame the performers for being too rough, but there is a director there to set the pace and boundaries. Let's hope Clay is doing his job. Clay telling Collin to say "I like it" was dumb. All indications were to the contrary. It was demeaning to make him say that.
It wasn't a memorable scene. I hate the BJ push-up routine. It's been done on here at least two other times. Over it!
Collin needs time to get used to all this. He talks a good game on the forum, but his early experiences with all this have to be difficult and challenging. Porn doesn't come easy! Just ask Jimmie.

Jimmie punking Collin with wiping his cum on Collin's cheek was so straight boy, and actually very funny!

Too bad Colin's talent was wasted in this scene ... he deserves to be paired with someone better, like Jason.

To those above who expressed compassion for a fellow human, Colin:

To begin with, I began watching this episode hoping that Jimmie would be finally coming around but this was definitely not the case. He did nothing more than turn Colin into a VICTIM.

I thank those listed above for expressing your distaste and disapproval over the way this scene was presented. Brutality for its own sake is offensive and OBSCENE AND IT MAKES ME MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am sure some find it funny to use the word "obscene" on a gay website, but this word is meant to emphasize the inhumane way this fuck was directed and done, like the "RAPE" it is!


For Clay to try to force Colin to admit he was enjoying this brutality was insulting, not only for Colin himself, but it insults the intelligence of the Broke Straight Boys audience. There should have been a HALT called LONG BEFORE THIS BRUTAL ONSLAUGHT WAS FINISHED.

This represents Broke Straight Boys-2 at its lowest of lows!


Unless he was doing a real good job faking it (and I don't think so), Colin was really hurting, but, Jimmie being Jimmie. he couldn't care less.

Some of the members expressed the opinion that Jimmie became less obnoxious as time went by.

I don't agree.

Management seems to love him. I certainly don't.
To those above who expressed compassion for a fellow human, Colin:

To begin with, I began watching this episode hoping that Jimmie would be finally coming around but this was definitely not the case. He did nothing more than turn Colin into a VICTIM.

I thank those listed above for expressing your distaste and disapproval over the way this scene was presented. Brutality for its own sake is offensive and OBSCENE AND IT MAKES ME MAD AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am sure some find it funny to use the word "obscene" on a gay website, but this word is meant to emphasize the inhumane way this fuck was directed and done, like the "RAPE" it is!


For Clay to try to force Colin to admit he was enjoying this brutality was insulting, not only for Colin himself, but it insults the intelligence of the Broke Straight Boys audience. There should have been a HALT called LONG BEFORE THIS BRUTAL ONSLAUGHT WAS FINISHED.

This represents Broke Straight Boys-2 at its lowest of lows!



Dear Stimpy,

You and I have agreed to disagree about various aspects of Broke Straight Boys, the models and the scenes, and respectfully disagree with one another on certain issues. However, I do believe that you are being "over the top" in accusing Jimmy of "raping" Colin in this scene. Yes, it was an aggressive fucking, but some member's of the site enjoy that, and Colin always could have stopped Jimmy if he really was in that much pain. He was certainly able to shoot a good load out of his very stiff dick, while Jimmy was fucking him.

But also please keep in mind that this scene was shot in probably late July, and then on August 20, while posting on this forum, when Colin was asked about working with Jimmy, these were Colin's comments.
Jimmy is very fun to work with. He is funny down to earth and all about his money. I learned a lot to him and he helped ease me through my nervousness. I was nervous when I showed up to shoot with him cause he seems to be a Broke Straight Boys Superstar (which he is). But before the shoot he was pretty cool calm and collective and he is definitely a great contribution to the Broke Straight Boys team. He is one of the straitest dudes I have ever met that's why his Dick went limp. He is all about the paper. I definatly respect peoples opinions but jimmys a star and he didn't get to where he is by slippen. I respect him a lot.
On the other note, yes my new bride knows what I do she knew before I even before you guys! Lol. And yes she is a lucky woman as I am a lucky man! Where do you guys think I learned how to give head from? Everything I know about head I stole it from her! :thumbup:
That doesn't sound like the comment's of a man who thought that he had been raped, towards his rapist.
get rid of jimmy

In my opinion, Jimmy is the weakest actor in the whole bunch. He's crude, insensitive, and not all that good looking. Aggressive, wild fucking is different from rape. And this was rape.

Why, oh, why is he so popular?

unless they edited out calls to stop with great skill or colin, while showing signs of discomfort and pain did not say the word, no.
i have issues with camera angle and things that can be fixed in future scenes.
in order to avoid having two models appear together too quickly, the decision was to show the same model, in back to back order. to do that any sense of order was thrown out the window.
without a doubt, you can only have one first time when it comes to losing your ass cherry. this was colin's first time. what we saw earlier was he second time. whatever!
As a relatively new member, this is my first post and I don't think I would have done it if I didn't have such strong feelings about this scene. I don't think "rape" is the right word, given the situation, but the scene was not fun to watch, in any sense of the word. The problem is Jimmy! He lacks all of the attributes successful Broke Straight Boys models possess: charm, grace, indulgence, warmth and even attractiveness. Consider Mark. He is a newcomer to Broke Straight Boys, but accepts that this is his choice for making money and approaches his scenes with energy and good humor. Those are the attributes I like to see when I'm paying money for a subscription. I find myself looking at the upcoming scenes and feeling "let down" when I see Jimmy listed. There is no joy in any of his scenes. And, his dialogue constantly reminds us that we are supposed to feel lucky that he has deigned to appear, yet again, in another segment, much to his own distaste. So, let's see more Mark, Jack, Colin, et al... please. And, leave the guys, who are "too good to be doing this", in the dust, where they belong.
Colin, Colin, Colin, I feel for you bro. With Jamie it was hot, but with Jimmy it was painful to watch. Jimmy you were gaining some finesse, but that was the brutal, I'm straight and you're a job to do, I have no feelings for, meataxe approach that made your scenes hard to watch before. Acting is a part of porn. I get it. You're straight, but if you can't fake a little caring for the person you're fucking, it's like watching a rape. Which is about power, not sex. I'm not interested in watching a power trip.

For the most part Larkster that's the scene that I saw too. I would play down the word rape though. It looked like a brutal, pain filled scene with an uncaring top. There are other sites that cater to that kind of rough sex. But I've never considered Broke Straight Boys to be that kind of fetish site. In other scenes we see Jimmy say, "Are you alright?" Or like Jamie when he asks, "Should I go slower?" Here, there was nothing of the sort.

Once again we see Jimmy showing up to a scene with a hardon and a good cumshot, thinking that's all the contribution he needs to bring to the party. The reach around was weak and half-hearted. Maybe he could reach down and stroke the fellow model he's topping in a future scene? That position of reaching forward wouldn't be as difficult perhaps?

In days past we have seen both models give oral to one another before the fucking. Usually with the one topping receiving oral last. Why does Jimmy keep getting a pass on that one? Why all these one-sided scenes about him being pleasured? Is it because Jimmy thinks that if he purposely keeps giving lousy head that eventually they'll stop asking him to do it at all? If that's his plan, it would seem to be working.

Watching Jimmy be the only one to get much pleasure (namely oral) and then fuck Colin so roughly...this scene left me cold. I didn't find the cum smearing on the face to be funny at all. Exactly the opposite. He had already put Colin through hell. It reminded me of a dog playing with a chew toy and then kicking it into a corner when he was done.

Yes. Colin was able to give a great cumshot with Jimmy's dick inside him. In my opinion though this was due more to Colin's ability to perform, and of course wanting to please his fans. Much more so than any "pleasure" he was deriving from the fucking. Colin did great here!

Jimmy still needs alot of work. Please Jimmy... Please do better for your fans. It's not enough to just show up with a hardon and a good cumshot.
Whew I liveon the west coast and this was a lot to wake up to! Lol I havnt even had my coffee yet! All I have to say right now is in no way shape or form was I raped. I could of said no and stopped at any point. Jimmy just has a differnt style. Differnt strokes for differnt folks. Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it. Its part of being strait and doing gay porn. My wifey is helping me so I can stop being in so much pain and start giving u guys some more pleasurable scenes.
Whew I liveon the west coast and this was a lot to wake up to! Lol I havnt even had my coffee yet! All I have to say right now is in no way shape or form was I raped. I could of said no and stopped at any point. Jimmy just has a differnt style. Differnt strokes for differnt folks. Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it. Its part of being strait and doing gay porn. My wifey is helping me so I can stop being in so much pain and start giving u guys some more pleasurable scenes.

That should take care of some of our concerns here. You all should know by now that I am a "Jimmy" fan 100%. But I must admit, in all honestly, I did not get any pleasure watching this scene. I almost shed some tears for Colin in all that pain. But his post has brought me a little comfort with it all. Just wish he could have been more comfortable.
All I have to say right now is in no way shape or form was I raped. I could of said no and stopped at any point. Jimmy just has a differnt style. Differnt strokes for differnt folks. Sure it wasn't all bringing me the greatest pleasure but I grit my teeth and bite the sheets and take it. Its part of being strait and doing gay porn. My wifey is helping me so I can stop being in so much pain and start giving u guys some more pleasurable scenes.

Hey Colin! :001_smile:

I'm so glad you came on to debunk the "rape" issue personally. I knew that neither you nor Clay would have let it continue if that were the case. I hope you take those "rape" criticisms though as the form of support and solidarity for you that they were. Few of us like to see a favorite model appear to be suffering through a scene. Others realize it is just a rougher form of sex that they enjoy themselves. But many of us also just feel compassion for a model in obvious pain.

As I hope you can see from my earlier post, I was not criticizing you for not being able to take Jimmy's dick better. I thought Jimmy could have done more to make you feel more comfortable.