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J.J. and Mike

This was a good update, and MikeR came through again as always. He also did a great job and did not appear to take it easy on new guy JJ. Great work from MikeR, loved him as always. JJ have to give the boy props on the fucking he took. He did a good job and took it like a champ. He has one sweet ass too. Loved that long lasting shot of him on all fours with his ass up in the air. Did he look like a total gay porn star or what. Was a sweet shot and then when David reaches over to spread his cheek, WOW!!! Hot for sure and boy can JJ cum. Nice thick shooting load, which was hot to see. Great update.

My thoughts exactly Jeff, that was one sweet ass presentation. The way he held that position on all fours with his ass up in the air begging for cock, well it's just too bad that Mike was'nt hungry for some salad or this shoot may have earned a 5! I just know it made me hungry as hell!! -J :001_tt2:
I think Abe is the type of person that belongs to all these sites or sits home and surfs the net and keeps his eye on every porn site out there.

I'm not worried if a Broke Straight Boys model goes to another site, this happens...its part of the industry. We don't own our slaves...oh! I mean models...LOL. If you were young, an needed money and had no where to turn, I guess for some models it makes perfect sense to go to other studios and work.

With this being said, if you can share the other sites in your threads and let us know were we can see the Broke Straight Boys models and what sites they have went onto pursue there porn career that would be great!!!

LOL yeah, I like my porn when I'm not in school or working 7 days a week. :w00t: So I guess I consider myself a strong consumer of the product since I'm now single, and um, horny much of the time hehehehe. :bored:

I actually posted on a thread a couple weeks back and told which sites I had noticed JJ on, but I honestly don't remember which site(s) they were! It may have been Bait Buddies, but I don't remember for sure. Is there a way to search the forum for specific replies that I've posted? If there is, I'll find it and post it here. I'm thinking it was more than one site that JJ has been in scenes on though.

Also, I usually do mention which sites these models have done work on.

As for MikeR (& this applies equally to any model) I certainly respect his limits & I admire him for sticking with those limits no matter the temptation, dollar wise, to push those limits.
Amen to that Ray! I feel the same way. I'd rather see him leave with his integrity than see him do stuff that "wasn't him" for more bucks. My noble young porn star.:wink:
He said he spent 7 months in JAIL, big difference there Bubba!

Please enlighten us "foreigners" Jason. I would have thought prison would be the big institutions like Alcatraz and jail would be the local lockup where drunks get put in for one or two nights to sober up.

Back to the film and I'm surprised that nobody (that I am aware of) has mentioned the two super cum shots. It must have taken Mike a while to shoot his load after JJ because JJ was all cleaned up by the time Mike came.

Agree with the earlier poster about JJ getting 2500 and Mike just a grand when Mike did most of the work, but that little debate may have just been for the camera.

I will miss Mike a hellova lot and also miss his posts on the forum. He appears to be a genuinely nice guy and as far as porn is concerned always gives 100pc.
Great scene!

Mike was charming, handsome and funny as usual, and the boy knows what he likes and he loves to fuck.

JJ had a cool attitude too, and did what was required of him to earn the wad of cash. (A wad of cum for a wad of cash).

And watching Mike makes me a bit sad knowing that his time on the futon is limited, but overall I loved this scene.
Prisons are run by states and the federal government and are for the longer term imprisonment of convicted criminals. Jails are run by counties and cities and house a mixed group of persons awaiting trial and serving sentences of generally less than a year. JJ said he was worried about violence but not rape in jail.
Hey, at the 7:00 mark, Mikey was sporting a big ol' boner and checking out JJ repeatedly! Has Mikey "turned" a bit?
7 months in jail doesnt make him a guy that fucked or was fucked BUT I really think Mikey liked it in the sceen. I think it was a 4. Hope to see them again.
JJ enjoyed doing it and Mike came a good load so hes a guy that could do alot more with guys.
Can't help but wonder????

The chicken or the egg? Broke Straight Boys or Boys First Time? JJ a somewhat veteran in porn or a newbie?
Check out the bonus site and you decide if this young lad that is pictured here from the bonus site was his first time Broke Straight Boys or there. I dunno!


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