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I read the print and I have an imagination; but I really need more emphatic confirmation as to what this "tru-luv" means. Is this platonic or are you finally coming over to the dark side?
AHHHHHH!:001_wub: Will we see any of this true love on screen? A little hotel room tour action.........and who is bottoming????:001_wub:

Well, Rob's a good bottom, Jimmy's a natural top. My question is ... will they kiss? Will they show true passion. Jimmy was getting better with his scene with Bobby.

I've been hard on Jimmy, but I truly like him, I been wishing he'd do a little more to add excitemet and variation... I think he's on the road to do just that!



I'm so happy for both of you! LOL :par50: Are you registered yet at Neiman Marcus so we can get you wedding presents? :par41: Have you picked out curtains or a china pattern yet? What made you fall for Rob? :bowarrow: Was it his charm and his bottoming skills? Or was it because he makes the best homemade chicken nuggets and fries this side of the Mississippi? If so, you'll save a fortune on combo meals. LOL

Thanks for this thread Jimmy. It is funny. ;)
Why is it always about sex with you guys? Can't a fella fall in love without having to give a physical demonstration to the world? I beg of you. Leave them in peace to be who they are. True love, he said. Damn you! :-)
I think I will go back to the "behind the scenes" and see if my "spidy-girl senses" can pick up anything between the two of them.
Why is it always about sex with you guys? Can't a fella fall in love without having to give a physical demonstration to the world? I beg of you. Leave them in peace to be who they are. True love, he said. Damn you! :-)
Being in love doesn't automatically equate to sex. True love can mean a very serious friendship. I love many people, but my life is devoted to my partner.

p/s I'm begining to love Jimmy a little more than I did.

I knew there was something going on with those two it sure seemed like they spent alot of time with each other in the bathroom in the behind the scenes tour, just kidding, and I'm not surprised because Rob after all has won every "ab check" on the tour but cole's working hard at it so maybe there is a love triangle coming shortly.
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According to Clay if we want to know about any secret bromances (or love triangles perhaps?) that we need to talk to Chad. LOL
Isn't tru-luv the period when physical lust has already been expended like in your older years like 90+ and you can get it up any longer, And all you can do is look into each other's eyes and remember?

Well, Rob's a good bottom, Jimmy's a natural top. My question is ... will they kiss? Will they show true passion. Jimmy was getting better with his scene with Bobby.

I've been hard on Jimmy, but I truly like him, I been wishing he'd do a little more to add excitemet and variation... I think he's on the road to do just that!



COLSBEAR i really hope u read this....i have good news you have been hard on me sooo im hoping that you like the new scenes i just did the reason i want u to read this is because NEW THINGS not bottoming but definetley some different things i hope u enjoy marry xmas to u 2
this is the type of threads i like to be apart of NOT a SINGLE negative post...its just much more fun and enjoyable so many members especially on this thread make me LMFAO its really more nice to interact with all of you
So you see Jimmy? Some of us do want to show you the luv.

And I've had alot of fun here in this thread also. :thumbup1: Who knows? I may get wound up and come up with something else to post on here. lol
Not Surprised

Not able to watch the behind the scenes very often but there have been subtle (intended or not) exchanges that something was going on. Jimmy saying no way a scene with Rob, it's not going to happen. Jimmy saying I admit it I like cock and it was obvious the way the two connected. In alot, or a little, of what I did see. What I'm confused about is why Rob always makes a point of him being straight and doing "gay for pay". Listen, no attitude here, their both great professional actors and this forum and the gay porn scene is really no different than any tabloid. Do I believe their in love, yes because they (Jimmy) said so and I have no reason to doubt Jimmy or his honesty until he shows otherwise. Will they do a scene together -- from my point of view I'd love to see it but don't think they should. If it's love ---- doing that would ruin the relationship. I believe one man one man, one woman one man etc. BTW never posted to this blog before but this one got my attention.
Maybe I missed it but didn't see Rob's response.