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it's been an experience


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
hey everyone, just thought i'd write you all to say i'm done here. it has been quite an experience. thank you to all the friends i've made. i've enjoyed the bantering back and forth over people's right to privacy, in the end i lost. thanks creepers. bigger thank you to those of you who respect privacy. be well all.
hey everyone, just thought i'd write you all to say i'm done here. it has been quite an experience. thank you to all the friends i've made. i've enjoyed the bantering back and forth over people's right to privacy, in the end i lost. thanks creepers. bigger thank you to those of you who respect privacy. be well all.
Can you explain exactly what you mean? I thought you were enjoying the videos and sharing with us on the forum. You seemed to enjoy the banter on the forum, and always had a great sense of humor.

I certainly hope I didn't go over any line in complementing your good looks from your avatar pic and your pic on your home page. I really enjoyed knowing you here, and wish you the best of luck. You will be missed.
Can you explain exactly what you mean? I thought you were enjoying the videos and sharing with us on the forum. You seemed to enjoy the banter on the forum, and always had a great sense of humor.

I certainly hope I didn't go over any line in complementing your good looks from your avatar pic and your pic on your home page. I really enjoyed knowing you here, and wish you the best of luck. You will be missed.

i do owe a bit more of an explanation to the community. i will say for the most part, everyone has been respectful. there are a few among us that feel they were entitled to more pictures from myself and pushed hard and got quite nasty when i refused. one of these creepers even went so far as to get my private yahoo messenger name and contact me. in speaking, he called me a cock tease, i owed it to everyone to post more pictures, i should have shown my face and many more, derogatory remarks despite my continued refusal.

mike, you didn't go over the lines. no worries there, the few who did know who they are and really should be ashamed of themselves. i no longer feel safe to keep posting knowing what some guys will say when they don't get their way.
This is really sad, My gay is leaving me but I will add this... even though this is a gay male porn site we become close with those who care about us. I would really like to say to those crossing the line, if you wouldnt say it over the intercom at the local supermarket don't say it in pm's. I am starting to not want to post. I use to love coming in and having the banter. Z was one of them that we teased each other never knowing what he looked like I didnt treat him like a slab of meat. He was on the site for almost a year when I started to talk to him.He had even told me that no one really talked to him before that. The man is crazy smart and it's really sad to see he can't even get on the site, be him and not worry. He put that picture up because of me and now I wish I would have never asked because to me he is still as hot with or with out the picture.
Bye Z! Thanks for all the times you stuck up for me on the forum! I will miss you on here!

Damn the man! Save the Empire!
i do owe a bit more of an explanation to the community. i will say for the most part, everyone has been respectful. there are a few among us that feel they were entitled to more pictures from myself and pushed hard and got quite nasty when i refused. one of these creepers even went so far as to get my private yahoo messenger name and contact me. in speaking, he called me a cock tease, i owed it to everyone to post more pictures, i should have shown my face and many more, derogatory remarks despite my continued refusal.

mike, you didn't go over the lines. no worries there, the few who did know who they are and really should be ashamed of themselves. i no longer feel safe to keep posting knowing what some guys will say when they don't get their way.

zyl84 Wow, this is very disturbing. I am sorry that you had to endure that. Your posts were awesome and they will be missed. It is sad that some of the members feel that they have the right to infringe on someone's privacy just because they pay for a website membership and then they don't take "no" for an answer. This is starting to get very scarry... Now some of these idiots have stooped so low as to put new members such as your self through the same BS as they did David and some of the other models. I am really starting to get disgusted with this.

Unfortunately, life has come to safety and security when we are on-line. Here are some things to do for the future.

Number one set up a dummy e-mail account on line for these kind of sites. What I mean to say is open an e-mail account that you only use it to register for these kinds of sites. Be sure to create it with fictitious information about your date of birth and such where you can. Unfortunately you may need to use your real city and state. But feel free to make up a name like Richard Cranium or something. Then direct all e-mails to that account in case of these idiot stalkers. Also feel free to create a dummy profile if you want but that should not be necessary it is too much work and you could make a mistake that could lead someone to you. Never give anyone your real name, phone number, home address, or e-mail address unless you have come to trust the source even then be careful.

Also, invest in good software that will detects viruses,phishing, worms, and Trojans that could accidentally be downloaded when viewing you e-mails. Some times e-mails have been embedded one of these types of programs designed to send information about your e-mails contacts list and any information about you on your computer. (One company I worked for downloaded one of these kind of e-mails. It infected every computer in our office, our county government, and hospitals. It was the hospital that caught it first. We all got it from an e-mail that was infected from someone in our county government. Yikes, we had classified and confidential information flying allover the internet and all of our contacts started getting hundreds of spam mails a day... It was crazy.)

Pls. also be aware that many hackers have developed software to hack computers while using popular chat programs like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, and AOL Messenger etc... That is why I never use them.

I am not sure how all of this works I just know that hackers do it and the safest thing to do is avoid those pieces of technology. To increase your safety you should also use fire wall software, an encrypted router, and an external firewall...

Keep in mind even with all of this stuff there are hackers out there who can blow right by some of this software. Those people are few and far between.

I hope this stuff helps you in the future.
jay man thanks for the info but my thoughts have come down to if we as "online users" have to go to such measures why use it in the first place ?????: I think I can go back to regular hand shake where the only risk i have is if i am going to catch a cough.
If it was up to me I would do away and delete the PM function. This way none of the members will be able to communicate with each other. If you want to say anything it will have to be in the open forum only.

Also, please re-read my thread regarding privacy. I don't care how members feel about each other. Just because you talk amongst yourselves and you may "claim" you've all become friends, please take the time to really sit down and evaluate what "friends" really means.

For those members that feel there privacy have become an issue because the "creepers" on this forum just don't take a hint and don't realize what they are doing, remember you can still be a member of the site, enjoy the site but you don't have to post. Don't let these guys deter you away from a great site with some great bonus sites. Just don't post on this forum anymore!

This advice goes to all our members. Just be careful and beware. You don't know who really hides behind there screen name and whom you are really speaking to and getting to know as "friends".
zyl, you are one of just a few guys I've met on the Broke Straight Boys Forum who are so hot and smart that they actually don't seem as if they ought to need to be here. There's a fairly large bunch of forumites whom management refers to as bitter old queens. A niche chicken fetish porn site like this, based loosely on coercion and bribery, is aimed at a specific demographic, and you don't seem like the norm. I will really miss you mister. I hope it wasn't solely that some member made him or herself a frigging nuisance by bugging you for pictures, or for your e-mail addy, that scared you off. I hope that at least you downloaded a few videos, made a few friends, enjoyed the exchanges for a while, and are moving on partly because you've been here, done this, have the teeshirt, and are ready for something else. The forum has been interesting me less and less over the last few months, and now it's yet a little less interesting than it was before I read your good-bye. Take care kid.
jay man thanks for the info but my thoughts have come down to if we as "online users" have to go to such measures why use it in the first place ?????: I think I can go back to regular hand shake where the only risk i have is if i am going to catch a cough.

Trust me I have thought that way too in the last few months... This stuff is getting to be ridiculous. Why don't they realize that their self perpetuating insane addiction to porn is starting to frighten everyone on the Forum? Soon they may destroy something that we have all had a great deal of fun using and meeting some really great people from all over the country and the world too. Talk about terrorism. Isn't it bad enough that we have it all over the free world. Why do we need it in a gay chat Forum too? I am done talking about this, it is getting me way to worked up thinking about these creepy people invading people's private lives just from a website.
Z.. There are people within this forum that have requested my pics too and whilst I've given them the odd one or 2 fade pics and the one undies pic on a particular thread that has been it.

You are probably correct and maybe you shouldn't have made that stomach pic into your avatar, that only increased the number of "pervs" that have bothered you, and that is why I do not post my pic on here, although I know that those pics I have sent to some members have been forwarded on.. which stinks..

Anyway whatever decision you make Z, good luck and a big kiss from across the water xx
You know what...I keep reading this thread and this is what I think.

I think you can basicly trust the people on this forum. You know in your gut who's alright and who is out there. I have many aquaintances on here. I chit chat with many through pm's and quite a few I talk to on social networking sites and through messengers. I also am FRIENDS with many as well. (Real friends David!) I talk to 4 members of this site on the phone on a daily basis and they are just as much a friend as the people sitting in front of me. I travel to see them, and I care for them and love them just like I would love the friends in my personal life. And the biggest kicker is that the friendships I have don't involve talking about this site! We talk about our lives, passions, hobbies, relationships....sometimes Broke Straight Boys NEVER comes up at all....

There are people here who don't want to be so outgoing and have everything on display. That should be respected. There are people like me that are an open book. I am who I appear to be. The pictures I have on my social networking sites and in my photo album on the site are me. I don't hide who I am. But I do think that the people who don't wish to be so open should have that privacy respected. Because of some of the stuff that has happened here, I have had to lock my Myspace, Facebook and Twitter. I think it totally sucks. And what I think sucks the most is losing really great people and missing out on good conversations here because of a few bad apples...
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Zyl, I am going to miss you, too. I will openly admit that I asked you for a picture in tighty-whities, and you declined. I pm'd you back that I respect that. I hope that you weren't offended.

I will say this, and I'm sure that I am stepping in some shit here, but instead of dancing around these issues, I think that when something like this happens, we should post that person's name on here for all to read. Call them out. Let it be known who the creepers are and maybe they will fade away, and others will think twice about being creepers. I think it's past time that these people get away with terrorizing other members.

What does someone else think about this?
The forum is a unique and wonderful place where we can all speak freely about porn, politics, sex, history, movies and TV, literature, geography, food... whatever we want. I have enjoyed the banter, the sometimes argumentative and passionate discussions, the alliances and obvious friendships, as well as the completely antagonistic relationships that exist here.

I have made some wonderful friends here that I enjoy immensely, some I speak with every day, and some I PM regularly. Those friends of mine that wish to remain anonymous here I respect as much as those whose phone numbers I have programmed into my own phone.

I have entrusted all of you with incredibly personal accounts and details of my own life as have all of you entrusted me with the same, and I suppose that exchange of information, intensely personal information, creates a sense of intimacy among us. However, there are boundaries, social norms, that we navigate through on a daily basis with people we actually have physical contact with, that we all respect and expect, that we need to adhere to here, as well.

In this venue of anonymity, there is the ability in all of us to put aside our own insecurities and personal limitations and branch out, experiment with parts of ourselves that we are uncomfortable putting out there in our "regular" lives, and those social norms and boundaries are much easier to cross, since the person receiving our venom, the brunt of anger, our honest thoughts, creativity, passion, our overt attraction, our pessimism, angst, perversions, whatever, isn't someone that we actually have to face. I think it's a wonderful opportunity and a horrible open license depending on how you choose to wield your "pen". Obviously, we've had a lot of the open license here lately, and I, for one, am working really hard at trying to continue to believe that we are all here trying to wield our pens for good.

We grow as humans when we can be shown a new perspective, can share our own perspective, can teach and be taught, can learn to love someone who is our polar opposite, who's ideas we are fundamentally against, but we can respect because they are intelligently presented....

This forum should be a place where we can all express ourselves. But it's up to us as members to keep this a safe environment for everyone. We all have families, careers, friends, many of us are in the closet, many of us have jobs that could be in jeopardy simply from our membership on a porn site... and we have a responsibility as members to remember and respect that. There are some boundaries that are not meant to be crossed.
The forum is a unique and wonderful place where we can all speak freely about porn, politics, sex, history, movies and TV, literature, geography, food... whatever we want. I have enjoyed the banter, the sometimes argumentative and passionate discussions, the alliances and obvious friendships, as well as the completely antagonistic relationships that exist here.

I have made some wonderful friends here that I enjoy immensely, some I speak with every day, and some I PM regularly. Those friends of mine that wish to remain anonymous here I respect as much as those whose phone numbers I have programmed into my own phone.

I have entrusted all of you with incredibly personal accounts and details of my own life as have all of you entrusted me with the same, and I suppose that exchange of information, intensely personal information, creates a sense of intimacy among us. However, there are boundaries, social norms, that we navigate through on a daily basis with people we actually have physical contact with, that we all respect and expect, that we need to adhere to here, as well.

In this venue of anonymity, there is the ability in all of us to put aside our own insecurities and personal limitations and branch out, experiment with parts of ourselves that we are uncomfortable putting out there in our "regular" lives, and those social norms and boundaries are much easier to cross, since the person receiving our venom, the brunt of anger, our honest thoughts, creativity, passion, our overt attraction, our pessimism, angst, perversions, whatever, isn't someone that we actually have to face. I think it's a wonderful opportunity and a horrible open license depending on how you choose to wield your "pen". Obviously, we've had a lot of the open license here lately, and I, for one, am working really hard at trying to continue to believe that we are all here trying to wield our pens for good.

We grow as humans when we can be shown a new perspective, can share our own perspective, can teach and be taught, can learn to love someone who is our polar opposite, who's ideas we are fundamentally against, but we can respect because they are intelligently presented....

This forum should be a place where we can all express ourselves. But it's up to us as members to keep this a safe environment for everyone. We all have families, careers, friends, many of us are in the closet, many of us have jobs that could be in jeopardy simply from our membership on a porn site... and we have a responsibility as members to remember and respect that. There are some boundaries that are not meant to be crossed.

If it was up to me I would do away and delete the PM function. This way none of the members will be able to communicate with each other. If you want to say anything it will have to be in the open forum only.

Also, please re-read my thread regarding privacy. I don't care how members feel about each other. Just because you talk amongst yourselves and you may "claim" you've all become friends, please take the time to really sit down and evaluate what "friends" really means.

For those members that feel there privacy have become an issue because the "creepers" on this forum just don't take a hint and don't realize what they are doing, remember you can still be a member of the site, enjoy the site but you don't have to post. Don't let these guys deter you away from a great site with some great bonus sites. Just don't post on this forum anymore!

This advice goes to all our members. Just be careful and beware. You don't know who really hides behind there screen name and whom you are really speaking to and getting to know as "friends".

david i agree with what you said, and there are very few of us that are trustworthy, which i would lump myself into this category. but if i didnt learn to trust a select few people, i never would have become best friends with deidra. i have only hung out with her, in person, once. and that was for a Broke Straight Boys event. i trust deidra with my life. i feel like some of us hit a time in our lives when we feel like we have nothing left, and then we find that little glimmer of hope in the least expected place. sure we can get burned time and time again, but the rewards always outweight the consequences. i'm not sure what my point was, by all means, that sucks what happened to you z, but some people are just dogs!

hmmm how did that go from sentimental to just mean?? oh well!
see, my involvement on this site is weird, i find that lately i havent had much of a desire to post and only post when i am in full "bitch" form. however the great part about all of this is that i have made some great friendships with many people. i just love getting a text from one of my girls during a horrible day at work. i have also locked my twitter, myspace, facebook and deleted some other profiles as it worries me what some people could be up to. i was contacted by a member on one of those sites that wanted something from me i couldnt offer. so i respectfully declined and was done with it. that is when i decided i shouldnt be as open as i used to. so i have basically stayed in my little clique where i feel safe. we chat daily over many mediums of communication and love each other more for it. sometimes when you let someone into your lives they can bring out both the best and the worst. i am satisfied with the friendships i have made and the fun i have had, but i too am done with all of the bs. it seems like every other day somebody is objectifying a beautiful boy for his looks and ignoring his intelligence and personality. he isn't just a pretty face, hes a soul with a heart. which is how i see everyone, you can either be dark souls, or light souls. to make an old star wars reference that i used to make all of the time with Mike Robbins, there is the dark side and the light side. i feel that souls on this dark side harbor anger and fear. anger at the pretty boy because he has what they want, and fear because they fear they will never find their pretty boy and die sad and alone. the light side of the force is about loving someone, for all of their short comings, draw backs, and what not. haha sorry, this was supposed to be a short after thought to my previous post....but i do digress
Lovelumps, You took all the thoughts that have been swirling around in my head the last month and turned them into one amazing post. That you for the way you respectfully addressed the recent issues.

David and JW, I disagree. And, some of the people I have my closest friendships with are people I often disagree with. Disagreements provide an invaluable opportunity to get to know someone better and further your friendship. It's all in the level of respect you give to those you disagree with.

It would do those of us that want or need to maintain a level of privacy an incredible disservice to do away with the pm feature on this forum. I have had many questions since I joined this forum that I have been able to pm to get answers to, as well as being able get to know people better, without having to exchange personal information.

I believe that MOST of us are trustworthy and a few have overshadowed the majority.

Zyl, It is sad to see you go. I wish you the best.
i do owe a bit more of an explanation to the community. i will say for the most part, everyone has been respectful. there are a few among us that feel they were entitled to more pictures from myself and pushed hard and got quite nasty when i refused. one of these creepers even went so far as to get my private yahoo messenger name and contact me. in speaking, he called me a cock tease, i owed it to everyone to post more pictures, i should have shown my face and many more, derogatory remarks despite my continued refusal.

mike, you didn't go over the lines. no worries there, the few who did know who they are and really should be ashamed of themselves. i no longer feel safe to keep posting knowing what some guys will say when they don't get their way.

Hi Zyl,

My advice with this issue is to pm Mark (the owner of Broke Straight Boys) & let him know who the creepers are & copy him in on the pm's you have been receiving.
My personal thought on these idots is they should be banned from, at least, the forum.