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Is this a Gay website or what? Has BSB been hijacked?


BSB Addict
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
For the record, has Broke Straight Boys been hijacked by straight terrorists?

Since most gay males have had very limited to no direct interest in heterosexual fantasies and/or real straight experiences in their sexual history, I must think the fantasy submitted in the previous thread is intended to "rub someone's gay nose in it" like you would an "unhousebroken puppy". Are concentrating on straight fantasies going to be meaningful to the interests of the membership at large?

Why is it like my favorite gay space has been violated? I want all members, including heterosexual members, to feel welcome on the forum -- this GAY forum. However, I feel justified in stating this fact because this is indeed a Gay oriented website, or David has been misleading straight and bi newbie models in their interview/solo.

If my assertion is wrong, they why do I feel my space is being slowly ripped out from under me and soon I will no longer be welcomed on this forum? When someone is trying to manipulate you and you go away from the encounter feeling bad or have negative thoughts, it is usually because someone has in fact manipulated you against your will. The same thing happens when you are being force-fed something that is alien to your basic personality and holds little interest. I realize that these sentiments may reclassify me as "persona non-grata" on the forum but, these are my real honest feelings from a concerned Broke Straight Boys member. Being gay and--in countless aspects of my life--disenfranchised or at least not welcomed, I would like to think Broke Straight Boys caters to and is a haven for all GAY and LESBIAN patrons first and foremost but, not to the exclusion of straight patrons!

Broke Straight Boys is by it's very nature a niche product and it needs to remain true to its original audience. That means all fellow members should respect this fact with their contributions to the forum. The guiding principal should be "when in Rome..." Otherwise, gay and lesbian members should reasonably feel slighted. All of this has to do with respecting your audience. Whether you are in a locker room or at a church gathering, it doesn't take much effort making your conversation "fit in" and "avoid offending others".

Thank you for listening to my concerns! Respectfully submitted! Feel free to comment. Just don't bomb my house!:biggrin:
im pretty sure youre once again getting hung up on lables. it just so happened one of the ladies started the thread. just throwing it out there that maybe we are doing some of that subconscious lady-hating. i fantasize about angelina jolie. ive made out with Miss Ds boobs. its about sex and fantasies, not male female straight or gay. sorry i dont mean this to come by as disrespectful, but i dont know any other way to state this. plus i might be a little burned out from the battle of the board over the past few days.
Ahhh It's good to be home.
im pretty sure youre once again getting hung up on lables. it just so happened one of the ladies started the thread. just throwing it out there that maybe we are doing some of that subconscious lady-hating. i fantasize about angelina jolie. ive made out with Miss Ds boobs. its about sex and fantasies, not male female straight or gay. sorry i dont mean this to come by as disrespectful, but i dont know any other way to state this. plus i might be a little burned out from the battle of the board over the past few days.
Thanks JW Glass for your comment. I guess I need to enroll in "Labels Anonymous" 12-step program and forget about meeting my needs. I don't wish to appear defensive about the label "lady-hating". In all fairness for my entire life, I have been told that I was "self-absorbed" and "self-hating". By default I figured that precluded me hating anybody else. Lady-hating is a new one for me and I think it truly is an unfortunate misperception.

Thanks again for allowing me to clear this up.
Thanks JW Glass for your comment. I guess I need to enroll in "Labels Anonymous" 12-step program and forget about meeting my needs. I don't wish to appear defensive about the label "lady-hating". In all fairness for my entire life, I have been told that I was "self-absorbed" and "self-hating". By default I figured that precluded me hating anybody else. Lady-hating is a new one for me and I think it truly is an unfortunate misperception.

Thanks again for allowing me to clear this up.

i mean, we focus so much on this site being gay blah blah blah. but we forget there is a huge female following, the ladies on the forum hardly even come close to how many ladies enjoy the videos. i dont think that thread was meant to offend you, and in all honesty, if it does offend you so much, dont read the thread. or hell, post your own fantasy in there! the forum is in no way geared towards women or straights. plus, what better way to get more of our brokies on the forum than to have women posting about how much they love seeing him rail another guy. im sorry you feel this way about that other thread, which i think is a great idea, and not because the ladies have taken me in as one of their own.
In all seriousness, I didn't realize that this was a gay site. I thought it was a forum for people who liked Broke Straight Boys, people who were of liked minds and enjoyed the films, but of course I could be wrong.
You know, I worried that this would happen, that I would offend someone, or many someones, and I'm sorry that I did. I didn't start the thread to have people read what I wrote, really. I am truly interested in what others think about when they envision their favorite models. That's why I posted the intro and then the fantasy. Thought I'd introduce it, and then people could post their own. I think I implied that mine would be a straight fantasy, and felt that if people didn't want to read it, they wouldn't. I'm not trying to straighten out my favorite porn site! I love it just the way it is. I love gay porn. I love being here, and I don't want my presence to put anyone out. Please don't be offended. I won't do that again. It was a one time deal....
You know, I worried that this would happen, that I would offend someone, or many someones, and I'm sorry that I did. I didn't start the thread to have people read what I wrote, really. I am truly interested in what others think about when they envision their favorite models. That's why I posted the intro and then the fantasy. Thought I'd introduce it, and then people could post their own. I think I implied that mine would be a straight fantasy, and felt that if people didn't want to read it, they wouldn't. I'm not trying to straighten out my favorite porn site! I love it just the way it is. I love gay porn. I love being here, and I don't want my presence to put anyone out. Please don't be offended. I won't do that again. It was a one time deal....

Girl please! Apologize for nothing.
I would just like to add that I have put one of my Straight Stories out there and I thought it was well received. I could be wrong when I say that but I didn’t make any women reference and other than my name being bi gurl. It could have been a gay male writing it. I think we are all sexual beings and should be able to put erotica out there : ) let me know when the gay owner stops wanting my straight money and I surely will stop posting :p until then I guess I will get writing.
cumrag,While I was reading your post, My brain kept doing the "what the fuck is this guy talking about?" You used more words to unclarify your position than I could believe. You must be involved in politics. Anyway, when my dim brain finally understood you were talking about lovelumps very erotic fantasy, I had this thought, "I am certain that a significant number of our community would slide themselves into the female role." The she would be a he. Sexy is sexy, and well written is well written!
Kind and healing words

You know, I worried that this would happen, that I would offend someone, or many someones, and I'm sorry that I did. I didn't start the thread to have people read what I wrote, really. I am truly interested in what others think about when they envision their favorite models. That's why I posted the intro and then the fantasy. Thought I'd introduce it, and then people could post their own. I think I implied that mine would be a straight fantasy, and felt that if people didn't want to read it, they wouldn't. I'm not trying to straighten out my favorite porn site! I love it just the way it is. I love gay porn. I love being here, and I don't want my presence to put anyone out. Please don't be offended. I won't do that again. It was a one time deal....

Thank you Lovelumps for your kind and healing words. I'm sorry i ruffled so many feathers. I wish I could say something witty here but I'm in the middle of a "brain freeze".
In all seriousness, I didn't realize that this was a gay site. I thought it was a forum for people who liked Broke Straight Boys, people who were of liked minds and enjoyed the films, but of course I could be wrong.


You know, I worried that this would happen, that I would offend someone, or many someones, and I'm sorry that I did. I didn't start the thread to have people read what I wrote, really. I am truly interested in what others think about when they envision their favorite models. That's why I posted the intro and then the fantasy. Thought I'd introduce it, and then people could post their own. I think I implied that mine would be a straight fantasy, and felt that if people didn't want to read it, they wouldn't. I'm not trying to straighten out my favorite porn site! I love it just the way it is. I love gay porn. I love being here, and I don't want my presence to put anyone out. Please don't be offended. I won't do that again. It was a one time deal....

I guess this just goes along with what's been happening here this week. When I read your thread I had no idea anyone would be offended. It seemed obvious to me you were opening up an avenue for EVERYONE to post their fantasies. But as the the OP you were just putting your own fantasy out there first. You happen to be a female, so obviously you put yourself as the lead in your own fantasy. Anyone else who has fantasies to post, including any gay or lesbian members will do the same. It seems pretty obvious to me, considering how much you and the rest of us women, love watching two guys having sex that we're not trying to turn this into a "straight" site.


I guess this just goes along with what's been happening here this week. When I read your thread I had no idea anyone would be offended. It seemed obvious to me you were opening up an avenue for EVERYONE to post their fantasies. But as the the OP you were just putting your own fantasy out there first. You happen to be a female, so obviously you put yourself as the lead in your own fantasy. Anyone else who has fantasies to post, including any gay or lesbian members will do the same. It seems pretty obvious to me, considering how much you and the rest of us women, love watching two guys having sex that we're not trying to turn this into a "straight" site.


I'm glad that you understood the intent here, Stacey. I had hoped that perhaps that others could read it in the way I sometimes read fantasy stories, and put themselves into the characters, and ignore the parts that don't do it for them. But I'm afraid that men who don't like pussy... well, don't like pussy and don't want to read about it either, and I mean pussy literally, not women.... I think I was being presumptuous and naive with my thread. Oh, well.... But I do hope people will add their own stories. I'd sure love to read some....
For the record, has Broke Straight Boys been hijacked by straight terrorists?

Since most gay males have had very limited to no direct interest in heterosexual fantasies and/or real straight experiences in their sexual history, I must think the fantasy submitted in the previous thread is intended to "rub someone's gay nose in it" like you would an "unhousebroken puppy". Are concentrating on straight fantasies going to be meaningful to the interests of the membership at large?

Why is it like my favorite gay space has been violated? I want all members, including heterosexual members, to feel welcome on the forum -- this GAY forum. However, I feel justified in stating this fact because this is indeed a Gay oriented website, or David has been misleading straight and bi newbie models in their interview/solo.

If my assertion is wrong, they why do I feel my space is being slowly ripped out from under me and soon I will no longer be welcomed on this forum? When someone is trying to manipulate you and you go away from the encounter feeling bad or have negative thoughts, it is usually because someone has in fact manipulated you against your will. The same thing happens when you are being force-fed something that is alien to your basic personality and holds little interest. I realize that these sentiments may reclassify me as "persona non-grata" on the forum but, these are my real honest feelings from a concerned Broke Straight Boys member. Being gay and--in countless aspects of my life--disenfranchised or at least not welcomed, I would like to think Broke Straight Boys caters to and is a haven for all GAY and LESBIAN patrons first and foremost but, not to the exclusion of straight patrons!

Broke Straight Boys is by it's very nature a niche product and it needs to remain true to its original audience. That means all fellow members should respect this fact with their contributions to the forum. The guiding principal should be "when in Rome..." Otherwise, gay and lesbian members should reasonably feel slighted. All of this has to do with respecting your audience. Whether you are in a locker room or at a church gathering, it doesn't take much effort making your conversation "fit in" and "avoid offending others".

Thank you for listening to my concerns! Respectfully submitted! Feel free to comment. Just don't bomb my house!:biggrin:

I agree.
As I read lovelumps' fantasy, I was panting right along with her. Her fantasy boy is not my fantasy boy, but Jesus Christ on a crutch that was hot!!

Andy Warhol appropriately said, "Labels are for cans."

This forum is about (among many, many other things) sex. Women like to see two guys play hide the wienie as much as straight boys like to see two lesbians go lickety split. Does it really offend if one of our most respected members posts her fantasy about a model from the site? Like I said, as a gay male, I just put myself in her place and lived her fantasy, too.

I think that was a brilliant thread. I think that lovelumps went where we all wanted to go but lacked the courage. She put herself out there, and as she is one of my closest forum friends, I can tell you it wasn't easy for her. I applaud her. I am almost unworthy to be her friend (almost).
Is there anyway to contact the models themselfs you know chat with them, ask them questions? just wondering?
Is there anyway to contact the models themselfs you know chat with them, ask them questions? just wondering?

Some of the models are members of the forum and monitor the posts and respond. A model will always have the word Broke in their screen name if approved by management.

Beyond that, the models prefer to keep their personal lives personal. Feel free to send a message to the ones who are here, though.

P. S. I posted this from the information I have gotten from management posts. If this information is incorrect, someone please feel free to set the record straight (well, not straight-straight, but you know what I mean).