BSB Addict
You know we wish we could take the pain away, but we can't. Denver, all you have to do is ask, and any one of us will try to help you. It won't make you stop hurting, but we've all been there. You are a young man, and I KNOW you will find another man to love. It WILL happen. Firsts are just that. I don't want to think of you being alone and suffering. It makes me sad. Jayman, Slim, markymark, etc. etc., have all been there. Life goes on, and it will for you, too! Just words, but we have all lived through it. Just ask, we'll try to help you!
Wishing you peace,
Of course we've all been through it. And paris has had the most turbulent love life of us all.
What I'm sure of is that you'll find, as he says, another man to love. Mainly because you'll have your pick of wonderful guys who'll fall in love with you first. You are such a hottie, with all your sentiments and feelings in exactly the right place, that your re-emergence, whenever that happens, is gonna be tremendous. We love you Den. Stay well. Keep us informed