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Introduce Yourself.......

I remember watching a straight porn movie from my father's secret stash with a group of friends. This was the late '70s and most of the porn movies were actually films which had played in cinemas at one time. I remember there was a young man who had a big dick and I was interested in the scenes he was in. Unfortunately, he only did one small scene and was interrupted John Holmes who then finished. 'The Autobiography of a Flea' was the titles (although I could be mistaken if we watched that one at the time).

I then remember seeing all kinds of gay porn mags at the commuter train station and had to try and buy a few. I looked around for a bit before I finally made my first purchase. Being gay was more accepted in the bigger cities at the time but not in suburbia or rural areas so I had to watch it.

I then bought a VHS porn movie by William Higgins which was called 'The Young and the Hung'. I had wanted to watch a gay porn movie for a long time but could never get the courage to do so. I did have my own place by then and decided to take a trip to the now closed Bijou Theater in Chicago just to buy a movie.

As for internet porn, I was a bit late to the game as I joined my first site in the mid 2000's. I still bought magazines and by then DVDs from mail in catalogs or going to the adult book store. It would join sites for the pictures only back then.

It wasn't until I finally had a decent enough computer I could watch videos on when I joined a decent site. I would download them and then delete them until I learned how to make DVDs with the scenes in my collection. Now I haven't purchased a magazine in over a decade as well as a porn DVD.

I guess I went with the technology which allows me to find any site and scene in the privacy of my own home. I feel bad there are very few gay magazines left out there. I do see DVDs are still being made and sold. I just hate buying a full DVD for just the one scene.

As for me, I finally came out of the closet to my family about ten years ago. No one was really surprised as the hints were there and I never really denied anything. Today is a much better climate for youth to come out and not be afraid.

Sometimes I miss those days of being in the closet and in the military trying to buy gay porn. The danger was part of the fun at the time. However, getting caught would have cost me my career.

I'm not going to give out too much of my personal life here other than I do have a large family. I try to keep to myself and follow the Golden Rule like everyone else. (He who has the gold makes all the rules.)
I remember watching a straight porn movie from my father's secret stash with a group of friends. This was the late '70s and most of the porn movies were actually films which had played in cinemas at one time. I remember there was a young man who had a big dick and I was interested in the scenes he was in. Unfortunately, he only did one small scene and was interrupted John Holmes who then finished. 'The Autobiography of a Flea' was the titles (although I could be mistaken if we watched that one at the time).

I then remember seeing all kinds of gay porn mags at the commuter train station and had to try and buy a few. I looked around for a bit before I finally made my first purchase. Being gay was more accepted in the bigger cities at the time but not in suburbia or rural areas so I had to watch it.

I then bought a VHS porn movie by William Higgins which was called 'The Young and the Hung'. I had wanted to watch a gay porn movie for a long time but could never get the courage to do so. I did have my own place by then and decided to take a trip to the now closed Bijou Theater in Chicago just to buy a movie.

As for internet porn, I was a bit late to the game as I joined my first site in the mid 2000's. I still bought magazines and by then DVDs from mail in catalogs or going to the adult book store. It would join sites for the pictures only back then.

It wasn't until I finally had a decent enough computer I could watch videos on when I joined a decent site. I would download them and then delete them until I learned how to make DVDs with the scenes in my collection. Now I haven't purchased a magazine in over a decade as well as a porn DVD.

I guess I went with the technology which allows me to find any site and scene in the privacy of my own home. I feel bad there are very few gay magazines left out there. I do see DVDs are still being made and sold. I just hate buying a full DVD for just the one scene.

As for me, I finally came out of the closet to my family about ten years ago. No one was really surprised as the hints were there and I never really denied anything. Today is a much better climate for youth to come out and not be afraid.

Sometimes I miss those days of being in the closet and in the military trying to buy gay porn. The danger was part of the fun at the time. However, getting caught would have cost me my career.

I'm not going to give out too much of my personal life here other than I do have a large family. I try to keep to myself and follow the Golden Rule like everyone else. (He who has the gold makes all the rules.)
Thanks for sharing that Iggy! I always love "coming out" stories or even acceptance to one's self of who we really are and what we desire stories. And by the way, William Higgins movies were my favorite at that time and "The Young and the Hung" is a true classic!

Thanks for sharing that Iggy! I always love "coming out" stories or even acceptance to one's self of who we really are and what we desire stories. And by the way, William Higgins movies were my favorite at that time and "The Young and the Hung" is a true classic!


I love coming out stories also and that actor on the cover of the young and the hung lived in Dallas. I would see him at the clubs. My boyfriend managed a tanning salon back then and he said guys would climb up on the partitions trying to get a look at the porn star tanning. I always thought why go to all that trouble. Buy or rent the video. I had two VCRs so I could make copies of rented videos.

My sister outed me to my parents when she found out I was fucking her boyfriend. It was one of those Crystal and Alexis fights at my house during that time.
I love coming out stories also and that actor on the cover of the young and the hung lived in Dallas. I would see him at the clubs. My boyfriend managed a tanning salon back then and he said guys would climb up on the partitions trying to get a look at the porn star tanning. I always thought why go to all that trouble. Buy or rent the video. I had two VCRs so I could make copies of rented videos.

My sister outed me to my parents when she found out I was fucking her boyfriend. It was one of those Crystal and Alexis fights at my house during that time.
Living in Dallas, I thought you would compare it to a Sue Ellen and JR Ewing fight! lol


And was Mike Henson the porn star you are talking about?

Living in Dallas, I thought you would compare it to a Sue Ellen and JR Ewing fight! lol


And was Mike Henson the porn star you are talking about?


No the one in the picture above. I think his name was Chris something. My ex looked a bit like Bill Henson and he was such a bottom that even my ex would blush sometimes and say Bill that’s too much.

You must not have been a good gay boy back in the day. The Alexis X Crystal fights were where the action was. My sister and I actually had a tumble down the staircase fight. It was way more Alexis x Crystal. I admired Alexis. I had to testify in a civil case once and I just remembered Alexis in a court room scene I killed it!
Some places charged $79.95 for a VHS back in the day although I got my first copy for $69.95. This was a few days' wages for most of us back in the day. Christopher Lance is the blond boy featured on the cover. My favorite was Grant Fagan as he was not only hung and cute but reminded me of one of my pals.
Some places charged $79.95 for a VHS back in the day although I got my first copy for $69.95. This was a few days' wages for most of us back in the day. Christopher Lance is the blond boy featured on the cover. My favorite was Grant Fagan as he was not only hung and cute but reminded me of one of my pals.

Yes. That’s him. He lived in Dallas and had an older sugar daddy boyfriend.
Thanks for sharing that Iggy! I always love "coming out" stories or even acceptance to one's self of who we really are and what we desire stories. And by the way, William Higgins movies were my favorite at that time and "The Young and the Hung" is a true classic!


As I have mentioned before here in the forum over the years, TY&TH is my absolute favorite porn vid of the 80's. :)
Well, I have come to this party a bit late. Having read all of the entries and really enjoyed them. it seems I am the old guy on the site. My name is Ed and I live in Atlanta. I am a retired nurse and am 73 years old, but age has not held me back so I am fortunate. The first 4 years after college I taught high school English in Chattanooga, TN (where I grew up) and then taught college Freshmen composition while getting my masters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. But after 4 years I was done and looked for something I would like better. I kind of dipped my tows in nursing school, back home in Chattanooga. Turns out I really liked it and stayed in the profession until I retired. I moved to Atlanta after school because Chatta. is not in welcoming place for gays. I went to work first in ICU at Emory Mid-town. This was in the early 80s and AIDS was becoming widespread. Emory was the only hospital in Georgia that had doctors who treated AIDS patients, and they all came to my unit. The guys were all gay and were in the twenties and early thirties. It was a difficult time. There was no treatment and all our patients eventually died. But before they ended up on a ventilator I got to know them. I stayed in medical nursing for awhile but then moved to work in psychiatric settings until I retired. I was able to pick up a second masters in nursing before I left Emory.
Also, it was at Emory that I met a guy who is a respiratory therapist. Last June we celebrated 35 years together. After a year we bought a house in a quiet neighborhood, just 8 miles from town. Rich has been the best thing in my life. We have a golden retriever named Mollie. We are planning to get married in October at St Lukes Episcopal Church. One of our priest will officiate and we are excited to say the least. I have enjoyed reading all the entries. Although I don't contribute comments in the forum, I follow it everyday. So, hello from Atlanta and thanks for sharing...Ed
Well, I have come to this party a bit late. Having read all of the entries and really enjoyed them. it seems I am the old guy on the site. My name is Ed and I live in Atlanta. I am a retired nurse and am 73 years old, but age has not held me back so I am fortunate. The first 4 years after college I taught high school English in Chattanooga, TN (where I grew up) and then taught college Freshmen composition while getting my masters at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. But after 4 years I was done and looked for something I would like better. I kind of dipped my tows in nursing school, back home in Chattanooga. Turns out I really liked it and stayed in the profession until I retired. I moved to Atlanta after school because Chatta. is not in welcoming place for gays. I went to work first in ICU at Emory Mid-town. This was in the early 80s and AIDS was becoming widespread. Emory was the only hospital in Georgia that had doctors who treated AIDS patients, and they all came to my unit. The guys were all gay and were in the twenties and early thirties. It was a difficult time. There was no treatment and all our patients eventually died. But before they ended up on a ventilator I got to know them. I stayed in medical nursing for awhile but then moved to work in psychiatric settings until I retired. I was able to pick up a second masters in nursing before I left Emory.
Also, it was at Emory that I met a guy who is a respiratory therapist. Last June we celebrated 35 years together. After a year we bought a house in a quiet neighborhood, just 8 miles from town. Rich has been the best thing in my life. We have a golden retriever named Mollie. We are planning to get married in October at St Lukes Episcopal Church. One of our priest will officiate and we are excited to say the least. I have enjoyed reading all the entries. Although I don't contribute comments in the forum, I follow it everyday. So, hello from Atlanta and thanks for sharing...Ed

Thanks so much Ed. It’s really nice of you to share. You are definitely not the old guy around here. Many of us are close to your age. I bet that was really trying and scary during the early AIDS days. I remember traveling to New York before and after and what a huge damper it put on the bar scene up there. It went from wild parties and discos in the early 80s to people standing around talking about how many friends they had lost. I had several friends who died and the small import company I worked for in Dallas lost 3 employees in the mid 80s. Sent our Blue Cross through the roof. I’m so glad you were there to care for our brothers. What a horrible time. I knew family’s who wouldn’t let their lovers see them In the hospital. So many families were in denial and wanted to cover up that their son was gay and what they died from.

I’m so glad you are in a happy long term relationship. I’ve been in one for almost 20 years. I know there are many others here who were married and came out late and have various other interesting stories. I hope more will share. Thank you again.
I join Rep in thanking Ed aka AtlantaGuy for sharing his story with us here. And as far as age, I am 69, (not my sexual preference, but my actual age. lol). While this forum and Broke Straight Boys itself are far different from what they were in the past, I still enjoy the personal connections between the forumites and again I thank Mark for initiating this thread which is a fresher version of the old "10 Random Facts" thread that has been here forever. Thanks Ed and congrats on your upcoming wedding and your wonderful 35 year relationship. That is all great!!!!
Rep: your post reminded me of a guy I took care of. He and his lover had a house in a mid-town neighborhood. I asked him if he had a will. He did not and I urged him to get a lawyer to co to the hospital. He said he would do it the next day. The next morning I walked in to the unit to find that he was on a ventilator. His parents had come from West Virginia and found out that he had AIDS an was gay at the same time. He died a short time later. I talked to his lover who said that the parents had gone to the house and stripped it. Because the house wasn't in his name, the parents also sold the house and Paul found himself having to find a new place to love. It taught me something about protecting ones self. So a long time ago Rich and I made wills, put the house in both our names as well as the bank accounts. It's sad how some people will act because of their dislike of gay folks.
MikeY: I see that you joined Broke Straight Boys in 2008. I actually joined in 2009 but dropped out after 2 years only nto rejoin in 2013. So, I frequently go back and look again at the older scenes. It often find guys who appear to be pretty straight.
My name is Joseph. I'm just outside Houston in a town called Magnolia. I've lived most of my life in either L.A. or NYC. I do not miss it at all. I came to Texas to be near family, my mother got sick last year so I came down to help out and discovered how quiet and lovely it is. Bought a small house near family and my dogs are in heaven. I work in the entertainment industry, did film marketing and research before moving into writing and producing. I can fly anywhere I need to go and I'm exactly halfway between NY and LA. I have two biological daughters with my best friend. They are both out of high school and amazing. Love dogs, cooking/baking, watching movies and The Great British Baking Show is my current obsession. That's pretty much me.name
My name is Joseph. I'm just outside Houston in a town called Magnolia. I've lived most of my life in either L.A. or NYC. I do not miss it at all. I came to Texas to be near family, my mother got sick last year so I came down to help out and discovered how quiet and lovely it is. Bought a small house near family and my dogs are in heaven. I work in the entertainment industry, did film marketing and research before moving into writing and producing. I can fly anywhere I need to go and I'm exactly halfway between NY and LA. I have two biological daughters with my best friend. They are both out of high school and amazing. Love dogs, cooking/baking, watching movies and The Great British Baking Show is my current obsession. That's pretty much me.name
Thanks for introducing yourself Joseph. And thanks to Rep for encouraging you to do so. :smile:
MikeY: I see that you joined Broke Straight Boys in 2008. I actually joined in 2009 but dropped out after 2 years only to rejoin in 2013. So, I frequently go back and look again at the older scenes. It often find guys who appear to be pretty straight.
I appreciate your expressing yourself on that subject AtlantaGuy. This is a great site, but it has a great history and it is more than just Broke Straight Boys-2019. It includes all our glorious history and archives from the days of Broke Straight Boys-1 and David's futon right through today! We are very fortunate to have access to all the great models and scenes of the past right through the current stuff!!! :biggrin:
My name is Joseph. I'm just outside Houston in a town called Magnolia. I've lived most of my life in either L.A. or NYC. I do not miss it at all. I came to Texas to be near family, my mother got sick last year so I came down to help out and discovered how quiet and lovely it is. Bought a small house near family and my dogs are in heaven. I work in the entertainment industry, did film marketing and research before moving into writing and producing. I can fly anywhere I need to go and I'm exactly halfway between NY and LA. I have two biological daughters with my best friend. They are both out of high school and amazing. Love dogs, cooking/baking, watching movies and The Great British Baking Show is my current obsession. That's pretty much me.name

That is wonderful. I am back in Waco to help my parents after having lived in Austin and Dallas. I don’t miss the big city and traffic either. We are very comfortable with our dogs and horses also. I’m so glad you are here with us on Broke Straight Boys This is where I connect with my gay friends. My partner and I live a pretty straight life for gay guys. We don’t even know many gay people in our are. My partner and my mother are both from the Houston area so I’m pretty familiar with it. My horse came from friends in Richmond.

It sounds like you have had an interesting life. I hope we hear more from you on the forum.
Some people here already knew me but i'll post for newer member.

Hello i'm Mediarahan my real name is Nathan and you can call me Nate :) i'm 25 years old (the youngest here?) Unemployed (well i do freelance job but i feel like unemployed) i have degree in graphic design and soon finishing my degree in fashion design. My built is average not too tall (172 cm) not too thin and not too fat.

I'm an Indonesian and now i'm living in Milan for my fashion design degree, i like going to museum, sitting on a bench drawing or read book, i enjoy talking about science journal either animals, insects, etc. I'm an avid gamer and probably could beat you on that, i'm one of the top players in my tcg community here in italy. I love to cook as my stress relieve. I have a pomeranian dog. I like cute things for example pokemon plushies, pencil case, book cover, etc.

In my nearest future, i'm going to apply for a job in buzzfeed or refinery29 in the USA, but i'm also looking for a job in Toronto or Milan.

That's all for me. I'm a weird guy and i love myself.
Some people here already knew me but i'll post for newer member.

Hello i'm Mediarahan my real name is Nathan and you can call me Nate :) i'm 25 years old (the youngest here?) Unemployed (well i do freelance job but i feel like unemployed) i have degree in graphic design and soon finishing my degree in fashion design. My built is average not too tall (172 cm) not too thin and not too fat.

I'm an Indonesian and now i'm living in Milan for my fashion design degree, i like going to museum, sitting on a bench drawing or read book, i enjoy talking about science journal either animals, insects, etc. I'm an avid gamer and probably could beat you on that, i'm one of the top players in my tcg community here in italy. I love to cook as my stress relieve. I have a pomeranian dog. I like cute things for example pokemon plushies, pencil case, book cover, etc.

In my nearest future, i'm going to apply for a job in buzzfeed or refinery29 in the USA, but i'm also looking for a job in Toronto or Milan.

That's all for me. I'm a weird guy and i love myself.

You sound like an interesting guy with a bright future.