This video was inspired by Hoda Kotp, anchor on the Today Show (NBC). Hoda is a cancer survivor having undergone two mastectomies for breast cancer. I too am a cancer survivor having been diagnosed with cancer of the bladder when I was only 48 years old. I had surgery for this but there was never any guarantee that it would not come back. That is something we live with day to day. I try to live my life with a healthy and positive outlook. My father was diagnosed with the same type of cancer as I when he too was 48. His was at a more advanced stage and lived his remaining years with an iliostomy bag until he died at the age of 80 in 2001.
I look at this video and see these children laughing and having fun. Yet, I understand what is going through their minds and emotions. They ask and wonder, "Will it ever come back?" "Will I have to go through this again?"
This was aired for the first time today. I decided to post it because of a thread that has been trending for the last 2-3 day concerning a recent BTS post. I really don't have time for such bickering back and forth. Life is precious. Live today for it's "happiest!"
Daddy Louis