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Inspirational Things Found on the Internet.

[video]http://youtube.com./watch?v=Ixqbc7X2NQY[/video]This is for my Lola Johnny

I was perusing Facebook which I rarely do, and came across this. Very well done and inspiring about being gay and marriage equality:

Just when I think how critical and uncaring your posts can be sometimes you post this Stowe. lol I smiled and thank-you for that. Marriage equility has passed through Washington some time ago and I'm proud to say I live in such a diverse community (macklemore lives here mikeyank) lol For me coming from a heterosexual marriage in my early twenties to a longtime homosexual relationship of 20 yrs and now alone. I have been so fortunate in my life to have been in love with two people in my life regardless of our genders. And thats what lifes about for me, sharing your heart with that person whom you connect with on all cylinders. Like Neil Young said "yes only love can break your heart" but regret of not sharing who you really are with someone for me would have been worse.
I accidentally found this on the internet today. I found it to be amazing. The video jumps into the late middle of the show and does not tell you the lead-in to the story. This young guy is in a band with his brothers. I'm assuming that most if not all the members are brothers. The lead singer's brother (who is a drummer) went down a dark path. For reasons unknown he stole his lead singer brother's belongings and sold them. Some of those things included not only items like his very clothes, but also very expensive things like his cherished guitar.

It ripped the family apart, disrupted the band...and left the victim a very angry young man. The brother who did all this reached out to Howie Mandel for help. So what Howie does is to set up a fake scenario where the band is called over to a meet a producer and told that they are being offered a recording contract. It's all a setup of course. And the lead singer is totally clueless. Because it's set up strangely to lure him to the spot, it leads to some very awkward and cringe inducing moments. Howie's been warned that he can be a firecracker. In his defense, he's in a lot of emotional pain because of what his own brother did to him just months before. He gets very angry at times in the video because he doesn't understand that he's being "Punked" in a very well intentioned way. I assure you that it works out well in the end. So stay with it if you want to see some amazing stuff.

If the rest of you have inspirational things you want to share on this thread...please do. :)


Wow, Tampa - that was incredible: "The Tear Factor, for sure. (It's really nice, when wrongs get mended, and people who ought to love each other, CAN love each other, again.)

With so much chaos in the world, school girls being kidnapped; Russia's actions in Eastern Europe; and so many other assaults on people everywhere, I googled "Pacem in Terris", Pope St. John XIII's encyclical on peace and human dignity. Although written at the height of the Cold War, its principles are ever more valid today regarding human dignity, human rights, and freedom of conscience. Here is a one page summary for those who are interested:



Totally agree with this, Stowe. John XXIII was a wonderful human being, and a genuine saint. BTW, did I ever tell you that I love your epigraph (or whatever you call them, on the Internet)???

Here is one that inspired me:

Darcy Oake, a magician (of all things) from Canada. Darcy's Dad, Scott, is a famous sportscaster, for Hockey Night in Canada, Olympic broadcasts, and other things. Darcy's brother, Bruce, recently died of a drug overdose. Now, Darcy does shows all over the world, raising money to create shelters and rehabilitation programmes for people with addiction problems. Darcy is an amazing talent, and recently wowed Simon Cowell et. al., on Britain's Got Talent.

The show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stUC4xVnyzs

The back-story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wugC8nuIbU

Thank you for sharing that Ambi. It was quite beautiful. I'm also very pleased that he can add to his resume that he did so well on British television with his magic skills. :)
I know this one's been posted on other threads. But I thought it was worth sharing again. :)
This one runs on a little bit long. Those with shorter attentions spans may not make it to the end. lol But it's still worth it to see at least some of it. Even I myself had some uneasiness about broaching this subject with children to the extent they do here. The reactions do however provide a valuable snapshot of where we are as a society just by hearing what today's children think. Obviously they have been raised by their parents to be more tolerant than generations past. Isn't it amazing that some of the same people who were our bullies, or the ones we most feared being outed to...20, 30, 40 years ago, etc., are the same people who raised children and/or grandchildren who became so much more accepting of different races and orientations?

God bless them. May they live happily ever after.

Betty Who attended and sang at their wedding. How cool is that?! :)

I know this thread has been around for about a month. I did want to stop and share this song with you. We had a close relative in our family who had been blind due to illnesses in her youth. I was asked to perform at her memorial service and this was one of the songs she loved the most. I played the organ and sang the following.

I do think when a cat does something for humans it is worth a mention:

This is one special cat.