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I'm learning


BSB Model
BSB Model
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
I have been trying to figure out how to start a thread since I got on this forum. Finally, I have located the little drop down menu that allows me to do so.

I just wanted to share my accomplishment with everyone. :thumbup:

Now I just have to figure out how to find old threads that I've posted on so that when you reply to my posts, I can further respond. Any easy solutions to this?

I have been trying to figure out how to start a thread since I got on this forum. Finally, I have located the little drop down menu that allows me to do so.

I just wanted to share my accomplishment with everyone. :thumbup:

Now I just have to figure out how to find old threads that I've posted on so that when you reply to my posts, I can further respond. Any easy solutions to this?


The threads you have posted on so far have been: What Does Broke Straight Boys Stand For?, Logan is Posting, Please Help Me Welcome Broke Logan and now... Ta dah...you have posted on the 10 Random Things thread.

Most of the questions for you from members will be on the Please HMWBL thread. As Mark asked us to. Of course you are welcome to post on any thread you like. Or start any new thread you like. You can find those threads by clicking Broke Straight Boys forums and then going to the second line that says something like Membership site chat comment suggestions, and checking down the list. Hope this helps you handsome! :001_smile:
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Congratulations dude....I still haven't figured out how to do it hahahaha
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Way to go, Logan! You can also find all of your posts on your profile page under statistics. Just click on all posts by Brokelogan, and there you are!

Wantto, just click on the new topic drop down located at the top of the page above the threads when you enter either forum. It's easy, really. I can do it, so it has to be! :001_smile:
Hi Logan, They just about covered it all so I'll just say Hello. :tongue_smilie: :swallow:
Hi Logan
Congrats on your achievement.
As Tampa has basically explained how it works all you have to do now is practise.
Don't worry if you screw it up - we have all done that at some stage, & continue to do so from time to time.
We all learn from our trials & errors
PS Congrats on your other achievement as well it is hot :thumbup:
I have been trying to figure out how to start a thread since I got on this forum. Finally, I have located the little drop down menu that allows me to do so.

I just wanted to share my accomplishment with everyone. :thumbup:

Now I just have to figure out how to find old threads that I've posted on so that when you reply to my posts, I can further respond. Any easy solutions to this?



Thread tools and search this thread will help find existing topics. The best way to navigate it though where you posted is going to your own profile page. Click on statistics. Under that menu you can click to find all of the links that you posted to... I hope that helps you Logan.:thumbup:
Logan, man that is a terrific personal accomplishment, but the most awesome one of all is your getting back to the forum as frequently as you do. Dave has been congratulated as well in the past for having the true savvy to have twigged to the fact that the personal, behind the scenes stuff makes his site come alive 120%. Your willingness to post, and the kinds of posts you put up on the board, constitute a real advance on the already budding communication level we've been getting in the last couple of months. Truly brill to have such a bright, articulate hottie to swap posts with.
Logan, you are not alone. I had the same problem, but took longer than you to figure it out. you're doing great thanks for posting.
Logan: I feel like a proud Father, Wow im so proud of you. Hell I could not even figure out how to log in to the Forums, Ha Ha.....
Thanks Paris....I am pretty much a dumbass when it comes to computers...tend to push all the buttons til something works....haha either that or something crashes!!!:thumbup:
Logan the best way to do this is to go to http://members.brokestraightboys.com/forum/search.php?searchid=18551. That will search your posts because it has your member id in it. Any member can do this if you can figure out your member number. It might be good to bookmark that page. You can also subscribe to threads but by default the system will email you when someone responds to a thread you are subscibed to. You can see threads that you are subscribed to by clicking on user cp then list subscriptions. I hope that helps. :p

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Logan, are you there?

I have been trying to figure out how to start a thread since I got on this forum. Finally, I have located the little drop down menu that allows me to do so.

I just wanted to share my accomplishment with everyone. :thumbup:

Now I just have to figure out how to find old threads that I've posted on so that when you reply to my posts, I can further respond. Any easy solutions to this?


Logan we know you're concentrating on your degree and only film with David during school breaks. But I bet a bunch of forumites are gonna join me here to say that we miss you man, so much. You're on pretty much 90% of the fave lists of the people who post on the forum and there's a lot of PMing going on, besides the public posts, hoping you're coming back. I've got a huge place in my heart for you and hope you're not gonna think of the scenes you've shot as just a part of growing up, and a phase that's finished.

Hope you see this. Hope more people chime in. Hope you find time to tell us how you're doing and what your plans are. Love you mister.

Your laid-back but breathless BTS vignette about the Percherons being what happened to the lost camera was the cutest, coolest bit of ad libbing ever shown on Broke Straight Boys
Logan we know you're concentrating on your degree and only film with David during school breaks. But I bet a bunch of forumites are gonna join me here to say that we miss you man, so much. You're on pretty much 90% of the fave lists of the people who post on the forum and there's a lot of PMing going on, besides the public posts, hoping you're coming back. I've got a huge place in my heart for you and hope you're not gonna think of the scenes you've shot as just a part of growing up, and a phase that's finished.

Hope you see this. Hope more people chime in. Hope you find time to tell us how you're doing and what your plans are. Love you mister.

Your laid-back but breathless BTS vignette about the Percherons being what happened to the lost camera was the cutest, coolest bit of ad libbing ever shown on Broke Straight Boys

Ditto, what he said! PLEASE COME BACK Logan..:blink: Let me add to this DAVID would you please forward our pleas to Logan or at least beg him to check into the forum for a bit so that we may praise him appropriately.

Welcome back, dear friend. I understand your concern on starting your own thread. Took me some trial and error and presto, I had my first thread.

I think everyone else has answered your questions so I don't need to add on. However, one way to get you old treads or any posts you've done in the past up front is to have you (or anyone) write a post for it and bingo, it will now be found on page one of the current threads.

So now that your back, inquiring minds have some questions. So I might as well start off. How did you do this past year in school?? Besides classes and studying, are you involved in any school related activities? Are you just taking the summer off or will you be doing part time work (besides filming in Florida)?

In your last video with Shane David had asked you if anyone had recognized you. You mentioned a couple of guys had. Have you received more recognition? How do you respond to it? How does it make you feel? Has all of this change your outlook on life? relationships?

Well I better stop here before my friends here get on my case. You are very well respected here on the forum. That's something very special. And to work with a cool guy like David must make if very fun & easy. Having met David, toured the studio and been on the futon I can, to an extent, know what's happening and going through individual minds.

Keep up the great work.

Live Long and Prosper,

To Logan, exactly two years ago

Logan, man that is a terrific personal accomplishment, but the most awesome one of all is your getting back to the forum as frequently as you do. Dave has been congratulated as well in the past for having the true savvy to have twigged to the fact that the personal, behind the scenes stuff makes this site come alive 120%. Your willingness to post, and the kinds of posts you put up on the board, constitute a real advance on the already budding communication level we've been getting in the last couple of months. Truly brill to have such a bright, articulate hottie to swap posts with.

Someone should have proofread that message (from August '09) prior to posting, either that or anesthetized the author and taken away his keyboard before he had a chance to write it. But even though the syntax is tortured and the tone is total suck-up, the enthusiasm is sincere. I hope Logan comes back to do some scenes. I really do.