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I'm engaged!!!!!

What is Handfasting

The term Handfasting is taken from Old Norse "hand-festa" meaning "to strike a bargain by joining hands". Handfasting is the tradition of lightly binding the hands of a couple together using a cord, rope, ribbons, a scarf, tartan or strips of fabric. It is meant to signify a couples coming together as "One". (or perhaps to keep the Groom from running away!) Whatever it's original intention, it has become a popular new tradition for today's couples seeking new and Spiritual ways to honour their love.

Origins of Handfasting

Handfasting was originally practiced by the Greeks and Romans. The Romans created a garland made of magnolia, elder and roses. It was then wrapped around the couple's wrists to signify love and fidelity. In ancient legends, lovers were united together as they "tied the knot" in the tradition of Celtic handfasting. The ceremony was especially common in Ireland and Scotland. It was commonly the way that couples were "officially" married before the church became involved in Wedding ceremonies. Variations on the theme have since been used in other countries as well. Handfasting has seen a modern day resurgence owing in part to the movie Braveheart,in which William Wallace and his girlfriend Murron are joined together with a handfasting ceremony. This has especially been true in Scotland where the movie is based.

The Colors Used in Handfasting

In the traditions of Celtic handfasting the couple's wrists are bound together using ribbons of thirteen different colours. Each colour has it's own special meaning:

Red: passion, strength, lust, fertility
Orange: encouragement, attraction, kindness, plenty
Yellow: charm, confidence, joy, balance
Green: finances, fertility, charity, prosperity, health
Blue: tranquility, patience, devotion, sincerity
Purple: Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality
Black: strength, wisdom, vision, success
White: purity, concentration, meditation, peace
Gray: neutrality, canceling, balance
Pink: unity, honor, truth, romance, happiness
Brown: earth, grounding, talent, telepathy, home
Silver: treasure, values, creativity, inspiration
Gold: energy, wealth, intelligence, longevity

Colour list provided by the Reverend David James of Mt. Kisco, NY.
Oh that is wonderful news :) good luck with everything, comming out can be a tricky thing but I find when the person comming out has a partner it seems a little easier. We hand ties as well at my church. I am a part of a mcc church and we have gay marriage legal in iowa. We still have couple blessings.
Dear Gremlin,

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! !

WHAT GREAT NEWS! I am so happy for you. May you and "your man" have a lifetime of love and fun.




P.S. I actually went to a weeding where they did Tie-the-Knot (Handfasting). I found it to be a very interesting and special part of the ceremony.
Thanks again guys. Ill keep everyone updated as things progresses
Yes, Gremlin. Please do keep us in the loop as to how things go. We are so happy for you both.
CONGRAT'S glad to here the great news. I'm so happy for you two.:bananatux:

J has officially told is parents. His mother already knew, well that we were together atleast, his father is coming around. Things are going nicely. We are looking at buying a place to call our own. so lots to do before April/May :) No official date just yet, but getting there.
J has officially told is parents. His mother already knew, well that we were together atleast, his father is coming around. Things are going nicely. We are looking at buying a place to call our own. so lots to do before April/May :) No official date just yet, but getting there.

J has officially told is parents. His mother already knew, well that we were together atleast, his father is coming around. Things are going nicely. We are looking at buying a place to call our own. so lots to do before April/May :) No official date just yet, but getting there.

Gremlin, the very best of luck to you two. Young love makes everyone happy.
Dearest Gemiln,

I am so glad to hear that the coming out to the parents went well for your future husband. I know that it was a big source of concern to both of you. Phew! That's done and over with. haha Congratulations my friend. :thumbup:
Thanks for the update, Gremlin. Keep us posted and I am happy to know that the coming around for your partner's parents went well.

Congratulations and great news Gremlin,

I dated a guy for a while who wasn't out to his friends, room mate or family. It was really difficult and frustrating having a 'secret' relationship and while we both thought a lot of each other, the 'secretness' of the relationship kept getting in the way and as we where both busy people I guess it seemed more trouble than it was worth. A shame really.

Great that you got through that and established a relationship worthy for your partner to risk coming out to his parents about. I am really happy for you both. :biggrin:

J has officially told is parents. His mother already knew, well that we were together atleast, his father is coming around. Things are going nicely. We are looking at buying a place to call our own. so lots to do before April/May :) No official date just yet, but getting there.

Bless your heart Gremlin, I am so happy for you and your BF. The coming out process can take some time. It took a lot of courage for both of you to decide you loved each other enough to come out to your families. The best thing is that now neither of you will have to play the old he is just my roommate gig. The shock can be a little overwhelming at first but I believe in the long run it just makes things much easier when you are around family. Keep us informed about the big day...:thumbup:
Well truth be told his mom has known for quite a while .... she walked in on us when we were "detained."

She just told us about this after we told J's parents about us. She still called me son even after seeing us together and never let on she knew. She is an amazing woman and I cant wait for her to be officially part of my family.
Sounds like you have both an amazing BF and mother in law to be. I feel certain that his dad will eventually come arround too. Thanks again for keeping us posted...:thumbup:
Sounds like you have an ally Gremlin who can help smooth things over with your future father-in-law. lol I'm very happy for both of you.