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I'm dialing it back.


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
I thought it was fun to be on a site that had such an open forum. I never took it too seriously. But others do to the point of leaving the site because of controversy. So, I'm going back to my original position to post only when I think I have something to contribute that hasn't already been said. I'm not upset about anything or at anyone. Composing posts that are literate and thought out in a way no one takes offense is just too time consuming. I'm still here, I'm just going to post and thread less often.:thumbup1::biggrin::wink:
I thought it was fun to be on a site that had such an open forum. I never took it too seriously. But others do to the point of leaving the site because of controversy. So, I'm going back to my original position to post only when I think I have something to contribute that hasn't already been said. I'm not upset about anything or at anyone. Composing posts that are literate and thought out in a way no one takes offense is just too time consuming. I'm still here, I'm just going to post and thread less often.:thumbup1::biggrin::wink:
I'm sorry to hear that you will be posting less, Larkster, as I enjoy reading your point of view, even if I don't necessarily agree with what you say. I too don't understand anyone taking anything said on this forum too seriously, and to cause anyone to leave the site because of it. This is porn. It's supposed to get us all excited and tingly and feel good.
My opinions, if they are still allowed!

To Whom It May Concern:

As much as I have found model's open access to the forum usually exciting and occasionally fun, I have come away from this experience feeling that some of the models' fuses are too short and their personal perspectige too limited to avoid taking things too personally. While this is not the case of Colin or Rob_Ryder, I SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE THE STOMACH TO BE CALLED A "HYPOCRITE" FOR MY REASONS FOR BEING ON Broke Straight Boys. I don't assume to be morally superior to anybody here on Broke Straight Boys, either!

With my background in public education, I think of the forum as analogous to the dreaded "teacher's lounge" where the more vocal teachers could freely vent their frustrations and anger without regard for who might be listening on the other side of the lounge door. Therefore, I come away from this "FAILED EXPERIMENT" with many members being "BURNED" AND "UNWILLING AND STYMIED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FORUM" as normally in the past. For those reading my posts, that might be perceived as a real blessing for those that don't appreciate my lengthy comments. Regardless, after some 1200+ posts, forum menbers with any accumulated tenure "SHOULD CLEARLY KNOW ME WELL ENOUGH BY NOW" as someone that does not regularly spew venom from my fangs for the sake of hurting people's feelings. Since March 2010, I have typically taken the side of the UNDERDOG when they were being subjected to a Feeding Frenzy from the hungry wolves within earshot.

When a model, such as JIMMY, has ALL OF THE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES OF UNCONDITIONAL APPROVAL FROM MGMT ABOVE FOR WHATEVER HE SHOULD DO OR REFUSE TO DO WHILE FILMING, plus appearing in 18 or more episodes in just 6 months, irrespective of his episodes only marginal performance ratings, this does not spell "VICTIM". In my considered opinion, I fail to see an underdog here! These facts alone are further varification of the "special status" he and only he enjoys, when reflecting on his typical unwillingness to do those "MINIMAL THINGS OTHER Broke Straight Boys MODELS REGULARLY DO IN THEIR EPISODES"! Just look at Colin or Jack or Anthony and so on. Where has any other model enjoyed such boundless unconditional backing from mgmt. Therefore, I find it extremely difficult to categorize him as a defacto underdog regardless of sexual preference or his take on complaints from the members. My other objection has been the "leap of faith given to celebrate Straight Guys only that resulted in Management assuming we ALL would be so "FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FROM SHEER JOY, AS SOME PAVOLVIAN DOG EXPERIMENT" that both our brains would only respond to whatever appeared on the screen. My initial complaints were based on what appeared to me to be a un-caring robotic attitude with an additional sense of entitlement stacked on top of that. As a member of this site or any other porn site, a subscriber would naturally expect most new models to be shy at first being a "newbie", but with an "ingrained desire to please the existing members" with the hopes to see further progression in their sexual growth. The approace at Broke Straight Boys is to treat some members as "farm animals" after being force-fed a steady diet of something that left a bad taste in my mouth, in my opinion, and very little to feed our dirty minds only to find it rarely even remotely erotic. The insistance on being "Straight" as protrayed in his episodes was progressively getting more and more unbearable, because it came across to this member as being Insulting, Insolent, and assuming Way More Attitude than any newbie had the reasonable expectation to assume.

Call it what you will, I only hated the less than eager attitude observed on the screen his almost total lack of sensitivity to his unfortunate partners and his generally dismissive approach to interacting with them. You might call it a [COLOR="Dark Orange"]"FAILED EXPERIMENT"
, if you will, only further worsened by his free access to the Forum that further contributed to the flames on all sides of the screen all the more, and reasonably speaking hurt his feelings as well in the process. In my opinion, THIS HAS BEEN NOTHING SHORT OF A TRAINWRECK FROM DAY ONE since April! In retrospect, I honestly feel none of this would have happened if the "back-and-forth on the forum had not been allowed for the model". This fact alone requires a set of objectors and defenders. The fact that models are ALL LEGAL ADULTS is accepted only by one side and rejected by the other. Yet, when I had previously objected in the distant past about too much "unnecessary roughness with newbies " even during Broke Straight Boys-1 days, I was chastised then by many of the same supporters we have today only then, they reversed their argument and assumed that models weren't kids and as adults, they did know exactly, by signing the Broke Straight Boys contract, what they were getting into. Wait a minute! Hold the Presses! Newsflash! Are we saying respectfully some of us want to "have their beefcake and eat it too! Is there some talking out of both sides of the mouth depending on the way the winds blow? I guess so! What else can anyone fairly conclude? Are we "gods to be reckoned with" or are all of us merely human with our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, based on our unique points-of-view and our own tastes? Does consistency sometimes goes out the window?

Finally, I must conclude that everybody needs the benefit of a little slack and some breathing space occasionally. Although I genuinely attempt to be consistent in things I feel strongly about, things can become clouded with the right atmospheric conditions. For the record, I never stated I "hated" anyone, ever! I did find behaviors of a certain model to be very disturbing and almost impossible to ignore because of the steady diet of repeated episodes that usually highlighted little if any improvement(s) in my humble opinion! Then, when encountering the "PRO" and "CON" factions on the forum, even the slightest hints of disapproval or comments meant to be constructive criticism were often taken as offensive.

I come away bruised and scarred and angry from this hopeless situation. I freely admit all three parties PROBABLY have experienced these three equally. This so reminds me of the days when MikeR freely romped the hallways and the futon all "inked up" with his devil-may-care attitude. I didn't then, nor do I now, desire to permanently injure anyone or worse. I have said it before, I DO NOT HATE ANYBODY INCLUDING JIMMY, DESPITE THE FALSE ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY OTHERS ON THE OPPOSING SIDE! I HAD FOOLISHLY HOPED THAT SOME CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK, FROM SOMEONE OTHER THAN HIS CORE OF "TRUE BELIEVERS", COULD HAVE A POSITIVE RESULTS ON JIMMY'S PERFORMANCES, BUT, ALAS, HE WAS HAVING NONE OF IT, ESPECIALLY FROM ME OR THE REST OF THE ENEMY!

I reiterate that ALL of my sex partners have been identified as primarily STRAIGHT, but at least they had the one highly desirable characteristic that they could "bend a little, not necessarily all the way, if only to being gay just briefly and/or to the smallest extent. The fact of their being STRAIGHTwas "never some added incentive for me to conquer, my only requirement was a working dick". Besides, at the time I considered myself "STRAIGHT" too, before I had to finally admit my reality many years later. While in my sophomore year in college I was assigned a "flamboyantly gay" roommate I was to share my dorm room in 1967. I did not know him much, but his reputation long preceeded his "Grand Entrance" into my room. In 1967, probably the only major he was allowed to choose from was "DRAMA" and he had that mastered already! I refused to allow him to hit on me beginning with minutes during the first night, where he began a nightly ritual performing a strip-tease for me with no where to hide my eyes. This routine continued nitely for the entire year, even though I eventually learned to ignore it. This nightly routine really boosted my study habits and powers of concentration. On his first night of sharing my room, I remember specifically telling him while feeling somewhat threatened..."you do whatever you feel appropriate for you, but don't expect me to follow in your footsteps", as his conversation with me continued until 3AM on a school night!

Much later on, out of all the Straight boys I knew "biblically speaking", only one "completely let himself go and go to town he went, including some anal play but stopping short of anal sex"! Others simply were one sided-bjs offering very little satisfaction emotionally in meeting my needs though freely spilling their seeds in my mouth, regardless, as if doing me a favor. I didn't assume any of my experiences with STRAIGHT GUYS somehow gave me "bragging rights" as I was not seeking to have hypnotic powers over them or their sexual preference, or signed up for a new sexual preference! On the contrary, they had hypnotic powers over me with their delicious dicks aimed squarely at me, and their dicks provided only a bit of nourishment for all the trouble, after I already swore tenfold on the BIBLE - NOT to TELL ANYBODY ABOUT OUR FESTIVITIES!

So, in other words, the "STRAIGHT" in Broke Straight Boys means "very little to me", personally. I am not some
"Knighted Conquistador" on some repetitious pathway of "conquests through the New World" for the Royal Family in Spain. I just needed a little human kindness, an occasional tender kiss, and a hug! And then, I am good for a long, long time!

Respectfully submitted to the powers that be. After Tequila leaving, I felt duty-bound to enter the frey once again! If we cannot solve our problems using a rational approach; then we fail to meet the differences existing on the forum; finally we fail differentiating ourselved from mere animals who have no rational abilitles to solve problems!

To Whom It May Concern:

As much as I have found model's open access to the forum usually exciting and occasionally fun, I have come away from this experience feeling that some of the models' fuses are too short and their personal perspectige too limited to avoid taking things too personally. While this is not the case of Colin or Rob_Ryder, I SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE THE STOMACH TO BE CALLED A "HYPOCRITE" FOR MY REASONS FOR BEING ON Broke Straight Boys. I don't assume to be morally superior to anybody here on Broke Straight Boys, either!

With my background in public education, I think of the forum as analogous to the dreaded "teacher's lounge" where the more vocal teachers could freely vent their frustrations and anger without regard for who might be listening on the other side of the lounge door. Therefore, I come away from this "FAILED EXPERIMENT" with many members being "BURNED" AND "UNWILLING AND STYMIED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FORUM" as normally in the past. For those reading my posts, that might be perceived as a real blessing for those that don't appreciate my lengthy comments. Regardless, after some 1200+ posts, forum menbers with any accumulated tenure "SHOULD CLEARLY KNOW ME WELL ENOUGH BY NOW" as someone that does not regularly spew venom from my fangs for the sake of hurting people's feelings. Since March 2010, I have typically taken the side of the UNDERDOG when they were being subjected to a Feeding Frenzy from the hungry wolves within earshot.

When a model, such as JIMMY, has ALL OF THE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES OF UNCONDITIONAL APPROVAL FROM MGMT ABOVE FOR WHATEVER HE SHOULD DO OR REFUSE TO DO WHILE FILMING, plus appearing in 18 or more episodes in just 6 months, irrespective of his episodes only marginal performance ratings, this does not spell "VICTIM". In my considered opinion, I fail to see an underdog here! These facts alone are further varification of the "special status" he and only he enjoys, when reflecting on his typical unwillingness to do those "MINIMAL THINGS OTHER Broke Straight Boys MODELS REGULARLY DO IN THEIR EPISODES"! Just look at Colin or Jack or Anthony and so on. Where has any other model enjoyed such boundless unconditional backing from mgmt. Therefore, I find it extremely difficult to categorize him as a defacto underdog regardless of sexual preference or his take on complaints from the members. My other objection has been the "leap of faith given to celebrate Straight Guys only that resulted in Management assuming we ALL would be so "FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FROM SHEER JOY, AS SOME PAVOLVIAN DOG EXPERIMENT" that both our brains would only respond to whatever appeared on the screen. My initial complaints were based on what appeared to me to be a un-caring robotic attitude with an additional sense of entitlement stacked on top of that. As a member of this site or any other porn site, a subscriber would naturally expect most new models to be shy at first being a "newbie", but with an "ingrained desire to please the existing members" with the hopes to see further progression in their sexual growth. The approace at Broke Straight Boys is to treat some members as "farm animals" after being force-fed a steady diet of something that left a bad taste in my mouth, in my opinion, and very little to feed our dirty minds only to find it rarely even remotely erotic. The insistance on being "Straight" as protrayed in his episodes was progressively getting more and more unbearable, because it came across to this member as being Insulting, Insolent, and assuming Way More Attitude than any newbie had the reasonable expectation to assume.

Call it what you will, I only hated the less than eager attitude observed on the screen his almost total lack of sensitivity to his unfortunate partners and his generally dismissive approach to interacting with them. You might call it a [COLOR="Dark Orange"]"FAILED EXPERIMENT"
, if you will, only further worsened by his free access to the Forum that further contributed to the flames on all sides of the screen all the more, and reasonably speaking hurt his feelings as well in the process. In my opinion, THIS HAS BEEN NOTHING SHORT OF A TRAINWRECK FROM DAY ONE since April! In retrospect, I honestly feel none of this would have happened if the "back-and-forth on the forum had not been allowed for the model". This fact alone requires a set of objectors and defenders. The fact that models are ALL LEGAL ADULTS is accepted only by one side and rejected by the other. Yet, when I had previously objected in the distant past about too much "unnecessary roughness with newbies " even during Broke Straight Boys-1 days, I was chastised then by many of the same supporters we have today only then, they reversed their argument and assumed that models weren't kids and as adults, they did know exactly, by signing the Broke Straight Boys contract, what they were getting into. Wait a minute! Hold the Presses! Newsflash! Are we saying respectfully some of us want to "have their beefcake and eat it too! Is there some talking out of both sides of the mouth depending on the way the winds blow? I guess so! What else can anyone fairly conclude? Are we "gods to be reckoned with" or are all of us merely human with our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, based on our unique points-of-view and our own tastes? Does consistency sometimes goes out the window?

Finally, I must conclude that everybody needs the benefit of a little slack and some breathing space occasionally. Although I genuinely attempt to be consistent in things I feel strongly about, things can become clouded with the right atmospheric conditions. For the record, I never stated I "hated" anyone, ever! I did find behaviors of a certain model to be very disturbing and almost impossible to ignore because of the steady diet of repeated episodes that usually highlighted little if any improvement(s) in my humble opinion! Then, when encountering the "PRO" and "CON" factions on the forum, even the slightest hints of disapproval or comments meant to be constructive criticism were often taken as offensive.

I come away bruised and scarred and angry from this hopeless situation. I freely admit all three parties PROBABLY have experienced these three equally. This so reminds me of the days when MikeR freely romped the hallways and the futon all "inked up" with his devil-may-care attitude. I didn't then, nor do I now, desire to permanently injure anyone or worse. I have said it before, I DO NOT HATE ANYBODY INCLUDING JIMMY, DESPITE THE FALSE ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY OTHERS ON THE OPPOSING SIDE! I HAD FOOLISHLY HOPED THAT SOME CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK, FROM SOMEONE OTHER THAN HIS CORE OF "TRUE BELIEVERS", COULD HAVE A POSITIVE RESULTS ON JIMMY'S PERFORMANCES, BUT, ALAS, HE WAS HAVING NONE OF IT, ESPECIALLY FROM ME OR THE REST OF THE ENEMY!

I reiterate that ALL of my sex partners have been identified as primarily STRAIGHT, but at least they had the one highly desirable characteristic that they could "bend a little, not necessarily all the way, if only to being gay just briefly and/or to the smallest extent. The fact of their being STRAIGHTwas "never some added incentive for me to conquer, my only requirement was a working dick". Besides, at the time I considered myself "STRAIGHT" too, before I had to finally admit my reality many years later. While in my sophomore year in college I was assigned a "flamboyantly gay" roommate I was to share my dorm room in 1967. I did not know him much, but his reputation long preceeded his "Grand Entrance" into my room. In 1967, probably the only major he was allowed to choose from was "DRAMA" and he had that mastered already! I refused to allow him to hit on me beginning with minutes during the first night, where he began a nightly ritual performing a strip-tease for me with no where to hide my eyes. This routine continued nitely for the entire year, even though I eventually learned to ignore it. This nightly routine really boosted my study habits and powers of concentration. On his first night of sharing my room, I remember specifically telling him while feeling somewhat threatened..."you do whatever you feel appropriate for you, but don't expect me to follow in your footsteps", as his conversation with me continued until 3AM on a school night!

Much later on, out of all the Straight boys I knew "biblically speaking", only one "completely let himself go and go to town he went, including some anal play but stopping short of anal sex"! Others simply were one sided-bjs offering very little satisfaction emotionally in meeting my needs though freely spilling their seeds in my mouth, regardless, as if doing me a favor. I didn't assume any of my experiences with STRAIGHT GUYS somehow gave me "bragging rights" as I was not seeking to have hypnotic powers over them or their sexual preference, or signed up for a new sexual preference! On the contrary, they had hypnotic powers over me with their delicious dicks aimed squarely at me, and their dicks provided only a bit of nourishment for all the trouble, after I already swore tenfold on the BIBLE - NOT to TELL ANYBODY ABOUT OUR FESTIVITIES!

So, in other words, the "STRAIGHT" in Broke Straight Boys means "very little to me", personally. I am not some
"Knighted Conquistador" on some repetitious pathway of "conquests through the New World" for the Royal Family in Spain. I just needed a little human kindness, an occasional tender kiss, and a hug! And then, I am good for a long, long time!

Respectfully submitted to the powers that be. After Tequila leaving, I felt duty-bound to enter the frey once again! If we cannot solve our problems using a rational approach; then we fail to meet the differences existing on the forum; finally we fail differentiating ourselved from mere animals who have no rational abilitles to solve problems!


Stimpy, did you choose my thread to say you are NOT dialing it back? LOL:blink::001_smile:
You GO, Stimpy! haha

Stimpy, did you choose my thread to say you are NOT dialing it back? LOL:blink::001_smile:

The word "irrepressible" comes to mind. :001_smile:

Please Stimpy... Don't hold back now. What do you really think about the situation? LMAO :lol:
Stimpy, I love when you speak your mind. While we may disagree on some of your premises, I love the fire and passion, and humanity in your posts.

Thanks for making the forum a better place with you on it. :001_smile:
So how about if we compromise...........on you not dialing it back, and Stimpy dialing it way, way, way up?:lol::thumbup:
I sure agree with Ms. K. The more folks that post here, the more fun the forum is. As long as we are all respectful of each other, even when we disagree. I love it when there are a wide diverse group of posters discussing the issues of the day, here. :wink:
I agree with Mike, Stimpy.

You know that you and I are in agreement most of the time. And even in the few cases where we are not, I always admire you for speaking your mind. I absolutely LOVE the heart thumping passion and the fire that you bring to any discussion. With your innate passion...who needs a muse? :)

I know that the issues you raised are of the serious and controversial variety. But I just couldn't help seeing some of the humor in it as well. It was like you drank a double strength espresso from a 7-11 Big Gulp. And then, just for good measure, you purposely sat on a thumb tack before you put digits to keyboard. :wink:

Well done Stimpy. :thumbup1: That was quite a ride you put us all through.
To Whom It May Concern:

As much as I have found model's open access to the forum usually exciting and occasionally fun, I have come away from this experience feeling that some of the models' fuses are too short and their personal perspectige too limited to avoid taking things too personally. While this is not the case of Colin or Rob_Ryder, I SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE THE STOMACH TO BE CALLED A "HYPOCRITE" FOR MY REASONS FOR BEING ON Broke Straight Boys. I don't assume to be morally superior to anybody here on Broke Straight Boys, either!

With my background in public education, I think of the forum as analogous to the dreaded "teacher's lounge" where the more vocal teachers could freely vent their frustrations and anger without regard for who might be listening on the other side of the lounge door. Therefore, I come away from this "FAILED EXPERIMENT" with many members being "BURNED" AND "UNWILLING AND STYMIED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FORUM" as normally in the past. For those reading my posts, that might be perceived as a real blessing for those that don't appreciate my lengthy comments. Regardless, after some 1200+ posts, forum menbers with any accumulated tenure "SHOULD CLEARLY KNOW ME WELL ENOUGH BY NOW" as someone that does not regularly spew venom from my fangs for the sake of hurting people's feelings. Since March 2010, I have typically taken the side of the UNDERDOG when they were being subjected to a Feeding Frenzy from the hungry wolves within earshot.

When a model, such as JIMMY, has ALL OF THE BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES OF UNCONDITIONAL APPROVAL FROM MGMT ABOVE FOR WHATEVER HE SHOULD DO OR REFUSE TO DO WHILE FILMING, plus appearing in 18 or more episodes in just 6 months, irrespective of his episodes only marginal performance ratings, this does not spell "VICTIM". In my considered opinion, I fail to see an underdog here! These facts alone are further varification of the "special status" he and only he enjoys, when reflecting on his typical unwillingness to do those "MINIMAL THINGS OTHER Broke Straight Boys MODELS REGULARLY DO IN THEIR EPISODES"! Just look at Colin or Jack or Anthony and so on. Where has any other model enjoyed such boundless unconditional backing from mgmt. Therefore, I find it extremely difficult to categorize him as a defacto underdog regardless of sexual preference or his take on complaints from the members. My other objection has been the "leap of faith given to celebrate Straight Guys only that resulted in Management assuming we ALL would be so "FOAMING AT THE MOUTH FROM SHEER JOY, AS SOME PAVOLVIAN DOG EXPERIMENT" that both our brains would only respond to whatever appeared on the screen. My initial complaints were based on what appeared to me to be a un-caring robotic attitude with an additional sense of entitlement stacked on top of that. As a member of this site or any other porn site, a subscriber would naturally expect most new models to be shy at first being a "newbie", but with an "ingrained desire to please the existing members" with the hopes to see further progression in their sexual growth. The approace at Broke Straight Boys is to treat some members as "farm animals" after being force-fed a steady diet of something that left a bad taste in my mouth, in my opinion, and very little to feed our dirty minds only to find it rarely even remotely erotic. The insistance on being "Straight" as protrayed in his episodes was progressively getting more and more unbearable, because it came across to this member as being Insulting, Insolent, and assuming Way More Attitude than any newbie had the reasonable expectation to assume.

Call it what you will, I only hated the less than eager attitude observed on the screen his almost total lack of sensitivity to his unfortunate partners and his generally dismissive approach to interacting with them. You might call it a [COLOR="Dark Orange"]"FAILED EXPERIMENT"
, if you will, only further worsened by his free access to the Forum that further contributed to the flames on all sides of the screen all the more, and reasonably speaking hurt his feelings as well in the process. In my opinion, THIS HAS BEEN NOTHING SHORT OF A TRAINWRECK FROM DAY ONE since April! In retrospect, I honestly feel none of this would have happened if the "back-and-forth on the forum had not been allowed for the model". This fact alone requires a set of objectors and defenders. The fact that models are ALL LEGAL ADULTS is accepted only by one side and rejected by the other. Yet, when I had previously objected in the distant past about too much "unnecessary roughness with newbies " even during Broke Straight Boys-1 days, I was chastised then by many of the same supporters we have today only then, they reversed their argument and assumed that models weren't kids and as adults, they did know exactly, by signing the Broke Straight Boys contract, what they were getting into. Wait a minute! Hold the Presses! Newsflash! Are we saying respectfully some of us want to "have their beefcake and eat it too! Is there some talking out of both sides of the mouth depending on the way the winds blow? I guess so! What else can anyone fairly conclude? Are we "gods to be reckoned with" or are all of us merely human with our strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, based on our unique points-of-view and our own tastes? Does consistency sometimes goes out the window?

Finally, I must conclude that everybody needs the benefit of a little slack and some breathing space occasionally. Although I genuinely attempt to be consistent in things I feel strongly about, things can become clouded with the right atmospheric conditions. For the record, I never stated I "hated" anyone, ever! I did find behaviors of a certain model to be very disturbing and almost impossible to ignore because of the steady diet of repeated episodes that usually highlighted little if any improvement(s) in my humble opinion! Then, when encountering the "PRO" and "CON" factions on the forum, even the slightest hints of disapproval or comments meant to be constructive criticism were often taken as offensive.

I come away bruised and scarred and angry from this hopeless situation. I freely admit all three parties PROBABLY have experienced these three equally. This so reminds me of the days when MikeR freely romped the hallways and the futon all "inked up" with his devil-may-care attitude. I didn't then, nor do I now, desire to permanently injure anyone or worse. I have said it before, I DO NOT HATE ANYBODY INCLUDING JIMMY, DESPITE THE FALSE ASSUMPTIONS MADE BY OTHERS ON THE OPPOSING SIDE! I HAD FOOLISHLY HOPED THAT SOME CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK, FROM SOMEONE OTHER THAN HIS CORE OF "TRUE BELIEVERS", COULD HAVE A POSITIVE RESULTS ON JIMMY'S PERFORMANCES, BUT, ALAS, HE WAS HAVING NONE OF IT, ESPECIALLY FROM ME OR THE REST OF THE ENEMY!

I reiterate that ALL of my sex partners have been identified as primarily STRAIGHT, but at least they had the one highly desirable characteristic that they could "bend a little, not necessarily all the way, if only to being gay just briefly and/or to the smallest extent. The fact of their being STRAIGHTwas "never some added incentive for me to conquer, my only requirement was a working dick". Besides, at the time I considered myself "STRAIGHT" too, before I had to finally admit my reality many years later. While in my sophomore year in college I was assigned a "flamboyantly gay" roommate I was to share my dorm room in 1967. I did not know him much, but his reputation long preceeded his "Grand Entrance" into my room. In 1967, probably the only major he was allowed to choose from was "DRAMA" and he had that mastered already! I refused to allow him to hit on me beginning with minutes during the first night, where he began a nightly ritual performing a strip-tease for me with no where to hide my eyes. This routine continued nitely for the entire year, even though I eventually learned to ignore it. This nightly routine really boosted my study habits and powers of concentration. On his first night of sharing my room, I remember specifically telling him while feeling somewhat threatened..."you do whatever you feel appropriate for you, but don't expect me to follow in your footsteps", as his conversation with me continued until 3AM on a school night!

Much later on, out of all the Straight boys I knew "biblically speaking", only one "completely let himself go and go to town he went, including some anal play but stopping short of anal sex"! Others simply were one sided-bjs offering very little satisfaction emotionally in meeting my needs though freely spilling their seeds in my mouth, regardless, as if doing me a favor. I didn't assume any of my experiences with STRAIGHT GUYS somehow gave me "bragging rights" as I was not seeking to have hypnotic powers over them or their sexual preference, or signed up for a new sexual preference! On the contrary, they had hypnotic powers over me with their delicious dicks aimed squarely at me, and their dicks provided only a bit of nourishment for all the trouble, after I already swore tenfold on the BIBLE - NOT to TELL ANYBODY ABOUT OUR FESTIVITIES!

So, in other words, the "STRAIGHT" in Broke Straight Boys means "very little to me", personally. I am not some
"Knighted Conquistador" on some repetitious pathway of "conquests through the New World" for the Royal Family in Spain. I just needed a little human kindness, an occasional tender kiss, and a hug! And then, I am good for a long, long time!

Respectfully submitted to the powers that be. After Tequila leaving, I felt duty-bound to enter the frey once again! If we cannot solve our problems using a rational approach; then we fail to meet the differences existing on the forum; finally we fail differentiating ourselved from mere animals who have no rational abilitles to solve problems!


Well said, Stimpy. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion, as is everyone who participates in the forum.

I do think, however, that everyone who is unhappy with Jimmy -- as you clearly are -- is taking it way overboard.

You specifically mention that both Colin and Rob haven't taken things personally; I'd like to point out that the vast majority of any feedback regarding these two has been overwhelmingly positive. What would there be that they could take personally? When you're being lauded and praised for doing a great job, being told how hot and wonderful you are, what could you possibly get defensive over?

I would also like to point out to you that both Rob, and Colin, have defended their friend Jimmy.

Jimmy has done nothing wrong whatsoever. He has been very consistent in his postings, the majority of which consisted of him thanking members for their feedback...both positive and negative.

The only times Jimmy has taken what could be considered a defensive tone was after he had been landblasted daily, over and over again, by numerous people. Jimmy is a man, a young guy, obviously he's an athlete, and he takes care of himself and has no problem defending himself.

Just as you are entitled to your opinion Stimpy I am too, and I feel that Jimmy handled his never-ending criticism with a lot of class.

If you were to dissect every statement that Jimmy has made, I would like for you to point out one statement or post that was rude, condescending, or confrontational. I don't think you can, because it's not there.

Friday I spent a long time poring over the post in question, trying to find where Jimmy was so God awful and over the top: I couldn't find it! I looked two more times, and reread the entire thread all three times. It wasn't there, Stimpy!

What *was* there was Jimmy being called names, accused, and basically it was a slam Jimmy fest by a few people.

Jimmy has been nothing but respectful, while at the same time defending himself against ridiculous accusations that have no basis in reality, but are firmly rooted in pure speculation and opinion.

Most of the time, people are totally respectful regarding their opinions of Jimmy whether positive or negative. A great example was Balboa. While he made it clear he was not a fan of Jimmy, and eventually left the site because he felt there was too much Jimmy too much of the time, he was totally respectful about it.

You, Stimpy, have been largely respectful. Although I do feel in my opinion you are basing your opinions on one or two scenes rather than the whole picture. I grant you Jimmy's scene with Colin was a train wreck, and enjoyed by few people. However, when you look at its current rating, I have also seen far worse ratings on both Broke Straight Boys-1 and Broke Straight Boys-2. Look at the Broke Straight Boys fleshlight party rating for example, or perhaps the Vinnie and Jimmy "foot scene"...probably one of the all-time lowest rated scenes in Broke Straight Boys history. However, I feel that was more about content and bad production decisions (obviously this crowd doesn't get into watching guys stroke themselves with a fleshlight anymore than we get into watching guys hold each others' feet up) rather than the guys in those scenes.

When you view all of Jimmy's scenes, I think you'll find a general trend in him making a conscious effort at improving his performances. Jimmy has been much more sensitive, caring, and accomodating in his later scenes (not including the Colin "rough fuck" scene), which is one of the huge things people had issues with was his lack of sensitivity. And Jimmy will be the first to tell you that he doesn't enjoy sex with men, so every improvement that he has made is a DIRECT RESULT OF VIEWER FEEDBACK.

Jimmy has kissed, Jimmy has sucked cock, Jimmy has fucked with tenderness and sensitivity. Unless your answer is "get fucked and rim", what else are you asking for?

The entire concept of a gay porn is really going to be based on fictional encounters and trysts. Even reality based porn, is still pure fiction. Maybe some of the stories have some grains of truth in them (I really do believe for example that Mick was in the military). But the overall finished product is I'd say 1% reality, 57% acting out a script, and 42% editing.

I think that a lot of what Jimmy tells us on the forum is true, and really the way he is. I think some of the other models who post on here are posting fictional stuff, to be more engaging, make things more interesting, and thus drive viewer attention to [A] Keep members interested, thus rebilling month after month and drive more traffic to the sites.

Stimpy, I don't think it's fair to compare Jimmy to the other models like Colin and Rob because I'm not sure that they wouldn't defend themselves too if they suddenly found themselves in positions opposite of the ones they enjoy today. Colin is universally loved by all of us I think, he gets nothing but praise and admiration from all of his fans including myself. Same with Rob, he has a huge following of people who love everything he does, they're like Rob groupies. When he posts a new pic of himself or a new youtube video, people go nuts over it.

Of course they're going to be friendly, upbeat, charismatic, and fun for us to interact with.

Think how it must feel for Jimmy, who is just trying to make his way, and trying to do a good job. Every time they post a new scene of his, he must have to grit his teeth and brace for impact at the complaints and seething comments the people don't like him make about him and the scene, and how much they don't like it.

How would you feel?

And remember, Jimmy is truly a straight guy and I actually believe him when he says he's straight, because actions speak louder than words. Which is why I truly feel Jimmy doing gay porn is no different than it would be for you to do straight porn.

I assume your first thought would be "I would never do straight porn to begin with!" But seriously, straight porn doesn't pay much at all for guys. The girls make great money, but the guys are really not much more than props. It's my understanding that straight porn stars usually don't make much more than a couple hundred bucks per scene where the girls make thousands.

And finally, while you and others dislike Jimmy's work on here, I happen to like it and I really appreciate the improvements he has made.
Yes, Abe, Jimmy can't be faulted for not trying to improve on his people skills. He revealed a very tender side of him and for that I applaud him very much. As for Broke Straight Boys mangement showing extraordinary favor to him, well, I don't condemn him for that either; rather, I also applaud him for that benefit. I like seeing young people get ahead in these difficult economic times. Go for it Jimmy, get as much money as you can before it drys up. I rather see someone I like get the money than those bankers who fed on the public trough.
Yes, Abe, Jimmy can't be faulted for not trying to improve on his people skills. He revealed a very tender side of him and for that I applaud him very much. As for Broke Straight Boys mangement showing extraordinary favor to him, well, I don't condemn him for that either; rather, I also applaud him for that benefit. I like seeing young people get ahead in these difficult economic times. Go for it Jimmy, get as much money as you can before it drys up. I rather see someone I like get the money than those bankers who fed on the public trough.
Excellent point Angelone, that Jimmy should be applauded for finding a job and being successful at it, in these challenging economic times, where many 21 year old's are still living at home with their parents, and trying to eek out a living at a minimum wage job. He works hard, flying around the country to make his promotional appearances, and always has a smile on his face as he greets his fans at the events, (based on the extensive videos that Sha has shot of him and the boys at the events). His fellow performers, and co-workers always speak highly of his integrity, and he is polite and respectful on the forum, unless he is attacked, as he is a man, and will defend himself when he is provoked.

He also works hard, and to the best of his ability in his scenes on Broke Straight Boys as well. I know that there is a perception among his detractors, that he "steals" money during his scenes, because he always tops, but that is totally ridiculous, as it is very hard work, (no pun intended by the use of the word "hard"), being a straight guy who fuck's other men for a living. I recall CJ from Broke Straight Boys 1 telling us that it was easier for him to bottom, as he is straight and would have a problem getting hard and being a top. So I too applaud Jimmy, and hope that he makes as much money as possible during his time of employment here, and he can hopefully save some money for the future of himself and his family.
Jimmy isn't the first one that Broke Straight Boys management has promoted so vigorously, there were others - Tyler, Rob (of happy memory), Diesal, Danny, etc. The question that should be asked is why? Why is Jimmy so prolific on Broke Straight Boys? There has to be a underlying reason - is he awesome both to Broke Straight Boys members and especially to Broke Straight Boys upper ups? For me, I'm a little old-fashsion. Once I found a product I like, I pretty much stick to it forever.