I am finishing a revision to my Thesis topic right now. Fun, fun, fun I tell you LOL. So far I have written a 20 page proposal complete with literary review of what I plan to demonstrate, my plan, and my expected outcomes... Let's see if the review committee approves it this time. LOL Scholars, I tell you; they all think they had it tough getting their graduate level degrees. So, they try to make everyone work their ass off for that stupid piece of paper that says I have a graduate degree. LOL I only need it for credentialing purposes. Other than that I would probably use it it for toilet paper in an emergency. I guess I have always believed in the school of hard knocks any way. LOL...
It is my goal to take the professional credential I earn and promote holistic health and wellness. Focusing on spiritual, and natural approaches to healing one's self, and promoting health and wellness. There are very few schools that are regionally accredited that provide this type of program. Bastyr University in Seattle, WA
http://www.bastyr.edu/academic/profiles/ and The University of Bridgeport in CT
https://www.bridgeport.edu/pages/3240.asp are actually the only two Accredited Schools in the country to train as a Natrualpathic Doctor. There is so much needless suffering in the world and there are so many holistic healing and pain management methods that can benefit millions.
I am working with seven friends currently to work toward opening an accredited school of metaphysical theology, holistic spiritualism, and holistic health and wellness. So, my plate has been really full.