BSB Addict
U were right about what?
U were right about what?
since when?
nooooooooo ..... i dont like to be nasty
what did i do ?
never live in the past boy .......... its over and done with
Hi, Ray. How is life downunder at the resort?
Hi Jayman
How is life on your end of the cable?
Pretty tiring today. Still fighting a bleeding sinus infection. I just wish the doctor would waste the governments money and send me to an ENT to get scoped and cauterized. I get this dam thing about once every year. I am sure it would be much cheaper on the VA and less of a pain in the rear for me on an annual basis. I hate having to take antibiotics unless it is necessary. Then I have to spend half a year taking probiotics to build my flora back up... It is just a vicious cycle. Let's hear it for health care reform...
So, how is your day?