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I'm back!


Well-known Member
May 14, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, TX area
Just like the dreaded Poltergeist ("They're back"), i'm back and ready to come at you through your monitors to chat happily about the goings on of this great forum!

For those of you who think I'm a wuss(sp?)for returning, don't think for one moment that I'm taking back anything I wrote!!! I still feel strongly about my posts!! I'm not asking a reprieve from Jimmy, or anyone else for that matter! Jimmy can say anything he pleases! I've discovered how to use a little thing called the "Ignore List" button!

The real reason I returned was because I missed my real friends on this forum. I've already sent them a PM telling them how much I've missed them and thanking them for their support, even if I was gone a short time!!

I, also, want to thank Larkster for agreeing with some of my posts and for telling it like it is!

Thanks, Tampa!!
welcome back! you are still on my friends list.
the ignore list works until someone quotes a poster on your list.
look forward to reading your posts.
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome back!!!

I believe your friends did miss you, at least for a day or two.

I like the Ignore Post list. I just wonder where you got that from.

In truth, it does work wonders.

Live Long, Prosper and keep on posting,

One big, happy family again!

Dear Tequila69,

At Vice-Kid-the Peacemaker's urging, I am glad you have decided to get on with your life on the Forum. Looking forward to future posts from you. We have the makings of being "one happy family again!"

Take Care and God Bless! Even a porn site needs some "Devine Inspiration" or so it is written in my Bible.

Just like the dreaded Poltergeist ("They're back"), i'm back and ready to come at you through your monitors to chat happily about the goings on of this great forum!

For those of you who think I'm a wuss(sp?)for returning, don't think for one moment that I'm taking back anything I wrote!!! I still feel strongly about my posts!! I'm not asking a reprieve from Jimmy, or anyone else for that matter! Jimmy can say anything he pleases! I've discovered how to use a little thing called the "Ignore List" button!

The real reason I returned was because I missed my real friends on this forum. I've already sent them a PM telling them how much I've missed them and thanking them for their support, even if I was gone a short time!!

I, also, want to thank Larkster for agreeing with some of my posts and for telling it like it is!

Although we wound up on opposite sides in the "Jimmy debate", I am so happy to see you back. As much as I like Jimmy, I like Broke Straight Boys even more, and I like the forum to be active, and lively, with folks offering the gamut of opinions on all issues, small and large.

And I've really come to respect you Tequila, in the time that you have been here, and I am so pleased that you will still be sharing opinions and engaging in discussions here. Like I've said before, for some of us here, it is like the "Hotel California". You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. :001_tongue:

Welcome back home, Tequila. :thumbup:
Welcome back Tequila! I'm glad you're back, and I hope you see this post (although something tells me that I'm on your ignore list). :001_unsure:

Of course you're still on my Friends list another 1, as are Vicekid and Cumrag, aka Stimpy! And you will always be, as long as I stay, which I hope is a long time!

Thanks, also, to Mike and Abe! No, Abe, you're not my ignore list! I wanted to put you on it, but I couldn't for reasons I will explain in a PM to you. I hope you will read it.
Of course you're still on my Friends list another 1, as are Vicekid and Cumrag, aka Stimpy! And you will always be, as long as I stay, which I hope is a long time!

Thanks, also, to Mike and Abe! No, Abe, you're not my ignore list! I wanted to put you on it, but I couldn't for reasons I will explain in a PM to you. I hope you will read it.

Of course Abe will read it.........He really is a big ol' softy. I love him to pieces, and someday Tequila you will too.:001_wub:

Glad you are back. Would you like to discuss how HOT Chad is???:drool::001_tt1:
Good to have you back tequila! salue!
Abs - solutely!

Chad is hotter than the sun causing the drought on Texas!

Chad is hotter than Jesse James' pistol, and longer, too!!

Chad is hotter than a bright, searing, red hot cattle brand with MsK on it!

Chad is hotter than Ms. K's thighs while she's watching the little hottie on Broke Straight Boys!

Chad is hotter than a blue ribbon winning Texas chili!

Chad is hotter than a Texas salsa made with 100,000 jalapeños!

Is this good enough to start the discussion, Ms. K.?:thumbup:
Just like the dreaded Poltergeist ("They're back"), i'm back and ready to come at you through your monitors to chat happily about the goings on of this great forum!

For those of you who think I'm a wuss(sp?)for returning, don't think for one moment that I'm taking back anything I wrote!!! I still feel strongly about my posts!! I'm not asking a reprieve from Jimmy, or anyone else for that matter! Jimmy can say anything he pleases! I've discovered how to use a little thing called the "Ignore List" button!

The real reason I returned was because I missed my real friends on this forum. I've already sent them a PM telling them how much I've missed them and thanking them for their support, even if I was gone a short time!!

I, also, want to thank Larkster for agreeing with some of my posts and for telling it like it is!


Thanks for the shout out. But, I felt like you had my back. LOL And speaking of back, Welcome! Back that is.:thumbup:
Good for you, Spence! We may disagree about things but I still regard you a very close friend. Remember you are still royalty on Broke Straight Boys and as such benefit from a change of mind anytime you want.
Welcome back, Tequila.

And Ms. K - I completely agree with you. Chad is EXTREMELY hot! - And I think I'm getting a little warm thinking about him. :)