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I tried!


Well-known Member
May 14, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, TX area
You know, Jimmy keeps saying that he's trying and trying and trying to improve! Well, I've tried too! I've tried to understand Jimmy, so I asked him to respond to some questions I posed to him -- questions that One member thought were right out of the Inquisition! Jimmy did, indeed, respond to those questions and in his response, he said that because I was "fucking hard with his mind," he might not have responded to everything and he wanted to be more "procise," so "keep them cumming!" So, I responded to his request, and, yes, I did call him a Bisexual, using the definition of the term. He chose to respond to this part of my post only! I don't think I did anything wrong! However, he retorted with all kinds of insults! No one has ever said anything like that to me!

And that's why I stand by my post on the "Will Jimmy ever bottom" thread, page 4, post #35. I'm done with Jimmy and I'm done with BSB2 as well.!!! Besides Broke Straight Boys doesn't need me as a member! The site has plenty of members who will put up with disappointing scenes, lower prices to stay, and loud-mouthed, 2-bit punk models who think they can get on this forum and disparage paying customers!!! It is said that "if you can't stand the heat , then get out of the fire!!! And that's precisely what I am doing!!

But as far as Jimmy is concerned: "METHINKS THE STRAIGHT? BOY DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH!"
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What questions? What responses?

You know, Jimmy keeps saying that he's trying and trying and trying to improve! Well, I've tried too! I've tried to understand Jimmy, so I asked him to respond to some questions I posed to him -- questions that One member thought were right out of the Inquisition! Jimmy did, indeed, respond to those questions and in his response, he said that because I was "fucking hard with his mind," he might not have responded to everything and he wanted to be more "procise," so "keep them cumming!" So, I responded to his request, and, yes, I did call him a Bisexual, using the definition of the term. He chose to respond to this part of my post only! I don't think I did anything wrong! However, he retorted with all kinds of insults! No one has ever said anything like that to me!

And that's why I stand by my post on the "Will Jimmy ever bottom" thread, page 4, post #35. I'm done with Jimmy and I'm done with BSB2 as well.!!! Besides Broke Straight Boys doesn't need me as a member! The site has plenty of members who will put up with disappointing scenes, lower prices to stay, and loud-mouthed, 2-bit punk models who think they can get on this forum and disparage paying customers!!! It is said that "if you can't stand the heat , then get out of the fire!!! And that's precisely what I am doing!!

But as far as Jimmy is concerned: "METHINKS THE STRAIGHT? BOY DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH!"

I'm confused, Tequila. What questions are you talking about and when did you pose them to Jimmy? What thread is all this on? I've check the thread you cite above and the "enough of Jimmy's mouth" thread and could find nothing. Please advise.
They are on the Jimmy and Anthony thread, pages 7 and 8.
Remember Tequila, Jimmy was hired by Blu for this years Pride Tour. The tour is over in November. Who knows what will happen after that?
Thanks, Ms K.
Maybe I will be back when and if Jimmy ever leaves!
Another dissatisfied customer!

Thanks, Ms K.
Maybe I will be back when and if Jimmy ever leaves!

Dear Tequila69,

So sorry for it all to end this way, kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water! It all seems so very, very unfair to be treated this way as a paying customer only wanting his money's worth on, of all things, a "Gay Porn Site"!!

Poor "defenseless and victimized" Jimmy may feel "put upon strutting his stuff" while being employed on a Gay Porn Site, but not all of the paying customers would necessarily agree! In sharp contrast, Rob_Ryder has the perfect attitude to go along with the perfect "everything else, including his being STRAIGHT"! Lets hear it for Rob!

Sorry you feel so very unwelcomed and disenfranchised here on Broke Straight Boys-2! I am not too far behind you in your feelings!

Sincerely Gay and loving it!:waw:

I'm so sorry to hear that you are leaving us Tequila. I do understand and empathize with your concerns. Hopefully you will decide to come back at a later time.

My guess is that Jimmy has a one year contract.
Dear Tequila69,

So sorry for it all to end this way, kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water! It all seems so very, very unfair to be treated this way as a paying customer only wanting his money's worth on, of all things, a "Gay Porn Site"!!

Poor "defenseless and victimized" Jimmy may feel "put upon strutting his stuff" while being employed on a Gay Porn Site, but not all of the paying customers would necessarily agree! In sharp contrast, Rob_Ryder has the perfect attitude to go along with the perfect "everything else, including his being STRAIGHT"! Lets hear it for Rob!

Sorry you feel so very unwelcomed and disenfranchised here on Broke Straight Boys-2! I am not too far behind you in your feelings!

Sincerely Gay and loving it!:waw:


We all want the models to post on the forum, but this is the drawback. When we are enamored with them, like we are Colin and Rob, it all works and everyone is happy. But, when it is someone who draws a lot of criticism like Jimmy, it causes a lot of strife and drama.

I am actually surprised that Jimmy held his tongue as long as he did. My experiences with College age guys, has overwhelmingly shown me that they do not deal with criticism very well, and tend to lash out in anger, often finding a target to deflect the attention from themselves. Their egos are not able to handle it.

I am also surprised that management did not issue any statements during all of this Jimmy drama. I expected Mark to come out with a statement, at least acknowledging the concern over the frequency of Jimmy scenes. Perhaps telling us that he was contracted for a certain length of time, or number of scenes. I especially thought we would hear from Mark or Chuck when the last volley of posts with Jimmy got so ugly.

But, by the same token, we get angry when management does "get involved," so this is another instance of "damned if I do, and damned if I don't" for them.

I don't know the answers here, and I think that is why so many of the neutral forum members always tried to smooth the waters. This was my big fear, that we would lose someone really great, like Tequila or PrettyPolly, over something that most definitely has a time limit. I just don't know what the time limit is.

I haven't watched a Jimmy scene since.........I don't even know when. But honestly, with Chad and Colin around, I forget there ever were any other models on BSB2.
I am all in favor of free speech, and while I enjoy Jimmy's attitude in his "on screen scenarios", I thought that he went way over board in his comments to you Tequila. You were being respectful to him, unlike some of the antagonistic whiners who were rude to him.

As an employee of Mark's, I thought that he went way overboard in "attacking" a member, who said nothing rude to him. I would hope that Mark will address this issue.

I still think that Jimmy is a hot guy, and I think he is a huge asset to Broke Straight Boys in his appearances and of course in his porn work on the site, but he must also be aware that he shouldn't talk to the member's of this site in a disrespectful tone, either.

I would hope that Mark and or Jimmy might apologize and that Tequila might reconsider his decision too. We were just getting to know you Tequila, and I would hope that you might decide to overlook Jimmy's indiscretions, and perhaps you will stay with us on the forum, so that you can enjoy the other model's on this site who you enjoy watching.
Some send off!

From Message
Subject: Cancel membership
Hi, your membership has been cancelled. We hope you enjoyed the site, and would like to thank you for any referrals you send to us. I hope you will visit us again.
Thank you,

Just wanted to share the message I got when I cancelled my membership. Although, I'm sure Amber doesn't know the reason for my canceling my membership, I thought it was funny and sad that a porn site which cares enough to establish a forum for it's members, and even communicates with it's
members through said forum, should reply with such a cold and unfeeling send off. Referrals? LMFAO!
I actually read the entire thread in question, and I don't see anything that Jimmy did wrong. Jimmy is what he is, he doesn't sugar coat stuff. His posts were to the point, and direct, but I don't see them as being out of line although he says what he thinks and quite frankly, Jimmy is regularly being criticized to death on an almost DAILY BASIS.

I ask anyone who dislikes Jimmy to ask themselves this question: If you are 100% gay and doing straight porn, fucking women, and then had to go into a forum type setting and read post after post after post after post on a daily basis from people who are mean, rude, and scathing in their criticisms of not only your performances but also slamming the way you write, the way you spell, accusing you of being someone else, then having the gall to call you straight (Tequila, you flat out told Jimmy in your post that he's bi, which is literally and completely labeling someone and in my opinion is hitting below the belt), wouldn't you get just a tad bit defensive?

NO ONE who has ever modeled in the history of Broke Straight Boys has EVER had to endure the type of constant, daily, non-stop slamming of Jimmy on a never ending basis. VERY FEW people say nice things about him, it's RARE that anyone ever has a nice thing to say about him.

I ask you again, if you had to read literally hundreds of posts from people who do nothing but complain about you specifically, hitting below the belt, saying terrible and mean things about you, how would you feel?

At some point, after days and weeks and months, you would probably start getting a bit frustrated I'm guessing.

Tequila, in my opinion I feel that you were very mean and cruel when you flat out accused Jimmy that he's bi. Jimmy has told us that it's not easy for him mentally having to have sex with a man and I think Jimmy is being provoked on a very constant basis by members who don't like him and he has very few people sticking up for him. Jimmy is LITERALLY being bullied by a large number of people, and he is almost the only person sticking up for and defending himself. Yet he still responds to questions and comments, and thanks people for their feedback, and Jimmy has said countless times in here that he is making changes and trying to improve.

After reading Jimmy's posts in the thread in question on pages 7 and 8, he was not making insults towards anyone, nor was he accusing anyone of anything either. He was DEFENDING HIMSELF against a whole lot of people who are leveling very mean and unkind accusations and downright cruel insults at him.

What do you expect him to do, thank you for writing and to have a nice day?

Come on people get real.

Jimmy is a human, he is a young guy with feelings, he has a son and I think a child on the way with a girlfriend and he is trying to do the best job he can. Jimmy has said that it doesn't bother him when people say mean things about him, but I'm betting that it actually does and it probably really hurts his feelings and if your goal is to drive him away and never come back then you're doing a really good job of it.

Many people should be ASHAMED of themselves for the cruel things they have said to, and about Jimmy.

I am all in favor of free speech, and while I enjoy Jimmy's attitude in his "on screen scenarios", I thought that he went way over board in his comments to you Tequila. You were being respectful to him, unlike some of the antagonistic whiners who were rude to him.

As an employee of Mark's, I thought that he went way overboard in "attacking" a member, who said nothing rude to him. I would hope that Mark will address this issue.

I still think that Jimmy is a hot guy, and I think he is a huge asset to Broke Straight Boys in his appearances and of course in his porn work on the site, but he must also be aware that he shouldn't talk to the member's of this site in a disrespectful tone, either.

I would hope that Mark and or Jimmy might apologize and that Tequila might reconsider his decision too. We were just getting to know you Tequila, and I would hope that you might decide to overlook Jimmy's indiscretions, and perhaps you will stay with us on the forum, so that you can enjoy the other model's on this site who you enjoy watching.
I wish we could still delete our posts, hours or days after we make them, as was possible in the old days here. I made this post earlier today without having read all the threads involved. I now feel that both parties got down and dirty, and that Jimmy's responses were not out of line, in my opinion, and no apologies are necessary, except for mine, for my previous post. I'm sorry for commenting without knowing the whole story.
I actually read the entire thread in question, and I don't see anything that Jimmy did wrong. Jimmy is what he is, he doesn't sugar coat stuff. His posts were to the point, and direct, but I don't see them as being out of line although he says what he thinks and quite frankly, Jimmy is regularly being criticized to death on an almost DAILY BASIS.

I ask anyone who dislikes Jimmy to ask themselves this question: If you are 100% gay and doing straight porn, fucking women, and then had to go into a forum type setting and read post after post after post after post on a daily basis from people who are mean, rude, and scathing in their criticisms of not only your performances but also slamming the way you write, the way you spell, accusing you of being someone else, then having the gall to call you straight (Tequila, you flat out told Jimmy in your post that he's bi, which is literally and completely labeling someone and in my opinion is hitting below the belt), wouldn't you get just a tad bit defensive?

NO ONE who has ever modeled in the history of Broke Straight Boys has EVER had to endure the type of constant, daily, non-stop slamming of Jimmy on a never ending basis. VERY FEW people say nice things about him, it's RARE that anyone ever has a nice thing to say about him.

I ask you again, if you had to read literally hundreds of posts from people who do nothing but complain about you specifically, hitting below the belt, saying terrible and mean things about you, how would you feel?

At some point, after days and weeks and months, you would probably start getting a bit frustrated I'm guessing.

Tequila, in my opinion I feel that you were very mean and cruel when you flat out accused Jimmy that he's bi. Jimmy has told us that it's not easy for him mentally having to have sex with a man and I think Jimmy is being provoked on a very constant basis by members who don't like him and he has very few people sticking up for him. Jimmy is LITERALLY being bullied by a large number of people, and he is almost the only person sticking up for and defending himself. Yet he still responds to questions and comments, and thanks people for their feedback, and Jimmy has said countless times in here that he is making changes and trying to improve.

After reading Jimmy's posts in the thread in question on pages 7 and 8, he was not making insults towards anyone, nor was he accusing anyone of anything either. He was DEFENDING HIMSELF against a whole lot of people who are leveling very mean and unkind accusations and downright cruel insults at him.

What do you expect him to do, thank you for writing and to have a nice day?

Come on people get real.

Jimmy is a human, he is a young guy with feelings, he has a son and I think a child on the way with a girlfriend and he is trying to do the best job he can. Jimmy has said that it doesn't bother him when people say mean things about him, but I'm betting that it actually does and it probably really hurts his feelings and if your goal is to drive him away and never come back then you're doing a really good job of it.

Many people should be ASHAMED of themselves for the cruel things they have said to, and about Jimmy.
Abe, you are 100% correct. I was posting at the same time as you, and I just apologized to Jimmy, as I had not read the threads in question.
Abe, you are 100% correct. I was posting at the same time as you, and I just apologized to Jimmy, as I had not read the threads in question.

Tequila you were out of line in my opinion, and Jimmy had every right to respond the way he did.
Jimmy's army!

Jimmy's a big boy and can answer for himself. He doesn't need you to fight his battles for him, although I'm sure he's very self satisfied that you are. I wonder how you would have replied had he come back to you the way he did at me all those times that you criticized him for not doing more. I am glad that you, Abe, have become a Jimmy convert and have gone so far as to want to see Jimmy with a woman. Yes, I called him bi, because that was MY OPINION of what he's been doing on this site for whatever amount of time he's been on Broke Straight Boys Was I critical of him? YES! But mean and cruel I was never trying to be. There have been forum members who have said a lot worse things to Jimmy. But thank you for your two cents worth. I am very disappointed and sad to say that to me, your opinions are worth nothing.

I'll be gone pretty soon and I'm sure that you and the rest of Jimmy's army will be glad to see "The Wicked Witch of the South" gone!!!:mad:
Jimmy, to my mind, is a very dear kid who was recruited enthusiastically by the powers that be to do the straightie thing on this site, but just hasn't been the universal hit they were sure he was gonna be. The grumbling started the minute his first scene was aired. I think I was the first to defend him, commenting on that behind the scenes clip with Jimmy and two colleagues on the antique bed with the red satin sheet. I remember they were reading comments off a laptop and Jimmy was having to suck up all the criticism. Bobby, the consummate cine performer, was getting a lot of praise and enjoying the whole thing. Jimmy was looking lonely, lost, apart from the other two, gazing off camera, miserable. I realized then that this sweet kid from way down South, self styled leader and star, had been done a terrible disservice completely inadvertently by Blu, by having foisted off on him the role of Revelation Brokie for the New Broke Straight Boys He has the right body, the right dick, he's from the right social class, the right pale white, the right accent, the right grammar. Blu must have been congratulating themselves every time he moved or spoke. He's almost perfect, except...

...he rubs a lot of people, a lot, a lot, the wrong way. Just being himself, in his interaction with the other people in the clips, in his posts on the forum, in his asides, his body language, his sexual skills or lack thereof, the whole package, he manages to bore or dismay or anger a whole bunch of subscribers. That's just the way it is. People can complain and other people can either defend him or berate the complainers, but the basic fact remains. I think Blu got it a little, just a little, wrong. They thought they had a universal brokie when they didn't. Reasonable people like MsK, who neither like him nor dislike him, are now being philosophical about it, doing a sort of Obama 2012 on him: "his term is almost up, he won't be reelected, there's sure to be someone new coming along soon". It's kind of sad for him. He's probably bought into the greatness image that management has imbued him with. I have to believe they've been telling him not to listen to the carping nor pay attention to the criticism, that he's great and not to worry.

He's been in a whole shitload of clips (which may be part of the problem in the first place). I'm guessing there'd be "Jimmys" enough to last till next Spring even if he stopped filming today. He's been talking about what he'd do as the protagonist of his own site. I absolutely wish him well. The Jimmy phenomenon has been unique. It was almost a success.
Jimmy's a big boy and can answer for himself. He doesn't need you to fight his battles for him, although I'm sure he's very self satisfied that you are. I wonder how you would have replied had he come back to you the way he did at me all those times that you criticized him for not doing more. I am glad that you, Abe, have become a Jimmy convert and have gone so far as to want to see Jimmy with a woman. Yes, I called him bi, because that was MY OPINION of what he's been doing on this site for whatever amount of time he's been on Broke Straight Boys Was I critical of him? YES! But mean and cruel I was never trying to be. There have been forum members who have said a lot worse things to Jimmy. But thank you for your two cents worth. I am very disappointed and sad to say that to me, your opinions are worth nothing.

I'll be gone pretty soon and I'm sure that you and the rest of Jimmy's army will be glad to see "The Wicked Witch of the South" gone!!!:mad:

Now Tequila, I wasn't trying to be mean to you and of course Jimmy doesn't need anyone to stick up for him. I wasn't trying to "fight his battles" for him, I assume Jimmy really couldn't care less who likes him and who doesn't but instead he's just trying to do a job and it probably hurts his feelings in how mean people are towards him at times.

Tequila, I am the first to admit when I have screwed up (especially after someone brings it to my attention), and I have been known to say things I shouldn't before more often than a lot of people in this forum. I have said some mean and uncalled things myself on more than one occasion, and came back in here and apologized for it. This is the ONLY time I am aware of that you have been mean and said things that were uncalled for, and of course you are entitled to your opinion. But just because you feel a certain way about someone doesn't give you the right to make public accusations (and by the way I don't think Jimmy is bi anymore than I think the pope is an atheist).

Again, I have done the same thing myself and I got called out on it and I ended up apologizing because I was in the wrong. I feel that were in the wrong by being mean to Jimmy and you basically called him a liar, and you flat out accused him of being bi sexual. YES, you are entitled to your opinion as we all are, but you shouldn't have made those accusations against him.

For the most part, you were very respectful and at no time did he reply to you in a manner that was out of line compared to the way you were treating him publicly in my opinion.

But we can argue this back and forth till we're both blue in the face and probably won't get anything accomplished so I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree on this.

BUT Tequila, you are a very nice and thoughtful guy most of the time and you are very intelligent and eloquent. I think very highly of you and I for one will miss you when you're gone. :(
Even with the best of intentions, one gets screwed anyway. I can now understand and appreciate the statement that silence is golden. In defending Jimmy, I uttered the word "inquisition" and thereby hurt a precious and sensitive friend. Is it too late to say, "I'm sorry?" Sometimes the cross of friendship is too heavy to bear.
NO ONE who has ever modeled in the history of Broke Straight Boys has EVER had to endure the type of constant, daily, non-stop slamming ...........on a never ending basis. .

How quickly they forget.

Remember C.J and how he was mercilessly voted off the Island for lack of passion? How about Dustin (RIP), and Mike Robbins (RIP) and the enduring criticisms they were subjected to for not wanting to bottom? Near the end of his carreer Mike Robbins was subjected to a slew of unkind posts and remarks to the point that members were threatening David they would cancel their memberships if they saw one more MikeR scene! - those mean remarks came from the same members that publicly mourned and eulogized him for his Great Works upon his death.

All I am saying is Jimmy is not in a unique situation here, no matter what you do, when you put yourself on public display, you will have supporters and detractors. Jimmy knows what the MAJORITY of the members want from him, only he can decide which way to turn and what is best for him.

In my own humble opinion, at least for Jimmy, Gay for Pay is not the Way.

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jasonaz, you are so right to bring up the past. How quickly I forgot all those past rumblings about Mike R. and Dustin. Thanks for reminding me.