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I have returned


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I have returned from the longest vacation I've ever taken: A three week cruise and land trip to Korea, Japan, China and to view the longest Total Eclipse of the Sun this Century. After 6 days of cruising Korea and Japan in rain and clouds, on eclipse day July 22 we finally saw some sun. As we cruised slowly by the Island of Iwo Jima the sun appeared and we found a large hole in the clouds to view this most incredible natural show. For 6 minutes and 42 seconds the sun was covered by the moon. My new picture shows 3rd contact where the sun is just beginning to re-appear. I have added some photos albums showing the progression for those who are interested.

While I have not had the time to fully catch up on my reading, I welcome the many new members to the forum. New blood is always welcome. To my OLD friends (in more ways than one) Tampa, Slim, Tuscon, Jayman, Mark, Mike, Gremlin, Broke Straight Boys staff,

etc. as Dorthy once said,

THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. If you would like to know how I helped President Clinton help get the release of those two reporters in N. Korea, let me know and I'll share the story.
Welcome back Vice! You were indeed missed. I had even considered the possibility that you had left us. I'm very glad to have the benefit of your insights again.

So did you and Kim Jong Il have a little chat? LOL
I have returned from the longest vacation I've ever taken: A three week cruise and land trip to Korea, Japan, China and to view the longest Total Eclipse of the Sun this Century. After 6 days of cruising Korea and Japan in rain and clouds, on eclipse day July 22 we finally saw some sun. As we cruised slowly by the Island of Iwo Jima the sun appeared and we found a large hole in the clouds to view this most incredible natural show. For 6 minutes and 42 seconds the sun was covered by the moon. My new picture shows 3rd contact where the sun is just beginning to re-appear. I have added some photos albums showing the progression for those who are interested.

While I have not had the time to fully catch up on my reading, I welcome the many new members to the forum. New blood is always welcome. To my OLD friends (in more ways than one) Tampa, Slim, Tuscon, Jayman, Mark, Mike, Gremlin, Broke Straight Boys staff,

etc. as Dorthy once said,

THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. If you would like to know how I helped President Clinton help get the release of those two reporters in N. Korea, let me know and I'll share the story.

Welcome home... Please do share. I really need to hear this.
welcome back, vicekid. Hope you had a great time.
Welcome back, vicekid! Your photos of the eclipse are great!
Welcome back, vicekid! Your photos of the eclipse are great!

Thanks Paris for those kind remarks.

If I've done this right, here is a slide show of members photos of the eclipse taken and put together on the ship. In photo # one (on the raised platform/deck) in between the two set of people you will see my eclipse photo gear sticking up. In Photo # 4, you will see a guy in a dark shirt forward, then a guy in shorts and a white hat behind. Directly behind that guy is YOURS TRULY by my equipment.

When I find it I will post a great video of what we saw. The best part is listening to what is being said.


If you thought my photos were good, wait until you see these really professional photos. Anyone with questions, please feel free to ask. I might even have answers.

Live Long and Prosper

Thanks Paris for those kind remarks.

If I've done this right, here is a slide show of members photos of the eclipse taken and put together on the ship. In photo # one (on the raised platform/deck) in between the two set of people you will see my eclipse photo gear sticking up. In Photo # 4, you will see a guy in a dark shirt forward, then a guy in shorts and a white hat behind. Directly behind that guy is YOURS TRULY by my equipment.

When I find it I will post a great video of what we saw. The best part is listening to what is being said.


If you thought my photos were good, wait until you see these really professional photos. Anyone with questions, please feel free to ask. I might even have answers.

Live Long and Prosper


Wow, that was awesome.
Welcome home... Please do share. I really need to hear this.


Here's how I helped President Clinton with International relations.

Our group was at the Beijing airport for our flight to Xian. As our tour leader was working with the airline to handle our checked luggage, a group of tall young, good looking men approached a member of our group (the wife of our travel agent who planned this entire cruise adventure) and started to communicate with her. This group of young men only spoke Korean, and none of us knew anything in Korean. After a while a couple of us also got involved trying to communicate with them. They were curious about us and where we were going. Around this time our tour leader noted this and informed us that these were not Korean, but North Korean's. They wanted to know where we were going. They knew we were Americans.I happen to have my travel flyer with me, which I got out and showed them where we started and where we were going. We found out that they were all Soccer players aged 19 (and some of them were rather hot looking). They were in China for training. Then one of them asked me how old I was, so I had some fun with that. For some reason, I don't think they believed me when I said I was 29. Perhaps you could explain that one to me. They did let us know, they did not want us to take photos of them (though one person did). As it was time for us to move on and for them to check in, I extended my had in friendship and one of them extended his hand and we shook in friendship. I offered my hand to some of the others, but none took me up on the offer.

I believe this token of friendship helped pave the way for President Clinton to get the two reporters released from North Korea. I am sure my gesture went all the way to the top. Americans are people too. Nice people. Friendly people.

Please hold your applause. All in a days work. Anything for my country. Too bad I did not have enough time to show the more friendly & curious North Korean (the hand shake one) how truly close, warm and friendly we Americans can be.

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. This was actually one of my big highlights of the trip.

Here's how I helped President Clinton with International relations.

Our group was at the Beijing airport for our flight to Xian. As our tour leader was working with the airline to handle our checked luggage, a group of tall young, good looking men approached a member of our group (the wife of our travel agent who planned this entire cruise adventure) and started to communicate with her. This group of young men only spoke Korean, and none of us knew anything in Korean. After a while a couple of us also got involved trying to communicate with them. They were curious about us and where we were going. Around this time our tour leader noted this and informed us that these were not Korean, but North Korean's. They wanted to know where we were going. They knew we were Americans.I happen to have my travel flyer with me, which I got out and showed them where we started and where we were going. We found out that they were all Soccer players aged 19 (and some of them were rather hot looking). They were in China for training. Then one of them asked me how old I was, so I had some fun with that. For some reason, I don't think they believed me when I said I was 29. Perhaps you could explain that one to me. They did let us know, they did not want us to take photos of them (though one person did). As it was time for us to move on and for them to check in, I extended my had in friendship and one of them extended his hand and we shook in friendship. I offered my hand to some of the others, but none took me up on the offer.

I believe this token of friendship helped pave the way for President Clinton to get the two reporters released from North Korea. I am sure my gesture went all the way to the top. Americans are people too. Nice people. Friendly people.

Please hold your applause. All in a days work. Anything for my country. Too bad I did not have enough time to show the more friendly & curious North Korean (the hand shake one) how truly close, warm and friendly we Americans can be.

Live Long and Prosper,


P.S. This was actually one of my big highlights of the trip.

I understand. When I was a US Marine I worked hard to develop and maintain international relations. There was this one Israeli soldier who I believe feels that Americans are loving, caring and affectionate. I had similar experiences in many countries I visited, especially Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Spain, and France…:blushing:

As far as the age 29 thing. I was always told by my mom that once you hit 29 you did not have any more birthdays until we had 4 leap years in a row. once that happens birthdays commence.

Besides I only had one birthday. Everyone tells me that we turn a year older when we celebrate our birthday. That is a scary thought. One time I celebrated the anniversary of my birthday 3 times in one day. That means I aged 3 years that year. So, I have had to avoid those birthday anniversary celebrations to bring things into balance. Then there were the times I just plain forgot to celebrate my birthday anniversary. Of course being a Christmas BB makes it easy. I get invited to lots of Christmas parties. And everyone wants to celebrate the son of God's birthday then. So, I figure why steal his thunder by announcing my birthday. Besides who wants to get into fights at Christmas time. I remember telling someone that Jesus birthday was actually in July on year and I was nearly exorcized for making that statement. So, now I just show up to celebrate the big JC's birthday. LOL I get the party without all the fuss. I digress. So, all in all I think I am like 27 years old. So, I think it is reasonable to assume that you are easily 29 if not younger.:001_tt2::001_smile: