Thank you David. Maybe we can agree to form a mutual admiration society and get on with great porn!!!! LOL
Seriously I cannot sing your praises enough. The reality of you and Eddie is soooooooooooooo awesome, kind, friendly, intelligent, funny, generous, and stimulating (now boys, i'm talking mentally here!

I realize that you have all types of members to deal with and I would like to say this to the membership in general:
Whether or not you are on the Forum, or post on the forum, or acknowledge to anyone that you subscribe to any D&E/BluMedia product, if you choose, these guys are willing to listen, talk and visit to/with all of us because that is who they are. I don't know how they find the time to do all the things they have to do just to keep the studio up and running, and to keep production going,and all the other aspects of the D&E/BluMedia business enterprises, let alone handle members suggestions, complaints, and requests. But they do it. We should be grateful that they do.
So here's to you David and Eddie!