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Hurricane Ian and our peeps in its path - Sept 2022


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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Just want to wish all those in the path of Ian a safe passage from the storm, I hope it leaves everyone unscathed. Keep safe everyone!! ❤️
Thanks guys I won't actually be in Florida but hopefully everything will be ok. I read hurricane Ian could be something we haven't seen in our lifetime.
The north west quadrant of Florida are at present the the most likely area to have hurricane force winds but with a hurricane all of Florida must be careful & Florida being so low with respect to land height need to have plans to find safe havens in case the storm is predicted to strike nearby. My thoughts will be with Tampa & all other Broke Straight Boys members in Florida as well as everyone except Desantos who by the way is on he whose name shall not be mentioned's hit list.
Sadly, far too many don'tpay headto the warnings as to where they should not live or to the storm warnings.