BSB Addict
This is one of the most interesting topics anyone could introduce in this forum. When people start questioning what they are, they question who they are as well. When people place labels on others, they are affixing the very same labels upon themselves. I do not care if a person is gay, straight, bi, or whatever, because everyone has the right to be what they want without being ridiculed or judged by anyone who sports a differing opinion. When I was young, the word 'gay' represented a lighter, brighter way of life that could be equally shared with laughter, happiness, and enlightenment. Society today has taken such a beautiful word and stereotyped a different people with ignorance and biased objection. I choose to be happy with my what little life I have remaining me with the hope everyone else shall find their own inner peace and not inflict their prejudicial discrimination at someone else just because that person is different in any capacity. Equality is everyone's right, not meant just for those who can afford it or who hide behind religion to masquerade their own fallacies. I am gay, but I am neither proud nor ashamed of it. I am me, and no one - on this site, on this planet - will change me unless I choose to be changed. Sorry, I am not the one.
On this we agree...equality is for everyone!