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How do you attract young men?


Feb 8, 2009
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What do they want? What makes an older man more attractive to them?

Is it:

1. Your looks?
2. Your personality?
3. Money?
I am a young man and for me its about looks, and its kind of hard to explain because there are older guys i like, but there has got to be something special about them, and i dont know wat that is, its just something. Personality is always important but that all depends on wat ur lookin for, like me, i want someone who wil care for me that way i care for them. and as for money, yea money is nice, and a plus, thats all ill say about that.
What do they want? What makes an older man more attractive to them?

Is it:

1. Your looks?
2. Your personality?
3. Money?

Personality has always worked for me...:thumbup:
I think that no matter what they say in public, money usually works for most (notice I said 'most" and not "all") of the young guys, simply because most of them don't have any. In the end money will usually trump everything else.
I am a young man and for me its about looks, and its kind of hard to explain because there are older guys i like, but there has got to be something special about them, and i dont know wat that is, its just something. Personality is always important but that all depends on wat ur lookin for, like me, i want someone who wil care for me that way i care for them. and as for money, yea money is nice, and a plus, thats all ill say about that.
I checked out your profile pic, and notice smoke coming out of your mouth. What are you smoking? Maybe that could help ply you into consenting to some fun with an older guy too?:thumbup1:

My immediate flippant reply to Mitch's question of how to attract young guys is, alcohol, drugs and money. Often, many a truth is said in jest.

I think that no matter what they say in public, money usually works for most (notice I said 'most" and not "all") of the young guys, simply because most of them don't have any. In the end money will usually trump everything else.
It sure works like a charm for Dave and Mark on this site.:thumbup1:

While doing some really serious teaching in Barcelona from 1997 to 2006 I acquired guru status at the university. I'll tell ya, fuckin' gurus get all they want. Added to that, the guys noticed a tendency to subversive laughter vis-a-vis the establishment that they really liked as well. I think the only reason I was so lucky really was that I didn't go after them all that much but was always glad to see them if they came after me.

Money? I once paid an extremely cute guy's ticket to come see me in Palma.
While doing some really serious teaching in Barcelona from 1997 to 2006 I acquired guru status at the university. I'll tell ya, fuckin' gurus get all they want. Added to that, the guys noticed a tendency to subversive laughter vis-a-vis the establishment that they really liked as well. I think the only reason I was so lucky really was that I didn't go after them all that much but was always glad to see them if they came after me.

Money? I once paid an extremely cute guy's ticket to come see me in Palma.

I found that seems to work for me too. Slim, I am a pretty good listener. I just try to keep boundaries between being a counselor and a friend. Sometimes, it can be very tough. I find that most younger guys like to be able to express themselves and their own view points without being shot down or being told they are wrong. They will engage in debate and be open to new ideas too when they feel they are heard. Nothing sends them running like lectures about manors, and telling them they are wrong. They can get that from their parents. I guess what I am saying is they like to feel like they are somebody and that they are being heard and valued. Most young feel like they are just a voice in the chorus of life until they are acknowledged...

Let me see one time I bought a guy a pair of sneakers because he needed them. Another time I helped a college student with buying a pair of glasses his mom could not afford. I never asked for anything in return in either case. The guy I bought the glasses for finally cam e up to me one day and said, "Dude, are you gay?"

I said, "Hummm, not actually, I am bisexual."

So, he said, "I though so. would you give me a blow job some day if I asked you to ." I told him that I only do that for people I really like and if they really like me. He said, "Cool...,, and left."

He used to stop by my apt. regularly for help with school work or to share a meal and joke around. One day he asked if I had any porn he could watch. I showed him my straight porn. He said, "I don't think I am gay but I would love to borrow some gay porn and or bisexual porn if you have it." I let him pick two videos.

He came back two weeks later and said, "will you teach me about gay sex?"

I said, "I am a little old for you."

He laughed and said, "I just want to experiment to see what it is like."

I said, "why me?"

He said that there was a guy in school that hit on him. He said, at first it was a turn off but he has fantasized about making out with him.

So, I said, "what do you want to do with me then."

He said, "I want to know what it is all about with some one who I know and trust before I make up my mind about this guy."

So, I said OK, but you need to let me know if you are uncomfortable with anything. We messed around for about three days.

He said it was wonderful and he was going to take the guy up on his offer. I guess I felt kind of bad at first. But I remembered what brought us to that moment. They hooked up for a few weeks. Then they broke up. Until graduation he would come by regularly to hang out and cuddle. Occasionally we would have sex if he was in the mood or sometimes if I was. He graduated 5 years ago and he is now married with 3 kids. He e-mails weekly and calls once in a while still. It has been a great friendship all in all.
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I found that seems to work for me too. Slim, I am a pretty good listener. I just try to keep boundaries between being a counselor and a friend. Sometimes, it can be very tough. I find that most younger guys like to be able to express themselves and their own view points without being shot down or being told they are wrong. They will engage in debate and be open to new ideas too when they feel they are heard. Nothing sends them running like lectures about manors, and telling them they are wrong. They can get that from their parents. I guess what I am saying is they like to feel like they are somebody and that they are being heard and valued. Most young feel like they are just a voice in the chorus of life until they are acknowledged...

Let me see one time I bought a guy a pair of sneakers because he needed them. Another time I helped a college student with buying a pair of glasses his mom could not afford. I never asked for anything in return in either case. The guy I bought the glasses for finally cam e up to me one day and said, "Dude, are you gay?"

I said, "Hummm, not actually, I am bisexual."

So, he said, "I though so. would you give me a blow job some day if I asked you to ." I told him that I only do that for people I really like and if they really like me. He said, "Cool...,, and left."

He used to stop by my apt. regularly for help with school work or to share a meal and joke around. One day he asked if I had any porn he could watch. I showed him my straight porn. He said, "I don't think I am gay but I would love to borrow some gay porn and or bisexual porn if you have it." I let him pick two videos.

He came back two weeks later and said, "will you teach me about gay sex?"

I said, "I am a little old for you."

He laughed and said, "I just want to experiment to see what it is like."

I said, "why me?"

He said that there was a guy in school that hit on him. He said, at first it was a turn off but he has fantasized about making out with him.

So, I said, "what do you want to do with me then."

He said, "I want to know what it is all about with some one who I know and trust before I make up my mind about this guy."

So, I said OK, but you need to let me know if you are uncomfortable with anything. We messed around for about three days.

He said it was wonderful and he was going to take the guy up on his offer. I guess I felt kind of bad at first. But I remembered what brought us to that moment. They hooked up for a few weeks. Then they broke up. Until graduation he would come by regularly to hang out and cuddle. Occasionally we would have sex if he was in the mood or sometimes if I was. He graduated 5 years ago and he is now married with 3 kids. He e-mails weekly and calls once in a while still. It has been a great friendship all in all.

Terrific. I bet we could compare notes and find a bunch of coincidences in our "resumés". Someday I'll tell you about Manolito, the kid who flew in from Valencia.
I wonder if mutual respect and care factors into this
I wonder if mutual respect and care factors into this

I think that is what I was alluding to. I think I can easily say I don't go looking for younger guys. I talk to everyone. Sometimes great friendships emerge and sometimes more than that. I don't know that I ever would give anyone money for sex. It seems like there are enough great guys out there in the world willing to love freely what is the point. Explaining all of that to you is like preaching to the choir, eh!!!.



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I notice it wasn't offered as a choice in the original question, but being somewhat mysterious or aloof works well too! In my experience anyway! Although, being aloof and promiscuous at the same time was not easy! LOL!

With Love, I am,:laugh:
Jayman. That is a beautiful story. I also had sex with a straight guy who was 19. He is married with three kids, and we are still friends. And he told me at his bachelor party, that he remembered the night we were together, and remembered every detail, But that was the only time he had, or wanted to have sex with a guy. That is a special memory. Thanks for sharing.

I think that is what I was alluding to. I think I can easily say I don't go looking for younger guys. I talk to everyone. Sometimes great friendships emerge and sometimes more than that. I don't know that I ever would give anyone money for sex. It seems like there are enough great guys out there in the world willing ot love freely what is the point. Explaining all of that to you is like preaching to the choir, eh!!!.


As another beautiful person says, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anybody else.?" We've always believed that we are most strongly attracted to people who are comfortable with and in themselves. Those people have the ability to put others at ease. We find much of that here in this site. How about the rest of you?

Thanks for the pointers Jayman, Mitch, Parisnoyd, Mike, Slim, et al. We are grateful, and,

With Love, We are,
What do they want? What makes an older man more attractive to them?

Is it:

1. Your looks?
2. Your personality?
3. Money?

So many variables; not sure there is single answer.

In my own experience, in 2007 I had a 24 year old hot blond boy come on to me. (I was 43 at the time.) I was stunned and flattered. He was a friend of a friend that I met out one night. He was really intelligent, well employed and had a bold dynamic personality. He was not after money. I am not exactly a hot guy, no one is going to mistake me for Matt Damon. Nor was he inebriated. So I guess it must have been my sparkling and witty personality. Or my modesty.

In the interest of good health, I turned him down. 'Good health' meaning my partner would effing kill me if he ever found out. Sigh.
Just a question...do most younger gay guys tend to find older men unattractive?
Just a question...do most younger gay guys tend to find older men unattractive?

That has been my experience. Actually I have sensed that they seem to be afraid, they act fearful often times. Many are just plain contemptuous toward anybody over 40. For the record, I am 51.
That has been my experience. Actually I have sensed that they seem to be afraid, they act fearful often times. Many are just plain contemptuous toward anybody over 40. For the record, I am 51.

But then again, alot of the older guys here seem to be really attracted to young guys, so it would almost seem that older guys find men their own age not too appealing
But then again, alot of the older guys here seem to be really attracted to young guys, so it would almost seem that older guys find men their own age not too appealing

I think in general you may be right. However; I think it is all about your paradigm on life. Younger guys want to love and enjoy life. I think it is more about the fact they just left mom and dad and they want to enjoy life with people their own age, along with the social dichotomy people mom and dad's age tend to be a little stuffy and rigid in their beliefs and likes and dislikes. I don't feel it is about like and dislike as much as social acceptance. Another factor in there it the whole concept of making out with someone as old as your parents is; If they come across like your mom or dad, it can paint the false visual image stimulus that they are making out with their mom or dad. Yuck!!! Just try to imagine your parents actually having sex and I think you can get the idea when you realize how uncomfortable that thought can be.

I do believe that as we get older we are attracted to younger people but I feel this is more about eye candy and pheromones than anything. Other contributing factors are the facts that most older people have become set in their ways have become less flexible in their opinions. I.e. I love music. However; for the life of me try as I may, I really can't listen to gangster rap or rage metal where you cannot understand a single word. Yet, many of today's youth embrace it and find it to be awesome. Another factor is the feeling that we are not as old as our physical age when being around youth. Personally speaking I have a lot of youthful friends between the ages of 18 and 26 currently. A lot of them are straight some are bisexual and very few are gay.

I think there may be some truth to the chicken hawking myth. LOL. I.e. younger gay men feel like older gay men are praying on them. It is like hunting season. When turkeys are in season you see deer every where and almost no turkeys ever. When deer are in season you tend to see turkeys every where you go. LOL :lol:

In conclusion I would say likes and dislikes are phrases that could be used to describe our interactions. However; I believe that it is how we perceive our reality that decides the ultimate fate. I am more attracted to guys in my own age group intellectually and sexually. I have always looked at the person for what they bring to the table besides good looks. I cannot deny that a hot sexy young guy doesn't set my blood on fire from time to time. When I need to work at finding more that looks is when I get bored and want to move on... So, I love to date and get to know people before any sexual commitments make thing awkward.

Live long, live well, love much, and prosper... Thank you for letting me share.