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How do ya'll feel about Mullites?

Yeah I asked it... Mullites you know busniness in the front Party in the back... whats your feelings on them...?


I believe we have eradicated the species up here in the North Land as I have not seen one in some time. Of course it could be that Im just getting used to them. When they first came out I thought they were some what appealing but the Dr has since made some changes in my medications and I am feeling much better now....:scared:
Yeah I asked it... Mullites you know busniness in the front Party in the back... whats your feelings on them...?


Great video. Thanks for sharing.

Having been a child of the 80's I always thought if they were groomed well they were kind of interesting. I don't think they look good on anyone with a receeding hair line though. I think that kind of hair dates most people though...LOL Although, I hear they are making a come back. Personally, I like everybody or at least I always try to find something good in everyone. I find that even when I meet offensive people I can admire: their strength of character, their flagrant stupidity, or just the fact that they taught me something about myself or life that I can learn from.

The hardest thing I ever had to accept in life was that the only person who could make me angry or upset was me and that I am the one in control. So, now if my buttons get pushed I can usually walk away. Process what happened and say thanks for the lesson. LOL. I don't think I ever reacted badly to anyone wearing a mulliet. However; I have met some people that might look better in a coon skin hat than a mulliet.

I used to have a mulliet wig when I was in the Marines. It was a pain in the ass to keep groomed... I used it to go club hopping and not look like a Marine. It usually attracted some very interesting people. One lady I met introduced me to her brother slash cousin. That was kind of neat. Seems her father got drunk one night and made out with his wife's sister. Then I met a guy who came back to the hotel room and proceeded to trim his toenails with his teeth. A tallent I really had to admire as much as it turned my stomach a bit. Then I met a female waitress who worked as a highly paid sex worker only on weekends. I did meet one of the loves of my life she was a wonderful deaf woman. She could cook southern style food that was always delicious and she loved to have sex. Yeah, she was a nimpho. Dam, that was a woman who really could suck the crome off of a trailer hitch. I was never sure where her insecurity came from but she was jealous of me spending time with anyone. I had to let her go...:blush:

I kind of prefer the Highlander pony tail look over a mulliet though any day. :thumbup:
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I believe we have eradicated the species up here in the North Land as I have not seen one in some time. Of course it could be that Im just getting used to them. When they first came out I thought they were some what appealing but the Dr has since made some changes in my medications and I am feeling much better now....:scared:

I was kinda curious about the party on the back side, so if you will bend over for me so that I can get a better look at the back side of the mulite, than I will be able to offer a more substantial opinion on what I think about them.:drool:
Actually I think the mullet look is okay on some guys. But they really have to have the right features to pull it off. It does look rather dated though.

That brings me to a topic that I have thought about mentioning before. When I saw the model Kyler for the first time, (Of Zakk and Kyler) I thought his hairstyle looked very 70ish-80ish. But I also thought that Kyler's hairstyle looks very good even today. That's how most of us guys wore our hair back then. I think it still looks good. What do you guys think?

I may get a few people in an uproar... LOL But I'm hoping that the feathered hair comes back in style. I thought the feathered hair looked great on guys. Okay, you can beat up on me now for fashion heresy. haha
I rocked a mullet back in the 80's. I blame my alcohol imbibing on that though!
I was kinda curious about the party on the back side, so if you will bend over for me so that I can get a better look at the back side of the mulite, than I will be able to offer a more substantial opinion on what I think about them.:drool:

haha its BCBHunter ;-) :-* lol If I ever decide to grow a mullite you guys will be the first to know IDK I've seen some Lesbians that can pull it off that or guys who are perminatly stuck in the 80's eh lol
Ok I'll be anal for a few seconds... it's mullets lol

Okay oaky I knew I was spelling it wrong and I even tried to google it and even google spelt it wrong lol
Okay oaky I knew I was spelling it wrong and I even tried to google it and even google spelt it wrong lol

Ok, cute Hunter. It's fantastic to see you here. I will not comment on "mullets" hehe, but you are so welcome here! Keep posting my friend! :001_smile:
I kinda agree with Tampa, I like some of the older hairstyles that I seen looking through my parents yearbooks. It always seemed to have a cleancut yourthful looking something.
hey BCB Hunter

Was you in the military or something at sometime? noticed your dog tags.

btw I'm the knight in shining armor....The prince sent me
I kinda agree with Tampa, I like some of the older hairstyles that I seen looking through my parents yearbooks. It always seemed to have a cleancut yourthful looking something.

They actually had cameras back them to make yearbooks?????

Live Long and Proper,

Was you in the military or something at sometime? noticed your dog tags.

btw I'm the knight in shining armor....The prince sent me

Haha ;-) yeah I was in the Army for a little bit then Fractured 3 vert falling 25ft :-( sad day but Now I work for Mark and Jason so it's a good thing