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How do u feel about Weed?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2008
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I know this is a topic that comes up a lot for me being a college student. We usualy end up arguing about the positives and negetives of smoking it, or it being legal, i figured some of u would have something to say about the topic, go right ahead.
I don't really approve of weed, though I have done it in the past and all it does for me is make me sick. I haven't done weed for a long time now and when I did do it, it was only occasionally. I don't tell people that it is good or bad for them. To each their own. In fact, I don't even drink anymore and haven't for about 4 years now and don't miss it. Now, if only I can give up the cigs.
Gary in Tacoma, WA
I smoke, i roll my own. and when i'm off i smoke a little weed.
I never drink.
I am on holiday next week and am going to Ibeza and will do a bit of weed there i expect.
I don't really care for smoking the stuff... I never smoke it and probably never will.

However; The plant istself has lots of benefits froma making rope and paper products that could help the environment to medicinal purposes. I really feel that enough people use the stuff that if it were legalized the revenues generated from taxing it would easily pay down the national debt and provide free health care for all.

Thanks for asking ...
I knew very slightly a guy called Dave Soloman when I first came to the island. He was doing "research for a book" and had a constant turnover of the most amazing array of different kinds of grass imaginable, all legal since he was preparing a book on the subject. I have asthma and don't smoke, but I would sometimes find myself in guineapig mode and test one of his raw materials. Once he met me and a friend on the mountain road going into Deia, he on his way out, we on our way in. He pulled his jeep over and waved at us to stop. He had a huge conical joint going and told me we had to try it. I was first. I took a huge puff, standing beside the road, and collapsed hard onto my butt on the ground. I didn't even know it had happened till I found myself sitting in the dust. I must have looked like the victim in a snuff movie. My friend, who was driving, was careful how much he inhaled, but was still undone by that stuff. Really amazing. I've also smoked something called Thai-stick, a braided grass tail that's dipped in a dilute opium solution. It's a really clever smoke. But I don't do that any more. Unless...

(Soloman's book is called "The Marijuana Papers". It was finally published in 1969. I knew him in '65 or '66.)
Well I’m an old fart so some of you may be surprised at my answer to this and I’m also not a Dr so my observations are based strictly on that, just observations. But in my many years of watching people smoke this shit and yes I have had a bit of it myself I have yet to see weed alone hurt anyone which is something I can not say for alcohol. If a person gets drunk a few hours latter they are still for the most part drunk and if thy go out on the road there is a big chance they are going to kill someone. Not to mention the damage it causes to the liver and other important parts of the body. If on the other hand you get high a few hours later you are in much better shape then the drunk sitting next to you. Yes Marijuana has many of the same cancer causing properties as cigarettes but to suffer from these side effects you would have to smoke 20 joints a day for 15 years, in which case you would die very happy. Some people say well it’s a stepping stone drug and it leads to crack. Well again in all my years of watching people smoke this shit I have yet to see one of them suddenly develop any mad cravings for crack, meth or any other truly harmful drugs. And they are just that those things will kill you. Now on the other hand do some people that smoke weed graduate to harder substances, well yes they do but it is not because of the effects of the weed. If you go to a used car lot the task of the salesman is to sell you the biggest most expensive car on his lot and to do it in a fashion that will keep you coming back for more. Well Marijuana is no different, if you allow it to be sold by the street venders then they are going to try and sell you the biggest thing they have in their show room. So yes it is a stepping stone drug only because of the company it keeps. So my solution considering how we are overcrowding our jails with trivial possession charges what we really need to do is to legalize Marijuana and tax it just as they currently do cigarettes and alcohol. Since users are used to spending street prices the government could tax it very highly and no one would bat an eye at paying it. We could raise literally millions of dollars in tax revenue which could then be put into education to keep people off the truly bad stuff and also for law enforcement to catch those that still don’t want to play by the rules. How much better a job could each local police department do at catching meth dealers if they didn’t have to mess with the weed people and also if they had a few million dollars each year to do it? Well your mileage may vary but that’s about all I have to say about that. You may now fire at will.
Well I’m an old fart so some of you may be surprised at my answer to this and I’m also not a Dr so my observations are based strictly on that, just observations. But in my many years of watching people smoke this shit and yes I have had a bit of it myself I have yet to see weed alone hurt anyone which is something I can not say for alcohol. If a person gets drunk a few hours latter they are still for the most part drunk and if thy go out on the road there is a big chance they are going to kill someone. Not to mention the damage it causes to the liver and other important parts of the body. If on the other hand you get high a few hours later you are in much better shape then the drunk sitting next to you. Yes Marijuana has many of the same cancer causing properties as cigarettes but to suffer from these side effects you would have to smoke 20 joints a day for 15 years, in which case you would die very happy. Some people say well it’s a stepping stone drug and it leads to crack. Well again in all my years of watching people smoke this shit I have yet to see one of them suddenly develop any mad cravings for crack, meth or any other truly harmful drugs. And they are just that those things will kill you. Now on the other hand do some people that smoke weed graduate to harder substances, well yes they do but it is not because of the effects of the weed. If you go to a used car lot the task of the salesman is to sell you the biggest most expensive car on his lot and to do it in a fashion that will keep you coming back for more. Well Marijuana is no different, if you allow it to be sold by the street venders then they are going to try and sell you the biggest thing they have in their show room. So yes it is a stepping stone drug only because of the company it keeps. So my solution considering how we are overcrowding our jails with trivial possession charges what we really need to do is to legalize Marijuana and tax it just as they currently do cigarettes and alcohol. Since users are used to spending street prices the government could tax it very highly and no one would bat an eye at paying it. We could raise literally millions of dollars in tax revenue which could then be put into education to keep people off the truly bad stuff and also for law enforcement to catch those that still don’t want to play by the rules. How much better a job could each local police department do at catching meth dealers if they didn’t have to mess with the weed people and also if they had a few million dollars each year to do it? Well your mileage may vary but that’s about all I have to say about that. You may now fire at will.

Denny, everything you say is true in my book, but there are some exceptions, to do with age. I know personally two guys who are permanently brain damaged from having smoked a lot of weed from their mid teens on. You hear scare stories about stuff like this which I would normally discount as killjoy puritan propaganda. But I know these young men, now about 28, on heavy anti-schizophrenic medication, jobless, with a very narrow range of interactivity with society. Some nervous systems must be more delicate than others, or more vulnerable to the effects of cannabis. If you are in contact with kids of 15 who do a lot of weed, you should warn them.
ITA with Richard. Weed should be legalized. I think it is tragic that so many young people have done time for such (in my mind) a trivial offense. I haven't smoked any in years. Back in my youth, I had hair down to my ass and hung out with rockers. I had 2 friends that were always in a band of some kind or other. One was a drummer, the other played bass. At one point, they fired the 2 guitarists they had. They were truly bad and always played on stage completely wrecked on one thing or another. They hooked up with 2 other guitarists. They were awesome! They could really draw big crowds, and they were sober when they played. I agree weed doesn't make someone go to harder stuff, but the company you keep surely can. That's all I'm sayin' on this subject. :blush:
hell yea, it should be legal, not just for smokin, i think jayman put it best, there are so many other uses for it and the reason it is not legal is because people are getting rich of of companies that would lose money to hemp, these people fill the pockets of the people who make the laws and the cirlce goes on and hemp will not ever be legal. it can be used in so many ways and is cheaper and easier to grow. and there is also the point to legalize it and then tax it, just like a cig tax, the government would make so much on that alone. i think its a true shame that things like this go on in a government we are supposed to trust, but it does, wat can we do about it.
hell yea, it should be legal, not just for smokin, i think jayman put it best, there are so many other uses for it and the reason it is not legal is because people are getting rich of of companies that would lose money to hemp, these people fill the pockets of the people who make the laws and the cirlce goes on and hemp will not ever be legal. it can be used in so many ways and is cheaper and easier to grow. and there is also the point to legalize it and then tax it, just like a cig tax, the government would make so much on that alone. i think its a true shame that things like this go on in a government we are supposed to trust, but it does, wat can we do about it.

Sit back and toke................
I don't really care for smoking the stuff... I never smoke it and probably never will.

However; The plant istself has lots of benefits froma making rope and paper products that could help the environment to medicinal purposes. I really feel that enough people use the stuff that if it were legalized the revenues generated from taxing it would easily pay down the national debt and provide free health care for all.

Thanks for asking ...

I've been around people smoking it and I tried 1 or 2 puffs to see what it was all about, but it did nothing for me except to continue my non-smoking lifestyle. I do agree with Jayman about the beneficial uses of the plant. In addition to potential tax revenue it would generate if legal, think of the billions of dollars that would be saved by not having law enforcement going after it. Now how quickly could the debt go down?

Live Long and Prosper,

I've been around people smoking it and I tried 1 or 2 puffs to see what it was all about, but it did nothing for me except to continue my non-smoking lifestyle. I do agree with Jayman about the beneficial uses of the plant. In addition to potential tax revenue it would generate if legal, think of the billions of dollars that would be saved by not having law enforcement going after it. Now how quickly could the debt go down?

Live Long and Prosper,


Your mistake was taking one or two puffs. With good shit, that is enough, but sometimes it ain't good. You just keep on tokin'. You'll get there. I sound like I should be on a street corner! LOL!

I find it hard to believe that a society that accepts the ingestion of a poison (ALCOHOL) gets bent out of shape about pot. Legalization would be something that I could handle. I realize that there may be some downsides as Slimvantage pointed out, but we need not look any further than alcohol to see that regulation and laws regarding it would be necessary but those downsides are not enough to bar legalization.

Short of legalization, Medical Marijuana should be available thru prescription. If our Docs can prescribe Morphine (which can kill you) why not pot. As jayman alluded to there are some beneficial uses of pot ie: wasting, glaucoma, nausea and such.

I have tried it and liked it. However, I bought some for my Mom when she was dying of breast cancer. After her death it sat there for 6 years untouched!

Growing up it was easier to get than alcohol. Estimates say that 40-50% of the pot in this country passes thru Tucson. If legalized we would have a nicer town.

Yours always,

I know I sound flip about the whole thing, but I don't feel that way. I wish people just got off on life! Pot is the least of this country's worries.
As I have mentioned, I gave it up for Lent.
But I do enjoy my weed. I have smoked it since I was 14 or 15 giving me 3 decades of experience.


I am also pretty darn creative about engineering smoking devices. I was stuck at Logan airport for an extended period with a little ganj, a paper coffee cup, a foil wrapper from a candy bar and a staple from the binding of a magazine and managed to spark up in a men's room. (I had watched the cleaners for a couple hours so I figured out their schedule.)

I also like the sense of community that evolves as I hang out with people that share my enjoyment of the herb.

Hey guys, I am a big boy now; I have my Senior Member status! :cool:
It ruined my relationship cause my BF was addicted to it. I absolutely hate it with all my heart. I lost the love of my life to a fucking weed that grows in the ground
care to elaborate Denver, or perhaps in a Pm, would love to hear about it, i have many love storys about weed.
Well I have never really been a pot smoker, I mean I have tried it a few times but never have done it like frequently. Basically from the beginning of our relationship I told him that i didn't approve of his pot smoking and that as a compromise he would have to just limit his smoking. Well that didn't go over very well cause he started to lie to me about smoking it. He would lie to my face and I could totally tell he was high, hell I could smell it on him. But he still would lie about it. So that is when I was like you need to quit smoking it. It was really hard for him to quit cause all of his friends did it and they would always offer him a hit and he would most likely take it from them. So that was an uphill battle. Also it made him so lazy and apathetic about life in general. He failed out of college because of it and abandoned me on many occasions to go out with his friends and smoke. He would turn off his cell or just plain ignore my calls. Like one easter we woke up together and we were supposed to go to our friends for an easter get together and he said that he would be right back over to my house after he finished getting ready and he totally disappeared. No call no nothing just up and vanished. Well come to find out he had gone to a friends to smoke. So after that I enrolled him in addiction counseling and we went to couples therapy. I loved him so much that i was willing to do anything to help fix his problem and the problems it was causing in our relationship. Well it worked for a while and then he had a relapse and started to smoke and lie about it again. This went on for about 3 years. It caused me so much heart ache. I broke up with him about a month ago and told him that he needed to get his life and priorities together so that one day we can get back together. As soon as I did it he went off and binged on pot like was smoking all day everyday. This went on for two weeks until I moved out. It pained me so much to see what weed was doing to him. I feel like its ruining his life. BUT in spite of all this I still love him so much. We still see each other from time to time and all I ask of him is that he has to be sober when we spend out time together. So far so good on that. I am trying to rebuild us and trying to make him see that a life with out weed is what he needs, much like i did when we were together. I am never going to give up on him. I love him too much. No matter how much pain he causes me I still will be there for him. I know that you might think he will take advantage of me and stuff and yes he has in the past. But as his friend and one who is in love with him I am still willing to brave that and work things out. I truly believe he is my match. The love of my life. I can't describe how I feel when we are together. Its like my whole world becomes still and peaceful. So....complete.