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Hey, everyone Graham here new model.

Good idea. I'm just joking though, Ms. K. I have a weird sense of humor most of the time. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Robb, we love your sense of humor, and you. You can't offend us, and I think Graham can handle just about anything we throw at him.
Robb, we love your sense of humor, and you. You can't offend us, and I think Graham can handle just about anything we throw at him.

Ditto from me. Working from home can be a bit lonely some days and the forum gives me some of the best and genuine laughs of my day. All of you guys, girls and models are kinda like my work mates...
Most of the models don't take anything. Jimmy is the only other model I remember saying that they needed some help......
And Jimmy was one of the more honest models when posting too, usually not holding back about how he felt, so perhaps he represents more who didn't mention it.
Justin Beiber? Oh, god lol. He seems like a cool guy, just his music is not good. He tries to be like his mentor (Usher) way to much. And not sure Ms. K. And not sure Ms. K. But I try.
I agree Graham that his music is not good, but he is a cool looking guy, in fact I'd love to see Graham & Bieber on the new Broke Straight Boys leather couch. mmmmmmmmm good!!!!
Actually it's funny you should say that because the owners were more concerned about the horse's teeth than the damage done to my car. The whole insurance side of things became quite convoluted and my car's bodywork was exactly pristine at the time so I gave up trying to get my insurance to pay for the repairs. Instead I made a metal note "never park a car within reach of a horses mouth, or bad things will happen"... just gotta laugh

I would have made the owners pay for it I mean it was their horse ha. Sucks not even your insurance didnt even help you out.
I agree Graham that his music is not good, but he is a cool looking guy, in fact I'd love to see Graham & Bieber on the new Broke Straight Boys leather couch. mmmmmmmmm good!!!!

Lol How many tries would it take for Graham (myself) to get into Justin Bieber's pants? The World Would Never Know...lmao
Hey Graham! You've made my morning a little brighter just by stopping in. Thanks! I hope you're having a good day. Any fun plans for the weekend? Did you do anything special for Valentine's Day?
Hmmmmm......Gigantor.......Energizer Bunny.......Terminator.....

Does he keep on going, and going? Does he kill people? Or is he just huge? Or am I not even warm?????:confused:

Kind of like a "Jack Rabbit." lol. I have so much high energy I do keep going and going lol. Nope, never killed anyone, but Im sure I can get a license hahaha. Not giving details weather or not I'm hung ;).
Hey Graham! You've made my morning a little brighter just by stopping in. Thanks! I hope you're having a good day. Any fun plans for the weekend? Did you do anything special for Valentine's Day?

And no plans for the weekend my friends went on vacay so I'll probably get some other stuff done that I need to do. I actually just spent the day with someone and we had a lot of fun and she liked the movie "Beautiful Creatures." It was an okay of a movie ha.
Ditto from me. Working from home can be a bit lonely some days and the forum gives me some of the best and genuine laughs of my day. All of you guys, girls and models are kinda like my work mates...

Working from home would get boring, but think of it this way when your home you can have all lunch breaks you would want. I love food ha.
I've seen ads for the movie but wasn't sure if it'd be my cup of tea. What a lucky girl she was! If I got to go to a movie with you and sit next to you in a darkened theater...I'd feel like I had won the lottery. haha I hope you have a good day Graham. :wink:
Working from home would get boring, but think of it this way when your home you can have all lunch breaks you would want. I love food ha.

Working from home is indeed boring, you can't beat office banter. And when you work about 80 miles away then your Grindr range is also extended.. ha ha