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Healthcare Reform Passes!!!

Speaking of the French Medical System, A friend and coworker of mine while Majoring in French and Political Science studied in France as a Foreign Exchange student. While over there she became ill and went to the doctors to be treated. She told me that she went in, waited several hours, saw the doctor for about 1 minute and was handed a big brown bag full of different medication.

Now I am not going to claim that this is the typical response from the doctors in that kind of medical program, but it does shed some light on how indifferent a doctor could become if (s)he is getting paid no matter what.

Going to the 'bad medicine' issue..... While I agree that medicine 'could' go bad after time, I don't think it is going to 'spoil' as quickly as the label states. I have taken vitamins that said sell by April 08 in January 10 and I did not get sick. I agree fully that our political system uses manipulative techniques to bode the American public into believing whatever they are trying to peddle. Fear is among one of the greatest methods they use. I am reminded of a famous quote by President Roosevelt, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."

Balboa, I also live in Ohio. I know that it is required in the case for having a drivers license to have auto insurance of some kind. What I was referring is people who do not have a drivers license and do not drive being mandated to have insurance because they may one day need it. I was simply making a case for my apprehension towards getting health insurance. And yes if I do get sick, and require medical assistance, I PAY in cash for my visit.

This is simply how I feel at the current time regarding the Health care Reform Bill. My views may change as things are put into place and I see how they will correlate to my Life. Until then, nothing will be able to change my mind at this time. I appreciate everyone who has posted, and how they feel on the matter. Excellent points have been made by all regarding this issue. And while my mind is set on the matter, I have been given much to contemplate.
I'm curious by the fact you said your "mind is set" that seems to me,and granted I could be very wrong, let me put that out there right now, but it seems to me, as if you're saying no matter what points anyone puts out, as logically and sound as they "could be" you refuse to even consider changing your opinion.

This is just me, and I'm speaking only for myself, but I think having a set mind is the same as having a closed mind. Don't get me wrong (I'm trying hard not to offend here) I definitely agree that you have a right to your opinion and to "set your mind" as you please, but it seems a waste to me to go through life with a set mind instead of an open one.
I think we need caps on costs of medical care and medicines. Maybe Im one of those who favor socialized medicine whatever that means. We create military and space equiptment why can't we create medical cures? Whe i use an insuline substitue it costs almost $300 for a month. It used to be covered by my helath insurance and now Im over 65 Im forced into medicare and its 75% paid until 2250 is paid and then Im in the donut hole. There is no reason for it to be so expensive for a plan to pay or for me to pay.
I do apologize by that "set mind" aspect. I usually chose my words better. What I meant by that is simply this.... I feel strongly regarding the mandate aspect imposed with this new law. I do not agree with that aspect and that aspect alone. As of right now I do not feel that there is much that could be said that might alter my view on the matter. BUT ..... With everything that has been stated and brought out from this thread, I have been given much to think about. Perhaps the information provided will sway my opinion, but again time alone will tell. I am awaiting the law to be put into action and to see how it will relate to my life. That will be the greatest factor in regards to my opinion.
Troika, I didn't like the sound of that either, BUT, I know Gremlin's posts and I read a little further down and the answer was there. What he said was "This is simply how I feel at the current time regarding the Health care Reform Bill. My views may change as things are put into place and I see how they will correlate to my Life." I know that was followed by "until then nothing will be able to change. . ." but that's just Gremlin-talk for I've made up my mind. He's a very reasonable fellow and a joy to know. Gremlin is no different than you or I. We've all made up our minds and, in truth, nothing is going to change them now, until we see how things are going to shape up. I'm so excited to see what happens. Of course, part of my excitement is the Limbaugh Rush I get out of it. That's when color comes to my cheeks and a tingling comes to my back and I get this wonderful rush of blood to my head and my brain goes crazy with the thought that Rush Limbaugh might have to eat his own words and get cramps from all the poison he's been spouting. Isn't that a wonderful thought? I love a Limbaugh Rush.

I wasn't offended by what Germlin said and I truly wasn't trying to offend anyone with what I said, I'm sure he's a wonderful person, most of the people on here that I have met have been, I was just explaining my view point on "set mind".

There is something I do disagree with you on, you said like "We've all made up our minds and, in truth, nothing is going to change them now, until we see how things are going to shape up." I can't speak for you, but my mind is not set with this health care bill. I'm very happy it was passed. I think having health care for all is a great, but that is as far as it goes. I don't see things as black or white. I don't think that my way is the only way (not to say either you or he does) And I try not to close my mind to the possibility of what if? Which was all I was saying in regard to Gremlin's post. When he went back and reinstated his opinion without the "mind set" I thought it made plenty of sense.

One of the things my mother has always instilled in me is to "never say never" and that's something I try to keep in mind every day.

Also I want to say again that I think it's wonderful we're all having a conversation and behaving like adults. It's good to see that we can disagree on something without being disagreeable.
You basically summed things up there nicely Troika. My mind is not "set" so to speak.... but I have made my decision as of current. I like the idea of everyone having the chance to have health insurance. And I am pleased that a reform has started for this country. Much is needed for this country to return to a state of 'life'. Until we see how things go with this, I have no definitive view on the matter, just a current state of acknowledgment.
This thread has remained quite "civil" making the conversation a joy indeed.
I believe the real facts here are that none of us can really say to much in support of the new bill yet beyond hopeful thinking based on the tidbits we have heard from the talking points. After all the thing is what several thousand pages long so there must be a lot more there then what we have heard so far. I am also sure that the insurance companies already have their experts tearing it apart looking for loop holes. The best any of us can do is hope that it solves the lions share of the current problems. It would be a very good day when no more Americans have to die for lack of money or health care.
I am very happy indeed to see national healthcare for all!!! As someone who is uninsured and recently diagnosed with lupus, this means a great deal to me. However, I am saddened by the fact that there are so many who are not happy about it, mostly because those against seem to all be healthy individuals with insurance, not to mention, white. It has a very ominous undertone that gives me pause and tempers my enthusiasm. I see it as just one more thing the Republicans will use to further divide this great country of ours.

I am glad to see this topic on a Forum. Most of the other forums are boring. I think I am glad it passed. I just hope the cure is not worse than the illness and I hope it does not bankrupt the nation. Oh well, we are already bankrupt so it probably does not matter anyway.
It is not "national health care", that is what they have in England.
This country is and always has been "divided" about one thing or another. Why critisize white people? What does that have to do with health care, geezz. And why blame Republicans? Democrats are notorious for dividing the country when they constantly engage in class warfare.
I completely agree with the both of you. Now if we can get the rest of America to log on to Broke Straight Boys and talk amiably the world would be a better place. I think people forget that we can disagree without being disagreeable...or maybe they just don't care.

Very well said. Thank you...:001_cool:
Actually there are some very affordable health care plans out there right now. I was just introduced to a group plan that allows outsiders to buy into the plan. the buy in is 109.00per month. it would become effective April 15 and is gauranteed not to increase for 5 years. It covers all generic drugs 100% brand name at a$10.00 copay. 8 Free office visits to any Dr. in the network per year including specialists. Then every office visit after that they will pay $25.00 toward the copayment but all of the Dr. in the network agree to bill only 75% of their fee. In most cases that $25.00 copay covers the whole visit. It will pay $300.00 per ER visit. $800.00 per day hospitalized and increase to $1,000.00 per day after 10 days. It covers the firts $20,000 of major surgery and up to $5,000 for anestesia. I was like this is the best plan I have seen in years. I had to jump on that. And I already have VA benefits. So, I am pretty much covered all the way arround. I hope the National Health care plan comes out this good.:001_cool:
There have to be some restrictions on it, Jay. Is it age-limited? Pre-existing conditions? Even thirty years ago that would have been an incredible price. Would you mind sharing the company? I cannot imagine how they can afford to offer such prices. Sounds wonderful.
There have to be some restrictions on it, Jay. Is it age-limited? Pre-existing conditions? Even thirty years ago that would have been an incredible price. Would you mind sharing the company? I cannot imagine how they can afford to offer such prices. Sounds wonderful.

No, basically is a group plan designed for a company that employs over a thousand employees and they have open enrollment until April 15th. Those of us who sign up durring open enrollment receive the insurance at the group rate. I have preexisting cond. And I am over 40. I know. it totally amazed me. I gues these kind of plans happen about three times a year and they are only open for about 45 days to the general public.:thumbup: It blew me away. Really. I went on line asked for some quotes. BTW becarefule with this. I haabout 300 phone calls over three days starting 30seconds after I posted a request for a price quote. This was the best plan I was quoted for.:thumbup1:
Okay. That's making more sense. Does the company include part of the premium in its contract. I know my contract does and I only pay part of the premium and my company pays the other part. Also, what is the deductible. I have a 1500 deductible on RX and a 2000 deductible on office calls. My insurance does not kick in until I have spent that amount on either. Some of my friends have policies with deductibles as high as 5,000 out of pocket. Also check out pre-existing covering. Some policies automatically exclude pre-existing for the first three years and then it is covered - although they claim to accept it, they are merely accepting the client and the condition comes later. I've had that with high blood pressure. A new policy covered everything but my circulatory system for the first three years. The open enrollment window is common for large companies with group policies. It keeps everybody on the same calendar for renewal and keeps the bookkeepping down. Let us know how the policy works. I am fascinated about the price and policy promises. Thanks, Jay, for the info.
NP, It covers preexisting cond. there is also no deductable on this plan. It is a PPO that is pretty awesome... Like you I asked a lot of questions. It was wild I had like 25 different plans to choose from. I spent about three days deliberating over them ans calling back and asking questions and getting things sent in writing.:thumbup:
Thanks so much,Jay. I appreciate the info. The PPO part explains much of the lower cost. I pay just about double your premium but have no restrictions as to doctors or specialists I see. My prescriptions drug costs are about the same except for the deductible. Once that is paid, my drugs are free. Once I reach my deductible in physician care, all I pay is the basic office call charge portion (about $25.00-35.00). Most hospital, tests, outpatients treatments, surgery, etc. have a set maxium fee and I am only required to pay what is in excess. My last hospital stay was for a week and I had a dozen or so scans, etc. and my total out of pocket bill was about $1,200.

A funny story: years ago, when I was working in theatre, I filed a workman's comp claim for an employee of mine (a seamstress) who had stumbled into a bumblebee nest outside the dressing rooms and been stung eleven times and ended up in the ER. It was denied. I called and asked what the problem was. They told me to refile the claim. I did and it was denied again. Finally, I called the office and said what's the problem here. We pay the insurance, why are you denying this claim. They said we do not pay claims on customers. I said this is a costumer not a customer. They paid the claim.
thanks so much,jay. I appreciate the info. The ppo part explains much of the lower cost. I pay just about double your premium but have no restrictions as to doctors or specialists i see. My prescriptions drug costs are about the same except for the deductible. Once that is paid, my drugs are free. Once i reach my deductible in physician care, all i pay is the basic office call charge portion (about $25.00-35.00). Most hospital, tests, outpatients treatments, surgery, etc. Have a set maxium fee and i am only required to pay what is in excess. My last hospital stay was for a week and i had a dozen or so scans, etc. And my total out of pocket bill was about $1,200.

A funny story: Years ago, when i was working in theatre, i filed a workman's comp claim for an employee of mine (a seamstress) who had stumbled into a bumblebee nest outside the dressing rooms and been stung eleven times and ended up in the er. It was denied. I called and asked what the problem was. They told me to refile the claim. I did and it was denied again. Finally, i called the office and said what's the problem here. We pay the insurance, why are you denying this claim. They said we do not pay claims on customers. I said this is a costumer not a customer. They paid the claim.

Here is a copy of the initial e-mail sent to me. This person is authorized to sell insurance in the state of PA.

Your request for a health insurance quote has been referred to me though I need to ask a few questions to make sure the quote is accurate for your situation. We have plans in Open Enrollment, which means no need to answer numerous health questions or wait for the recently passed Health Care Reform legislation to kick in. In fact, did you know most of the provisions of the recently passed reform do not begin for over a year, and most not until 2014? I can get you the coverage you need now, guaranteed.

I can get you approved for the number one health insurance plan in America for people with pre-existing conditions. This is real insurance, not a one of those discount plans.

Som of the benefits our plans provide:
- The only Guaranteed Issued plans in America backed by an A+ Excellent rated insurance company
- First dollar payment for claims, no deductibles or co-payments
- No waivers or exclusion riders for pre-existing conditions
- Use the doctors and hospitals of your choice
- REAL, fully insured (not a discount program) prescription drug card included

I may be reached at (888) 271-1865 Extension 110. Or reply to this email with the best time and number so I may answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.


Chris Sawin
Design Benefit Plans
Toll Free: (888) 271-1865 Extension 110

I think seeing is believing. This is one of the better plans I reviewed. I pitty this poor gal but then again look at all of the commissions she might get off of this post. Now she can get a taste of what I went through when I applied on line for a quote. LOL:thumbup: Shhhh! I did post this... LOL :thumbup: