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HD sucks!! I say it again your HD sucks!!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Especially the way you guys deliver it! Half of my screen is black. What a waste and it`s so distracting. I think HD is really a case of the emperor`s new clothes. Everybody thinks they should like it but who in their right mind doesn`t get annoyed when half their screen is useless. It sure as hell ain`t sexy!!:blink:
Hi kungsurf,
Just a couple of questions for you:-
1. Did you download the clip or were you streaming it?
2. What bandwidth does your internet connection have?
Well I have come to the conclusion that everytime i see someones negative comment about this site I MUST say something positive. David, Mark the HD looks brilliant on mine. It is usually someones monitor that makes it be blacked out on most of the screen because it is not set for widescreen. I think this site is the Best site of all time. LOVE IT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
I have to say HD is working great for me. It was well worth the wait and think David, Eddie, and Mark are doing an awsome job!!! By the way I stream my video's and they are always full screen, sounds like to me someone (kungsurf) may not know how to work his own computer, and is looking for someone else to blame...... Just my thoughts.
HD on my wide screen monitor looks great. It fills my entire screen. I have no problems at all streaming it...which is my method of choice anyway. Whereas streaming the digital vids took about 5-7 minutes to fully download (so that I could fast forward or rewind) the HD vids take about 10-15 minutes to download. But I don't have the issue of parts of my screen being blacked out. For those who aren't able to download them well it's probably due to a computer issue or monitor problem.
Looks great to me. Hate you dislike it so much. You can always watch the regualr versions. Its your choice! Dont you love options! I DO!
Unfortunetaly the electronics world is pushing everything towards HD, so we have to go with the times and technology is changing...I do admit HD is the bomb and once we started getting the lighting better and down pat, its gonna look even better!!!!

For those members that aren't getting the full HD experience or still having problems it can be a matter of things...your computer, your connections, your monitor....I'm not a teckie, but contact Mark or even scorpio and they seem to have better knowledge then me.

Well I have come to the conclusion that everytime i see someones negative comment about this site I MUST say something positive. David, Mark the HD looks brilliant on mine. It is usually someones monitor that makes it be blacked out on most of the screen because it is not set for widescreen. I think this site is the Best site of all time. LOVE IT KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

You're going to be posting all day, lol, but I like your attitude. How refreshing. :thumbup:
HD is fine for me you may have to upgrade ur player version or download a diffrent player that is compatible with the file types.
I love the HD, it was worth the wait. Looking forward to more HD releases. Keep up the great work, David, Eddie and Mark!
While I am a tech person I am not a computer geek but with all the jabber about the HD going on I thought I would try to put some numbers to it. I just downloaded the latest Jake episode in HD by right clicking and saving target. It took 19 minutes and 30 seconds to do so. The file size is 270 MB and it came in at 366 KB/sec down to 239 KB/sec. I did a speed check with Cnet.com right afterwards and I have a possible speed of 1.476 MB/sec through my cable modem at 11:30 PM central time. So the server gave it to me a lot slower then it could have but still not to bad.

I then played it using Windows Media Player version 11.0.5721.5268, you can find this by clicking help and then about Windows Media Player. If you do not have that version you can click on help/ check for updates. It plays perfectly and is sharp and clear although the picture is a bit dark as has been spoken about. You will notice it in the faces as they are a bit shadowed but it is very watchable and we know this will soon be corrected in upcoming episodes. To some extent the darkness gives it a more natural smother looking appearance as opposed to the harsh bright light you would otherwise see. Oh also my screen resolution is set at 1024/768 on a 17inch flat panel monitor. You can check that by right clicking a blank spot on your desk top and then left clicking properties. Check the settings tab for the screen resolution.

I am not sure if this info will help anyone but at least it shows what does work and I thought Scorpio might be interested in the down load speeds. Now as for personal taste the HD is almost breathtaking but to be honest I usually download the lower speeds as I like to just stream it. The quality of those is more then good enough for my taste. While I totally enjoy watching Logan I don't find it necessary to count the hairs remaining on his balls. Which you could probably do under HD.
I have the higher end RoadRunner connection from Time-Warner. It`s not quite a T1 but it`s up there. But what difference does that make if half my screen is wasted?
A TV screen or a computer monitor? What brand, model? I`ll buy one tomorrow.
wow, i think someone has higher expectations than his equipment can deliver.

either that or they just hate change.:scared:
Hi David -
Let me say that I love the site. My comment "HD sucks" is not about you and the guys you cast. You come up with some great horny scenes that always turn me on. It`s about the tech aspects. Obviously you all are too young to remember the 8-track or Betamax.When the new kind of memory chip that HP (Hewlet-Packard) is just now about to release becomes widespread, the HD craze will fade away fast. Remember who said that first.
Kungsurf, would it be able for you to do a screenshot with the video open so we know exactly how it looks like? That would help. Thanks
I think the biggest issue people have with HD is when it is viewed on older screens, either external, or built in to a laptop. There are still a large portion of 4:3 (Traditional television format) screens in use, even the new iPad and some other new tablet devices are basically 4:3.

The biggest advantage HD gives you is image clarity - many of the former videos were 480x360 pixels and in order to play on a 1024x768 screen (which was pretty standard) the image had to more than double to fit the screen. One pixel of video equals 2.2 of screen or something like that. Next the movies were 640x480 pixels which is basically VHS resolution - still not nearly the pixel density of a standard monitor. HD basically delivers images at much closer to a 1:1 ratio to newer 16:9 more pixel dense screens.

The other issue is aspect ratio - the old format was 4:3 which makes great use of older 4:3 screens - of which there are very few anymore (try buying ANY 4:3 television or monitor anywhere other than the Salvation Army or a pawn shop.) So, when I play a 4:3 video on my widescreen laptop i have giant black bars up the sides - it's called "pillar boxing" and when you play 16:9 on your 4:3 screen you'll have almost 2/3 of your screen black due to "letterboxing."

I'm not sure what the memory chip from HP that KingSurf mentioned has to do with the way TV screens and LCD panels are manufactured, but I can tell you that until every screen manufacturer and video camera maker comes up with something new (and the cycle to implement and create standards can be well over 10+ years) HD is here to stay.

If you're looking for a high quality screen than can double as a computer monitor and a screen for BluRay or other newer formats, consider a Samsung LED monitor - they are reasonably priced have a very nice image and most include both HDMI ports (the new single-cable digital format for HD video and audio), a VGA port (for older analog PC video), and a DVI port (for newer digital PC video) among others. Just make sure it includes speakers if you are using it for BluRay or that type of thing, as not all of the monitors include them.

Sorry to get all didactic, but people really seem to get confused around new video formats, hardware and software. There is so much mis-information out there (much of it seems to come from electronic store employees eager for a sale...)

Good luck.