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Having a hard time seeing films (or not) :-(

What proportion if any have had problems?

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New Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Hi, having been a loyal and avid customer of Swallow Boys .com for many years now I am with great reluctance having to cancel my membership. My problem is the complete failure to be able to download and view the films from Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals - My two most favoured sites on the whole of the World Wide Web! I have followed all of the instructions given for cookies, settings, anti virus programs etc but cannot get a download speed higher than 8 or 9 kb per sec it is only on these sites ( oh and Straight Boys Jerk Off) this started slowing down around the advent of HD films in Broke Straight Boys but over the last month or so it has been impossible for me to download anything other than the smallest size (worst quality) WMP version of any film. The high quality Quicktime versions seem to download but still will not play. I know I am not the only person having these problems as I have seen others comment on the forum. However there must be such a minority of us that the issue is not yet worth addressing. My hope is that soon there may be enough and an answer will be found. In case anyone thinks it is a problem with my system I have a hulking six year old computer at home, an 18 month old laptop and recently invested in a new laptop to see if that would remedy the problem - all to no avail - I am a member of a few other sites, none of which I have any problem with downloading and sometimes much larger files. I am, I will admit not convinced it is a problem with my ISP, Tiscali. Even if I thought speaking to them would help I'm not sure I would like to approach them with a problem only relating to "Broke Straight Boys", I'm a bit shy you see :blush:. I hope to be back ASAP but at the moment I keep feeling a bit prick-teased every time I see a gorgeous new hunk or a favoured regular being filmed by David, Tyler et al. I've never posted a comment on the forum before - being more of a voyeur than a participant, but as my membership is due to expire soon I thought I would give it a go. Kind regards and I can hardly wait to watch oodles of new to me content when I come Back ;-) :cursing:
I have to agree. I tried about 10+ times to get the last three downloads. The download would finally just stop half way through. This has been going on for the last month "at times" but the last week has been unbearable. It is NOT my internet connection because I have tried on my laptop when at a hotspot and I have tried on my desktop.

The slow speeds are a problem too. Why is it suddenly taking 30-40 minutes to download (or attempt to download) a video? I am not having this problem with other sites. Just Broke Straight Boys and CSB.

We keep seeing speratic complaints here on this board. Is this really that difficult of a problem to fix?

Sorry to be so pointed. Just a bit frustrated by it all.

Guys, there are many threads referring to slow download speeds and in the past I've had slow speeds too. My advice is to adopt a process of elimination attitude as follows:

A. If you are having probs with a Broke Straight Boys film try downloading a film from another Broke Straight Boys owned site - I'm not sure but maybe they are on the same servers.

B. If the answer to the above is YES, then try downloading a film from another site you subscribe to. If you still have an issue then it's likely to be your ISP or maybe you're trying to download during a busy time of day. If you don't have an issue then maybe the Blue Media servers are maxed out so try downloading later. But it's worth noting the times of day and the speeds you're getting and passing this information on to site owner Mark, who is very eager to please his membership.
As I stated above, this is a problem only with Broke Straight Boys and CSB. I do not have problems with other sites. I have excellent ISP speeds. I have tried on other internet connections and on different computers. That leaves the Broke Straight Boys/CSB servers. It is not a problem on my end. I have tested and re-tested. I even used a clean T1 at work to see if it makes a difference. It does not.
As I stated above, this is a problem only with Broke Straight Boys and CSB. I do not have problems with other sites. I have excellent ISP speeds. I have tried on other internet connections and on different computers. That leaves the Broke Straight Boys/CSB servers. It is not a problem on my end. I have tested and re-tested. I even used a clean T1 at work to see if it makes a difference. It does not.

I'm quite surprised then, especially if your works connection is also slow. I'm in the UK and very rarely have issues but if I do it's generally the time of day and I also at the same time have issues with other US sites.

Where in the USA are you ? Maybe other members in the same location can give their thoughts.
Hard time seeing...

I have a hard time seeing alright.

If I watch many scenes one after another and I wank alot.....I sometimes suffer from temporary blindness! :scared:

I think I remember my mom telling me something about this when I was a teenager.

Mama knows best

I have a hard time seeing alright.

If I watch many scenes one after another and I wank alot.....I sometimes suffer from temporary blindness! :scared:

I think I remember my mom telling me something about this when I was a teenager.


Dear Blinded Undie,

That is right, if you can read this now, thank that hunky coach in those sexy shorts in your 7th grade gym class recommending reading just the articles in Playboy. If you cannot read this, then simply clean the thick white coating off your reading glasses like she repeatedly told you so many years ago. You silly boy!

See there, it works every time!
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Have fun Guys!

I have been writing to Mark about this since they changed over to HD. I have gotten very excuse, exactly what they are excuses, possible.

Remember the following when writing about slow speeds, not being able to watch the videos, not being able to download etc.

1) You are the only one that has mentioned (although there many threads on the subject)
2) The problem is with your ISP provider, even though others use the same provider.
3) It is your computer, even though it dowloads and the videos work perfectly from every site except Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals.
4) There is too much traffic at the time you are trying to download or watch the video. I have gotten up at 4 in morning to prove that wrong.
5) Your RAM is not big enough, what does a pickup truck have to do with it? LOL I know it means random access memory.
6) Your ISP has to travel to far and the speed diminishes even though you run a speed test and it is fine.

Those are just a few problems that you and only you are having. I am finally able to watch the videos, although it sometimes takes 2 or 3 attempts. Maybe the more you try makes the little gremlins in our system work faster :)