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Getting To Know Jesse Stone/Stroking My Cock for Cash - scene thread

Well said, Tampa. I've said this a long time ago and I will say this again. At the end of the day, I blame the parenting. You guys today are so "fucked up", and mental illness is real. I've been doing this since 2001, and I have heard so many crazy stories from all of our models, some extreme and some not so extreme on how these guys and how there parents family raised them and treated them its amazing to me that parents to treat there own kids in such away. I've heard it all, and each time I am completely blown away.

Many of the guys we have filmed, come from such broken homes that they never had any proper upbringing or a parent that showed them right from wrong or consequences for there actions. I once wrote on this forum many years back that many of these guys are dysfunctional and have personality disorders beyond any help so when Jesse told us his story, it didn't surprise me. Unlike the other guys, he motivated himself by going to the gym and working out and doing his best by doing right, okay, stealing and sleeping with men to stay off the streets may not be the ideal situation but when you become homeless, one has to go into survival mode so I admire Jesse by doing the best he can and others like him.

Filming porn or Broke Straight Boys or anything adult at first was something I thought was about sex, but I learned over the years, its not sex...yes the guys perform sex for our entertainment, but these guys are just trying to survive and at the very start, both Eddie and I made sure they are safe, have good food to eat (we eat at the dinner table) and we take time to listen and talk to them. Its just not about filming "porn" and sex...off camera we learn a lot about these guys and we take the time to listen and many of them when they arrive (we may not have Mansion...LOL) but we do have a home and we treat these guys with respect and most of them walk away with a different mindset about themselves.

Over the years we've seen many of the boys go from drug addicts, no jobs, no future...to responsible adults, that have jobs, got an education, started families, have respect for themselves and many have connected with family that they haven't spoke to in many years and are now close to there family. Although there "porn career" is over or just an experience, most of them thank Eddie and I for giving them the opportunity and making them feel they are a person and by doing this boosted there confidence. We feel its not about filming porn but also helping "lost" guys find there way in life and feel better about themselves and that is what really makes Eddie and I happy when we see a "lost" model, turn there life around all because we played a role or we influenced them in a certain way and for that I am truly grateful for this opportunity.

Wow. Thank you for the post David. There is so much to unpack here. Thank you for sharing all of this. While I intuitively knew or at least suspected that much of what you say about the state of our society was true...I admit I'm a little shocked at just how bad it really is as far as how many homes and families are still so dysfunctional in the 21st century. Namely "parents" of course. The fact for instance that you have so many guys who are totally oblivious to the concept of sitting down at a dinner table to eat and having deep and warm family-like conversations over a good, decent balanced meal. You've made it sound like so many of these guys are shocked or even give some push-back at the concept of sitting down at a table to eat with everyone else. Maybe because what they're used to is that dad (or the live-in boyfriend) is drunk or high and yelling and cussing up a storm, beating up on mom, or any kids unlucky enough to be within reach, or whatever. So everyone grabs a plate and finds a favorite corner of the home to go hide and hopefully eat their meager meal in peace and relative quiet?

You're right David. Some of the so-called "parenting" out there is absolutely atrocious. So bad that it's pretty close to non-parenting. I wouldn't treat a dog the way some of these supposed adults treat their precious innocent kids. Like for instance single mom has a 7 or 8 year old... She gets her monthly check, neither buys nor leaves any new groceries in the house with the money, and just flees out to the bars to score drugs and get drunk and high. No babysitter of course. Then she finds some men to whore around with for a few or several days. Then finally she comes home (with no more money) to a starving, malnourished, scared and traumatized 7 year old kid. And if you think I'm exaggerating or making up hypothetical scenarios...I've been told this story personally by a Broke Straight Boys model. And I'm sure David can top that story several times over with what he's heard over all these years.

I remember another conversation we had (with David) where we were discussing how tough some of these models had it trying (unsuccessfully) to live on their own as adults over 18. We talked about the actual hunger these guys suffered trying to rent an apartment or keep a roof over their heads...and how some of these guys (models) would show up on your doorstep in truly malnourished states. I will name names here and bring up "Danny Blue Eyes". I could actually pick up on the fact that his frame was not just skinny, but skinnier than it should have been for his height and proportion. Yes. Many guys who eat well are naturally skinny or even very skinny through nothing but genetics. Other people though you can kind of tell and you can visualize that they've probably lost weight and are skinnier than they should normally be because of mild to moderate malnutrition. Then you shared with us that Danny showed up at your door literally hungry and malnourished because he had been trying to substitute meat in his diet (which he couldn't afford on his very tight grocery budget).....with eggs. When you told us how thrilled and grateful Danny was to be getting to eat real meat while staying at your house, I was both overjoyed and heartbroken for him at the same time.

And he's not the only one. A Broke Straight Boys-2 semi-model called "Desperate Mike" was a poster child of a guy who showed up in an obvious state of not just hunger, but a more advanced stage of prolonged malnutrition. He was not just very skinny. He also had that unhealthy pastey white tinge to the skin that you see in people from really rough and poor neighborhoods.

Over the years we've seen many of the boys go from drug addicts, no jobs, no future...to responsible adults, that have jobs, got an education, started families, have respect for themselves and many have connected with family that they haven't spoke to in many years and are now close to there family. Although there "porn career" is over or just an experience, most of them thank Eddie and I for giving them the opportunity and making them feel they are a person and by doing this boosted there confidence. We feel its not about filming porn but also helping "lost" guys find there way in life and feel better about themselves and that is what really makes Eddie and I happy when we see a "lost" model, turn there life around all because we played a role or we influenced them in a certain way and for that I am truly grateful for this opportunity.

That last part in particular is very heartwarming to me personally. Thank you so much for all you and Eddie have done to help many of these wayward souls who were lost and broken, maybe with untreated mental health issues or addictions, or simply just rather clueless on how to change the course of their present and futures because their childhood and upbringing were such a mess. If your guidance helps to inform or teach even one guy how to make something of himself, get useful help for any addiction and mental health issues, become a productive member of society and be a truly good and decent parent to his own children...when his own role models were totally dysfuctional, neglectful and abusive...(and I suspect you have accomplished this many times over already)...then you and Eddie can know when you finally leave this world, that you left it in better shape than you found it.
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Yes you and other sites serve a purpose to help at least some of these fellows, even if only a few. This is a side that most members have no idea and I would hope all of them would care.
Great post! Once while touring Ireland, I listened in on an college Ethics class in Dublin. The issue discussed was stealing food for your starving children during the Irish potato famine, when ruler England was shipping away to other countries Ireland's agricultural product for England's profit. Not surprisingly the class concluded that stealing food to survive under these circumstances was ethical!

Hey KG.

I had meant to respond to this post earlier and got distracted. But yes. I agree that in certain cases of extreme duress or hunger, that a certain degree of theft should be tolerated by society for the sake of humanity. But that's not to say that our moral compass should not be opposed to theft.

But of course recreational theft for the sake of greed, envy, "kicks" or spite should never be condoned.