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Getting To Know Chase Tyler

You’re probably correct that Czech hunter is reusing models, but since I don’t watch much foreign porn it’s very easy for me to believe they are more amateur, the change of scenery in every film also helps.

Real actors are only doing their job for money and they can still put on a great performance. Are the performers here told to act like they don’t enjoy the sex so that they appear more straight but broke?
You can select getting 1 or no notifications per day . Best ask Mark how as I forgot how to do so.

I go intp watcing a scene paying no attention to the supposed sexuality of a model. I have a set of things I expect to see & how they do them. If these guys found guy sex repulsive it would be reflected in their reaction unless as you say they are great actors. I mean kissing, sucking , rimming. But that is from my own experiences but of course I no actor.
You can select getting 1 or no notifications per day . Best ask Mark how as I forgot how to do so.

I go intp watcing a scene paying no attention to the supposed sexuality of a model. I have a set of things I expect to see & how they do them. If these guys found guy sex repulsive it would be reflected in their reaction unless as you say they are great actors. I mean kissing, sucking , rimming. But that is from my own experiences but of course I no actor.
Haha, if a gay porn actor actually comes off as repulsed I’d give them an award for their great acting. The money isn’t good enough, and the social stigma is too great for someone with actual adversity to gay sex to let someone film. Maybe being in porn is seen as easy money to some but there are plenty of ways to make some extra cash that don’t involve crossing boundaries.

What I don’t like is when one or more of the performers shows up and even if they don’t dislike gay sex they are just waiting for it to be over. They make no effort making a real connection with the other player(s) and everything seems mechanical. Actions are made because that’s what they think they are supposed to be doing instead of doing what they want to do.
Haha, if a gay porn actor actually comes off as repulsed I’d give them an award for their great acting. The money isn’t good enough, and the social stigma is too great for someone with actual adversity to gay sex to let someone film. Maybe being in porn is seen as easy money to some but there are plenty of ways to make some extra cash that don’t involve crossing boundaries.

What I don’t like is when one or more of the performers shows up and even if they don’t dislike gay sex they are just waiting for it to be over. They make no effort making a real connection with the other player(s) and everything seems mechanical. Actions are made because that’s what they think they are supposed to be doing instead of doing what they want to do.
I agree there are other ways to earn money. As to what you say about action & waiting for it to be over. that is in my opinion the responsibility of the site's management to curtail it. In a nonporn job you have a boss to ensure you work your hours & at least attain a certain degree of quality, otherwise you are fired, is that then not the responsibility at porn sites?.
To br‘s following comment:

“I go intp watcing a scene paying no attention to the supposed sexuality of a model. I have a set of things I expect to see & how they do them. If these guys found guy sex repulsive it would be reflected in their reaction unless as you say they are great actors. I mean kissing, sucking , rimming. But that is from my own experiences but of course I no actor.”

Yesterday you said that you’ve been a fan of Broke Straight Boys since the beginning, and I asked how you reconciled this thought process, when for eight years, almost all the scenes featured guys who proclaimed that they were straight who were doing this only for money.

Please answer my question. Did you turn the sound off during the pre and post scene chatter? I’d really like to understand how you could have been a fan back when there was zero kissing and zero rimming?

I always give you direct and honest answers to your questions to me and I’d appreciate a similar response from you to my specific question.
To br‘s following comment:

“I go intp watcing a scene paying no attention to the supposed sexuality of a model. I have a set of things I expect to see & how they do them. If these guys found guy sex repulsive it would be reflected in their reaction unless as you say they are great actors. I mean kissing, sucking , rimming. But that is from my own experiences but of course I no actor.”

Yesterday you said that you’ve been a fan of Broke Straight Boys since the beginning, and I asked how you reconciled this thought process, when for eight years, almost all the scenes featured guys who proclaimed that they were straight who were doing this only for money.

Please answer my question. Did you turn the sound off during the pre and post scene chatter? I’d really like to understand how you could have been a fan back when there was zero kissing and zero rimming?

I always give you direct and honest answers to your questions to me and I’d appreciate a similar response from you to my specific question.
Are you the same person you were back then? Porn back then was not what it is now. My expectations have evolved entirely as what was presented changed and has become more and more open.
Are you the same person you were back then? Porn back then was not what it is now. My expectations have evolved entirely as what was presented changed and has become more and more open.
Okay, that makes sense. You hadn’t made that clear that prior to the mid 2010’s you used to enjoy “the pseudo straight boy” scenarios portrayed on Broke Straight Boys-1 & Broke Straight Boys-2. In regard to your question of if I am the same person I was back when I first joined Broke Straight Boys in 2008, I would have to answer largely yes. I hope I am somewhat wiser, but my basic sexual desires haven’t changed at all.

I repeat I don’t think the boys who came back for more than a solo or receiving a blow job are 100% straight, Kinsey 0’s, so to speak. But I think that many of them think they are, and that is the type of “straight” guy that turns me on the most, in porn and in real life. They think they are completely straight and only doing it for the money. It is very hot to me on many levels. And yes, to this day, that is what turns me on the most. Even in recent times, guys like William Klein and Justin Case, and during David’s earliest scenes of his latest stint here, Gino Zanetti, (who I’ve been told bottomed on other sites post-Broke Straight Boys, but that is irrelevant to me). I also love Ethan Steel who is cute as a button and comes across as a straight guy, doing it for the money.

Summing up, I respect that you have changed your desires in porn over the last number of years, and I understand that you used to enjoy the original models from 2006 and on who insisted they were straight and feigned outrage when another guy was put next to them, and how they cringed up their faces when having to suck cock for money, and some who would only reluctantly bottom when offered a large sum of money, and who NEVER kissed another boy and would never rim at all.

Thanks for your clarification. Now I get it!
Gino has bottomed several times including on his Only Fans site. But he has not been online recently. Thanks for your comments, the more we speak the better I like you.
Gino has bottomed several times including on his Only Fans site. But he has not been online recently. Thanks for your comments, the more we speak the better I like you.
I try to be as honest as possible. “What you see “or is it, “What you read”, is what you get. :wink:
This would be a therapists dream to study why guys do porn. I think its much easier for females to film porn but mentally, its much more difficult for guys.

There is so many factors and I think this is why there is a debate about this. There are no right or wrong answers to why a guy films porn. I think the money and desperation is a huge factor and the money is to be made if you do studio work and just starting out or doing onlyfans and filming yourself, you have the potential to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time if you do it correctly.

I am not sure what goes through a persons mind when deciding to film porn, but I know from my experiences and talking to all sorts of guys, they are in it for the money. However, out of all these years, I am trying to figure out the guys that state they are straight but doing gay porn. Everyone is so different. Even in the BSB1.0 times, the guys were much different from today. For example, back in the BSB1.0 days, the guys would not kiss or rim, that was too much for them to handle and deal with but yet they would suck dick and fuck and at the end, they would consider themselves straight.

I believe all the guys that have been appearing on Broke Straight Boys are bisexual in nature but I think how our society is, saying your bisexual is admitting your gay. We still have stigma in our society that when a man has sex with another man, they are gay so in these guys mind, they are straight and they can have sex with a female with no issues.

I think its all mental to soften the reaction of there sex acts. For example, we have an issue here in the USA and I am sure the world with mental illness but people who are mentally ill can't admit there is something wrong with them. Sorta of like an alcoholic or drug addict, they have a drinking problem or drug problem but will not admit it and think that its normal to act and behave that way and they don't have a drinking or drug problem or think they have mental issues.

I think sexuality works in the same principles that a guy is truly attracted to a man in a certain way but they will not admit it to themselves but these guys can have sex with females and enjoy it. Many of the BSB1.0 boys would say its mechanical and just sex and they do enjoy the sex part, but romantically and emotional they are connected more to having a relationship with a female and there sex is much better with a female and get turned on a lot more with a female and that is what I am told, even with the recent guys of today with one exception, these guys don't have an issue kissing and rimming. Now its the opposite, these guys kiss and rim but it doesn't mean anything to them. Very few don't like to rim but will get rimmed and the guys today are more freaky in the bed because there girlfriends are a lot more freaky in bed as well. A lot of females are bisexual and will have sex with other females and the guy (boyfriend) would be involved and the younger generation of today have evolved sexually and are willing to experiment a lot more. I think its because these guys and gals have been born in a time that porn is now available and they were born into a world that has internet and adult content for free and they see and get hooked on internet porn thinking that its real and that is how you have sex with each other so its a lot more acceptable to push the sexual limits.

Where back in the old days, we didn't have the internet as we do today and we respected each others limitations and we had to use our imagination. But my point is that everyone is different and each one of us has different sexual tastes and likes. I've met many gay men in my lifetime that have had sex with females, some have kids but they prefer sex with another guy...bless these gay men that can do that while I am 100% gay and couldn't never imagine myself having any sexual contact with a female.

So perhaps Kinsey and his research knew something we didn't and I think that is why I keep referring to his study because it was the first and only one of its studies to examine and do research on human sexuality as he found out that everyone, male or female all have different degrees of sexualities and its not one size fits all.

Just my thought of the day and something to think about.....
I try to be as honest as possible. “What you see “or is it, “What you read”, is what you get. :wink:
Makes two of us. I do and say what I think BUT I will not intentionally hurt someone else with my words with the exception of purely evil people such as Dump.
This would be a therapists dream to study why guys do porn. I think its much easier for females to film porn but mentally, its much more difficult for guys.

There is so many factors and I think this is why there is a debate about this. There are no right or wrong answers to why a guy films porn. I think the money and desperation is a huge factor and the money is to be made if you do studio work and just starting out or doing onlyfans and filming yourself, you have the potential to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time if you do it correctly.

I am not sure what goes through a persons mind when deciding to film porn, but I know from my experiences and talking to all sorts of guys, they are in it for the money. However, out of all these years, I am trying to figure out the guys that state they are straight but doing gay porn. Everyone is so different. Even in the BSB1.0 times, the guys were much different from today. For example, back in the BSB1.0 days, the guys would not kiss or rim, that was too much for them to handle and deal with but yet they would suck dick and fuck and at the end, they would consider themselves straight.

I believe all the guys that have been appearing on Broke Straight Boys are bisexual in nature but I think how our society is, saying your bisexual is admitting your gay. We still have stigma in our society that when a man has sex with another man, they are gay so in these guys mind, they are straight and they can have sex with a female with no issues.

I think its all mental to soften the reaction of there sex acts. For example, we have an issue here in the USA and I am sure the world with mental illness but people who are mentally ill can't admit there is something wrong with them. Sorta of like an alcoholic or drug addict, they have a drinking problem or drug problem but will not admit it and think that its normal to act and behave that way and they don't have a drinking or drug problem or think they have mental issues.

I think sexuality works in the same principles that a guy is truly attracted to a man in a certain way but they will not admit it to themselves but these guys can have sex with females and enjoy it. Many of the BSB1.0 boys would say its mechanical and just sex and they do enjoy the sex part, but romantically and emotional they are connected more to having a relationship with a female and there sex is much better with a female and get turned on a lot more with a female and that is what I am told, even with the recent guys of today with one exception, these guys don't have an issue kissing and rimming. Now its the opposite, these guys kiss and rim but it doesn't mean anything to them. Very few don't like to rim but will get rimmed and the guys today are more freaky in the bed because there girlfriends are a lot more freaky in bed as well. A lot of females are bisexual and will have sex with other females and the guy (boyfriend) would be involved and the younger generation of today have evolved sexually and are willing to experiment a lot more. I think its because these guys and gals have been born in a time that porn is now available and they were born into a world that has internet and adult content for free and they see and get hooked on internet porn thinking that its real and that is how you have sex with each other so its a lot more acceptable to push the sexual limits.

Where back in the old days, we didn't have the internet as we do today and we respected each others limitations and we had to use our imagination. But my point is that everyone is different and each one of us has different sexual tastes and likes. I've met many gay men in my lifetime that have had sex with females, some have kids but they prefer sex with another guy...bless these gay men that can do that while I am 100% gay and couldn't never imagine myself having any sexual contact with a female.

So perhaps Kinsey and his research knew something we didn't and I think that is why I keep referring to his study because it was the first and only one of its studies to examine and do research on human sexuality as he found out that everyone, male or female all have different degrees of sexualities and its not one size fits all.

Just my thought of the day and something to think about.....
I agree with most of what you said. Now go back to the very beginning of modern day gay porn to Kip Knoll's time . There are things they did which could fit in now and other things which many would not do. And that was without the more enlightened period some of us live in and of course without our technology.