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Getting To Know Jesse Stone/Stroking My Cock for Cash - scene thread

I am curious, we all know that many of the "stories" heard from past model's have been made up, embellished, fabricated, etc. While Jesse's "story" is believable, how do we know its true? Not saying it isn't true; however, are we taking it at blind faith that it is?

This is true SFP. I myself am taking it as fact even though I have no proof of the veracity of Jesse's story. I do believe him though. Regardless however I'd also say that just as I said in the beginning of my last post, that everthing I said about Jesse's situation (true or not) could be said almost verbatim about all of those many, many parents and families who kick their minor kids out on the streets for "misbehavior", "lack of respect" or for being gay.

So I still stand by everything I said as it applies to Jesse's story in particular, and in general terms for all the youth out there whose stories we definitely know fit that same mold.
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I am curious, we all know that many of the "stories" heard from past model's have been made up, embellished, fabricated, etc. While Jesse's "story" is believable, how do we know its true? Not saying it isn't true; however, are we taking it at blind faith that it is?
good point, considering another model’s recent admission that most of it is just “acting”. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

I do believe Jesse tho. But hey, we’ve been burned in the past.
I am curious, we all know that many of the "stories" heard from past model's have been made up, embellished, fabricated, etc. While Jesse's "story" is believable, how do we know its true? Not saying it isn't true; however, are we taking it at blind faith that it is?

I've been doing this since 2001. Started filming Broke Straight Boys in 2004 thru 2010. I've always filmed College Boy Physicals site, always had to deal with a lot of boys coming and going each week, each month, each year after year. Then we were asked to film Broke Straight Boys again, after 9-years absent, we are back filming again. Although the boys have changed over the years...one thing that hasn't changed is most of them have a back-story.

At first, I didn't believe it, but then why would someone make this up. When I was younger, I didn't tell strangers about my life, I kept my dysfunctions to myself and if anyone would ask, I am doing great, and I would hype myself up that I have a good job, make great money...I come from a upper middle class family which was all true, but I for one, my parents fought, they divorced...my mother and father both have mental illness, my sisters are both crazy....but I wouldn't go into details about my life to strangers let alone on video for the world to see and hear.

With that, I've heard it all, I can write a book about some of these guys and how they were brought up and treated by there parents and how they currently live there lives, its amazing the stories I hear week after week, month after month and year after year. When a guy comes here, tells me his story and his life, his upbringing....I tend to believe them because these stories are so crazy that you just can't make it up with some of these guys and some you can tell, they have mental issues or development problems, or social behavior issues and personalities dysfunction. It doesn't take a therapist or a phycologist, you can just tell by there demeanor, by how they talk and body language, some are just damaged goods.

I've started watching the show on Netflix called "Shameless". This show reminds me on many of the models and how they were brought up. Both Eddie and I are on season 3, my Sister watched all the seasons and she thought the show was good but not realistic and that people don't live that way. My Sisters and all my family knows what we do, both my family and Eddie's family and most have seen Shameless and they all don't believe that this show is realistic that people don't live that way. Both Eddie and I stand corrected and told them, Yes...we deal with these types of guys every week, month and year...for us watching this show and some of the stories from the show I have already heard from these guys over time, over the years...so nothing surprises me when I hear these crazy nutty obscure stories from these guys.

I think anyone that films porn, deals with models may it be female or male or whatever....we all have stories and we can all write a book about the crazy models and how they really are in life and there stories. My outtake is that, our future young adults regardless what type of family they come from, they are really messed up people and we are in trouble as a whole society. But then again, I am jaded...LOL
Sadly as I tried to explain elsewhere from my own experiences the above could very well true.
I think anyone that films porn, deals with models may it be female or male or whatever....we all have stories and we can all write a book about the crazy models and how they really are in life and there stories. My outtake is that, our future young adults regardless what type of family they come from, they are really messed up people and we are in trouble as a whole society. But then again, I am jaded...LOL

I'm right there with you David. haha I want to be the optimist on the long-term prognosis of humakind. Like 500-2,000 years and beyond down the road. But in the short term... Not so much! haha

I watched Shameless a lot too when I first got introduced to it. I thought it was a riot. And I also loved the gratuitous full frontal male nudity. But then as time went on after about season 4 or 5 I guess, the nudity got less and less until it was down to practically nothing. Like you were watching some "edgy" R-rated movie of the 70's or 80's all over again. A few shots of tits and butts on women, and only the butts on a few guys. No more penises any more. Then (in my mind) the depravity and criminality of the lfestyle the characters led became the major driving force of the show. The darkness of some of the storylines is not for the sensitive or the faint of heart. haha I finally had to stop when I realized it was affecting me and my own mental health. For one thing, I found myself being tempted to want to cuss like a sailor in my real life. And that's not me. When I realized it was from watching too much of the show, I finally just stopped. My outlook on life also improved. lol If you do want to watch the whole series of the show I'd recommend you take it slowly, (like once a week) rather than trying to binge-watch it. :)

But I can totally believe you David that many of your/our models grew up in families and households that had more than passing similarities to some of the characters and/or some of the storylines of the show. For those of us who were fortuante enough to grow up more priviliged and sheltered, or perhaps poor but still in much more functional loving families...it boggles the mind to find out some of the things that really go on out there in the world.

Something was mentioned earlier about Jesse's habit of playing with his hair. I admit that I found it distracting at times myself. But given his backstory, to which he only shared a relatively tiny glimpse...I get it. It's like a nervous tick for him. When he's nervous or stressed he plays with his hair. With some guys it will be an actual physical tick. Like a twitching eyelid, or a continuous sniffle when the person's nervous that has nothing to do with a cold or sinuses. Some guys may fidget with their fingers in a very specific way. They're all physical "tells" of either present nervousness or past emotional or physical trauma. Or all of the above.

If I lived through a story like Jesse's where I had to try to fall alseep on a winter night under the awning of some building still mostly exposed to all the elements, hoping I wouldn't get robbed or beaten in my sleep..and hoping I woudn't get hypothermia... I might well go the rest of my life with an eyelid that twitched almost constantly... Or the knuckle of a certain finger that I would be cracking on a regular basis... Or a finger that I might chew on whenever I got especially stressed.

As David and some of the rest of us have discussed before, David has become almost an armchair psychological expert at picking up on all of the signs. The physical, the demeaner, body language, eye contact, conversational, "line of thought" kinds of "tells"...that alert him to not only just present nervousness, drug use, etc., but also things like bipolar, OCD, manic behavior, forms of PTSD, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia and so on. I'm sure in his day he has seen a little bit of it ALL. Maybe a LOT. David's also a Scorpio, like I am, and like Mark is. Which means we have some of the gift of "truth sense" when someone tries to lie or deceive us. Just to say that even though I don't know David personally as a good friend who I spend time with often in the real world...I can prettty much assure you that he picks up on more in the first 2-10 minutes of meeting someone than others might figure out in a whole day. haha

For any of you who are wary that Jesse may have been taking me or us for a ride with his story of homelessness, I understand your caution and skepticism. I mean, why get so worked up over something that might not even be true. Right? I get that viewpoint. And yes. It's a valid concern and point. I'm not so gullible or naive enough to think that everything models tell us in their interviews is always totally true. Of course not. haha As I've said before though I do believe him on that part of the story based on my own reading of him.

That said, I don't think this has been an unproductive conversation at all. I think it's food for thought for all of us. Because even if Jesse's story was a total work of fiction...there are and have been thousands of minor kids out on our country's streets for whom this kind of story...and maybe more than a handful with almost this exact story even...treatment by parents, etc...was all too real. Especially for the LGBT.
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Honestly does it really make a difference as long as they perform well.
Honestly does it really make a difference as long as they perform well.
well, there just isn’t a reason to be dishonest. I don’t think anyone expects these models to give their real names, specific locations, phone number or email, but to just outright lie about previous experience or bottoming for the first time isn’t necessary. The members here are EXCELLENT at spilling the tea. The truth usually comes out in the end. It’s also not fair for these models to lie to David, Sha, or Mark about really well hidden past porn experience, because they may have negotiated a higher price to get the model to do something they’ve already done.
Of course I prefer straight or bi first timers, but I’m also aware that’s going to be a rare occurrence, so there’s just no excuse for these models to bullshit the audience or the producers.
I would like to believe this as well but there are all types of people some just period lie you have no further to go than Trump. As to why they would , covering uo embarrassing situations, inflating themselves, etc. These are hard to dispute. I believe it or not I am naive by nature but also a realist that may be contradictory but people are as well as filled with faults AAI among that group.
well, there just isn’t a reason to be dishonest. I don’t think anyone expects these models to give their real names, specific locations, phone number or email, but to just outright lie about previous experience or bottoming for the first time isn’t necessary. The members here are EXCELLENT at spilling the tea. The truth usually comes out in the end. It’s also not fair for these models to lie to David, Sha, or Mark about really well hidden past porn experience, because they may have negotiated a higher price to get the model to do something they’ve already done.
Of course I prefer straight or bi first timers, but I’m also aware that’s going to be a rare occurrence, so there’s just no excuse for these models to bullshit the audience or the producers.

The back story just adds to there character but at the end, its about having sex and a good on screen performance for all of us to enjoy. But I agree, I don't like when models apply and they are not truthful about what they have done in the past.

When we do our interviews, we ask what experiences did they have on and off camera. For Broke Straight Boys its very important to cast the right character for the site. We are doing our best to find inexperienced, new guys that appear to be straight, straight acting bi-curious, bi-sexual that has a good back story. They can do porn in the past, but if they are way to over-exposed, it doesn't make sense to bring them on a site called Broke Straight Boys (this is just my opinion). The model that is applying can do porn in the past, but not over-exposed themselves, and we find a lot of straighter, gay4pay guys do porn with other studios and I do my research and watch them on social media and they are truly gay4pay, I believe in my heart, they would do great for Broke Straight Boys site. Although some members will point out they have already been on "xyz.com" site, but at least they admit and they film gay porn for pay. If you go to there social media, most of the these guys have females and follow females on there social media and many have wives/girlfriends.

The perfect choice would be someone that has never had sex with another guy, they never filmed porn and they don't have a huge social media following which we strive to hire those guys if they apply. Remember we are at the mercy of models applying...believe me if it was legal to kidnap hot straight boys and force them to film Broke Straight Boys, I would. LOL. But that is not the case and not everyone wants to film so it can be challenging casting for a site called Broke Straight Boys
As I said be4 does it really matter if he performs well?
For Broke Straight Boys its very important to cast the right character for the site. We are doing our best to find inexperienced, new guys that appear to be straight, straight acting bi-curious, bi-sexual that has a good back story. They can do porn in the past, but if they are way to over-exposed, it doesn't make sense to bring them on a site called Broke Straight Boys (this is just my opinion).
I am very pleased that the director of Broke Straight Boys is on the same page as I am. I understand how difficult it is to find such guys, but the fact that you are striving to present the type of guys that I want to see is reassuring to me. :thumbup1:
The perfect choice would be someone that has never had sex with another guy, they never filmed porn and they don't have a huge social media following which we strive to hire those guys if they apply. Remember we are at the mercy of models applying...believe me if it was legal to kidnap hot straight boys and force them to film Broke Straight Boys, I would. LOL. But that is not the case and not everyone wants to film so it can be challenging casting for a site called Broke Straight Boys


The visuals that brought up for me were just hysterical David. haha Me having this comical vision of you being the driver of a windowless van in the stereotype getup of a baseball cap and dark sunglasses who creeps up on unsuspecting hot young straight guys waiting alone at bus stops. Then a pack of 3 ninja type dudes dressed in black suddenly jump out and snatch him to take back to the studio to film. Thank God that's illegal! haha
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As I said be4 does it really matter if he performs well?

As I said before, yes!

As it pertains to outright lying about past work on other porn sites, or lying about being totally 100% straight when there is already ample social media evidence online to the contrary... Yes. That bothers me also, even if they perform very well.

But again. We're talking about opinions here. So nobody is either right or wrong. All of us are entitled to our own ways of looking at and interpreting things.

Aside from issues of past porn work or exactly where they sit on the spectrum of gay-straight sexuality I know that during these interviews that a little bit of lying and/or half-truths are necessary to protect the model's privacy and anonymity. Sometimes the model for instance might be asked about his home state. And he quickly answers forcefully and proudly. And you just know he's telling the truth. Other times there is a hesitatation or a "tell" that he is making up the name of another state in order to protect his privacy. When you're asking them about important moments, places, people and events of their lives...they have to be more careful and sometimes lie, many times oversimplify or be purposely vague...just to protect themselves and the identities of other people in case anyone back home catches wind of the interview.
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I must say I feel for them, they also must shield their loved ones, especially if they don't know what the potential player is about to do. This holds for all people what ever their sexual identity, women as well as men. As with most things there is a second side.
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As it pertains to outright lying about past work on other porn sites, or lying about being totally 100% straight when there is already ample social media evidence online to the contrary... Yes. That bothers me also, even if they perform very well.

But again. We're talking about opinions here. So nobody is either right or wrong. All of us are entitled to our own ways of looking at and interpreting things.

Aside from issues of past porn work or exactly where they sit on the spectrum of gay-straight sexuality I know that during these interviews that a little bit of lying and/or half-truths are necessary to protect the model's privacy and anonymity. Sometimes the model for instance might be asked about his home state. And he quickly answers forcefully and proudly. And you just know he's telling the truth. Other times there is a hesitatation or a "tell" that he is making up the name of another state in order to protect his privacy. When you're asking them about important moments, places, people and events of their lives...they have to be more careful and sometimes lie, many times oversimplify or be purposely vague...just to protect themselves and the identities of other people in case anyone back home catches wind of the interview.
Of course it is understandable for a model to protect their identity. I’m referring to those models who do interviews and tell a completely made up story about their personal life. When a model comes on here and says they’re straight and this is the first time they’ve bottomed, but their girlfriend uses toys on them……only to find out later that they’ve done other gay porn, bottoming under a different name, completely lying to us. It’s unnecessary and it’s total bullshit. Some of us take that information they gave us and use it as part of our fantasies. We make comments about it here on the forum only to find out later that the joke was on us, and it’s totally embarrassing. Don’t waste my time giving me a BTS “get to know me” video for a model and it be a whole fucking made up story. That’s not getting to know someone.
I guess I’m just a stupid, naive, gullible old man.
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Of course it is understandable for a model to protect their identity. I’m referring to those models who do interviews and tell a completely made up story about their personal life. When a model comes on here and says they’re straight and this is the first time they’ve bottomed, but their girlfriend uses toys on them……only to find out later that they’ve done other gay porn, bottoming under a different name, completely lying to us. It’s unnecessary and it’s total bullshit. Some of us take that information they gave us and use it as part of our fantasies. We make comments about it here on the forum only to find out later that the joke was on us, and it’s totally embarrassing. Don’t waste my time giving me a BTS “get to know me” video for a model and it be a whole fucking made up story. That’s not getting to know someone.
I guess I’m just a stupid, naive, gullible old man.

You're not gullible at all. There's nothing wrong or Pollyannaish with expecting most people to be mostly if not completely honest.
Yes like Kirk who supposedly went on a talk show and trashed the industry.