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Gay Sexpert: Maximizing your circle jerk


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
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When boys are first experiencing the testosterone-drenched awakening of pubescent sexuality, they often can have more sexual energy than they know what to do with. To be more accurate, perhaps they have so much sexual energy that their bodies nearly force them to do something about it. Therefore, it's somewhat common for young men to play and experiment sexually with those whom they are closest to -- other boys. This activity is common the world over, in different societies, and in different histories. Depending on the culture, it can take the form of all kinds of scenarios -- a rite of passage into manhood; looking at a big brother's porn collection; "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" and the ever-popular circle jerk.

As guys grow and begin to discover what really stiffens their rods, most of them transition to women, since most of them are primarily heterosexual. But for homosexuals, the first male-to-male experiences can be fond memories, if not fodder for a lifetime of fantasy. In fact, with the LGBT community leading the way in sexual rights, liberation and exploration, many a gay man has experienced similar group activities in his adult life as well, at sex clubs, bathhouses or play parties.

When it comes to female group masturbation, it is far more rare, unfortunately. In the '70s, sexologist and pleasure activist Betty Dodson had found so much pleasure in clitoral stimulation that she began to lead groundbreaking female masturbation workshops. Still, so few women have been given permission to enjoy their bodies that workshops like Betty's are desperately needed today, but few and far between.

On the subject of male-affirming seed-spilling, no other organization protrudes in my mind more than the San Francisco Jacks, who have been gathering for circle jerks since 1983. Originally they would meet in homes for group self-pleasuring, but as their numbers grew, they moved to rented spaces. Sometimes these spaces were short-lived when the building owners really understood what was going on, so there were periods when they did not meet. Yet they have endured, and these days they meet at the Center for Sex and Culture a couple of times a month.

They have just a few parameters. This is a jack-off party, therefore, no sucking or fucking. Furthermore, they require that clothes be checked except for shoes; however, fetishwear and sexy outfits are encouraged. There are usually anywhere between 30 and 50 men of all ages, shapes and sizes.

Mind you, men aren't just standing in a circle jacking off. This being a party, men converse, mingle, touch each other and play with each other's cocks and body parts. Of course, it is all done in a respectful manner. If someone is not into being touched, usually body language, eye contact and a pleasant "No thanks" is just fine.

Pleasuring oneself can be a kind of radical self-acceptance, especially when you try it in front of a mirror, or while watching yourself on video. It says, "I am worthy of joy. Whatever I look like is sexy and I deserve all the pleasure I can give myself." Sometimes, when the schedule gets busy, and my attention is being pulled this way and that, spending some quality time petting the ferret is the only activity I do purely for myself. Creating that kind of enjoyment with a group of men takes the affirmation even further.

When I attend Jacks, not only am I affirming my own acceptance by giving myself pleasure, I am also doing it with the full acceptance and affirmation of a group of men.

I have seen a man on his knees, cock raised, hard and tied tightly with leather, while another man stands over him, showering his load across the kneeling man's face and chest.

I have stood with my head on a man's shoulder and his head on mine, stiff dicks in hand, our bodies in sync.

I have stroked an old man's mushroom head and the look on his face -- we did not stop staring into each other's eyes -- was so joyful, it was as if I gave him eternal life. I tell him, "Soak it up, baby!"

I have reclined in a chair with men's hands all over me, like I was the levitating table at a séance. I surrendered every inch of my body to receive all the pleasure I could absorb, and I released it, too.

We are comrades. We are witnesses. We are advocates, and we are self-pleasure sex pals. The room is full of power, love, excitement and sweat. And it is very good.

Dr. Jallen Rix holds a doctorate of education in sexology from The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco as well as degrees in theology and creative arts. He maintains a private practice in San Francisco as well as personal phone consultations and sex coaching. He specializes in maximizing sexual pleasure for singles and couples, "ex-gay" recovery, religious abuse, and creative approaches to sex education. You can learn more about Dr. Rix at his website.

Taken from Gay.com News

David I think you Tyler, and BJ should look into PhD's in this field.

I just thought you all should know that there are government grants out there somewhere for research studies on Circle Jerks. David & Mark Maybe you all can capitalize on grant research for Straight Guys who are Broke...? :sneaky2::thumbup:

I wonder If we can get a PhD in this field based on life's experience.

How about it: MarkyMark I, Slim, Richard, Denny, Tampa, Lester, Tuscon, Paris, Elyot, and other Forum members; Could any of us qualify for this degree based on life's experience? A PhD. in Sexology, who would have thought... Who wants to help me open a University specializing in this.
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Jayman, this is Gary in Seattle. What a great piece that you wrote. I enjoyed reading it and found it to be very interesting. Keep up the superb writing. I enjoy everyone that writes in the forums. I love you all.
Hey Jayman,

Great article and post. It reminded me of a time when a group of friends on campus were talking about childhood experimentation. The president of the gay club on our college campus was saying how he would read articles as a teen that said it was very common for straight young boys and even teen guys to experiment sexually with one another. Out of a group of about 10 of us we all agreed that we had missed out on that. The injustice of it all! LOL Not one of us had been really lucky with being let in on cricle jerks, fondling, etc. in our childhood and teen years. I'm always envious of those who did have a sexual outlet at the time.
Jack University

I'm in.... although I never really had that kind of experience... I went straight (so to speak) for the hardcore stuff.


Wet vs. Dry
The intact penis: How to treat it well
Erogenous Zones 101
Erogenous Zones 201
Testes Massage: Enhance your ejeculation
Braille System of anatomy
Why it feels better when someone else does it
Ejeculation: No target necessary

What do you think guys?


Dr. Jayce, SexD
WOW where do I sign up for the Braille System of anatomy class .... lol
Hey Jayman-
Oh yeah! I would enroll, or teach, or proctor, all your classes at that University
Hey Jayman-
Oh yeah! I would enroll, or teach, or proctor, all your classes at that University

Well it sounds like school will soon be in session.:thumbup: