1.This summer had a lot of great moments. I was blessed enough to be able to afford to go home not once, but TWICE to visit my family whom I have had strenuous withdraws being without. Also, I got to have my first casino experience here in Black Hawk, CO with the one and only Damien Kyle for his birthday. Among many others, this will be a very memorable summer for me being my first full year out on my own too.
2. Damien and I got our own place together, with one other roommate don't get it twisted.
3. One escape from reality that I haven't been able to find another place is in the gym, so yes I do enjoy working out quite a bit. I just wish I didn't enjoy eating snacks as much too lololol
4. I always pay.
5. "Head Master Paul" as the now disembarked director Johnny dubbed me was a hilarity in its own that I will keep very close to my heart haha
Thanks so much Paul for your honest answers, including about you and Damien Kyle and that you call Johnny the "disembarked director". Last we were told was that Johnny was "sick" and that Damian Christopher was filling in for him, so thanks for the update on that situation.
I love your personality as well as your great looks Paul, and I really fell in love with you when I saw your shirtless you tube version of the Adele song Someone Like You. I must have watched it 30 or 40 times. I'm so glad that you are back and hope that they pair you with Ronan Kennedy or Zac. That would be smoking hot!!!
I am writing from my hospital bed.lol..Thanks for the shout out Paul. Anyone ever wonder? Can you Love a fantasy? You Can...
xo johnny
Congratulations on being out of your parent's house. I always joke with my daughter, when she asks if she can come home, i say "sure, we just have to take down the sling and move the fuck table from your room." Funny...she never seems to want to visit then!![]()
I am so happy you are enjoying yourself and that you are close to Damien; he is such a loyal friend...I like his vibe.
I have seen some of your partying photos lately on Facebook and Twitter; somehow I just can't see you having to pay for "anything!"
I love Johnny's humor and chat with him on Twitter; he is hilarious!
Ya ..I know your a real person. But your MY fantasy. For a long time. The most Beautiful Boy in the World.im not a fantasy!!! im a real person Johnny. That's the best part
little johnny's got it bad.....................Ya ..I know your a real person. But your MY fantasy. For a long time. The most Beautiful Boy in the World.
And I have known some beauty's. Like I said . Since I first saw you no one has come close. Not good for my real life. lol
Thanks Paul made my year...johnny .... What must people think? I really don't care...
Love You mike...johnny......little johnny's got it bad.....................
but it's all good!![]()
that's great you chat with johnny. about his presence I didn't mean to be the one to say "he's gone" because i don't know that information to give it. but i know that he has been out for quite some time like mike said previously. I miss him though and his girlfriend because she made some AMAZING cookies haha..also "partying" in itself has a new meaning to me as it used to be what it sounds like..PARTYING, but now I feel as I have to keep an eye on myself or like the young-ins say I cant get too "turnt up" because I have a reputation to uphold..you know..NOT being a complete belligerent fool. hahaha
also "partying" in itself has a new meaning to me as it used to be what it sounds like..PARTYING, but now I feel as I have to keep an eye on myself or like the young-ins say I cant get too "turnt up" because I have a reputation to uphold..you know..NOT being a complete belligerent fool. hahaha
That is so cool Paul that you sat down for dinner with Tampa twice last summer, and I remember that you and Damien also held up a sign for Danleeh as well. I love how you really do care about your fans who care about you too!thanks TAMPA!!! I'll go ahead and add spending time with you this summer to my list of awesome occurrences. not only once, but twice we were able to sit down at dinner together and once more with shannon and the gang in orlando![]()
Ya ..I know your a real person. But your MY fantasy. For a long time. The most Beautiful Boy in the World.
And I have known some beauty's. Like I said . Since I first saw you no one has come close. Not good for my real life. lol
Thanks Paul made my year...johnny .... What must people think? I really don't care...
I think I speak for all of us here Paul; don't worry, we've got your back, and your front; just sayin'.
View attachment 13266
Don't mind the blurry image, just keep on drinking...I'm here.![]()
That is so cool Paul that you sat down for dinner with Tampa twice last summer, and I remember that you and Damien also held up a sign for Danleeh as well. I love how you really do care about your fans who care about you too!
Now if you ever travel to San Francisco and meet up with your #1 fan johnny, that would be a dream come true for our own Mr. San Francisco!!!
Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I've shown my presence here on the forum, I'd like to apologize about that. My life has been so crazy lately from tour over the summer to drama drama drama, to having a family member pass in an extremely freak accident. I'm happy to answer any questions any of you have as well as general chit chat. I'll try to keep us as much as I can the next few days. GOSH I've missed all you guys (and girls) on here.
Paul, I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your brother. I understand what you and your family are going through, as I lost my brother too (and my mom 4 year later due to a car accident). I especially can feel what your parents might be going through as I saw how deeply it impact mine. I tried to be the pillar of support for them to help them get through it. Spend as much time as needed to be with yours. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God Bless the Cannon Family!
I am very glad to see you back and posting again. Your many fans are with you and here for you. I do believe you might now be the #1 all time favorite model here at Broke Straight Boys, passing Tyler Evans of BSB1 fame. You have a great attitude and tremendous self-confidence which shows in everything you do. How can anyone not get exciting being in your presence. And that your on your own you have more freedom to be "PAUL".
Since you seem to be answering questions I have a few to ask. Hopefully Fan #1 Johnny won't be taken aback by them.
1. Now that your on your own, do you have another job to support yourself now that you have re-located to Denver?
2. How much longer do you think you will continue to be shooting scenes?
3. At what point does Paul Canon no long fit the bill of, Broke, Straight, Boy?
4. From your experiences with Broke Straight Boys, how has that impacted where your future may lead you?
5. What career do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Thanks for coming back to the Forum.
P.S. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
aww johnny, I'm so glad you got to talk to Paul on here as you truly must be his number 1 fan. And johnny as I've always said in some ways you and me are very similar and so sometimes are real lives are lived through this forum which is nothing to be ashamed of at all johnny as you are a truly special person who has gained a lot of freinds on here including me and if I might say I'm truly honoured to be able to be your freind. As to what others may think then who cares as anybody that judges you for being you aren't worth a second of time. I'm extremely great full that your on here and I'm great full for you being you and I wouldn't change you for anything. Finally, I just want to thank you Paul for coming back on to the forum and posting as you have brought a breath of fresh air on here and lifted people's spirits, I hope you never leave Broke Straight Boys and that you keep getting scenes as to me you and Damien Kyle are Broke Straight Boys and your both like the figure heads of the site. Thank you to both you and johnny. Dan xYa ..I know your a real person. But your MY fantasy. For a long time. The most Beautiful Boy in the World.
And I have known some beauty's. Like I said . Since I first saw you no one has come close. Not good for my real life. lol
Thanks Paul made my year...johnny .... What must people think? I really don't care...
Dear PaulAwww..dont say it isnt good for your "real" life..theres always room for more..and who really does care what others thing