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Gay Porn Star Paul Canon in the HOUSE

I have said this before but he is by far the nicest BS boy in BS boy history and as long as we keep asking questions to Paul I can guarantee you Paul will keep answering us back! Cos thats just the type of man he is... : )
While I won't go so far as say that Paul is "the" nicest BS boy in history, but I will agree that is on a very short list of candidates. :thumbup1:

In fact, while I am in no way part of the twitter generation, I must confess that I love to check out the fan page that he set up for us there, and I am most impressed with this recent photo he posted, looking hotter than ever.


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hahahaha nothing like that all..i just dome have reaponses sometimes..i try to get to everyone..and also my phone wont post a lot of the time for some reason which is extremely aggrivating especially when i write a long direct response (as ive done for this one twice now) so dont take it personally

I can say that on twitter I always get a response from him, and I am a gay male lol. Don't it personal, I think Paul understood he would have gay males as fans when he signed up to do this. Go to his cam shows or on twitter and I promise you will get a response.
Well I for one can say with full certainty that Paul doesn't discriminate in who he answers... He answers and replies to us guys and the ladies as well. If he hasnt answered a question from anybody, i certainly wouldnt take that as him having any preference in who he answers male or female.. He would have either missed the question, forgotten, answered the same or a similar question before, simply did not have the time or the question asked was stupid and didn't warrant an answer etc. He is not discriminating against us gay guys I can assure you of that! And in fact, I am male and gay and I have answered many questions of Paul since this thread first appeared and he has answered every single one of them! He knows I am male and gay because I told him in my first introduction.. I have said this before but he is by far the nicest BS boy in BS boy history and as long as we keep asking questions to Paul I can guarantee you Paul will keep answering us back! Cos thats just the type of man he is... : )

I have no reason to disagree with anything you wrote. However, your take on my innocent observation (right or wrong) once again confirms my impression that members of the forum love to bitch at other members of the forum, lol! I doubt Paul will read this exchange, but if you do (meaning Paul) I apologize for talking "about" you rather than "to" you. I was tired and semi-drunk when I wrote my original post, thus I let down my guard and violated my own rules on here. My casual observation to mikeyank was just that...no offense mean't.
While I won't go so far as say that Paul is "the" nicest BS boy in history, but I will agree that is on a very short list of candidates. :thumbup1:

In fact, while I am in no way part of the twitter generation, I must confess that I love to check out the fan page that he set up for us there, and I am most impressed with this recent photo he posted, looking hotter than ever.

Holy fuck, is that pic from twitter?
I can say that on twitter I always get a response from him, and I am a gay male lol. Don't it personal, I think Paul understood he would have gay males as fans when he signed up to do this. Go to his cam shows or on twitter and I promise you will get a response.

Hey Paul. you in the forum now?
amen. to that brother! glad someone's sticking up for me while im not around

Paull, my innocent observation about who you respond to was just that, an innocent observation. NO one needs to stick up for you when it come's to anything I write on here. I never referred to you as a "toy" and never would. I agreed with Shaney that you do indeed have a life other than the forum or even Broke Straight Boys As much as anyone, male or female, straight or gay I find you totally beyond description, and I mean that in the best of ways! So please, don't think of me as a critic, cause I'm not, And I'm guessing with your maturity and compassion, you don't. Yes, I write horny ass messages to you on here, but please accept them as compliments as they are intended. Hope you are happy and doing well!

Happy St Patty's Day from Paul :)

Same to you Paul. I've watched all your episodes over and over. Having done so, I think we have something in common. Regardless of orientation, we do everything possible to satisfy our patner. Me privately and you on Broke Straight Boys You're straight yet never hesitate to fulfill your role to satiisfy your partner, and even more, your cock reveals how enjoyable it is for you. Not kidding, when I'm sucking a cock my dick leaks and voluntarily shoots a load, as you did with Johnny!

Thank you so much for being a true gamer and trooper. Feel free to tell all of us how exciting it is for you to satisfy a partner....male or female. You are truly unique on this site.
While I won't go so far as say that Paul is "the" nicest BS boy in history, but I will agree that is on a very short list of candidates. :thumbup1:

In fact, while I am in no way part of the twitter generation, I must confess that I love to check out the fan page that he set up for us there, and I am most impressed with this recent photo he posted, looking hotter than ever.

haha nice..thanks for posting this
So Mark, was he with you guys St. Patrick's Day? Does that mean we can look forward to another scene with him?!:001_wub:

hopefully soon ill be in some new scenes..but i wasnt with them the other day..i sent that to mark because we tight like that
sorry for those i didnt get back to..my phone won't let me post "big files" which i guess means more than a few sentences..i have no hard feelings against anyone on here for anything theyve said..if i say something that makes me seem otherwise it was probably sarcasm..excuse it because im fluent in sarcasm haha..i appreciate all the responses and continue to look forward to reading everything you guys say..and i do read them !! haha
sorry for those i didnt get back to..my phone won't let me post "big files" which i guess means more than a few sentences..i have no hard feelings against anyone on here for anything theyve said..if i say something that makes me seem otherwise it was probably sarcasm..excuse it because im fluent in sarcasm haha..i appreciate all the responses and continue to look forward to reading everything you guys say..and i do read them !! haha

LOL get a laptop with all those pink dollars you're earning from Broke Straight Boys lol
On average, how many different shoots do you do on one visit to Denver. I know Lucas made about 4 or 5 during his first visit.
We found out that Graham did six during his stay, and said he had sex with every guy in the house that week, (so that also includes Paul). I sure hope that Paul did six as well, as I never tire of seeing him.

PAUL, you are amazing and as HOT as they come on Broke Straight Boys!!! :drool:
We found out that Graham did six during his stay, and said he had sex with every guy in the house that week, (so that also includes Paul). I sure hope that Paul did six as well, as I never tire of seeing him.

PAUL, you are amazing and as HOT as they come on Broke Straight Boys!!! :drool:

Oh, I second and third that! Paul is a really sexy boy. I love guys that are comfortable with themselves and just want to have some fun...that is truly sexy!:001_wub: