Well-known Member
I'd love to see/hear an interview with Scorpio!
LOL Thanks Slim, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable in front of a camera but who knows maybe one day I wouldn't mind doing a phone interview, but I'm afraid my accent would actually scare you away. When I hear myself talk, I sound like a dummy lol
David, What about an interview with Stephane? He is such a well loved figure among the entire community here and to hear him speak with a bit of Froggy in his accent would be awesome. Please interview him man, it would be such a cool Christmas extra since there wasn't a special shoot owing to all the moving house and moving from digital to HD. Would there be time to film him and get it into the Behind the Scenes box by Christmas Day? Maybe Scorpio himself would be able to do it on his own once the shoot was done?
Slim I think that is a great idea I would love to see an interview with Stephane. He is such an important part of the operation but yet so obscure that many members don't even know who he is. It would actually be nice if David was to interview Mark as well and yes the two of them added as an update to behind the scenes would make a very good Christmas treat. While were at it January would be a good time for Tyler to turn the camera on David and Eddie? Since I know they are going to try and use the excuse of distance and time. How about trying something with Skype guys? It should be easy enough to arrange a teleconference of some kind. That or Stephane and Mark could each turn the camera on them selves and David could ask the questions via a speaker phone? Anyway I would sure like to see at least the interview with Stephane coming up soon. So count my vote yes.
I think an interview with all of the Broke Straight Boys staff would be great. One with Scorpio would be awesome. I really love the way his personality and sensitivity come through on the Forum. Also, To move from France to American and work in the porn industry promises to be a really great interview. However; I think we should let him decide when it would be appropriate for him...
Stephane mon ami ! like you I was born in France ( Paris) now living for 35 years in an English speaking country ( Australia) and like you I hate hearing myself in a video, but everybody say how cute & sexy it sound so don't worry, even if you don't want to talk about your private life, tell us all about the amazing work you do, I'm sure I & the forumites will be pleased with's a great idea, go for it, you deserve your 15 minutes of fame under the spotlight
HAHA I love this thread.... Good luck getting Scorpio on camera.
Let me start to clear this up... I speak with Steve AKA Scorpio about once a week and I must say I love your voice... so an interview would be awesome... i am so glad to know you and get to work with you, he is very knowledgeable and one of the hardest workers I know.
I am the guy that gives him work along with Mark and he never complains... We can honestly saw we are not the typical porn company, we work as a team, as a family all working loving what we do and making a difference. Company's working in porn always get a bad rap for being dirty or just in it to make money, but not the team at BluMedia.
~ Chuck
Gonna dedicate this, my one thousand five hundredth post, to the hope that there might be a Scorpio interview up by Christmas.
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HAHA I love this thread.... Good luck getting Scorpio on camera.
Let me start to clear this up... I speak with Steve AKA Scorpio about once a week and I must say I love your voice... so an interview would be awesome... i am so glad to know you and get to work with you, he is very knowledgeable and one of the hardest workers I know.
I am the guy that gives him work along with Mark and he never complains... We can honestly saw we are not the typical porn company, we work as a team, as a family all working loving what we do and making a difference. Company's working in porn always get a bad rap for being dirty or just in it to make money, but not the team at BluMedia.
~ Chuck
Thank you Chuck Coming from a straight guy, It's a real compliment haha
I'll try to come up with something, I just need time cos right now I have tons of work to do.
Chuck is right, we're not the typical porn company. The difference is that most of the other companies do everything to get you to sign up to their sites, once you signed up, they pay less attention to you. We're different, once you're in, we try to take care of you as much as we can. There are a few bumps on the road once in a while but that's because we can't satisfy everybody
I'm proud to be a BLU!
Thanks guys for the kind words.
Stephane, I'm looking forward to this one!!