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Further Behind the Scenes


Well-known Member
May 26, 2009
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One of my friends recently started one of those adult toy website affiliations. She suggested that I do the same, but I'm a little hesitant.

My question is this -

With such a vast amount of established websites, how nervous would you be about investing time/money into a site? I'd imagine it's pretty hard to make a name for yourself in this type of industry.

And for the fellas that manage this site, how long did it take you to gauge the cost vs. income before deciding to fully invest yourselves in this site?

If this is a little too far into the management aspect of the site, I totally understand. I'm definitely not trying to sneak proprietary information out of anyone. I'm just curious how realistic it would be for an average person to establish a decent cash flow through an adult-themed site (not online videos, but toys, etc.)
Being an affiliate and starting your very own site is totally different. Nowadays, people seem to still think they can make millions off a porn site but let me tell you that things have changed a lot compared to 10 years ago when www was booming.

Personally, I tried to create my own porn site about 5-6 years ago. I was very excited. I knew that I wanted to shoot my own models. Let's face it, exclusive content is a must nowadays. You can't just buy pictures on the web and put them on your site. So I looked for models, which is really time consuming, mostly when 50% of them never showed up, and 25% didn't look anything like their pictures :( Anyway, for the few good ones, you have to pay them. To start a website, you'd better have 15+ sets of pictures and videos. Now that you have the content, you need a website. Pay a designer, don't do it yourself! lol Then look for a web host. And a very good one cos you don't want your website to go offline every 2 hours. The cost can be hundreds/month just to start with. Now don't forget the billing :) This will cost you money too and TIME to set up everything, website/billing/hosting/members area....

Once you have everything set up, you'd better know what to do hehe Where will you advertise? How much will it cost? Is your website brandable? That's a big part of your success. With so much free porn online, and so many porn sites, you'll just be a little fish in the tank. Don't forget you have to update the site every few days to keep your members. And I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot.

Anyway after shooting 2-3 models, I stopped. This was too much work to do, and too much money. And with all the new porn laws, it was getting overwhelming. Make sure you can shoot porn content where you live lol there are laws :(

So if you don't know what you're doing and if you don't have a nice capital to start with, don't even think about it. Yes it's exciting but not worse the hassle. Every week, we see websites closing down. Porn is suffering from the economy as well :(

Broke Straight Boys has been online for years, and Mark spent all his time on it, not counting money, but he knew what he was doing, the reason why Broke Straight Boys is so successful.

So be careful, think about it really well before you spend 1000s for nothing :(
Blah nevermind lol I just noticed you want to do toys. Oh well, i'll leave the story up just in case hehe
I'm not familiar with toys just cos personally I don't care for them, so I can't help you on that one sorry.
Stephane, I think the site you created, but found was too much of an infrastructural and financial challenge, was actually the embryonic Broke Straight Boys, and that once it became clear that you couldn't do it on your own you reached an agreement with Mark to exploit the concept, you working for him on the design side? Where did I get that idea?
I don't know Slim... Maybe Stephane's site was an all Western theme with twinks and daddies in cowboy hats and boots with spurs, whips and lassos.
Stephane, I think the site you created, but found was too much of an infrastructural and financial challenge, was actually the embryonic Broke Straight Boys, and that once it became clear that you couldn't do it on your own you reached an agreement with Mark to exploit the concept, you working for him on the design side? Where did I get that idea?

haha Slim, you have a big imagination hehe :)
Mark had the idea before all my stuff, so I had nothing to do with it :) I wish!
I don't know Slim... Maybe Stephane's site was an all Western theme with twinks and daddies in cowboy hats and boots with spurs, whips and lassos.

LOL Talk about imagination!
I didn't have a theme really. Just shoot guys. Now your idea seems pretty hot minus the twinks though lol
LOL Talk about imagination!
I didn't have a theme really. Just shoot guys. Now your idea seems pretty hot minus the twinks though lol

What about awesome uncut lanky French teen hottie straightish geeks in glasses, vintage leather bomber jackets and touseled hair, getting caught up in inappropriate passion in the wrong places: Notre Dame de Paris, Cour Carré du Louvre, Marché aux Puce, Panthéon, Jardins du Luxembourg, Deuxieme Niveau du Tour Eiffel, Metro vers Porte de Clignancourt, three separate updates per location, having to kiss, jerk, blow and fuck each other while mostly avoiding being seen by the tourists milling around. In honor of parisnoyd you could call it ParisAvoid. That is if you wanted it to sound even lamer than I just have lol.

Edit: or ParisPublique
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I like your idea Ihateaz,

I have thought about doing something like that lately myself. I'm assuming that you want to sell the toys and have other content such as videos or pics or somthing like that.
I actually tried to look into it when I found I really enjoyed this site but, cameras are very expensive, and you have to have the money to pay the models, and for the toys you would have to have some of them on hand to at least show a possible perspective buyer. (a demonstration if you will).

I thought about selling the toys originally because I wanted to try some of the sex stuff and didn't know how to talk a guy into messing around with me. I just wanted to try it and I also was going to sell some different lubes because in Oklahoma we couldn't find any and I got to tell you that me and my friends wanting to be porn stars was making are dicks pretty sore with the constant jacking off together. (no lube has a tendency to let your hands rub your cock pretty raw)...most the guys I know have raw dicks now including myself..haha

Maybe you can get one of those sites where you sell products for them and they allow you to post them on your site (the ones for sell)..I really don't know as I kinda lost interest in doing it myself.

Well it's basically a drop-ship company that sets up a website/shopping cart for you and then you change the layout as needed and set prices, etc.

I have some experience in web design and internet marketing, and it seems like that would essentially be my primary role in this.

But like Scorpio said, it's the idea of being a small fish in a biiiiiiiiiig tank that makes me nervous about making the investment. On the bright side, it's about $200 to start with no long-term commitments. Down side, I know absolutely nothing about said toys haha.
call me up on the phone and we can experiment with them.:blushing:

I like how you think Casper! LOL If Ariz wants to sell the products then he should become an expert on them! How else will he know which ones are good and will sell? I admit that I know next to nothing about them myself either. But I'd be happy to help Ariz get some experience with them. And I wouldn't even charge him for my time as a research consultant. :biggrin:
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Awww how sweet. I didn't realize we had so many philanthropists here!
David, What about an interview with Stephane? He is such a well loved figure among the entire community here and to hear him speak with a bit of Froggy in his accent would be awesome. Please interview him man, it would be such a cool Christmas extra since there wasn't a special shoot owing to all the moving house and moving from digital to HD. Would there be time to film him and get it into the Behind the Scenes box by Christmas Day? Maybe Scorpio himself would be able to do it on his own once the shoot was done?

LOL Thanks Slim, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable in front of a camera but who knows maybe one day :) I wouldn't mind doing a phone interview, but I'm afraid my accent would actually scare you away. When I hear myself talk, I sound like a dummy lol
LOL Thanks Slim, I'm not sure I would feel comfortable in front of a camera but who knows maybe one day :) I wouldn't mind doing a phone interview, but I'm afraid my accent would actually scare you away. When I hear myself talk, I sound like a dummy lol

If David asks you really nicely, in French, would you say yes? And if not, what about a phone interview? That could also be totally awesome, dummy.:001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1:
Le Scorpion, vous le bel homme je veux entendre votre voix et voir votre visage être interviewé de l'art stupéfiant que vous créez pour le site le considère S'il vous plaît, je serais très heureux d'entendre n'importe quoi que vous devez dire
I think it would be a great idea to do and interview with Scorpio...You could call it like..."Up Close and Personal with the white Mr. T" He seems to do alot of stuff on here that is very important and surely they could find him to do the interview..hahaha

So come on lets just do it.....interview scorpio...I know that he secretly wants to be interviewed and that it would greatly enhance a certain sexual fantasy that Scorpio has about me and him and the set at Broke Straight Boys (in reality I'm fairly certain that he don't actually have any fantasies about me but, what the hell I'm making this post) (I also can't honestly say that he wants to be interviewed)...just interview him..and lets find out all the facts such as....

cut or uncut?
French or really Belgium trying to act like he is French?
a fan of caspers..or a fan of Satan?
Wants casper real bad.....or would rather do a beastiality scene?
Desires casper with all of his heart......or is he a heartless cruel man that smokes too much?

so many questions....

Please Interview Scorpio..