Hope u like
And still more..
Now you're talkin'! Crabby Dicks, Chewy Balls, Hung Far Low, Fuk Mi, and Cum-n-Eat all sound like mighty fine eaterys.
There is a chain of convenience stores locally called Come N Go. I've bought gas there! I snickered, too! LOL! Someone had a wicked sense of humor or are extremely naive! LOL!
You'd be surprised. There's a toy for making stuffed animals Walmart sells that's slogan is 'fill your friends with love and care'. We carried a bike called the 20" Boys Intruder. I think every company needs a guy or a staff who reads copy and looks at product names and catches this stuff!
Keep the 20" Boys Intruder away from me!
Last year I was one aisle over when I heard two parents discussing buying their kid this bike and they kept saying its name over and over! I barely made it off the sales floor and into the back before i dissolved into laughter so hard I couldn't hardly breathe!
There was also a sales tag sent out for the 20" Boys Enemy that we never got in unfortunately. I'd had plans to display it next to the Intruder! And about the 20" Boys Intruder (it's funnier if you use the whole name), one coworker suggested we could increase sales by marketing it to Catholic priests!