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Forum upgrade and downtime notice

Thank you very much Quasar for posting this. It feels good to get some kind of support after a rough morning.
WebMonkey has been doing all the data transfer, and I took care of the "decoration". Installing a new decor is not easy, and I really didn't want to mess it up while doing so.

Speaking of "decor" or template or skin. It's best to buy a new "skin" off the web than to make one ourselves. It's really hard to do that and so much time consuming, so we bought it off. The problem with upgrading the message board is that the old black/red "skin" was not supported by the new software, so that's why we decided to use a different one, in this case the BSB TV skin.

Maybe one day, we'll find a skin that has a black background and that is supported by the new software. Maybe Mark will want to buy it and switch it, or maybe not. I don't know. I just can't make those decisions.

Meanwhile, all we're asking is that you try the new design for a while. I'm not saying we won't be tweaking some colors here and there today, tomorrow...

Anyway, I didn't mean to be rude or anything but maybe I came across impatient in my reply so I apologize.

I don't want to sound like a 'Moderator' and speak on Mark's (or Scorpio's) behalf - because that's what I do over at JustUsBoys and BSB TV and it's nice to kick back and chill here - but having gone through the upgrade over there, I really feel for you guys and know exactly where you're coming from.

Again, going back to the new house analogy, Scorpio has just fitted the new kitchen, and it's a case of making sure everything works and is where it should be before getting the decorator's in.

This new version of the vBulletin software doesn't come in a great choice of colours. Any template adjustments have to be bought in or written. Like getting a new suit adjusted, you can't adjust it until you've tried it on and know where to take it in or let it out - and unfortunately, you can't write the code to adjust the template until you have the base code to edit or rewrite.

Scorpio has done the heavy lifting job of transferring all of the data across and flicking the switches that need to be flicked to get the forum this far - and he's probably been doing a load of prep work for the last few days. Over the next few days as the forum gets used, there may well be several glitches that crop up and need correcting.

Once everything is running smoothly, that is the time to look at getting the decorators in - if at all. It may be that Mark wants all of his forums to have a 'corporate' feel to them whilst still retaining a degree of individuality, or it may be that Mark gets a new black skin written for here. I honestly don't know, and I can't speak on Mark's behalf.

But the point is, by all means make your views known, but also take a step back and appreciate that not everything can be done in a flick of a wand, and the people concerned aren't intentionally trying to sabotage the forum or wreck the great community that you have here and that I'm wishing I'd joined earlier.

*steps off soapbox*

...WebMonkey has been doing all the data transfer, and I took care of the "decoration"....
Apologies, I didn't realise WebMonkey had been busy too. :blush: Thanks WebMonkey.

There are black skins written for 4.2 - but still not a great selection and certainly none that look as cool as the old skin. :crying2:
Apologies, I didn't realise WebMonkey had been busy too. :blush: Thanks WebMonkey.

There are black skins written for 4.2 - but still not a great selection and certainly none that look as cool as the old skin. :crying2:

Yeah I saw them but they weren't good enough for us :(
That is what I get for opening my mouth SO SOON!

Dear Scorpio and all Broke Straight Boys Staff,

As much as I hate to admit it, I find myself slowly coming around, meaning I will have to be rattling off another apology, NOW for the ENTIRE Broke Straight Boys Staff for my "Cranky old man" words. Earlier today, I registered my "harshly worded complaint because these revisions caught me totally unprepared. I guess that is it, I am getting "too old and cranky" for my own good! I'm just going to sit here patiently in my own corner, keeping all random thoughts out of this "Cranky Old Man's Head" of mine, minding my own business.

Golly Shucks! I hate to admit it! I guess I was WRONG AFTERALL! Gee Willikers! I shouldn't h've gone and done it! Can I take back my earlier RANT??? Please?

Sincerely humbled yet again,

i have this question.
¿por qué obtuve este mensaje?
No tienes permiso para realizar esta acción. Actualice la página y el inicio de sesión antes de intentarlo de nuevo.

why did i get this message?
You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.

i can write but not post until i login!?

why did i get this message?
You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.

i can write but not post until i login!?

Maybe when we upgraded, it deleted your login on your computer. Did you check the box where it says "remember me" when you type in your login info?
Apologies, I didn't realise WebMonkey had been busy too. :blush: Thanks WebMonkey.

There are black skins written for 4.2 - but still not a great selection and certainly none that look as cool as the old skin. :crying2:

Yeah I saw them but they weren't good enough for us :(

Okay, so we can't have the dark background. Is there any way that the "standard" font could be one that is more pronounced than the one on right now? Please.......
Dear Scorpio and all Broke Straight Boys Staff,

As much as I hate to admit it, I find myself slowly coming around, meaning I will have to be rattling off another apology, NOW for the ENTIRE Broke Straight Boys Staff for my "Cranky old man" words. Earlier today, I registered my "harshly worded complaint because these revisions caught me totally unprepared. I guess that is it, I am getting "too old and cranky" for my own good! I'm just going to sit here patiently in my own corner, keeping all random thoughts out of this "Cranky Old Man's Head" of mine, minding my own business.

Golly Shucks! I hate to admit it! I guess I was WRONG AFTERALL! Gee Willikers! I shouldn't h've gone and done it! Can I take back my earlier RANT??? Please?

Sincerely humbled yet again,


I can't believe there have been so many U turns from members on this. If you all say you made a rash assumption of this and now that you will get used to it, then you'll all be fucked in November as once you've voted you cannot change your mind.
Maybe when we upgraded, it deleted your login on your computer. Did you check the box where it says "remember me" when you type in your login info?
no and always enter info upon login to forum and/or first blumedia site.
in the past, when i did not login the forum, i could could not write anything in the notepad. it was not available until i logged in.
now without a login i can write. then i am was told i couldn't post.
thinking that point is to post, not to write. rather be stopped from writing than from posting.
sometimes i think somethings i would like to see post. however this way i get to vent and know that i can't post.
I can't believe there have been so many U turns from members on this. If you all say you made a rash assumption of this and now that you will get used to it, then you'll all be fucked in November as once you've voted you cannot change your mind.
One of the many differences Jon, is that we all have had many months knowing who the candidates are going to be going into November.

In this case, it was suddenly thrust upon us with no real advance warning, other than there would be some down time on the forum. When many forumites next logged in their reaction was What the fuck?

If on November 7, people regret who they voted for the day before, I say they deserve whatever fate awaits them. :001_rolleyes:
I can't believe there have been so many U turns from members on this. If you all say you made a rash assumption of this and now that you will get used to it, then you'll all be fucked in November as once you've voted you cannot change your mind.
jon, welcome to the mind of a nation. not a u turn. a let's see where this goes! maybe it will work out! no honey, i like my steak burnt a little.
the idea that whatever you say yes to will continue for some time and whatever you say no to will never be is the reason i try to a way and see approach. i don't want to say yes or no until i understand the situation.
jon, before the split, i would urge appealling to the brits before leaving the empire!
i was born too late. or was i?
The last 24 hours has seen quite a surge of posts related to the fourm upgrade. As a silver lining, its that you all care deeply about the forum and defend it with no mercy. We are fortunate for that sentiment. Furthermore.. change should be incremental. (Inform you its coming, explain as its rolled out, etc. Its a take-away for me as I am often a source of changes to the site).

Scorpio has been working his tail off on this and not all of the effort is apparent yet. Im quite sympathetic to the challenges he is working with (need to upgrade, limits with upward compatibility). I think more than a few liked the older colors
and styling, it was a custom skin developed just for Broke Straight Boys The comments about it are very valuable and loud and clear.

Where do we go from here...There is exciting stuff ahead with the new software from my vantage point...new features, video posting, improved security, better plumbing, better performance, cool new statistics about posts...VBulletin is great forum software, probably the best on the market, and we want to offer you the best experience.

One of my goals in the future is to more tightly integrate the forum with the rest of Broke Straight Boys, now there are more opportunities for that.

The forum is a powerful part of Broke Straight Boys and while not every member posts, many do read. We have the good fortune to have so many loyal readers, its definately a part of my day now. I look forward to seeing everyone's comments, even if I dont agree.

Looking forward

I can't believe there have been so many U turns from members on this. If you all say you made a rash assumption of this and now that you will get used to it, then you'll all be fucked in November as once you've voted you cannot change your mind.

While I can navigate on the site without too much difficulty, I have to say that I'm with Jon on this issue. I still don't like it and I am not backing down from that position. I tried to navigate on the BSB TV forum and hated it. That's why I haven't spent much time there. I'll give it some time and hope that you will make some corrections. I don't really care if it's "probably the best forum software on the market". It doesn't make it a good one in my book. Like I said, I'll give you guys some time to work on it and make it better, but I hate this format and I can tell that I am not alone on this. I hope you can improve on it and make it closer to what we are use to or at least make it easier to use. Do change the colors though.
ok i going out! now no big parties and don't wreck the house while i am gone!
The "New Posts" button is not showing all of the most recent threads or posts. I say this not as a criticism but as means of pointing out some of the kinks in the system. If I post on a thread and then jump back to the new posts option, my post and the whole thread are nowhere to be seen. Except if I go the longer route to the Membership section vs. non membership posts and look them up there.

Also sometimes when I use the preview post option before sending, the text comes out garbled in the bottom preview box for typing but not on top. For instance in the bottom preview box I may type: "I went to the store and bought some grapes. Then I went home." What it shows is something like : "I went to the store and bought some grapes. and bought some grapes. Then I went home." In hindsight I must admit that this might have been when I was trying to spellcheck with my Google app.

Also, obviously my Google spellcheck doesn't like this system. I tried using the ieSpell option in the spellcheck with this system on BSB TV. I still can't figure it out. I even downloaded the ieSpellcheck option (On BSB TV) but then it gave me a prompt box asking me to agree to buy (pay for) the spellcheck feature.

Any help or tutoring on enabling the spellcheck feature (for free) would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!

I know all this stuff will be tough until we get all the kinks out. I have patience as well as great faith in your abilities. :)
The "New Posts" button is not showing all of the most recent threads or posts. I say this not as a criticism but as means of pointing out some of the kinks in the system. If I post on a thread and then jump back to the new posts option, my post and the whole thread are nowhere to be seen. Except if I go the longer route to the Membership section vs. non membership posts and look them up there.

Also sometimes when I use the preview post option before sending, the text comes out garbled in the bottom preview box for typing but not on top. For instance in the bottom preview box I may type: "I went to the store and bought some grapes. Then I went home." What it shows is something like : "I went to the store and bought some grapes. and bought some grapes. Then I went home." In hindsight I must admit that this might have been when I was trying to spellcheck with my Google app.

Also, obviously my Google spellcheck doesn't like this system. I tried using the ieSpell option in the spellcheck with this system on BSB TV. I still can't figure it out. I even downloaded the ieSpellcheck option (On BSB TV) but then it gave me a prompt box asking me to agree to buy (pay for) the spellcheck feature.

Any help or tutoring on enabling the spellcheck feature (for free) would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!

I know all this stuff will be tough until we get all the kinks out. I have patience as well as great faith in your abilities. :)

Tampa, if you go directly from the forum page to the "New Posts" page, you may have to refresh that page before it shows up. As you probably know that I am not in the least computer savvy, but I have been playing with this most of the day. Hope it works for you or for the second time today I will have egg on my face. I'm kind of getting used to it by now.
The "New Posts" button is not showing all of the most recent threads or posts. I say this not as a criticism but as means of pointing out some of the kinks in the system. If I post on a thread and then jump back to the new posts option, my post and the whole thread are nowhere to be seen. Except if I go the longer route to the Membership section vs. non membership posts and look them up there.

Also sometimes when I use the preview post option before sending, the text comes out garbled in the bottom preview box for typing but not on top. For instance in the bottom preview box I may type: "I went to the store and bought some grapes. Then I went home." What it shows is something like : "I went to the store and bought some grapes. and bought some grapes. Then I went home." In hindsight I must admit that this might have been when I was trying to spellcheck with my Google app.

Also, obviously my Google spellcheck doesn't like this system. I tried using the ieSpell option in the spellcheck with this system on BSB TV. I still can't figure it out. I even downloaded the ieSpellcheck option (On BSB TV) but then it gave me a prompt box asking me to agree to buy (pay for) the spellcheck feature.

Any help or tutoring on enabling the spellcheck feature (for free) would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!

I know all this stuff will be tough until we get all the kinks out. I have patience as well as great faith in your abilities. :)
I'm actually enjoying the new "new posts" feature, as once I've read the latest post, or posted myself to the thread, it no longer shows up as "new", as I've already viewed it.

This actually saves me time to see immediately if anything new has been posted since my last visit to the forum.
Okay. The preview post feature is defintely messing up some of the text. But not in the final product posted, if that makes sense. It has nothing to do with my old spellcheck. It happened to me again in another preview post I just wrote.

Just as I wrote above, it may say in the final post: I went to the store and bought some grapes. But in the bottom box it may say: I went to the store and bought some grapes bought some grapes.

I do kind of understand the logic of no longer showing a thread you just posted on. (Until someone else posts.) But on the other hand it deprives you of viewing it again right after sending it in order to proofread or edit it for errors or rewording