BSB Addict
im not gonna lie.. i was visited by someone.. now im having pizza and a we hate valentines day party at my house =]
Funny how I went to sleep after great laughs on this thread thinking about what you might be up to Flint.
I thought, you might have gotten hungry like, Ms K. suggested, and that you might have ordered pizza so I was on that point but after that my mind went down the gutter, lol

I thought, maybe the pizza girl rang as he came out of the shower only wearing a towel, water still dripping down your hot body. Upon realizing you couldn't afford the pizza (being broke and all... ), you offered to pay in nature for the pizza! Of course, the poor girl had no choice but to agree! How could she refuse a hot, dripping wet, sexy guy like you??...
My mind went places, like I said! LOL

Hope I'm not embarrassing you!?