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What is the sexiest thing you'll do this Christmas Day and what could Santa bring to help ?


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
Our friend Wombat from Australia’s asked me to start this thread here. Let’s get in the holiday spirit and answer Wombat’s question. :xmas2tongue:

I shall answer in the morning. Cmon guys. Let’s get some convo going.
Ha! Probably just be only myself so it'll be a nice shower and maybe a wank if the mood strikes 🤣. I don't really decorate anymore and I now need a new TV and dishwasher plus I already spent enough on a refrigerator and mattress to blow the budget for a couple years for vacations, so it will be low key this year.

My wish list is if Santa could bring me a nice guy... So I could snuggle him to pieces and then make him pancakes, eggs and sausage (or bacon) in the morning. Well, a guy can dream ammiright??? 🙃. Second wish if Santa can't swing a boyfriend, would be the dishwasher and TV 🤣🤣
Ha! Probably just be only myself so it'll be a nice shower and maybe a wank if the mood strikes 🤣. I don't really decorate anymore and I now need a new TV and dishwasher plus I already spent enough on a refrigerator and mattress to blow the budget for a couple years for vacations, so it will be low key this year.

My wish list is if Santa could bring me a nice guy... So I could snuggle him to pieces and then make him pancakes, eggs and sausage (or bacon) in the morning. Well, a guy can dream ammiright??? 🙃. Second wish if Santa can't swing a boyfriend, would be the dishwasher and TV 🤣🤣
Gee, such low expectations LOL. I love to see you're preparedness to negotiate with Santa and accept a dishwasher and TV instead of a snuggle buddy. You'll have to return to this post to tell us how you went ! Personally, for what it's worth, I think you sound like a real catch - and you cook too !!!!
Cheers, Wombat x
Gee, such low expectations LOL. I love to see you're preparedness to negotiate with Santa and accept a dishwasher and TV instead of a snuggle buddy. You'll have to return to this post to tell us how you went ! Personally, for what it's worth, I think you sound like a real catch - and you cook too !!!!
Cheers, Wombat x

Yep, can cook (or follow a recipe at least LOL). My turkey last Christmas was epic, though the 2 sticks of butter on and under the skin with herbs may have helped 🤣
Yep, can cook (or follow a recipe at least LOL). My turkey last Christmas was epic, though the 2 sticks of butter on and under the skin with herbs may have helped 🤣
Try adding some non sweet wine
I’ve already sent my letter to Santa. In fact, it’s the same letter I send him every year. It has an attachment of two photos. Please Santa……..No electronics or clothing this year. Just two fine young men. :wink:

Home for xmas, i'm dreading it :censored:

We'll have the house full, my cousin had my room last year so the sexiest thing I'll do will be in the shower. I hope somebody slips over in it :ROFLMAO:
LOL - or rather LOLWY (with you). You could always make Christmas a surprise, by doing a runner and leaving them to it ? Years ago there was a TV programme in the UK called 'Grumpy old women', and one of the guests said she was over 40 and was now feeling brave enough to not have to participate in this annual obligation to spend a day in the company of people she couldn't stand. I took her advice and have never looked back !
Believe it or not some of us don't celebrate the day but respect those who do& for those who do I wish them a meaningful & fulfilling experience.
LOL - or rather LOLWY (with you). You could always make Christmas a surprise, by doing a runner and leaving them to it ? Years ago there was a TV programme in the UK called 'Grumpy old women', and one of the guests said she was over 40 and was now feeling brave enough to not have to participate in this annual obligation to spend a day in the company of people she couldn't stand. I took her advice and have never looked back !
I can't do that, I'm in 'bad books' enough already :ROFLMAO: .

I'm a cunt sometimes - I'm not welcome anywhere else for xmas and my fam mean well. I'm grateful they want me back even as the black sheep. Sometimes I exaggerate and in a way I'm looking forward to going back. I've not been home for so long.
I can't do that, I'm in 'bad books' enough already :ROFLMAO: .

I'm a cunt sometimes - I'm not welcome anywhere else for xmas and my fam mean well. I'm grateful they want me back even as the black sheep. Sometimes I exaggerate and in a way I'm looking forward to going back. I've not been home for so long.
To clarify, my dad and mum fell out with me because they found out I had a boyfriend and was failing my degree. Dad is a senior, public facing cleric and if my sexuality has come out it would jeopardise his job, aside from his own opposition to this aspect of my life. And I have wasted a lot of time here having fun instead of studying. So they have legit complaint (do they?), but so do I in not wanting to go home. I didn't want people thinking I'm ungrateful for going home or stuck up, there are just issues. I'll shut up:/
Sleep. But seriously, everyday is the same for me, equally good if npt in pain and bad when in pain
To clarify, my dad and mum fell out with me because they found out I had a boyfriend and was failing my degree. Dad is a senior, public facing cleric and if my sexuality has come out it would jeopardise his job, aside from his own opposition to this aspect of my life. And I have wasted a lot of time here having fun instead of studying. So they have legit complaint (do they?), but so do I in not wanting to go home. I didn't want people thinking I'm ungrateful for going home or stuck up, there are just issues. I'll shut up:/
Max, I absolutely adore your unfiltered honesty and I must tell you that it is not uncommon for a young man who is away from home at college to “act out” and overindulge during his first year away on his own, be it with substances or sexual indulgence, particularly coming from a repressive family. However you are obviously highly intelligent, based on your literary skills shown here on the forum.

And I do believe that your parents love you very much and want only the best for you, while it is difficult for them to come to grips with your sexuality, in the end I forsee it all working out. Have a great Christmas and selfishly I thank for very much for sharing your thoughts and experiences here with us on the forum. You are a gem, Max.
Our friend Wombat from Australia’s asked me to start this thread here. Let’s get in the holiday spirit and answer Wombat’s question. :xmas2tongue:

I shall answer in the morning. Cmon guys. Let’s get some convo going.
Hello fellow message boarders. Please excuse my absence, as I've been flat out doing good deeds in the hope Santa might recognise them and reward me fairly :

I'd really like : (in no particular order) the following :

1, Zeno Kostas
2. Romeo James
3, Dakota Ford
4, Adam Baer
5, Cody Smith
6, Tyler Griffin
7, Ronan Kennedy

Surely it's not such a big ask, given some of them may have not been down under and might enjoy a hot Christmas for a change. Obviously I need at least this many in case some of the have to be benched from fatigue due to constantly being on alert to satisfy my every need. Forget the constant tourist talk of being terrified of snakes, spiders and agro kangaroos - if it was such a risk nobody would live here !

Short of that, and only if Santa has a really good reason for not coming to the party, so to speak, I guess I'll have to settle with a remote control and some Broke Straight Boys clips with all these beautiful men.

I sincerely hope that everyone has a nice time, especially those alone like me, but I have reconciled myself and remind myself that it is just another day.

Take care and good luck in all things in the coming new year. Wombat xx
Hello fellow message boarders. Please excuse my absence, as I've been flat out doing good deeds in the hope Santa might recognise them and reward me fairly :

I'd really like : (in no particular order) the following :

1, Zeno Kostas
2. Romeo James
3, Dakota Ford
4, Adam Baer
5, Cody Smith
6, Tyler Griffin
7, Ronan Kennedy

Surely it's not such a big ask, given some of them may have not been down under and might enjoy a hot Christmas for a change. Obviously I need at least this many in case some of the have to be benched from fatigue due to constantly being on alert to satisfy my every need. Forget the constant tourist talk of being terrified of snakes, spiders and agro kangaroos - if it was such a risk nobody would live here !

Short of that, and only if Santa has a really good reason for not coming to the party, so to speak, I guess I'll have to settle with a remote control and some Broke Straight Boys clips with all these beautiful men.

I sincerely hope that everyone has a nice time, especially those alone like me, but I have reconciled myself and remind myself that it is just another day.

Take care and good luck in all things in the coming new year. Wombat xx

🤣🤣. I hope you get your wish 😁! You know Wombat, ever since I saw a video of a roo targeting a poor defenseless hood on a car I have been terrified of them. The guy shouted "cunt of a thing" at the kangaroo (or that is what my untrained ears pickup). It deliberately turned and then attacked the car by jumping on the hood.

Then there is the Huntsman spider. No. Just no.

Thanks for the laugh ! The amount of deaths caused by snakes, spiders, kangaroos etc is microscopic. You'd be more likely to win the lottery than to succumb to any harm. That being said, you need to understand the ground rules and look where you're walking. As for the kangaroos, they are an iconic animal that has the capacity to put humans in their place if the need arises. It's all about respect and awareness. Personally I can't stand certain spiders and snakes and am used to avoiding their space and habitat where possible. I've seen Americans being asked about what they knew about Australia and they universally talk about these things. Some are genuinely so frightened they wouldn't even consider travelling here, which is sad (for them). My advice is, ignore the hype and observe the minor safety practices and you'd be more than OK down here. Oh, the other observation was that it's too far away - bah. When I was travelling to Berlin frequently for work, it took me 44 hours door to door, via 4 flights.and a 100 km drive. Australians are used to long distances, being such a large continent/country.

W xx
Sadly many people are ignorant about other places and far too many know about other places in their own country. On the other hand none of us know it all so can learn new things. It can be an exciting experience. All you need is a willingness to learn.
I can't do that, I'm in 'bad books' enough already :ROFLMAO: .

I'm a cunt sometimes - I'm not welcome anywhere else for xmas and my fam mean well. I'm grateful they want me back even as the black sheep. Sometimes I exaggerate and in a way I'm looking forward to going back. I've not been home for so long.
I hope you can find a way to attend and accept their invitation as it sounds like they genuinely want you home for Christmas. Travel there safely and you never know. I've always found it's the events I dread attending can actually be the most enjoyable. I hope this is one of those for you. Cheers W xx